Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 445 Official fans use Jia and Zhang family to establish power over Yi Zhonghai

Ever since I picked up the script.

Silly Zhu is making relevant arrangements in a targeted manner.

He knew what he wanted and what he was facing.

The scene of Liu Haizhong leading the security department back to the courtyard with great fanfare made Shazhu have to deal with this matter with great vigor.

He was not sure whether he would encounter Liu Haizhong's murderous hands as described in the script.

Once something like this happens, not only will the deaf old lady not save him as described in the script, but she will probably take revenge on Silly Zhu by adding insult to injury.

All these years.

He has always been a thorn in the side of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Caution is the boat.

Things are tricky.

The neighbors don't have as many ideas as Silly Zhu.

The ignorant are fearless.

They don't know what Liu Haizhong's return this time means to the neighbors. In the script, there is a ruthless man who will not let the neighbors of the courtyard go.

Still watching the show.

Some people also deliberately ignore the bangs.

For example, Yi Zhonghai.

He didn't put Liu Haizhong in his eyes at all. The way he looked at Liu Haizhong was like looking at a stick.

It really deserves to die.

Section Chief Tang had a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of the neighbors. Most of them were employees of the steel rolling mill. Some of them he knew, and some of them knew him.

He coughed softly.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Tang Daniu, the section chief of the security department of the steel rolling mill."

The playful Jia Zhang.

The sky is cold.

Her matters are so small that they can almost be ignored. Even if a member of the security department comes in casually, Jia Zhang will not be able to bear it.

Good guy.

The chicken was killed with the same knife as the cow.

The chief of the security department of the steel rolling mill took action.

This is not bad.

I'm scared.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai miserably, hoping that Yi Zhonghai could come forward for him and solve the trouble in front of him.

But it was not only Jia Zhang who thought so, the neighbors present also felt that the matter was a bit of a fuss, and they all looked at Jia Zhang with a look that added insult to injury.


Bangzhong hummed.

I want Section Chief Tang to reveal his identity.

It’s just this “hmm” sound.

Section Chief Tang didn't like it.

I didn’t expect that Liu Haizhong’s IQ was not high enough and he was still a complete stick. Do I dare to forget what Deputy Factory Director Li told me?
Considering Liu Haizhong's status as cannon fodder, I can forgive Liu Haizhong for being unreasonable.

"As long as you know me, let me introduce Comrade Liu Haizhong next to me."

Liu Haizhong straightened his waist.

His hands were habitually placed behind his back.

His head was raised slightly.

This is a skill he learned from the leaders of the steel rolling mill when they held meetings. When he had nothing to do, he practiced at home, and unexpectedly it finally came in handy.

The neighbors were in an uproar.

I vaguely sensed some meaning from the words of the security section chief.

The person who can be called a comrade by the security section chief should be similar to the security section chief.

"Director Li just set up a workers' supervision team in the steel rolling mill. Comrade Liu Haizhong was appointed by Director Li as the leader of the supervision team, and asked our security department to cooperate in future work. From now on, the affairs of the workers in the steel rolling mill will not be affected. Captain Liu of Liu Haizhong is responsible for the unification.”

The neighbors were frightened.

Good guy.

Liu Haizhong, this idiot, actually became an official and a captain. Although he didn't know what the supervisory team did, he instinctively felt that it was very powerful.

The security department cooperates.

The look in his bangs gradually changed.

I really can't understand.

Why did an ordinary worker like them suddenly gain the favor of Deputy Factory Director Li and transform into a superior captain?

So what happened.

Why did such a change occur?

No wonder Liu Haizhong looks like this.

Be them instead.

It also has to be arranged like bangs.

Among all the people, Yi Zhonghai had the weirdest expression. He was stuck on the spot like a fool, staring blankly into his bangs. The expression on his face was uncertain, and finally turned into a gentle sigh.

"Director Li means that Jia Zhang pointed out that Comrade Liu Haizhong will be responsible for handling the matter of the security department's occupation of Jia's house. The two of you will stay and fully cooperate with Comrade Liu Haizhong."

Tang Daniu retired after his success, leaving the two security departments in front of Liu Haizhong to wait for orders, and then walked away.

The atmosphere of the scene.

He did not relax just because of Tang Daniu's departure.

On the contrary, it became even weirder.

Everyone was looking at Liu Haizhong, including Silly Zhu.

Even the most confused person knows what Liu Haizhong is going to do next.

Establish authority.

no doubt.

The Jia Zhang family sitting on the ground acting recklessly is the purpose of Liu Haizhong's prestige. I don't know how Liu Haizhong will use Jia Zhang family to establish his prestige.

I vaguely remember that at the beginning, Jia Zhang relied on Yi Zhonghai's support and never put Liu Haizhong in his eyes and did not give him any face.

Feng Shui turns.

Arrive at Liu’s house today.

"His second uncle, you."

Jia Zhang opened her mouth.

She wanted to be close to her in a condom so that her bangs wouldn't get caught up in her.

Liu Haizhong didn't pay attention to Jia Zhangshi, so he interrupted Jia Zhangshi's story, beat the rabbit with his arms, and planned to use Jia Zhangshi to deal with Yi Zhonghai.

His expression changed, and his tone became colder.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, what did you call me? Did you call me Second Uncle? I am now the captain of the supervision team. This courtyard is the property of the steel rolling mill. All the people living in the courtyard are within my jurisdiction in Liu Haizhong. "

His eyes glanced at Shazhu.

The neighbors all know it.

Shazhu is the team leader of the No. 2 canteen of the steel rolling mill. A few years ago, he rejected Deputy Director Li's offer to promote him to the position of logistics director. His wife Li Xiuzhi is now a clerk in the street.

In the past.

Even though the couple did not speak in the courtyard, everyone in the neighborhood gave them a face, and Liu Haizhong had to please and worry about the two of them in some matters.


I want to test the attitude of Silly Zhu and his wife.

It's also reasonable.

Seeing Liu Haizhong clearly reprimanding Jia Zhang, but looking at him thoughtfully, Shazhu, who had read the script, felt a slight thump in his heart.

Is it going to happen again?
Not afraid.

The worst case scenario is that the fish will die and the net will fall apart. There was also a cold snort in his mouth.

Li Xiuzhi pulled Silly Pillar with her hand.

Silly Zhu gave Li Xiuzhi an innocent look.

The couple then watched the drama as if nothing happened.

After Liu Haizhong withdrew his gaze from Shazhu, he attacked Jia Zhang.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, who gave you the courage to occupy the house of the steel rolling mill openly? Do you know that this is a squatting thing? You must be used to staying in there, and you still want to go in. If you really have this idea , I will do anything to satisfy your wish."

Finally got out.

Why go in?

Mrs. Jia Zhang cried and talked about her suffering, saying that she had no way to live and didn't know what to do.

Liu Haizhong, perhaps sincerely disgusted with Yi Zhonghai, did not drive Jia and Zhang out of the Siheyuan, but asked for Yi Zhonghai's opinion in front of the neighbors of the first courtyard.

"Yi Zhonghai."

Become captain.

The stinky airs were immediately put on full display.

He called Yi Zhonghai by his name.

He used the story of Yi Zhonghai's marriage to Jia Zhang to trick Yi Zhonghai into thinking about you, Yi Zhonghai.

"No matter what Jia Zhang says, she is also Jia Dongxu's biological mother. You are Jia Dongxu's master, and your daughter Qin Huairu is Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law. Three years ago, you two were married for a few days. This is a matter of happiness. Now that the Jia Zhang family is back, the Jia family’s house has been taken back by the steel rolling mill. You said this before, and I still remember it in my mind. "

Repay the other person with his own way.

Use Yi Zhonghai's tricks to deceive everyone, and counterattack Yi Zhonghai.

"You said that neighbors should look down without looking up. Neighbors should help each other, but they can't do things like being stabbed in the back. Do you want to remarry Mr. Jia Zhang?"

Jia Zhang seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw.

He didn't wait for Yi Zhonghai to express his stance.

Then he expressed what he meant.

"I do, I do."

Apart from marrying Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang had no other way to survive.

Unless she returns to her hometown in the countryside.

The problem is that there will be a lot of trouble with my old family. Going back would be like letting a sheep enter a tiger's mouth.

I want to stay in the courtyard.

There is also the idea of ​​​​waiting for Bangge. Jia Zhang always feels that Bangge is still alive.

Yi Zhonghai was unwilling. Jia Zhang was so disgusted that he couldn't sleep well, but he also knew that Liu Haizhong was using Jia Zhang as a knife.

Conflict arose in my heart.

What should I do?
After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said to Liu Haizhong: "Captain Liu, after thinking about it, I still feel that there is no need to remarry. You also know about that. Forget it, let's not talk about it. I think that alone fine."

"Yi Zhonghai, you murderous bastard, why don't you remarry me?"

Jia Zhang scolded Yi Zhonghai.

Scold until the end.

He even got into a fight with Yi Zhonghai.

Because of the favoritism of the security department, Yi Zhonghai was embarrassed by Jia Zhang, who looked like a tabby cat.

What follows.

The neighbors couldn't understand it.

Liu Haizhong seemed to have the only idea of ​​​​using Jia Zhang to deal with Yi Zhonghai. After Jia Zhang scratched Yi Zhonghai's face, he felt that Jia Zhang was no longer valuable, so he called the two security guards and sent Jia Zhang to Yi Zhonghai. He was tied up and carried outside the courtyard like a dead pig, saying that he was sending Jia Zhang to his hometown in the countryside.

When leaving the courtyard gate.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Xiaodang who was returning from playing.

Mrs. Jia Zhang shouted at Xiaodang, trying her best to play the emotional card, "I am your grandma and you are my granddaughter. Why did grandma treat you so well back then? You must not be ungrateful and act like a white-eyed wolf. Let Xiaodang Find Yi Zhonghai to intercede and leave him in the courtyard.

When Xiaodang saw Jia Zhang, the images of her being bullied by Jia Zhang came to mind.

My body trembled a few times.

Not stupid.

Good and bad.

Know how to choose.

The Jia Zhang family is here to stay, and they can’t eat well and sleep well. They are scolded by Jia Zhang family every day. They are a loser and a member of other people’s family. Drive away the Jia Zhang family. They can eat well and sleep well. Yi Zhonghai is also right. He was good, so he ignored Jia Zhang and turned his head aside.

Jia Zhang, who had no hope of seeking help, saw Xiao Dang pointing the back of his head towards her. You can imagine the depression in her heart. She began to curse, calling Xiao Dang a white-eyed wolf and unworthy of being a child of the Jia family. Sooner or later he will die without a burial place. .

Xiaodang ran towards the middle courtyard with tears in his eyes.

Mrs. Jia Zhang shouted, "Xiaodang, you will always be of my Jia family's blood."

This is the end.

The neighbors had never seen Jia Zhang before.

Someone specifically inquired about the whereabouts of Jia Zhang.

As soon as the street heard that Jia Zhang had come out, they started causing trouble in the Hongxing Courtyard, saying that the security department had occupied the Jia family's house and that they had to give it up. Director Li even came forward and entrusted Lieutenant General Liu Hai to Jia Zhang. Jia Zhang was sent to the street, and she was so angry that her back molars were almost broken. She packed up Jia Zhang and took her back to Shannao Village overnight.

Because of the bad things that happened that year, Jia Zhang, who returned to Shan'ao Village, fell into the fire pit.

They left the most painful and tiring job to Jia and Zhang.

Jia Zhang doesn’t do it.

There are no work points.

If you don’t have work points, you will go hungry.

The hungry people in Minao Village stole things, but were not caught at first. Jia and Zhang lived a good life for several days, but later they were discovered, hanged up and beaten. It is said that two of their legs were broken and they moaned all day long. But because of his great fortune, he was eventually left with a dog's life. When Xu Damao went to watch a movie in Shangaomo Village, he saw Jia Zhang wearing a rotten leather coat with no visible color, begging for food at the entrance of Shangaomo Village.

Maybe Jia Zhang ran there before.

In order to solve the problem once and for all, an iron chain firmly fixed the old hag at the entrance of Shanjiao Village.

For the sake of his neighbors, Xu Damao gave Jia Zhang a dollar, but as soon as he left, Jia Zhang's dollar was robbed by the children in the same village.

among these children.

There was a familiar person that Jia Zhang did not know and was not related to her by blood.

A little girl aged two and a half.

This little girl is the little kid Qin Huairu gave birth to with the old bachelor, the awesome sister from Geshan.

The following days.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was full of expectations, hoping that Xu Damao would convey her words to Yi Zhonghai and ask Yi Zhonghai to rescue her from this damn fire bed.

Originally, Xu Damao didn't want to be Jia Zhang's mouthpiece.

But when I saw Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard, I felt that I should tell Yi Zhonghai what Jia Zhang said.

All are there.

Excellent opportunity to add insult to injury.

He parked his bicycle in front of Shazhu's house and told Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, the night before yesterday, I was playing a movie in Shangaonou Village. Guess who I saw? I really liked her grandma!"

Because Liu Haizhong rose to the top, he became the captain.

Now the neighbors in the courtyard and the workers in the steel rolling mill all call Yizhong Hai directly.

I heard that someone offended Liu Haizhong by calling him Master Yi and First Master, and Liu Haizhong punished him severely. He has not recovered yet.

Xu Damao is such a shrewd person.

Wouldn't make such a mistake.

"Banggen's grandma's situation is not very good. She was too lazy to work and stole things from other people's villages. She was caught and beaten. Now she is begging for food. She told me to let me find you and beg you to go to Shangaonao Village. Bring her back, take good care of her, and treat her as if nothing has happened, otherwise she will end up in a dead end. If he can't be good, you will be in trouble too. "

Yi Zhonghai said nothing.

He turned around and returned home directly.

Seeing this, Xu Damao ignored him and entered Shazhu's house with a bottle of Erguotou. (End of chapter)

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