Chapter 198 The Chief Director of the Olympics!
"Director Lu!" The directors who participated in the election in the room greeted, and also greeted Director Chen Kaige.

Lu Chen responded one by one.

Famous directors such as Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Wen, and Li Yin were present.

Lu Chen sat down beside Jiang Wen.

"Director Lu, you stole the show at this year's Golden Rooster Film Festival." Jiang Wen and Lu Chen are also old friends, and they have collaborated on "Let the Bullets Fly".

When working together, Jiang Wen was very happy.

Making movies is especially enjoyable on the set, and I have also formed a deep friendship with Lu Chen.

"Director Jiang, although you have made a name for yourself, if it weren't for the Golden Rooster Award, I really don't want to go. I'm busy." Lu Chen said in a joking tone.

But participate in the Golden Rooster Award.

It did take a few days.

I have been working a lot recently.

It is necessary to prepare the Olympic campaign plan.

There are also "Transformers" and "Kung Fu Panda" post-production work.

"Director Lu, if you don't go, the Organizing Committee of the Golden Rooster Awards will probably tie you up. This year's Golden Rooster Awards are so exciting and influential because of you, Director Lu. Without you, it will be the same as the previous Golden Rooster Awards. There is no difference." Jiang Wen also participated.

The movie "Let the Bullets Fly" was shortlisted, and Jiang Wen was the hero of the movie.

Jiang Wen has participated in many Golden Rooster Film Festivals.

Never one.

like this year.

so lively.

More than half of the top Chinese movie stars came.

And passers-by spectators.

Never before have so many spectators gathered outside the venue of the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony.

This is the influence of Director Lu Chen.

Of course, there are also reasons for "Changjin Lake".

Lu Chen, as the director of "Changjin Lake", happened to be when the movie broke 10 billion.


What makes this year's Golden Rooster Awards so grand.

There is just one small regret.

"Changjin Lake", which broke 10 billion in the mainland, failed to participate in the Golden Rooster Award, after all, there was too little time.

But without "Changjin Lake"

There are also several works directed by Lu Chen, all of which are classics.

"Director Lu, you alone have increased the influence of the Golden Rooster Film Festival. You are definitely the only one in the Chinese film industry." Li Yin interrupted.

This year's Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony.

Not only the mainland audience exploded.

There are also audiences from Baodao watching.

Baodao's China Television won the Golden Rooster Award Film Festival broadcast rights.

This year's Golden Rooster Award.

It can be described as a gathering of stars.

How many film festival bosses have come.

Since when has the Golden Rooster Film Festival been this lively?

This made Li press forward and wanted to bring the movie to the Golden Rooster Film Festival.

"Director Li, Director Lu is not the same as us." Jiang Wen joked about Lu Chen, "It is my honor to present the Golden Rooster Award to me, and it is an honor to award the Golden Rooster Award to Director Lu."

"Director Jiang, it's over, I don't have such a big influence." Lu Chen said stop boasting, it made everyone flatter and feel embarrassed.

Of course, these directors also wanted to please Director Lu Chen.

Director Lu Chen has another identity, the largest private theater chain, the boss of Jupiter Cinemas.

"Director Lu, don't be humble, this is nothing." Jiang Wen has never admired anyone in his life, but Lu Chen has made him admire him. He has only debuted for three years, and his achievements have already reached the peak. "Director Lu, I guess you haven't been online recently. Look at the online forums, they are discussing everything, and they are all discussing you."

Jiang Wen didn't lie either.

Major forums such as Tianya.

They were all discussing Director Lu Chen and the 25th Golden Rooster Film Festival this year.

#金鸡、金属、金马 Best Director Winner, Golden Bear, Golden Palm Award's Youngest Winner in History#
#This is the first time I watched the Golden Rooster Award Ceremony, I decided that every Golden Rooster Award Film Festival will be a must-see in the future#
#金鸡奖 Awarding the best director to director Lu Chen must not be the honor of director Lu Chen, but the honor of the Golden Rooster Award#
#The 25th Golden Rooster Award Film Festival hit a new high in ratings, six times higher than the previous one. From then on, the Golden Rooster Award will truly be on an equal footing with the Golden Statue and the Golden Horse#
#金鸡奖is a film festival that belongs to our mainland China. Our mainland has a population of more than one billion. The Golden Rooster Award must be the most influential Chinese film festival#
#霍森Director, with his own strength, raised the influence of the Golden Rooster Award Film Festival and made our Golden Rooster Award more famous. From then on, the award ceremony of the Golden Rooster Award will definitely gather excellent works from both sides of the strait and three places, and it will no longer be difficult to sing alone#
Netizens on the Internet are all excited.

The level of national income is not as good as Xiangjiang and Baodao.

Products related to Xiangjiang and Formosa are more influential than those in the Mainland.

Now that the national income level has increased, this gap has been narrowed.

I definitely want to surpass Xiangjiang and Baodao in all aspects.

Before the Golden Rooster Award has been inferior to the Golden Statue and Golden Horse.

But this year is different.

Director Lu Chen participated in the Golden Rooster Awards with several outstanding works he directed.

Bring the most well-known Chinese movie stars to participate.

Including the opening conditions of the Golden Rooster Award, practitioners in Xiangjiang and Baodao can participate.

In one fell swoop, the influence of the Golden Rooster Award has doubled.

And the biggest contributor to this is Director Lu Chen.

This made netizens admire Director Lu Chen even more.

Director Lu Chen is working step by step to make everyone proud.

In the future, in the world, we can say that we have director Lu Chen, film festivals, and Golden Rooster Award film festivals.

"Director Lu, you are creating the history of Chinese-language films." Li Yin especially agreed with Director Jiang Wen's words.

"Director Li, your "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was the first film to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and your influence is not weak." Lu Chen thought.

If Director Zhang Yingmou was present.

Must be deeply touched.

From "Hero" to "House of Flying Daggers", Zhang Yingmou has been winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

I want to be the director following Li Press.

It became the second Chinese-language film.

The first place in the Mainland.

The director who won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Director Zhang Yingmou has obsessions now.

However, the two works failed to win. I hope that Zhang Yingmou will be more open-minded and shoot new movies well. Stop thinking about winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Making movies well is the kingly way.

Maybe if you make a good movie, the awards will come naturally.

"Director Lu, I can't compare with you." Li Yin waved his hand, full of compliments, "I only won awards, you not only won awards, but also had a high box office."

"It's art and business that you have played with. The latest release of "Changjin Lake" even broke 10 billion in the mainland. Just this one, Director Lu, you are the one who will never be avoided in the history of Chinese films in the future."

Li Press also watched "Changjin Lake" on purpose.

I have to admire Director Lu Chen's skills.

In the movie.

Has an enemy perspective.

Not just a one-sided perspective.

The perspectives of both sides are transformed quite well in the movie.

And war movies.

The most important thing is the battle scene.

The war scene where the general offensive is launched at the end.

It's like a real war.

The soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

Soaring artillery fire.

It's like being in a big battle.

Let the audience have an immersive experience.

And this big scene is really well shot.

Not messy at all.

Big scenes cannot be filmed with money.

The big scenes in the movie are an extreme test of the director's ability to control.

Think about it.

Li Yin wanted to ask, how did director Lu Chen direct the final attack scene of "Changjin Lake".

"It's actually very simple." Lu Chen said, "At that time, there were more than a dozen assistant directors, and each assistant director was in charge of an area, and more than ten areas finally merged into a general attack scene."

"So that's the case." Li Press nodded, and then gave Lu Chen a thumbs up, "Directing big scenes, you are definitely one of the best Chinese directors, Director Lu."

The final attack scene of "Changjin Lake" has tens of thousands of ensemble performers.

Plus it's a war scene, with explosives.

can be arranged.

No accident.

It has already proved the skills of the chief director of the film, Lu Chen.

Chen Kaige on the side, hearing this, was in an extremely bad mood. Some people succeeded, while others failed. They acted as stepping stones.

But what irritated Chen Kaige the most.

The media audience stopped comparing themselves with Director Lu Chen.

Start to compare with directors such as Ning Hao under Lu Chen.

Chen Kaige was so angry that he really wanted to ask these media writers, as a well-known fifth-generation director who made "Farewell My Concubine", now he is not even qualified to compare with director Lu Chen, right?

"Keep all the directors waiting for a long time." At this time, members of the Olympic chief director and judging panel came in and closed the door of the room.

The directors talking in the room also stopped talking.

I feel tense.

Although the directors present.

They have all experienced storms.

But today is different.

It's not about making movies.

Instead, he ran for the position of chief director of the National Olympic Games.

As the most grand sports event in the world, the Olympic Games is also a national key project.

Can be the chief director of the Olympic Games.

It is definitely a great honor, and it will be remembered in history.

Not only in the history of movies, but also in the history of China, there will be a stroke.

Therefore, the directors present all wanted to get the post of chief director of the Olympic Games and leave their names in history.

"Director Chen Kaige, tell me, what are your plans for our country's Olympic Games?" The head of the judges asked Chen Kaige to speak first.

"Suddenly it was said outside the sword that I collected Jibei, and my clothes were full of tears when I heard it for the first time." Chen Kaige read the poem excitedly, "But seeing what his wife is worried about, the volumes of poems and books are full of joy; singing during the day requires drinking, and the youth is good to return home; that is, crossing Wu Gorge from Baxia, and then going down to Xiangyang to Luoyang."

The major directors in the room.

The members of the judging panel looked at each other in blank dismay.

Why did director Chen Kaige still recite poems?

this poem.

All the directors present are also familiar with it.

A poem by Du Fu, a great master of the Tang Dynasty.

The theme of the poem is to express the joy of rushing back to my hometown when I suddenly heard the good news that the rebellion had been put down.

"Director Lu, director Chen Kaige recited poems, what does this mean?" Li Yin became curious, thinking that this is not the chief director of the Olympic Games.

Come up with a plan.

Why is Chen Kaige still reading poems? It's not about making friends through poems.

"I miss Director Chen Kaige, and I want to use this poem by Du Fu to express his inner excitement at this moment." Lu Chen also didn't expect that Director Chen Kaige would read a poem when he came up.

"Director Chen Kaige, can you be more down-to-earth, the specific plan we want." Team leader Liu of the judging panel said tactfully, stop reading poems.

Other directors in the room.

I almost couldn't help laughing.

Director Chen Kaige filmed "The Promise" before.

It was criticized by many media, and the filming was cloudy.

Not down to earth.

Now I am going to participate in the Olympic campaign, and I am said to be unreasonable.

"Group Leader Liu, judges, I want to use this poem to express my excitement at this time." If Group Leader Liu hadn't spoken, Chen Kaige would have wanted to read another poem, "Our country can finally host the Olympic Games, and I have the opportunity to participate in it. I am grateful..."

Another call.

Lu Chen was convinced.

I don't know, I thought director Chen Kaige won the award and gave an acceptance speech.

"Director Chen, tell me your specific plan." Team Leader Liu reminded.

Let Chen Kaige go on like this.

Definitely not enough time.

There are so many directors waiting behind.

Chen Kaige still had a lot of things to say in his heart, but Team Leader Liu had spoken, so he had to get down to business, "If I were to be the chief director of the Olympic Games, first of all, our Olympic opening ceremony must be different, and it must be grand, there must be a big scene..."

Talked a lot.

There is no specific implementation plan at all.

Instead, it talks about how the Olympics will amaze the world, and how it will be a big scene.

Lu Chen was so convinced by Director Chen Kaige that he didn't prepare carefully at all, and he was making a big deal for the judges.

He only said that if he came to be the chief director.

To shock the world audience.

But there is no specific how to implement it.

Team Leader Liu interrupted Chen Kaige's words, "Director Chen, it's ok, don't talk about it, as for the Olympic Games is a key project of our country, this is the first time that our country has truly opened to the world."

"This is a big project of tens of billions or hundreds of billions. What we want is an executable plan, not here to listen to your big pie. What we need is a director, not a poet."

Chen Kaige's expression turned pale when he heard the words.

"Okay, next one." Team Leader Liu looked at Li Press, not wanting to listen to director Chen Kaige's big talk.

Li Press took a deep breath. With director Chen Kaige in front, he definitely couldn't talk nonsense anymore and directly stated his plan.

Li Yin was well prepared. Like Lu Chen, he formed a team in advance.

We also invited the niece of Lin Huiyin, a talented woman from the Republic of China, as an assistant, and invited a team of international architects, who can accurately grasp the aesthetic standards of large-scale events, and are more in line with internationalization.

Lu Chen also listened carefully to what director Li Yin said.

According to Li's plan.

A little too elegant, to put it mildly.

To be honest, it's just too illusory.

And said program.

A little westernized.

It's like a Western director coming to be the chief director of the Olympics.

Probably because Lee pressed the director.

Not educated in the Mainland.

These years, I have been living in the West.

So maybe Li Yin himself didn't realize that the plan was prepared according to the aesthetics of Westerners.

The jury probably won't accept it.

This is the Olympic Games of China, and it must have a very Chinese style, showing China, not to please Western audiences, and to show its own strong cultural heritage, so that the people of the world will actively like it, instead of passively pleasing them.

"That's my plan." Li Press finished his prepared plan.

Of course it's all about the point.

If you elaborate.

Estimated to be able to say an afternoon.

Next are directors Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen.

"Director Lu, please tell us your plan now." Team Leader Liu looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen first asked Ning Hao to bring in the documents and move them in front of the judges, "This is me and my team, preparing various plans and alternative plans, including emergency plans for accidents."

Jiang Wen and other directors present.

To shock.

Director Lu Chen had prepared too well.

This is just the first round of selection.

This is to come up and take out the king bomb.

And how did director Lu Chen find time.

All the directors present knew that Director Lu Chen decided to run for the election more than a month ago.

I was busy with movies before.

More than a month.

Just prepared a dozen boxes of documents.

You can see how hard he cares.

No wonder.

Changjin Lake broke one billion yuan, and Director Lu Chen did not hold a celebration banquet, nor did he appear in public.

It turned out that he was wholeheartedly preparing the Olympic campaign plan.

"Masters from the judging committee." Lu Chen talked about the important points in the document, "The cultural performance at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the opening chapter shows the pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, the four treasures of the study, and the 5000-year history of China. All of them are recorded in the history books by the four treasures of the study.

Wait until the Four Treasures of the Study are finished.

It is to show the 5000-year-old culture of Huaguo.

Revealed with a pair of giant scrolls.

When the scroll is slowly unrolled, it shows the long scroll of China's 5000-year history step by step, starting from the birth of Huaguo civilization.

The opening ceremony also officially began here.

The following shows the four great inventions of Huaguo, Chinese characters, opera, the Silk Road, Zheng He's voyages to the West, and court rituals and music.

The first half shows the culture produced by the 5000-year history of Huaguo.

Let the whole world experience the culture and history of Huaguo, the four ancient civilizations.

Of course, the four great inventions, Chinese characters, and operas are mentioned.

Not just talking.

There are also concrete plans.

More than one set of plans.

There are three sets of executable programs.

Team Leader Liu nodded in satisfaction after hearing what Lu Chen said.

"Teachers of the judging committee, some specific plans are in the document. I won't say all of them here today, so as not to waste everyone's time." Lu Chen also picked the key points and said that the entire opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was not finished yet.

Only said the last part.

The next part hasn't been said yet.

If so.

Time is running out.

But the plans are all in the file.

All members of the jury can see it.

"Director Lu, thank you for your careful preparation. We will read these documents carefully." Team Leader Liu thanked him. It was like someone who came to run for the chief director of the Olympic Games, and came up with an executable plan, as well as alternate and emergency plans.

It's not like director Chen Kaige, who still reads poems, has no specific plan, and is full of big talk and big cakes.


December 2006, 1

Changnian Building, Mars Film and Television

"Thank you for the trust of the jury..." Lu Chen chatted with Team Leader Liu for a while, then hung up the phone.

Eyes looking out the window.

It's winter now, and there are only twenty days left before the Chinese New Year.

Beiping also had heavy snowfall.

And just now Team Leader Liu called.

It was to inform Lu Chen that he had passed the first round of selection.

There will be a next round of selection.

Directors such as Chen Kaige and Li An were eliminated in the first round.

This was also expected by Lu Chen.

When Chen Kaige came up, he just read poems, didn't get into the theme for a long time, entered the theme, and didn't say an executable plan. It felt that Director Chen Kaige was here to play, and the preparation was not sufficient.

As for Li Press, he said that the plan was too Westernized.

Certainly not.

This is an Olympic Games belonging to China, not an Olympic Games hosted by the West.

And now to the second round.

Lu Chen still has a lot of confidence, and it is imperative to choose the best candidate for the chief director.

"Director Lu, can you call the actor for the audition to come in?" The female secretary waited for Lu Chen to finish the call and asked.

Lu Chen nodded.

The movie "Youth in Youth" has already been approved and the filming permit has been obtained.

Now it's time to choose the actors.

It was too late to shoot the movie years ago.

Have to start again after the end of the year.

Originally, I planned to finish the filming of "Youth in Youth" before the Chinese New Year.

But because of participating in the election of the chief director of the Olympic Games.

I have to put the filming of "Youth in Youth" next year.

Mainly, there is still a lot of work this year.

He has post-production work on "Transformers" and "Kung Fu Panda".

Since the release of "Changjin Lake".

Lu Chen was very busy.

After participating in the first round of selection for the chief director of the Olympic Games.

On the same day, I flew to the island country by plane.

Talk to the engineers of Sony Corporation in the island country about the improvement of the 3D camera.

In the past, China and the United States flew back and forth.

Some time ago, the island country and the United States flew back and forth.

I stayed in the island country for more than 20 days back and forth.

This made Lu Chen feel that he was about to become a Sony engineer.

Many 3D camera improvements have been proposed these days, and of course they are not in vain.

When the latest 3D camera is finally produced, it will also have its own intellectual property rights.

It can be regarded as co-producing the latest 3D camera with Sony Corporation.

Of course, Lu Chen would prefer to cooperate with domestic companies.

It's just that there is no domestic camera brand that can be obtained at all.

Not to mention the brand of professional-grade film cameras.

There are only a few companies in the world.

During the time Lu Chen stayed at Sony, he was highly praised by Sony engineers. The ideas he put forward were not only good, but also implementable, which really improved the 3D camera technology.

Of course, these engineers would not know that Lu Chen came from the future. In the future, he will be a professional director who has made 3D movies and used 3D cameras.

Lu Chen heard footsteps outside, and thought it was an audition actor coming over.

"Xiaochen~" Liu Xiaoli was all smiles as soon as she entered.

A movie for my daughter.

Finally, the project is approved, the actors are selected, and the filming is about to start.

And it's Xiaochen, the world's No.1 young director who directed it himself.

Previous films by Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi.

They are not directed by Xiaochen, but only as the producer.

Who will be favored among the four little female roles?
It's not immediately obvious.

It must be his precious daughter who is most favored by the minister.

Of course Liu Xiaoli must not know.

Not only Liu Yifei.

The four little female roles will all star in "Youth in Youth", but Liu Yifei is the heroine.

"Mom, senior brother is selecting actors, let's not disturb senior brother's work." Liu Yifei was completely pulled over by her mother, although she wanted to come here.

But I know that Shige is working.

When it comes to choosing movie actors, come here with my mother by myself, isn't this adding to the chaos.

"Silly daughter, we are just going to take a look, don't bother me." Liu Xiaoli said, "Besides, my daughter, you are the heroine of the movie, so you are not allowed to come and take a look. The other actors in the movie should get to know each other in advance. Only when the movie starts shooting can we cooperate better."

"But, mom..." Liu Yifei was still afraid of disturbing her senior brother.

"Xiaochen, are you right?" Liu Xiaoli ignored her daughter and asked Xiaochen instead.

"That's right, Aunt Liu." Of course Lu Chen welcomes Liu Xiaoli and her daughter, it's good looking, and this couple, the man doesn't like it, so they don't look confused.

"Yifei, did you hear that?" Liu Xiaoli came in front of Lu Chen, and the two of them were very close, "Xiaochen~ I have time to talk to the members of Yifei's fan club in the Yifei fan club forum."

"Fans group?" Lu Chen was puzzled.

Seeing that Lu Chen was puzzled, the female secretary quickly spoke up.

At present, there are four small female roles.

They all have fan clubs.

Some time ago, the four little Huadan participated in the 25th Golden Rooster Film Festival.

Even though he didn't get an award.

But they all became award presenters and showed their faces in front of the national audience.

All four of them had masterpieces before.

Fans also came into being.

If the fans are promoted again, they become the fan group.

Now Liu Yifei has the most fans among the four, followed by Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi.

Fans of these four are also competing.

their idol.

Who is most loved by Director Lu Chen?

There is no room for contention.

The fiercest battle is between Liu Yifei's fan group and Yang Mi's fan group.

That is to say, the two of them have the most fans among the four little Huadans.

"Yifei, yes, you are a big star now." After hearing what the female secretary said, Lu Chen said with a smile, of course he didn't know that the fan club was jealous of the idols.

The female secretary, Zhiqu, didn't mention it either.

Liu Yifei felt embarrassed when he heard the words, but he also felt happy in his heart. Senior brother, this can be regarded as a compliment to himself.

"Xiaochen, no matter how big a star Yifei becomes, she is also your junior sister, your obedient little sister." Liu Xiaoli expressed her attitude on behalf of her daughter.

Liu Yifei was pushed by her mother and said, "Brother, no matter how famous I will be or how many fans I have in the future, I will always listen to you, and I will do whatever my brother asks me to do."

Lu Chen thought about the mother and daughter, this was to show his position, and he wanted to follow him all the time.


Follow yourself, it must be delicious and spicy.

There will be no shortage of food in the mouth.

"Xiaochen, you are busy with work, and Yifei and I are standing next to each other without making a sound." Liu Xiaoli pulled her daughter and stood by Lu Chen's side, like guardians on both sides.

"Aunt Liu, Yifei, let's sit on the sofa." Lu Chen got up from the boss chair and came to the sofa area.

Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei sat beside them.

It's no longer like a left and right protector.

It started to hug left and right.

"Call in the people who came to audition for movie roles." Lu Chen ordered.

The female secretary hurried down to make arrangements.

After a while, a young man of about [-] people was brought in.

"Hello, Director Lu." The young man who came in introduced himself nervously, "I'm from Peiping, and I worked with Teacher Gao Yuanyuan on the TV series "Oath of the Sea" before."

I was so nervous that I forgot to introduce my name.

Main front.

But the famous director Lu Chen.

The best Chinese director.

Director of the billion-dollar film "Changjin Lake".

Speaking of Gao Yuanyuan, knowing that Gao Yuanyuan is currently a member of Lu Chen's director company can also be considered as a distance.

"You're not that..." Lu Chen couldn't remember his name for a moment.

In the previous life.

The youth in front of me.

He has starred in many TV series adapted from classic male frequency novels.

Netizens dubbed him the real-life male protagonist of male novels.

Of course, there is one thing that makes netizens very upset. Most of the TV dramas he starred in in his previous life did not have a second season, which is very annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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