Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 447 Liu Haizhong takes care of Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 447 Liu Haizhong takes care of Yi Zhonghai
Silly Zhu was very grateful to Yan Fugui for the reminder.

In the past two years, because Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady lived with their tails between their legs, they did not provoke or plot against Sha Zhu and his wife, and became transparent figures in the courtyard. For a time, Sha Zhu had a kind of double feeling. Under this illusion, he relaxed his vigilance towards the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Good guy.

Dogs cannot change shit.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady have been forbearing for so many years, but they are holding back their big move and are preparing to use Li Xiuzhi's identity as a refugee to make a big fuss to harm Silly Zhu.


You are seeking death.

Shazhu knew the specific consequences of this matter. He was angry and prepared to borrow Liu Haizhong's sword to take advantage of the rare opportunity in front of him to solve the troubles of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady once and for all.

He didn't want to be on guard against thieves all day long.

Picking up the wine glass, Shazhu thanked Yan Fugui from the bottom of his heart.

"Third uncle, how do you want me to thank you? Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would have been deceived by those two bastards. Over the years, I thought they had changed their ways, but I didn't expect that they were still beating me, He Yuzhu. I really don’t know what to say, why don’t I have to be pitted by another person? I won’t say it anymore, just let it go.”

A word spoken over wine brought the three of them closer together.

Each drank the wine in his glass.

The atmosphere in the room also became enthusiastic. Silly Zhu let go, Yan Fugui opened up, and Xu Damao became unscrupulous, chatting happily while drinking.

At this moment, a "dang-dang-dang-dang" sound of pot knocking suddenly came from their ears.

Came from inside the hospital.

Shazhu and the others who were drinking in the room frowned subconsciously, and a strange look flashed on their faces. They stood up from their stools one after another and cast their gazes outside.

Yan Fugui, who was wearing glasses, was holding an iron basin with a little paint peeled off in his left hand, and a black fire stick in his right hand, standing in the middle courtyard and banging hard.

It's a hospital-wide meeting.

Some time ago.

Liu Haizhong used his buttocks to come up with a way. He said that when a general meeting of the hospital was held, it would be a waste of manpower to send people from door to door to inform the people. So he came up with a way of knocking on a pot and using the sound of the pot to order the neighbors.

Today is the first time that this method has been put into practice.

There was no pause.

Yan Fugui was in front, Xu Damao was behind, and Silly Zhu followed Xu Damao and walked quickly towards the courtyard.

It’s different in the past.

Liu Haizhong took power and became the captain of the steel rolling mill inspection team.

The new official took office three fires.

In the first fire, Jia Zhang was tied to the street and sent to her hometown in the countryside overnight, making her life worse than death and becoming a begging woman.

The second fire broke out in the steel rolling mill. Many workers in the steel rolling mill became the stepping stone of Liu Hai's power, arresting people if they disagreed.

Cruel means.

Let the steel rolling mill people talk about it and become angry.

Liu Haizhong has become the second most powerful person after Deputy Factory Director Li. The workshop director of his workshop now wants to curry favor with Liu Haizhong.

Many people were hiding under the covers and discussing where the third fire in the bangs would burn.

The answer is out.

Official fans set his third fire in the courtyard.

Who is the third fire lit for?

It has become the biggest doubt among the neighbors.

Don't want to get burned.

They all rushed to the middle courtyard as quickly as possible.

When Silly Zhu came out of his house, the middle courtyard was already full of neighbors. Looking around, it was completely dark. Even the deaf old lady who never participated in the whole hospital meeting came to the scene honestly at this time. He stood still with a cane, instead of sitting on a stool to attend the hospital meeting as described in the script.

Without the golden body of the five-guarantee household, Yi Zhonghai lost his reputation and gave up his title of chief steward. The ancestors of the courtyard who ran rampant in the courtyard became quails who were afraid of death.

Don't dare to rob the edge of your bangs.

Yan Fugui did not sit on his third uncle's special stool, but stood in the crowd.

On the stool where the three stewards were originally sitting.

Now there is a person sitting in the bangs.

He is also a master of stage-managing.

After the neighbors gathered together, he did not speak. Instead, he sat on the stool like an uncle. His eyes looked at the neighbors with a bit of scrutiny. When he glanced at the silly pillar, he paused for a moment. of effort.

Silly pillar's heart.

Raised his throat.

In the script, there was a description of Liu Haizhong taking care of the fool. Now he didn't know if Liu Haizhong was thinking of dealing with him.

Caution is the boat.


Talk to Deputy Director Li as much as possible.

Deputy Director Li announced that Liu Haizhong would walk around Silly Pillar.

When Sha Zhu was thinking wildly, Liu Haizhong moved her eyes to Yi Zhonghai, staying a little longer than paying attention to Sha Zhu.

The neighbors were not blind. When they saw Liu Haizhong looking at Yi Zhonghai, they temporarily relaxed their minds, guessing that Liu Haizhong wanted to deal with Yi Zhonghai.

as predicted.

He really came towards Yi Zhonghai.

Liu Haizhong's hand slapped the table hard, and he yelled sharply at Yi Zhonghai in the crowd.

"Yi Zhonghai, do you admit your mistake?"

Yi Zhonghai's brainchild.

There was a buzzing sound.

Admit your mistake?
How to answer this question?

Many similar things have happened in the steel rolling mill. Liu Haizhong asked the question, and the workers' answers were roughly divided into two types.

First, I was wrong.

Liu Haizhong asked the workers to explain their problems. No matter whether they were good or bad, they had to shed a layer of their skin. This was all to save face.

The second one, I don’t know where I went wrong.

In this case, the outcome is similar to the outcome in the first situation.

No matter how he answered or what he said, Liu Haizhong would catch him and punish him severely. Yi Zhonghai thought about all kinds of things in his mind.

Hypocrites are also shrewd.

The stupid method of not speaking and treating with silence appeared.

The atmosphere of the scene.

It also became weird. The neighbors looked at Yi Zhonghai stupidly. They did not expect that Yi Zhonghai would play such a trick. They wanted to see the follow-up. If Liu Haizhong failed, the neighbors would follow suit and use this silent method to deal with Liu Hai. middle.

on the contrary.

He explained the problem honestly and begged Liu Haizhong not to make a big fuss about this matter, and for the sake of the neighbors, give them a way to survive.

The stalemate lasted for seven or eight minutes.

Liu Guangtian in the crowd made a noise, pointed at Yi Zhonghai's nose, and roared.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you doing? My dad."

"Brother, you are my father and your father. In this situation, we can't call him dad. We have to call him Captain Liu by his professional title."

Liu Guangfu corrected Liu Guangtian's statement.

Liu Guangtian's expression paused, and he managed to squeeze out a smile.

He nodded and bowed towards his bangs to show his attitude.

"Captain Liu, Captain Liu of the Steel Rolling Mill Worker Supervision Team, I asked you Yi Zhonghai to explain the problem honestly. Just say what you have to say. What does it mean if you don't speak? I really think that if you don't speak, everything will be fine. You are too underestimated. Our Captain Liu is very capable. This is giving you a chance. Yi Zhonghai, don’t be shameless and explain it quickly.”

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are now Liu Haizhong's loyal henchmen.

The day Liu Haizhong sent Jia Zhang away.

The two brothers also joined that team, one became the squadron leader, and the other became the squad leader. The first thing they did when they got home was to attack Liu Haizhong.

To use their brothers’ original words to describe you, Liu Haizhong, you are not a son of a man. You beat us two brothers violently since we were little. We were beaten so hard that we couldn’t get out of bed for several days. Before, when we were young, we were no match for you, Liu Haizhong. Now that we brothers have grown up and have the strength, we want to take revenge on Liu Haizhong for the old grudges we were beaten before.

See Liu Haizhong staring at them.

They had to go out and call for help to help them tidy up their bangs.

The second aunt quickly revealed Liu Haizhong's identity, saying that Liu Haizhong was a captain and the second-largest person in the steel rolling mill behind Director Li.

When Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu heard this, they immediately became honest and no longer wanted to compete with Liu Haizhong. They followed Liu Haizhong and were busy in front of him.

Liu Haizhong also brought his two children to the steel rolling mill.

Through this incident, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu realized that the more secure Liu Hai's position as squadron leader, the easier their lives would be.

Because he was worried about big things, Liu Haizhong, who became the captain, no longer beat up the second and third children.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would rush to come forward for anything that undermined Liu Hai's status as the captain of the squadron. In front of the neighbors in the courtyard, the two of them questioned Yi Zhonghai forcefully and even wiped their arms and rolled up their sleeves, preparing to beat Yi Zhonghai violently.

The deaf old lady who was watching the show in the crowd was a little anxious for a moment and actually spoke out.

"Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, what are you going to do? Are you going to attack Zhonghai? Zhonghai is your elder, do you still have any respect for the elderly?"

Silly Zhu smiled in his heart.

Was the old deaf lady kicked in the head by a donkey?

At this time, talk to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu about respecting the elderly.

Even if you respect the elders, you still have to ask whether Yi Zhonghai is worthy.

"Old guy, I didn't want to talk to you at first, but you jumped out on your own." Liu Guangtian scolded the deaf old lady, "When I was a kid, you spoke for Yi Zhonghai and said what was going on with us brothers, and it hurt us. The two brothers were beaten by my father until they could not get out of bed for five days. They were too old to die..."

A huge hat.

Buttoned it on the head of the deaf old lady.

The old deaf lady was so frightened that she immediately closed her mouth.

current situation.

The deaf old lady really couldn't understand.

She also knows that her identity cannot be exposed easily.

consequences of exposure.

It's a dead end.

He quickly turned his head to the side.

Liu Haizhong's target tonight was Yi Zhonghai. He didn't care about others. When he saw his two sons trying to settle old scores with the deaf old lady, he hurriedly yelled.

"Yi Zhonghai, are you going to say it or not?"

When Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu saw what Liu Haizhong said, they stopped thinking about dealing with the deaf old lady and concentrated on taking care of Yi Zhonghai.

Don't wait for Liu Haizhong to tell you.

The two brothers squeezed out of the crowd and came to both sides of Yi Zhonghai, seeing that Yi Zhonghai was a little unconvinced.

Liu Guangtian cursed and kicked Yi Zhonghai hard on the knee.

Yi Zhonghai, who was in pain, could not stand steadily and knelt on the ground.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai deflated, Silly Zhu felt a faint smile in his heart.

For some reason, he felt that the more unlucky Yi Zhonghai was, the better. It would be better if Liu Guangtian or Liu Guangfu helped him slap Yi Zhonghai a few times.

Xu Damao, who was standing next to Silly Zhu, seemed to have seen through Silly Zhu's thoughts, and shouted something to add fuel to the fire.

"Yi Zhonghai, are you not giving Captain Liu face? Or are you not convinced by Captain Liu? Do you think Captain Liu is not worthy of being the captain? What do you think?"

"Xu Damao is right, Yi Zhonghai just looks down on Captain Liu. I remember when Captain Liu was the second uncle, when he was the first uncle, he didn't take Captain Liu seriously at all."

"Not only do they look down on them, but they also say bad things about Captain Liu in the steel rolling mill. He can't drink a bowl of water evenly. He will definitely end up without a filial son in the future. He said that Captain Liu has a son and is as doomed as not having a son. I don't care. I can't bear to hear it, it's extremely bad, I've never seen such a cursed neighbor..."

The neighbors started to flatter Liu Haizhong.

Even if you wear it a thousand times, you will never wear it.

Silly Zhu also took the opportunity to shout.

"Yi Zhonghai, who in the neighborhood doesn't know you? You are a pure hypocrite! All the neighbors here, except the Jia family, except Qin Huairu, and the deaf old lady in the backyard, have all been bullied by you, especially like me, He Yuzhu, and my father He Daqing. You withheld the living expenses that I came from, and you used your identity as an aunt to make me die. You also ruined my blind date and asked me to marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law. This widow is also ringed.”

Change of tone.

He took the opportunity to scold Yi Zhonghai and also gave Liu Haizhong a small compliment.

Otherwise, how can the bangs become the knife in his hand.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are immoral. The second uncle, Captain Liu, is seeking justice for thousands of people like me. If I were you, I would honestly explain all the immoral things I have done." If you confess frankly and seek leniency, if you refuse to confess, you are dissatisfied with Captain Liu. If you are not convinced by Captain Liu, you are looking down on Captain Liu.”

"Captain Liu, what Shazhu said is so right. The neighbors have all been bullied by Yi Zhonghai. They used to lend money to the Jia family and donate money to Qin Huairu. They didn't want to, but they couldn't do it. They kept saying that they would drive me out of the courtyard. "

"Our child was robbed by Bangge. Banggeng also beat our child and asked Yi Zhonghai to solve the problem. Yi Zhonghai said that the responsibility lies with our children, saying that Bangge was innocent and caused our family to lose supplies. After being beaten, he apologized to Banggeng and paid the Jia family money."

"The glass of our home was smashed by the deaf old lady. Yi Zhonghai said that we deserved the glass of our home to be smashed by the deaf old lady. He said that if we were filial to the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady would not smash the glass of our home."

The deaf old lady looked gloomy.

When you talk about Yi Zhonghai, just talk about Yi Zhonghai. Why are you mentioning my old lady?

I pretended not to hear.

Looks like nothing happened.

"Yi Zhonghai, it seems that you don't want to explain. OK, OK, I'll find a place for you to explain."

Just when Liu Haizhong was about to point his finger at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and order them to tie up Yi Zhonghai and send him to the security department, Xu Damao and Silly Zhu, who had drunk some wine, staged an uninvited drama.

(End of this chapter)

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