Faced with Wang Jingwei who made a big fuss about the distribution of rainwater work, Li Xiuzhi didn't take it to heart at all.

Last night, Silly Zhu had already given the standard answer.

As long as he copied the exact words that Silly Zhu said to Liu Haizhong, Wang Jingwei could be left speechless.

This pretty boy.

Not a good thing.

A piece of garbage.

He couldn't convince the residents and colleagues of the district bureau that he was incapable of doing his job, so he turned the excrement basin on Li Xiuzhi's head, insisting that Li Xiuzhi had put on small shoes for him.

If it had been anyone else, Li Xiuzhi might have swallowed her anger.

Wang Jingwei’s words.


Behind this incident, she was the one pulling the strings. He was the one who hinted openly and secretly that Wang Jingwei could attack Li Xiuzhi, but he had no intention of forcing Li Xiuzhi to her death.

When Director Wang saw Wang Jingwei glance at him, he wanted to give Wang Jingwei two big slaps in the face. If you can't succeed but can fail, look at what I'm doing.

He laughed at himself.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Spread the word.

After staring at Director Wang for a while, Li Xiuzhi, unable to discern any clues from Director Wang's face, once again set her sights on Wang Jingwei.

Not afraid of Wang Jingwei at all.

before coming.

Full of desire for help.

The explanation is unclear.

He has so much virtue and ability that he can take charge of the employment allocation of college students.

But not afraid either.

If this guy gives in a step, I guess Wang Jingwei will take advantage of it.

Just by looking at it, everything turned into something.

Does this mean you don’t want to live a good life?

Director Wang overturned all the previous plans made by Director Jia during his tenure, and categorically said that he would learn from the steel rolling mill.

After looking at the colleagues present, his eyes fell on Director Wang. He was not sure if Director Wang was planning all this behind the scenes.

He just wants to completely establish his prestige on the street.

But there is no good fruit to eat from him.

In the eyes.

Director Wang, who took office less than a week ago, seems to be a little too impatient and has been promoting the elimination of Jiahua. Li Xiuzhi happens to be a capable person promoted by Director Jia, so it is normal to be targeted.

"Anyway, I, Li Xiuzhi, am ashamed of myself. The allocation of graduates from the University of Posts and Telecommunications is decided by others. You, Wang Jingwei, a small street clerk, are so powerful. You even have to dictate the allocation of college students. There are so many leaders in the university. Not as good as you, Wang Jingwei? In your eyes, everyone is just a loser?"

She, Li Xiuzhi, would not do such an immoral thing.

Shazhu is now the second cafeteria monitor of the steel rolling mill. I heard that some time ago, he was promoted to the logistics director, but he was rejected due to lack of ability.

Maybe he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

His own roots are growing.

If Wang Jingwei's body wasn't leaning on the table.

Good guy!
This hat is really big.

Let yourself stick to your word here.

Since Wang Jingwei is so out of touch.

I learned about Li Xiuzhi's family history. A foreign girl who fled to seek refuge with her relatives accidentally met Director Jia, who had just taken office. And because there was a big problem in the jurisdiction, Sha Zhu, there was no other way. Li Xiuzhi and Sha Zhu were separated. Got together.

Li Xiuzhi's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that Director Wang was really behind this incident. Wang Jingwei's sight made her think wildly.

Then let Wang Jingwei suffer.

"Clerk Wang, since when did you take charge of the work assigned by the university?"

God is pitiful.

He looked at Director Wang.

Learn from the rolling mill.

The reason why Li Xiuzhi is so tough is that Silly Zhu showed something to Li Xiuzhi last night, which gave Li Xiuzhi a lot of confidence.

Who will be the bangs?

Thumbs up.

How is the steel rolling mill? As a family member of a steel rolling mill employee, Li Xiuzhi knows very well that a good steel rolling mill has become a mess just because Liu Haizhong became the team leader, and the workers have been suffering from Liu Haizhong for a long time.

During the most difficult years, Li Xiuzhi took the neighbors in the courtyard to dig wild vegetables and taught them how to distinguish poisonous wild vegetables.

Because this matter was published in the newspapers in Beijing.

I have been doing the assistance work for free for more than half a year.

Under various circumstances, Director Jia promoted Li Xiuzhi to an acting clerk. During the evaluation period of more than a year, due to her outstanding service ability, she was promoted to a formal clerk.

Director Wang asked Li Xiuzhi to work as a handyman, which was a way of beating the eagle, and wanted Li Xiuzhi to be used by her.

That's it.

Wang Jingwei's look made Director Wang secretly say something bad. She glared at Wang Jingwei fiercely, turned around and hid in the office, and under the guise of reading documents, Li Xiuzhi and Wang Jingwei pointed their fingers at Mai Mang.

Seeing Director Wang not coming forward, Wang Jingwei, who was complaining secretly, could only bite the bullet and explain.

"Li Xiuzhi, don't blame me. When did I say that I am better than those teachers? My colleagues are here and everyone can hear clearly. I didn't say anything. You can't even think of wrongly accusing me. You must be Jealous of me, jealous of me taking over your position as clerk."

"I'm jealous of you? What a joke! Why did I wrong you when I wronged you? We had no enmity in the past and no enmity in the recent past. Why should I blame you? Isn't that what you said? He Yuyu is a steel rolling stock. The son of a factory worker did not return to the rolling mill, but went to work in another unit. He also said that I, Li Xiuzhi, had bent the law for personal gain in this matter. Wang Jingwei, you are also a gentleman. Don’t let me look down on you. He Yuyu is my sister-in-law. I admit it, but she is also a college student. After graduating from college, can I control where she goes to work? "

Li Xiuzhi is a bit unreasonable.

That makes sense.

Why spare you?

"That's what the school wants. You, Wang Jingwei, are making irresponsible remarks about this matter. What do you want to do? My colleagues are all here. Let them comment. Is it you, Wang Jingwei, who is wrong, or I, Li Xiuzhi, who is wrong? Should I go or not?" When working in a steel rolling mill, the other steel rolling mills didn’t say anything. You are dictating this matter. This one is wrong, that one is wrong. Co-authored by you. Wang Jingwei now not only has to take care of the employment allocation of graduates from the University of Posts and Telecommunications, but also takes care of the work of the steel rolling mill. You are really proud of the streets.”

Wang Jingwei could no longer hold on.


A big stinky fart.

Shaking all over.


She never thought that Li Xiuzhi would be so reviled and choked with her. In the past few days, because Liu Haizhong was showing off his power in the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi didn't want Liu Haizhong to get the handle because of her own affairs, so she attacked Silly Zhu. She also thought that Wang Jingwei had just taken over. It's normal to want to show off. She also came from this period, so she didn't have the same experience as Wang Jingwei in this matter, so she gave Wang Jingwei as much convenience as possible.

This caused Wang Jingwei to overestimate himself and underestimate Li Xiuzhi.

When Li Xiuzhi choked him so mercilessly, Wang Jingwei was frightened, which was understandable.

Hiding in the office.

Director Wang saw Wang Jingwei in such a miserable state through the glass.

He shook his head slightly.

This is Wang Jingwei.

It's true that mud can't hold up the wall.

Ignore it.

He read the newspaper in his hand attentively.

outhouse. After Wang Jingwei farted, he eagerly waited for someone to come out to help him. He felt that he got along well with his colleagues on the street and that his colleagues should help him, but he did not expect that the colleagues present were like wooden people. There was no sound.

no way.

Name them one by one.

"Sister Zhao, tell me, does this matter have anything to do with me? Am I being kind?"

Sister Zhao turned her head to the side.

After begging for a boring Wang Jingwei, he regarded Brother Zhou as a life-saving straw.

"Brother Zhou, you are an old man on our street. I believe you. Do the things Li Xiuzhi said have anything to do with me?"

Brother Zhou found an excuse to go to the toilet.

He patted his butt and left.

The remaining colleagues pretended to be busy with their business.

Wang Jingwei's defense was broken.


You have gone too far!
"Li Xiuzhi, this matter has nothing to do with me. Don't try to blame me. I just think this matter is strange. Why didn't He Yuyu return to work in the steel rolling mill? If he doesn't return, he won't return. I didn't say anything. Me too. I mean well, but I don’t want you two to end up being held accountable for this matter in the future.”

It’s not about recognizing bears.

It's equivalent to bowing your head.

Li Xiuzhi had no intention of letting Wang Jingwei go.

He groaned.

"Wang Jingwei, you are a clerk. This is a fact. As for where our sister-in-law Yuyu will work after graduation, I will raise my voice with our men when I get back and ask our men to ask at the steel rolling mill and the University of Posts and Telecommunications. Nothing will go according to your wishes, Wang Jingwei."

If you can still persist in the front.

Now I can't hold on anymore.

The whole person was shaking like chaff.


Looking at Li Xiuzhi eagerly, seeing that Li Xiuzhi was unmoved, he turned his attention to the colleagues present, hoping that his colleagues could intercede for him.

Who cares about him?

No one ignored him.

Wang Jingwei had no choice but to place his hopes on Director Wang. He gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, and moved towards the office next to him.

Director Wang is his only life-saving straw, but he cannot let Li Xiuzhi bring this matter to the steel rolling mill or the University of Posts and Telecommunications. He cannot afford such consequences.

Full of regret.

If he had known that Li Xiuzhi would overturn the table and prevent him from getting off the stage, he should not have fallen out with Li Xiuzhi at this time. Even if he did, he would have to find another excuse. One wrong step and one wrong step would make him embarrassed and his reputation ruined.

What do colleagues think of him?
How will we continue to work in the future?
It's too late to regret.

Just opened the door.

Wang Jingwei was scolded by Director Wang.

Wang Jingwei, who had been scolded, didn't know how to end it. He looked pitifully at Director Wang who looked angry, and with a cruel heart, he stamped his feet and rushed out of the street as if there was a wolf chasing after him.

He wanted to be quiet.

The fly Wang Jingwei is missing.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to have become harmonious.

Director Wang waved his hand and called Li Xiuzhi to him, and whispered something. She wanted to finish Wang Jingwei's matter.

I don’t want Li Xiuzhi to pursue this matter.

Big fuss.

Not very nice to Director Wang either.

Especially now in this kind of limelight, a single move can affect the whole body. If he is not careful, Director Wang will also end up dead.

Li Xiuzhi nodded from time to time, with an expression that said it would be whatever she said. She was completely businesslike, making it difficult for Director Wang to say anything to Li Xiuzhi.

Silly Zhu is a farmhand, and Li Xiuzhi is the daughter-in-law of a farmhand. Even if Li Xiuzhi's status is not good, just like that Lou Xiao'e, her marriage to Silly Zhu can offset those bad rumors.


Can't offend yet.

Faced with Li Xiuzhi's business-like attitude, Director Wang couldn't say anything. After saying a few words, he asked Li Xiuzhi to leave.

This matter was over.

As for whether it will be investigated further.

do not know.

Guess it will!
Wang Jingwei, this bastard, ruined my life.


"Liu Haizhong, what are you looking at?" A worker pointed at Liu Haizhong who was in a daze and asked, "I didn't hear the announcement just now. I asked you to report to the cleaning department now. Why are you so dazed? I can't bear to leave. I want to If you stay here and don't take a shower to look after yourself, what qualifications do you have to stay here? Your bangs are ruined by feng shui."

I want to get angry in my bangs.

When the words come to my lips.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the workers slowly surrounding him.

Only then did he feel relieved that he was no longer the captain.

People are under the roof.

I had to bow my head.

Worried about being beaten up by those people looking for excuses, Liu Haizhong had no choice but to swallow the resentment in his heart, thinking that the future is long, and maybe Deputy Director Li would think of Liu Haizhong again that day and let her reinstate her official position. When the time comes, let these people see how powerful his bangs are.

With a restless heart.

Liu Haizhong left the workshop and walked towards the cleaning department in the distance.


There were sounds of curses and taunts from the workers.

"Bah, what the hell? He still thinks he is the captain and wants to set himself up as the captain. I really wanted to slap him a few times just now, you bastard."

"You hit him instead. I thought you were going to scold him, so I didn't take action. If I had known this was happening, I would have taken action."

"I'll definitely give him a good beating next time. I've never seen such a stupid bastard in Liu Haizhong. He left no escape route. He deserves to be so unlucky."

"I heard about something like this. Liu Haizhong's two sons are still in the hospital. I heard that they kicked an old lady in their compound unconscious last night."

"Really? I am my beast, and my son is my son's bastard."

"Let's go and settle the score with Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. These two bastards often bully us because of Liu Haizhong's status as captain, but we have to express our resentment to let them know how powerful we are."

A bunch of people.

Come out of the workshop.

Walking towards the hospital affiliated with the steel rolling mill.

When Liu Haizhong heard that he was going to beat his two sons, the stone in his heart actually fell to the ground. He was not worried about the two unfilial sons at all.

This bastard.

The only one who cares is himself and the boss.

Thinking that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were beaten up by the workers, the resentment in the workers' hearts was vented. In this case, Liu Haizhong would not play tricks on their old accounts. Liu Haizhong had the same knowledge as Liu Haizhong. There is some room for relaxation.

Liu Haizhong is now worried about his boss. He doesn't want his being kicked off as captain to affect his boss's future.

Thinking about how to remedy it. (End of chapter)

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