Chapter 181 Dragon Veins
"Miss Xue'er, I've worked hard all the way." Li Xingyun wore a python robe and rode a war horse to the vicinity of Ji Ruxue, Lu Linxuan, Xuan Jingtian, and Miao Chengtian. The beauty in front of her opened her mouth and said.

Miao Chengtian was very nervous about Li Xingyun's arrival, because not long after she delivered the information to King Qi, Li Xingyun came to the door, and she was worried in her heart, whether Li Xingyun came here specifically to drop the army, whether to deliver information to her related.

Although Sanqianyuan, Li Cunren, Li Cunli and others were responsible for the march, and Sanqianyuan was in charge, the army would not have much trouble.

"Reporting to Jian Guo, it's okay." Ji Ruxue looked at Li Xingyun in front of her coldly, and said politely, but neither humble nor overbearing.

Li Xingyun was a little silent. Looking at the cautious Xueer in front of him, he felt that the relationship between them was a little strange, but thinking about how he and Xueer came together because of various weird coincidences in the previous life, he It's really not that thick-skinned anymore.

But... his Xueer is still as cold as ice, he likes it!
And Ji Ruxue looked at Li Xingyun in front of her with complicated emotions.

When facing Li Xingyun, for some reason, she was not as stressed as Xuan Jingtian and Miao Chengtian. For some reason, she was extraordinarily relaxed in front of Li Xingyun. The Huanyinfang is still relaxing.

In her heart, she had a good impression of this promising young Jianguo who cared about the people, but like Li Xingyun, she...wouldn't say anything!

Because she belongs to the Empress, because... Ji Ruxue is like this.

Rationality and sensibility coexist, he can sacrifice everything for his feelings, and he can also kill everything with absolute rationality at critical moments for the important people in his life.


"Fate's destiny?
Hmph, what is destiny in this world? "Zhu Youwen looked into the hall, and the false Li sitting opposite him said without moving his face.

But he said he didn't believe it, but his heart still moved a little bit.

Zhu Youwen boasted that he was extremely talented in martial arts, and he was expected to win the supreme position in the martial arts world, so he was obsessed with martial arts. In fact, Zhu Youwen said that his talent in martial arts was not groundless. The talent is amazing, and he has the right to be proud. Even if Zhu Yougui plotted against him and imprisoned him for many years, he is still proud.

But his pride was crushed and shattered when he lived with Li Xingyun for the same life. On that day, he had already made a decision in his heart based on the vision from the sky.

Can't beat it, really probably can't beat it.

But Zhu Youwen is not someone who can’t afford to lose. Although the temporary backwardness made him feel a little bit worse, it didn’t make this tough ghost king give up. If he gets it, he may not be able to achieve great success.

But hearing Li Li say this, he had other thoughts in his heart, um, so I, Zhu Youwen, didn't lose to talent, but did I lose to destiny?If so, that would be much more acceptable.

"Maybe there won't be." Fake Li looked at Zhu Youwen in front of him, calmly recalling what he had seen and heard in the past, the secret that might not be a secret among bad people, and said.

"Details." Zhu Youwen looked at the fake Li in front of him, and asked with great interest.

In this world, is there really destiny?

"Before Li Xingyun came out of the mountain a few months ago, his skill should be only a small heaven..." Fake Li said slowly, but was interrupted by Zhu Youwen.

"This is impossible!
The gap between the big heaven and the small heaven is not just about skill, if there is not enough realm support, it is impossible for his skill to break through to the big heaven! "Zhu Youwen shook his head, looked at the fake Li in front of him, and said.

"Do you know how I have spent my whole life?" Fake Li put his hand on the table in front of him, slowly got up, pointed at the scar on his face, and said.

"Practice martial arts, then observe Li Xingyun's every move, and then write it down, only in this way, only by experiencing every moment he experienced, can I become the real Li Xingyun!
In this world, no one understands Li Xingyun better than me! False Li looked at Zhu Youwen in front of him, looked down at the ghost king of Xuanming Sect, and said.

The sound is like thunder, which is shocking.

The frenzy, madness and coldness in his eyes made Zhu Youwen narrow his eyes slightly.

In a sense, the man in front of him was already a lunatic.

"So I'm sure, before he came out of the mountain, his skill was indeed just a small heaven." False Li sat down again, calmed down, and said.

"If there is a destiny, how can the Tang Dynasty perish?" As a person who has been there, Zhu Youwen knows the fate of Tang Zhaozong and the ministers of the Tang Dynasty best.

"This may not be Zhaozong's method of actively begging to die, in order to destroy and then stand up, and put him to death to survive. If he wants to escape, he can't stop the commander-in-chief's method with Zhu Wenwen and Xuanming's teachings!" Zhu Youwen, who was in front of him, continued: "Among the bad people, many bad people have heard such a rumor that the Li and Tang royal family has a dragon vein that still exists in the world..."

"If this dragon vein is not removed, Li Tang's energy will continue to flow." False Li continued.

Because of successive defeats in the game of chess, Fake Li began to look for Li Xingyun's weaknesses from various aspects, but Fake Li soon discovered that the current Li Xingyun has no weaknesses at all.

With strength, influence, and background.

Li Xingyun's rise was so fast that Li Cong couldn't believe it in his heart, and he didn't want to accept the facts before him. Therefore, he put his mind on a legend that he didn't believe in.

"This..." Zhu Youwen pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He looked at the fake Li in front of him, and said, "If you destroy the dragon's veins, wouldn't it also destroy your future vitality?"

After all, didn't you pretend to be Li Xingyun and revive Datang?
Revive Datang?

No, no need.

He only needs to be the real Li Xingyun, he only needs the boss to recognize him from the bottom of his heart, he only needs the boss to look at him as tenderly as Li Xingyun, even one glance is enough!
"The matter of the dragon veins is just a rumor. I don't know if it's true or not. I've only heard people mention it. I don't know if there is such a thing, and if so, where is it." Fake Li looked at Zhu Youwen in front of him calmly, and said road.

He thought that Zhu Youwen would not be interested in such illusory things.

However, unlike what the fake Li thought, Zhu Youwen really believed this statement, and Zhu Youwen was convinced of the fake Li's theory of dragon veins in just a short moment.

Probably the thing I am most proud of. After being hanged and beaten by a boy less than half my age, I urgently need to find some kind of psychological comfort.

 I went to ask the editor for a recommendation, and the editor told me to go away...



(End of this chapter)

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