Chapter 24 Driving Almighty
[Congratulations to the host for helping the Law Enforcement Bureau solve the case, trigger the task reward, and get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

When Wang Xiaowu was successfully captured, the voice of the system rang in Tu Jun's ear.

Afterwards, the system light curtain appeared in front of Mr. Tu, and within the light curtain, a lottery roulette appeared.


Without hesitation, Mr. Tu directly used the lucky draw opportunity, the roulette wheel turned, and the lottery pointer stopped on a grid soon.

As the lottery draw ended, the reward information also appeared in the light curtain.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill 'Drive Almighty'. 】

Seeing the rewards he got, Mr. Tu is very satisfied. You must know that driving is all-round. As the name suggests, with this skill, Mr. Tu can drive any tool proficiently.

Such as cars, airplanes, cruise ships. Even if it is a UFO, as long as there is such a thing, Mr. Tu, who has 'all-round driving', can drive it to fly!
Since I got the 'Driving Almighty', my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer hurting, Mama no longer has to worry about my driving~
Satisfied with turning off the system light curtain, Tu Jun watched as Wang Xiaowu was escorted into the car by law enforcement.

When Wang Xiaowu was escorted out, he confirmed through the 'safety radar' that the person marked in orange danger was this person.

That is to say, there is no problem with his "logical profile". This Wang Xiaowu is probably the one who killed Wang Dahai.

Thinking of this, Tu Jun can only sigh with emotion, Qian, what a bastard!
"Liu Suo, Team Leader Bai, since the matter is settled, I'm leaving first!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Tu Jun greeted Bai Lang and drove away.

"Go! Back to the Law Enforcement Bureau!"

After Bai Lang and Liu Dapao watched Tu Jun's car leave, they waved their hands and took his men back to the Law Enforcement Bureau
Although logical profiling is very powerful, it also consumes a lot of brain and energy. Therefore, after driving home, Mr. Tu simply washed up and fell asleep.

"Hey, Team Leader Bai!"

The next day, Tu Jun, who works at the Security Bureau, received a call from White Wolf.

On the phone, Bai Lang first thanked Tu Jun, and then told Tu Jun about the follow-up of Wang Dahai's case.

After Wang Xiaowu was escorted back to the Law Enforcement Bureau, he initially denied it in every possible way, but the technicians from the Law Enforcement Bureau soon discovered the first crime scene at Wang Dahai's home.

And many key clues and evidence were obtained at the scene of the first crime.

In the face of these irrefutable evidences, Wang Xiaowu's psychological defense collapsed, and finally he began to take the initiative to explain the problem.

The result of the confession is similar to what Tu Jun deduced through "logical profiling". The reason why Wang Xiaowu killed his father was because of disagreements over the distribution of demolition funds.

Under the dispute, Wang Xiaowu killed Wang Dahai and dumped his body on the barren hill. He also disguised himself as Wang Dahai and rode a tricycle to Dawang Village.

I have to say that this Wang Xiaowu can be regarded as a trickster, but unfortunately, he met Tu Jun, who not only has a "logical profile", but also a "safety radar", and the final result is destined to hit the street!

"It's noon, it's time for dinner, are you going out to eat, or in the cafeteria?"

When it was time for lunch, Wang Haibo stretched his waist and asked Tu Jun who was next to him at the station.

"Let's eat in the cafeteria!"

Tu Jun looked at the unfinished daily work at hand, and replied.

"Okay, let's go! Let's go together!"

Hearing Tu Jun said to eat in the cafeteria, Wang Haibo got up and said.


Tu Jun nodded, got up, and followed Wang Haibo to the cafeteria.

When they came to the cafeteria, the two began to line up to order food. After ordering the food, they found a seat, sat down and started cooking.

"Both of you are here, just in time, go to my office after dinner, I have a task for you!"

Not long after Tu Jun and Wang Haibo ate, Lin Yanjun came across from them with the food, sat down, and said while eating.


Tu Jun and Wang Haibo looked at each other and nodded. The three of them ate very fast and finished eating in a short time.

After eating, the three left the cafeteria and went to Lin Yanjun's office.

When they came to the office, Lin Yanjun poured a glass of water for Tu Jun and Wang Haibo. After the three of them sat down, Tu Jun and Wang Haibo looked at Lin Yanjun, waiting for his next order.

"There is a task for the two of you. The intelligence office found that there is a person selling white flour who seems to be in contact with the clown country. The line behind him seems to involve a hostile organization in the clown country. However, for this hostile Organization, the intelligence department currently has not much useful information.

Therefore, the higher-ups decided that our second action team should send people to touch this white flour shop first, to see if we can follow this line and obtain some useful intelligence clues.

This is the target locked by the Intelligence Department. The target person is called 'Diao Mao', the owner of UR Bar, and the backbone of a certain white flour group. Your task is to catch this mink by investigating the white flour.

Originally, the case of selling white flour like this should be handled by the Law Enforcement Bureau, but because the group behind him was implicated in the enemy organization of the Clown Country, this case was taken over by us! "

After sitting down, Lin Yanjun didn't hide anything, and said straight to the point.

"By the way! This is some information we obtained from the Law Enforcement Bureau. The Law Enforcement Bureau has actually been eyeing this UR bar for a long time!"

Lin Yanjun took out a document and handed it to Tu Jun and Wang Haibo, and said.

Tu Jun and Wang Haibo took the information handed over by Lin Yanjun and checked it.

It turned out that the mink hair and UR bar came into the sight of the Law Enforcement Bureau very early on.

However, every time the Law Enforcement Bureau made surprise inspections, they did not find the key white flour. Even if they knew that there was a problem with the sable hair and the UR bar, there was nothing they could do about it.

Naturally, the Law Enforcement Bureau couldn't sit still and sent undercover law enforcement agents to enter. Unfortunately, they never got any useful clues.

On the contrary, several undercover law enforcement officers were killed by the other party, causing heavy losses to the Law Enforcement Bureau!

"Let's go to the 'Sable Hair' and UR bar tonight to see what kind of quality they are!"

After leaving Lin Yanjun's office, Tu Jun said to Wang Haibo with a smile.

"OK, no problem!"

Wang Haibo nodded, with our temperament, after going there, there is absolutely no sense of disobedience!


UR bar, brightly lit!
Lonely men and women, swing to your heart's content!
"Brother Wang, with your body, if you go in, you are definitely one of your own!"

At the door, Mr. Tu looked at Wang Haibo, who was full of vigor and temperament, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, who is better than my brother Wang!

"You are so unique!"

Wang Haibo looked at Tu Jun after the disguise, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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