Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 454 Guangtian Guangfu knocks out the deaf old lady

Chapter 454 Guangtian Guangfu knocks out the deaf old lady
Yi Zhonghai was forced to stand.

The person who gave the order was Liu Haizhong, and he also asked two unfilial sons, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, to stay at the scene to supervise Yi Zhonghai's penalty stand.

The reason given externally was that Yi Zhonghai should fully realize his mistake.

The neighbors had no objections.

Who gave Yi Zhonghai a bad reputation?

After Liu Haizhong announced that the meeting was over, they returned to their homes in twos and threes. For the neighbors, it was better for Yi Zhonghai to stand still than for them to be punished.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The first time I got home, I urgently closed the curtains in each house, and then I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find books of the same style as Silly Zhu's book.

A very simple truth.

Silly Zhu could suppress his bangs with a book and didn't dare to take a breath, so could the neighbors, which was equivalent to giving them a way to survive.

"You are an old and immortal guy who came to show off in front of us brothers. When did our Liu family have an elder like you? You have watched us brothers grow up."

They underestimated the importance of bangs in the hearts of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

There was nothing I could do at that time.

In other words.

Liu Haizhong didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to let Yi Zhonghai leave casually. It was the two of them who went back to the house to be whipped, not Yi Zhonghai or the deaf old lady.

There is still a smile on his face.

Overestimating the threat of one's own age.

The sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets instantly made the atmosphere in the hospital feel strange.

Neighbors said that Yi Zhonghai had done too many immoral things.

His eyes also became unkind.

But dare not.

The deaf old lady said something bad in her heart. She didn't expect that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would show up to be on the same level as her. You bastards, aren't you afraid that my old lady is lying on the ground and won't get up?
I hate myself to death.

This is not okay.

Where were you, the deaf old lady, when our brothers were beaten violently by bangs?
Knowing clearly that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were unable to get out of bed after being beaten by Liu Haizhong, not only did they not stand up to speak for the two children, they also went around fanning the flames, saying that the father was unkind and the son was unfilial, and that Liu Haizhong could not drink a bowl of water evenly. To suffer retribution, it is categorically concluded that none of the three sons will be filial to Liu Haizhong.

He walked out of the Yi family's house on crutches.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, when you bare your buttocks, my old lady will..."

After Yi Zhonghai was taken away last night, the deaf old lady began to reflect on the things that Yi Zhonghai had done, starting from sleeping with Jia Zhang, and then withholding Si Zhu's living expenses, letting Auntie die on his behalf, and arranging Si Zhu's death. Zhu married a widow, and in order to facilitate this matter, he did not hesitate to ruin Zhu Zhu's blind date.

The older I get, the more I believe this.

Yi Zhonghai was scolded and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

He, a dignified and moral deity, had never suffered like this before. But when he thought of the methods of the Liu family and his son, he could only accept his fate helplessly, put on a show of incompetence and violence, and refuted the Liu family and his son with dirty words in his heart. In the future, he would gain power. You must express your resentment well today.

Liu Haizhong obviously hasn't given up his desire to deal with Yi Zhonghai. He is standing in front of Yi Zhonghai. If Yi Zhonghai really does something good, the deaf old lady of her compound ancestor will in turn serve Yi Zhonghai.

But he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face.

He was even more worried about the retribution that would result from Yi Zhonghai becoming paralyzed and having to eat, drink, and defecate in bed.

Pure animal talk!

The neighbors also followed suit and started talking nonsense.

The deaf old lady who was in the Yi family's house didn't want to go out and meddle in other people's business, but because of her relationship with Yi Zhonghai, she had to stand up and say a few good words for Yi Zhonghai.

His face drooped.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, you are also the people that my old lady has watched grow up. Even if Zhonghai made a huge mistake, he has already paid the price and gave my old lady some face. Let's forget about it. You Help me, the old lady, to carry Zhong Hai into the house. An old lady of my age cannot help her. "

The deaf old lady, who was dim-sighted, saw Yi Zhonghai's pale face and his body seemed to be trembling. She was worried that Yi Zhonghai would die and she would have no support for her old age.

They both hummed in their mouths.

Want to have a seizure.

Otherwise, a leg would not be broken.

This is the confidence of the deaf old lady.

Thinking that he had already stepped into the coffin with one foot, even if Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were nothing, they still had to give themselves some face, so as not to be on the same level as her.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, who were left to follow Yi Zhonghai, began to curse each other. First, they were slapped by Silly Zhu, and then slapped hard by Liu Haizhong. Their faces hurt so much that they did not dare to scold Liu Haizhong and let the evil fire in their hearts go away. He vented his anger on Yi Zhonghai, pointing at Yi Zhonghai and greeting his eight generations of hypocrite ancestors.

Liu Haizhong went back and whipped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu even more violently, even with a feather duster.

We can only stay close to each other.

Not to mention the broken leg.

Even though the deaf old lady tried her best to put on a flattering smile on her face while speaking, she was still cruelly rejected by Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

This is all thanks to the deaf old lady.

When she moved to Yi Zhonghai, she looked at Yi Zhonghai, then turned and murmured to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu who were driving her away.

Now that they have gained the upper hand, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are not worthy of saying that their father is Liu Haizhong if they are tricked by the deaf old lady. The evil fire in their hearts cannot be suppressed anymore.

He raised his voice and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Yi Zhonghai has committed such a big thing, causing trouble in the steel rolling mill and being looked down upon by others. Is this still a small matter? We are helping Yi Zhonghai, so that he will stop doing the evil things that ruin other people's blind dates, and the people who suffer from them will not come out. , What are you doing out here, an old lady who has done so many evil things?"

"Get out of here right now, or I'll slap you like a fucking bastard."

"Guangtian, Guangfu, Zhonghai have really stood up. Why don't you go back and ask your father to hear what he means."

"Putting my father on me?"

"I thought that if we carry out my father, we two brothers will have to listen to your old lady and let this hypocrite Yi Zhonghai go. I was wrong. Old man, I tell you, get out of here or I'll whip you."

"Guangtian, Guangfu, how dare you hit the old lady?"

Yi Zhonghai didn't say this.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu probably wouldn't really attack the deaf old lady.

However, Yi Zhonghai deliberately said this for his own petty reasons. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, who were already dissatisfied with the deaf old lady, could no longer suppress their anger.

He cursed.

His right hand flew towards the deaf old lady fiercely, and slapped the deaf old lady away. This was Liu Guangtian's masterpiece. Because Liu Guangfu was younger than Liu Guangtian, he didn't slap the deaf old lady with a big slap. He kicked the old deaf lady in the stomach and kicked her out.

The deaf old lady became a fountain.

Blood spurted out from inside the mouth.

When Yi Zhonghai saw this, he howled loudly.

"Come on, something big happened. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu killed someone. They beat the deaf old lady to death. Come on, someone's dead."

The shrill roaring sound started from Yi Zhonghai's mouth and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Neighbors who heard the noise.

Coming out of home one after another.

Neighbors such as Sha Zhu and his wife, Xu Damao and his wife, Yan Fugui, etc., were shocked even if they were hiding in their bangs at home and thinking about things alone.

The scene before my eyes. It broke through the defenses of everyone present.

The deaf old lady lay on the ground angrily, her face covered with blood.

Yi Zhonghai stupidly stayed on the spot, pointed at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and screamed fiercely, saying that they were the murderers who killed the deaf old lady.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were so frightened that they were trembling. This was different from picking something off Liu Haizhong's back. This was the first time they had faced this kind of thing. They thoughtlessly said some excuses that had nothing to do with me.

Liu Haizhong looked at the scene with a strange expression, his brows furrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

The neighbors in the courtyard headed by Sha Zhu kept their mouths shut and watched the events unfold as much as possible. Liu Haizhong's death had nothing to do with them, and the deaf old lady's death had nothing to do with them.

Yi Zhonghai would not let the neighbors sit on the sidelines. He wanted to encourage the neighbors to deal with Liu Haizhong.

There is strength in numbers.

"Neighbors, are you looking at me like this? Liu Haizhong broke my leg, Yi Zhonghai. I admit it. Who asked me to do something that was sorry for the steel rolling mill? I deserve to die. Really, don't say one leg, just two legs." , and it should be, but the old lady is different from me. She is a childless old lady, but now she is beaten to death by Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. If you can beat the old lady to death today, you can beat to death all the neighbors here tomorrow. "

The neighbors are still stupid.

The fight between Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong has nothing to do with them.

"Silly Zhu, please speak up. Just now Liu Haizhong was planning to take it out on you. You don't want to end up like me."

People's eyes.

It fell on Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu didn't want to be in the limelight, but because Yi Zhonghai mentioned him, Liu Haizhong actually took care of Silly Zhu.

not talking.

Will be misunderstood.

If Liu Haizhong feels that Shazhu is weak and can be bullied, he will fire at Shazhu again.

It's also troublesome.

Silly Zhu didn't want to argue with Liu Haizhong all day long.

But he didn't want to be used by Yi Zhonghai willingly.

Made a sound.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't talk so loudly about yourself. You are fair and equal. You can't let an old lady make mistakes. If you really have an old lady in your heart, you wouldn't still be holding on to Liu Haizhong and his son. , let alone encourage the neighbors to deal with Liu Haizhong and his son together. If you were someone who really cared about the old lady, he would have carried the old lady to the hospital by now. "

When Xu Damao saw Yi Zhonghai, he wanted to force an explanation.

He hurriedly followed Shazhu's words and added a few urgent words.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't use the reason for your broken leg. You're not still fooling the neighbors as if they were three-year-old children, are you?"

The bangs are stupid.

Also knows what to do.

He pointed to a few neighbors and asked them to find a cart to take the deaf old lady to the hospital.

The voice just fell.

The neighbors present all took out books from their pockets.

Look at those books.

Liu Haizhong also lost his temper. As a last resort, he called on the two unfilial sons and sent the deaf old lady to the hospital overnight.

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to go to the hospital with him.

Let the doctor take a look at his broken leg. When he was forced to stand upright by the bangs, he felt a bit of excruciating pain.

As a result, Liu Haizhong's words blocked him in the courtyard.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, he limped back to his home.


Xu Damao was there the next day.

Rumors were released that Liu Haizhong connived with Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to beat the deaf old lady angrily and beat the deaf old lady to the hospital.

Within a very short period of time.

Women and children are well known.

During this period of time, Liu Haizhong made a real fuss in the steel rolling mill, and countless people wanted to eat him alive.

The undercurrent is surging.

However, he couldn't see clearly through his bangs, thinking that he had lost face in the courtyard last night and had to regain this face in the steel rolling mill today.

If everyone is holding books against Liu Haizhong, there is no need for Liu Haizhong to be the captain.

I caught a random person on the road and slapped him randomly, saying that the person pointed his butt at Liu Haizhong's face. He bluntly said that this was disrespectful to Liu Haizhong and I insisted on sending him to the security department.

I thought I was a helpless little guy.

Can be manipulated at will.

Unexpectedly, the iron plate was mentioned. The gangster's aunt and Deputy Factory Director Li were related, and because Xu Damao told some truths about Liu Haizhong's trouble in front of Deputy Factory Director Li.

Deputy Director Li personally came to the Propaganda Department and announced on the radio that Liu Haizhong would be removed from the position of captain of the inspection team.

I'm afraid the co-workers won't hear it.

It was broadcast five times in a row.

The huge steel rolling mill was boiling instantly, and there were shouts from everywhere cheering for Deputy Director Li's wisdom.

Standing in the office building, Deputy Director Li looked down at the crowd, with a hint of a conspiratorial smile on his face. Even if Xu Damao didn't say those words today, Deputy Director Li would have removed the bangs of the squadron leader. title.

Just cannon fodder.


Defend the Cone.

Liu Haizhong listened to the broadcast.

I thought I heard it wrong.

He complained to Tang Daniu opposite him until Tang Daniu told Liu Haizhong clearly that this was not a complaint, it was a fact!
Only then did Liu Haizhong come back to his senses.

He looked at Tang Daniu without saying a word.

There seems to be some confusion.

I was doing quite well, but why was Deputy Factory Director Li taking off my captain's hat?

A chill ran down my spine.

During this period of time, Liu Haizhong has never forgotten the things he did in the steel rolling mill. Many people ended up with their families ruined because of Liu Haizhong. Let’s not talk about the far ones, let’s talk about the close ones. Yi Zhonghai’s right leg was the result of being injured. Liu Haizhong was interrupted. Without the title of captain, not to mention the workers in the steel rolling mill, not even Yi Zhonghai could let him go. There were also Xu Damao and Silly Zhu. None of them were easy to mess with.

How to do?
what should I do?
Liu Haizhong seemed to understand everything, and ran towards the office building like a fool. He wanted to find Deputy Director Li. A month ago, Deputy Director Li was able to promote him to captain, and a month later, he can continue to be the leader. team leader,

Deputy Factory Manager Li can change his position to be the captain, but Liu Haizhong must be the captain. If he is not the captain, he will be beaten to death by his coworkers.

He rushed all the way to Deputy Director Li.

(End of this chapter)

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