Chapter 236
In Yinyang Village.

Li Xingyun walked in this Yinyang village with a man, a sword and a horse.

Everything is desolate. On both sides of the street, there are people kneeling on the ground and burning paper money while crying. It is extremely gloomy.

Most of the houses in the village are old buildings with dense cracks on the walls and broken windows, exuding a decayed and desolate atmosphere.

The tiles on the roof were incomplete, and the street was filled with coldness and dampness, as if invisible hands were peeping behind people.The heavy fog lingers, and the village is surrounded by dense woods and jungles. The shadows of the trees are swaying, and the sound of the branches and leaves rubbing is faintly heard, which makes people feel creepy.

Suddenly, Li Xingyun pulled the reins and stopped in front of the intersection.

Behind him, the person burning the paper money was still wearing sackcloth and filial piety, kneeling casually on the side of the road and burning the paper money.

When Li Xingyun came in the previous life, this Yinyang Village looked like this, and this time, it is also like this.

Not long after, a short and fat old woman, hunched over her body, led a group of people who seemed to be welcoming relatives.

Her face was old and wrinkled, her eyes were sunken deep in the eye sockets, shining with a gloomy light, and she was wearing a worn red dress, the fabric of which had been eroded by years and wind and rain.The red color seemed to reveal a strange atmosphere, which made people shudder.

At this moment, she led the people behind her dejectedly, leaning on a black cane, moving slowly, almost silently shuttling through the streets.

In the team behind her, several people were carrying a sedan chair, and the people in the sedan chair seemed to be still sobbing faintly.

"It's her..." When Li Xingyun saw her face, he remembered who she was. In the previous life, this old woman poisoned them with corpse poison and took Lu Linxuan away. The method was very strange.

But seeing that the old woman's face seemed sad, as if she had encountered some trouble.

She was really worried, and there was no other reason, it was Li Xingyun who came to find the welder this time.

They introduced a lot of girls to Weld Ba, but none of them could take a fancy to Weld Ba, and Weld Ba himself did not force these girls, but his own strength and almost inhuman face gave these "matchmakers" a lot of attention. pressure.

What if Welding Ba would start killing in a fit of rage?

Although there is a high probability that Welding will not do this, but what if?
Has anyone seen a beast that doesn't bite?Ordinary people in the Jianghu disagreed with each other, and even drew their swords to face each other, blood spattered five steps, let alone a top expert like Welding Ba.

"Senior, is there anything bothering you?" Li Xingyun stood on the horse on a whim, looked at the people carrying the sedan chair and the old woman in front of the sedan chair, and asked.

Li Xingyun's loud and steady voice stunned the old woman and the bearers who were chatting to themselves.

Even the weeping in the sedan chair was much quieter.

Not long after, a pair of jade hands stretched out from the sedan chair, opened a gap, and a pair of bright eyes looked at Li Xingyun behind the gap.

The eyes of the girl hiding in the sedan chair brightened.

To be chosen to marry Weld Ba must be good looking.

People are more deadly than others, and goods are more expensive than goods. I have just seen the magical image of Welding Ba, riding a tall horse in front of me, with a gentle temperament, chic, handsome face, a red robe, and a luxurious giant sword on his back. The young knight-errant, this comparison, the heart-pounding feeling came like this!
"Young hero, young hero." Leaning on crutches, the old matchmaker hastily stepped forward to Li Xingyun, rubbed her hands, and said with a smile.

It's just that the smile looks so gloomy and weird.

"The young man has a marriage, if not, why not let the old man have a happy event?" The old matchmaker looked at Li Xingyun in front of her with a sinister smile and said.

"No need, senior." Li Xingyun waved his hand, looked at the old matchmaker in front of him, and said.

"The young man doesn't want to, so forget it, it's a pity." The old matchmaker realized that Li Xingyun was not easy, shook her head, turned around and left.

"But I'm here to make a marriage." Li Xingyun looked at the matchmaker in front of him and said.

"What marriage?" The old matchmaker paused while leaning on her crutches, turned to look at Li Xingyun in front of her, and asked with some doubts.

"I don't know if you have heard of the corpse ancestor Welding Ba?
I came here specifically to propose marriage to him. "Li Xingyun stood on the horse, looked at the matchmaker, bowed his hands, and said.

Li Xingyun will naturally help them continue the beautiful love between Welding Corpse Ancestor and Princess Shangrao in this life.

Between needles and threads, the beauty of adults is such a beautiful thing.

The old matchmaker looked at Li Xingyun in front of her, her expression changed.

'Are you... stupid?
This young man looks very smart, doesn't he? '

They all knew what kind of honor the Welding Corpse Ancestor was.

"The young man... isn't joking with us, is he? If he provokes... he is furious, we are afraid that we will die." The old matchmaker looked at Li Xingyun in front of her with a smiling face, and asked road.

From these few words, it can be seen how much the matchmaker is afraid of Welding Ba, and she dare not even mention his name, although with Welding's personality, the possibility of his appearance being scary is too high.

Li Xingyun mobilized all his internal energy, and his aura suddenly became stronger, and the violent wind pressure set off a gust of wind, which only blew the faces of the people in front of him with pain, like a knife cut. Behind Li Xingyun, with the aura of Li Xingyun's whole body Sheng, the crying and the burning of paper gradually subsided.

The momentum came and went quickly.

Isn't this martial arts useless for nothing?
"It's just that the old man has lost his mind. I never thought that the young man could become the best in the world at such an age." The old matchmaker looked at Li Xingyun in front of her, and said with a look of shock on her face.

Li Xingyun looked at the old matchmaker and nodded calmly.

"I don't know who the young man is going to propose marriage to Welding Corpse Ancestor?" The old matchmaker complimented Li Xingyun, then looked at Li Xingyun in front of her, and asked.

"Wu Guo, Princess Shangrao." Li Xingyun looked at the person in front of him, nodded, and said.

He believed that with his old Li's ability and a little bit of small tricks, it would be easy to bring about this destined marriage.



On the streets of Taiyuan City, horse-drawn carts, rickshaws, and pedestrians passed through it, forming a bustling scene.The horses neighed, the vehicles rolled, and the noise of the people mingled with the silk.

Opposite Shi Jingtang's mansion, stands a gorgeous ancient building, which is made of wood and stone, quite tall, with finely carved columns and a gorgeous facade.The entire building is decorated with exquisite sculptures, reliefs and decorations. Above the main entrance of the building is a huge arched porch carved with scenes from mythological stories, which are lifelike.

Zhang Zifan was dressed in white, standing on the roof of this building, with fluttering white hair, shaking an iron fan in his hand, staring at Shi Jingtang's mansion in front of him.

Not long after, a figure flashed away, came to Zhang Zifan, looked at Zhang Zifan in front of him, and bowed his hands.

That figure looks young, just a boy, but it looks like a ghost, and it is extremely fast. Between buildings and buildings, it is like a goshawk hitting the sky, and its steps are swift and gorgeous.

It was Luo Xiaobei.

However, if Duan Chengtian saw his extremely cool, almost stalwart pace, he would definitely scold him severely, and then let him practice more, because the "Silent Essential Technique" is not so fancy s things.

But for Shi Jingtang, enough is enough.

"Did you find anything?" Zhang Zifan looked at Luo Xiaobei in front of him, with a calm expression, raised his hand to close the iron fan, clapped his palm, and asked.

Just now, Shili Qixiang who came out of the prison followed Shi Jingtang, and the two went back to Shifu together.

"The disciples of the Tong Wenguan rumored that it was indeed a woman from Mobei, but when they spoke, they turned away everyone, and no one could hear them clearly." Luo Xiaobei looked at Zhang Zifan in front of him, with a somewhat excited expression on his face, opened the mouth.

Like his master Duan Chengtian, he also began to perform tasks as a bad person. The first task was to monitor Mobei spies.

For Luo Xiaobei, who is now more immature and young at heart than when Duan Chengtian died in the previous life, this is really... so cool!

"Well, Xiaobei, you did a great job." Zhang Zifan looked at Luo Xiaobei in front of him and praised.

It is indeed much more efficient than before to have someone who has learned the essentials of silence to deliver messages.

"Please help me to ask Tianqiaoxing, that princess of Mobei, how the interrogation is going." Zhang Zifan looked at Luo Xiaobei, a young man full of energy and drive, and said.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Luo Xiaobei disappeared in a flash, leaving Zhang Zifan alone, calmly turning his gaze to Shi Jingtang's mansion again.


Shu land.

In a valley.

Winding trails lead through dense forests to uncharted depths.On both sides of the valley stand towering peaks, the peaks are shrouded in clouds and mist, adding a layer of mystery to the whole scenery.There is a clear stream flowing between the mountain peaks. The stream is clear to the bottom. Along the stream, there are ancient stone bridges across it, connecting the woods on both sides.

The weather was fine, the valley was covered with green trees and the cool breeze was blowing, bringing coolness and comfort to people. The shining sun in the sky sprinkled golden lights, and the trees in the valley were gradually dyed golden and red, just like a gorgeous famous painting.

The vegetation is dense, surrounded by towering trees, casting bursts of green shade.There are various wild flowers and weeds dotted in the forest, and birds sing happily on the branches.Occasionally, a small animal sticks its head out from the woods and observes everything around it curiously.

On the stone bridge, You Chuan was dressed in red with fluttering white hair, with one hand behind his back and the other hanging by his side, staring at the scenery below the stone bridge.

He was thinking about Chi Meng...

'You, are you still blaming me? '

Feeling the 'stone Gu' in his body, although it is easy for him to untie the stone Gu, but...he is reluctant.

'I'm sorry, I have to do this for the sake of Rao Jiang. Thinking of this, You Chuan shook his head, while strengthening his mind while thinking.

It's just bitterness in his heart, only he knows that there are some things that can deceive others, but not himself.

Not long after, the goshawk flew towards You Chuan. You Chuan didn't move, his face didn't change. He raised his arm and let the goshawk land on his arm.

As the goshawk landed, several Wandu Cave minions in purple clothes, Miao swords on their waists, and masks came to You Chuan's side and knelt down on one knee.

"Young priest, we have found out the way." One of the followers of Wandu Cave said respectfully.

"The countries in the Central Plains, which direction we should go, I hope the young priest will make a decision!" Another member of the Wandu Cave looked at You Chuan and said respectfully.

"Wu Guo." You Chuan said after hesitating for a moment.

You Chuan is a calm person, his way of doing things and his way of thinking are absolutely decisive when Chi Meng is not involved, and he moves forward completely in accordance with the maximization of the interests of the entire Raojiang.

He knew that Yuan Tiangang was terrifying, but in the end, he only inferred from Chi Li's reaction, and the legend of living in the Wandu Cave for many years. After all, when he asked Chi Li, Chi Li was unwilling to say more. Was beaten by Yuan Tiangang in any form.

In his eyes, Yuan Tiangang is the same legend as the Twelve Caves. It sounds powerful, but in reality it may not be able to control so much.

So now he feels that Wan Duku should join the camp, and he should see how to weaken the Central Plains forces to the greatest extent.

The Tang Dynasty in the north is in full swing, so the weak will resist the strong.

More importantly, Raojiang is too weak, too weak to be able to make long-distance and close-range attacks. In terms of size, we can only hope that the princes of the Central Plains will destroy each other and benefit from it. When Li Xingyun and the fake Li did not start a war, he said the reason for "it's a pity".

However, Raojiang is close to Shu, and the emperor of Shu, Wang Jian, formed an alliance with Wu and Chu. They saw the wind of Shu along the way, and going to the north would easily make Raojiang angry.

You must know that although Wang Jian's Shu State is not comparable to Daliang, it is even less comparable to Datang, which annexed Qi State, Luoyang, and Bianzhou one after another, forcing the party Xiang Li Renfu to become a vassal of Datang, but it can still produce tens of thousands of cavalry.

As he made a decision, the gears of fate began to turn, and for a while, You Chuan became a little worried about gains and losses, and he didn't know why.

"What's the matter, young priest?" A member of the Wandu Cave looked at You Chuan in front of him, saw that his expression was not right, looked at him with concern, and asked.

"It's okay, it's just...

It doesn't matter. "You Chuan raised the hand that had been behind his back all the time, and raised his finger to rest on the heart of his chest.

He seemed to have lost something that was very important to him.

'what is it then? 'You Chuan thought with some loss.


Luo Xiaobei followed Zhang Zifan's instructions and came to the prison in Taiyuan.

The guards along the way and the bad guys in the prison saw Zhang Zifan and clasped their fists to salute him. After all, Luo Xiaobei is a disciple of Tiansuxing, one of the bad guys Tiangang 36 Guardian Gods. There are even rumors that he is about to be promoted to a bad guy. Ren Disha is a captain, so these soldiers are very respectful to Luo Xiaobei.

But when Luo Xiaobei saw them saluting, he just smiled shyly. He is very young now and has little knowledge and experience in these things.

(End of this chapter)

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