Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 475 Xu Damao makes a move, Yi Zhonghai sits on the wax

back home.

Silly Zhu put down the little girl in his arms.

He walked towards Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi, who was hiding something in her heart, listened to Silly Zhu's heavy steps and had an idea in her mind. She tried to avoid it as much as possible, but she was also a little helpless. The mark of Wang Jingwei's slap on her face did not fade away all afternoon.

Don't want Shazhu to know about this.

She knows her weight in Shazhu's heart.

Holding it in your mouth for fear of melting, holding it in your hand for fear of being exposed to the sun. In the past, I was reluctant to say harsh words. Some people joked that Silly Zhu raised Li Xiuzhi as a daughter.

Silly Zhu not only did not deny it, but also said a few words of self-admission.

To this day, Li Xiuzhi clearly remembers the expression on Shazhu's face, which was full of joyful smile.

Yi Zhonghai became the captain and wanted to avenge his broken leg. However, Liu Haizhong, the instigator, ran away, and behind him stood the immortal deaf lady.

An embarrassing combination of beasts.

Qin Huairu is not here.

There’s nothing I can’t do to support my retirement.

Li Xiuzhi's life on the streets was difficult.

Shazhu's life was better at the steel rolling mill?

Both couples put themselves in each other's shoes.

Li Xiuzhi raised the collar of her clothes with her hands, glanced sideways at Silly Zhu, and shouted.

"Watch the child and don't touch it. If you knock the child, I will beat you to death."

Silly Zhu actually saw the five-finger mark on Li Xiuzhi's face and knew that Zhao's grandma was not lying. Li Xiuzhi was really in trouble on the street. He sympathized with Li Xiuzhi's painstaking consideration for herself.

Whose family would it be?

it's the same.

Who allowed two beasts to stand next to him?

She sighed in her heart and stopped approaching Li Xiuzhi. Following Li Xiuzhi's instructions, she carried the little girl and went to play in the courtyard.

After reading the script, my horizons have broadened, and I no longer have the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls. A daughter is always someone else's family. No matter how well she is raised, she still contributes to other people's families. There is no such idea.

It's a bit like being a daughter-in-law.

Sometimes he pulls the little girl's pigtails, sometimes he pulls the little girl's clothes, and he suddenly transforms from an adult coaxing a child into a child making an adult happy.

Probably hearing the laughter and laughter of the father and daughter, Xu Damao came over from the backyard with his son in his arms. The children played with children and the adults chatted with adults. The atmosphere was very lively.

Silly Zhu's mind was in a trance.

The scene in front of him made him not know what to say.

As the only insider who has read the script, do you know what Xu Damao's fate will be in the script? Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai jointly plotted Silly Zhu to death, and his own son was not even taken care of. In the end, he was driven out of the house and died tragically under the viaduct. Xu Damao But because of his illness, he never had children in his life. The only thing that made him better than Silly Zhu was that Xu Damao married several wives.

In reality, Xu Damao did not marry Lou Xiao'e, but married Liu Yufeng. Liu Yufeng also gave birth to a son for Xu Damao. And because of the current situation, Xu Wu and his wife, who were not very optimistic about Xu Damao and his wife, gradually changed their views. The day before yesterday, they specially Came over to take a look at Liu Yufeng.

Silly Zhu reached out and pinched his cheek.

I kind of doubted that I was dreaming.

It wasn't until the severe pain came to Shazhu that Shazhu knew that all this was really happening.

He did not become enemies with Xu Damao, but their relationship became much better. Xu Damao also had his own son, and he changed from a son to a daughter.

Under conflicting emotions.

Silly Zhu let out a sigh of relief.

Xu Damao, who was standing next to him, misunderstood Sha Zhu's behavior and thought that Sha Zhu was worried about Yi Zhonghai becoming the captain. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the Yi family diagonally opposite and said in a voice that only he and Sha Zhu could hear. The voice muttered.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything, just take care of it."

"You mean?"

Xu Damao nodded.

He understood the meaning of Silly Zhu's words.

Yi Zhonghai.

"I went home at that time and said a few words to our old man. What the old man meant was to use his strength. The steel rolling mill is Director Li's territory. Yi Zhonghai can't run around for a few days. As for the deaf old man in the backyard, Madam, it’s better to say that without Yi Zhonghai, she would be a tiger without teeth and claws, and even if I had a hundred courages, I wouldn’t dare to make a fuss.”

"I don't worry about your work."

"Hey, what do you think of what I said?"

"What's the matter?"

"Let's make an appointment for a baby kiss between our son and your daughter."


"Come on."

Xu Damao held his two children and walked towards the backyard.

Silly Zhu, who was stunned for a moment, quickly realized that Xu Damao, a bastard, was trying to steal his daughter from him, so he chased after her.

While chasing.

While complaining that Xu Damao abducted his daughter.

The neighbors laughed loudly.

These two people are a living treasure.

The daughter of Shazhu's family stands with the daughter of another family. The daughter of Shazhu's family wins in every aspect, making the neighbors jealous.

Especially Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, a pair of old bastards.

Looking at the little girl who is like a porcelain doll, I can't describe the depression in my heart. I want to destroy this child. I want to learn from Jia Zhang and use Jia Zhang's method of doting on sticks to artificially pamper the child. However, because of the stupid two Kouzi was wary of them and couldn't realize his plan.

Across the glass.

Look at the movement outside.

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Yi Zhonghai thought of his daughter Qin Huairu.

The deaf old lady was thinking about Yi Zhonghai next to her, and what Yi Zhonghai had just said to her. Although the words were polite, they were full of threats, showing that Yi Zhonghai could not have a good deaf old lady. You have to follow the meaning of bad luck.

I came across such a thing.



The next day.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu continued to be beaten.

I was beaten so hard yesterday that my nose was bruised and my face was swollen.

Although the swelling and scars have not disappeared, today the workers gave the Liu brothers another drama of old injuries and new injuries. The pain in Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's hearts reached the extreme level of depression.

Or say white-eyed wolf.

Instead of looking for the reason from himself, he attributed the beating to Liu Haizhong. He insisted on talking about Liu Haizhong's escape, so the workers vented their anger at being oppressed by Liu Haizhong on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, saying bluntly that they He was innocent and became Liu Haizhong's scapegoat. He completely forgot about the past in which Liu Haizhong brought trouble to the steel mill by virtue of being the captain.

At night, I was still thinking about how to kidnap Xiaodang and ask Yi Zhonghai to be his godfather in the name of old age, so as to resolve the crisis of being beaten every day.

Today, Yi Zhonghai was ruthlessly pushed out again to calm the anger of the workers.

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't said something that showed his noble feelings in front of the workers, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu might not have been beaten.

Holding head.

Curled body.

Being punched and kicked by co-workers.

Everyone is numb.

Just when they thought they might be beaten to death, Xu Damao came. He found brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu who were being beaten by workers in the steel rolling mill. Worried that something was wrong, he shouted. "Sixth, I, Xu Damao, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, you have almost beaten them and vented your anger. I will take them to the Propaganda Department and teach them a lesson."

Film projectionist in the Publicity Section.

Often accompanied by drinks.

The size of the factory is also considered a person.

The workers who beat up Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu gave Xu Damao some face, stopped their beatings, uttered a few curse words, and left.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu carefully exposed their heads from their arms.

Lessons learned from beatings.

His swollen eyes fell on Xu Damao.

I want to say something, but I don’t know where to start.

Full of grievance.

Are crying.

Xu Damao stretched out his hand to help the two of them up from the ground, and sat on the small stool next to them.

Working hours.

There was no one around either.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu complained bitterly to Xu Damao.

"Brother Xu, you are the only one who treats us brothers as neighbors. Those people are not human beings. They are merciless. And my unreliable father, how could they do such a thing? ”

Not that I respect Xu Damao so much.

Purely out of emotion.

"You two brothers can't do this every day. In a large factory with more than 10,000 people, it will take two or three years to beat you two every day. I'm worried about whether your bodies can hold on."

Change of tone.


"It's not that I, Xu Damao, am being alarmist. I told you the truth from the bottom of my heart because we all live in the backyard. If it were anyone else, I, Xu Damao, wouldn't want to talk to them. You have to think of a way, so Go down and hang on the wall like Jia Dongxu sooner or later."

"Brother Xu, there is nothing we can do. We are Liu Haizhong's sons, and Yi Zhonghai has become the captain. He and Liu Haizhong have never dealt with each other, especially that leg. They can only vent their anger on us."

"What you said makes sense, the current steel rolling mill."

"Brother Xu, can you help us think of a way?"

Liu Guangtian set his sights on Xu Damao.

Siheyuan is quite a smart person.

Their brains are better than those of the Liu family.

"You are a movie projectionist. If you have the skills, please help us brothers. Otherwise, we brothers will be beaten to death by those people who knows what day."

Xu Damao had a look of confusion on his face at first, but after ten seconds, he replaced it with a look of determination and a solution in his mind.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu saw Xu Damao's expression.

My heart almost flew out of my head.

It would be great if there is a way.

Asking Xu Damao for help was also based on the idea of ​​​​playing a few shots if there were dates but no dates.

"This is also for the sake of the two of you. If it were someone else kneeling in front of me, I wouldn't say anything. If I tell you this, I will offend Yi Zhonghai."

Xu Damao didn't overly show off.

He told Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu the solution that Xu Wood had come up with for him.

Kill with a borrowed knife.

Use the Liu family to deal with Yi Zhonghai.

Having been beaten repeatedly in the past few days, I believe Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were filled with anger.

Being controlled by Yi Zhonghai.

It's because they haven't found the right way to deal with Yi Zhonghai. With Xu Damao's guidance, the two brothers will probably stare Yi Zhonghai to death.

He also plotted against the deaf old lady.

A way to kill two birds with one stone.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, that's what happened. You didn't find the right person, the steel rolling mill..."

Ask Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to find Li Huaide and go directly to Li Huaide to ask for officials. As long as Li Huaide nods, ten Yi Zhonghai will have to go around Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

The two brothers heard the method given by Xu Damao.

Without even thinking about it.

It feels like this is their only way out.

The honest child kowtowed to Xu Damao three times. After getting up, he walked towards the office building. On the way, he encountered provoking co-workers.

Instead of kneeling down to beg for mercy or walking around like before, they directly said Director Li's harsh words to them, scaring those who were provoking them into losing their temper in an instant.

Actively gave way to the passage.

The frightened Liu brothers were no longer entangled, and felt that the method Xu Damao came up with for them was really good, otherwise they would have been beaten just now.

Made up my mind.

Even if he knelt down to call Li Huaide grandpa, he still had to hug Li Huaide's thigh.

Under the guise of looking for Li Huaide, I saw Li Huaide all the way without any hindrance. He didn't say anything, just knelt down and banged his head three times.

Li Huaide was frightened to death.

Not knowing Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, they were beaten into pig heads again.

I thought something had happened.

I was about to open my mouth and call the security department.

The Liu brothers processed what Xu Damao said to them and told it to Li Huaide.

Only then did Li Huaide realize that the two pig heads in front of him were Liu Haizhong's sons. Liu Haizhong ran away, and the workers vented their anger on the two men. They were beaten every day for several days.

Rest your chin on your hand.

Started thinking.

Liu Haizhong broke Yi Zhonghai's leg, but Yi Zhonghai failed to seek revenge, so he forced Yi Zhonghai to hand over the things belonging to the deaf old lady.

These two people.

seems to work.

He was given the title of team leader, specifically responsible for supervising Yi Zhonghai.

The big loudspeaker of the steel rolling mill announced this fact. The workers' imaginations about Yi Zhonghai becoming the captain finally came to an end. According to the content of the broadcast, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu had the right to do anything that violated the system of the steel rolling mill. To stop and supervise Yi Zhonghai, the two of them were only responsible for Yi Zhonghai and had no jurisdiction over other workers.

The workers were relieved.

Yi Zhonghai was worried.

What outsiders cannot understand, Yi Zhonghai can see clearly. This is the arrangement Li Huaide made to urge Yi Zhonghai to complete his promise to Li Huaide as soon as possible.

Every move was under the attention of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

For a person who can betray even his own father without mercy, there is nothing he can't do.

Once he fails to deliver the yellow and white things from the deaf old lady's house to Li Huaide as scheduled, Yi Zhonghai's fate will be Liu Haizhong's fate.

I didn't even have the energy to work anymore, so I turned off the machine and sat on the stool next to me. I buried my head in silence and thought about things. I mentioned it to the deaf old lady during dinner last night, and I still remember it tonight. When he mentioned this matter to the deaf old lady, he could be soft-spoken and naturally did not want to fall out or give in. He could only let the deaf old lady create a drama of jackals, tigers and leopards entering the house.

The cigarette butt in his hand was thrown to the ground and stamped out.

As soon as his butt left the stool, he hit it again.

He saw Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu with bruises and swollen faces. (End of chapter)

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