Chapter 30 Evidence
I saw that this little brother's foot was stepped on by Tu Jun's foot. What's more, Tu Jun stepped on it hard. Suddenly, this little brother screamed in pain.

"What's the big deal, who told you to block my way with your feet?! Also, pay attention to your tone of voice!"

Good guy, I can't bear to blame someone's feet for blocking the way when I stepped on someone, no, this screaming little brother who was stepped on felt his body's energy and blood surged, and wanted to rush up to fight Tu Jun.

The people next to him hurriedly grabbed the little brother, but they didn't see that the heavily armed law enforcement had already pointed their weapons at them. As long as this little brother dared to do something, they would really dare to "chug"!
The younger brother, who was surging with energy, also saw the weapon facing him, as if he had been splashed with cold water, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Hehe, I don't know what is the law enforcement coming to UR, I am Diao Mao, the boss of UR!"

At this time, Diao Mao came out of the room with a few little brothers, took out a cigarette, and was about to hand it to Tu Jun and the others.

"Hehe, there's no need to smoke cigarettes. Let's be smart, mink hair! We now suspect that you have hidden white flour here, and now we want to search this place. This is a search warrant!"

Tu Jun glanced at the smiling mink in front of him. In the three-dimensional map, the person marked with the orange exclamation mark was this person.

As for the cigarettes Diao Mao handed over, Mr. Tu and the others naturally couldn't smoke, so they directly took out the search warrant they had prepared.

After Tu Jun's words fell, Diao Mao's little brothers all became nervous.

"What! Impossible! My mink has been doing business in a law-abiding manner and never touches this stuff. There is absolutely no such harmful thing as white flour in our UR! It must be a competitor who sees our business is too good and framed it! Absolutely a false accusation!"

After all, Diao Mao is the person in charge of UR, and he has seen strong winds and waves, so it is impossible to be frightened by Tu Jun's few words.

"Hehe! Whether it's a frame-up or not, we'll find out after we search!"

Tu Jun looked at Diao Mao, who was so talented in acting, and said calmly.

"No problem! Just search, I, Diao Mao, am not afraid of any frame-up!"

Although he was a little flustered, he pretended to be calm and said when he thought that they would not be found by putting XZ under the bathroom floor.

"It's better!"

After a faint glance at Diao Mao, Mr. Tu motioned for a few people to start searching the room on the second floor.

Soon, except for the bathroom, all the rooms were searched upside down.

"Report, no white flour was found in the room!"

After searching the room, several law enforcement officers ran back to report.

Wang Haibo and the person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau looked at each other, with a flash of worry in their eyes.

If they hadn't found white flour in UR, it wouldn't be easy to take away the sable hair today!
Diao Mao and the others, who were in the opposite mood to them, breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts at this moment.

However, Jun Tu's next sentence made them nervous again.

"Hasn't this room not been searched yet?"

After listening to these law enforcement reports, Mr. Tu nodded and asked, pointing to the bathroom.

"This is the bathroom. It smells a bit strong. I don't think there is any need to check it?!"

Although a group of people panicked, Diao Mao pretended to be very calm on the surface and replied.

"It smells great, it's okay, you guys come with me and go inside to have a look!"

Seeing Diao Mao's reaction, Tu Jun understood and confirmed his guess.

When he arranged for people to search the room before, he keenly noticed that Diao Mao's younger brother would secretly glance in the direction of the bathroom from time to time.

At that time, Jun Tu was alerted, and with Mink Mao's reaction now, Jun Tu can be sure that the white flour was hidden in the bathroom by Mink Mao and the others.

Although this Diao Mao's acting skills are online, it's a pity that his little brother is not as good as his acting skills, and was caught by Mr. Tu.

So, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs!
Seeing that Tu Jun was determined to go into the bathroom to search, Diao Mao's little brothers immediately became nervous. Diao Mao was also a little restless at the moment, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little tense.

"What are you doing?! Do you want to resist the search?!"

Seeing the tense atmosphere at the scene, Jun Tu gave Wang Haibo and the person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau a look, and the person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau immediately snorted coldly.

After the voice of the head of the Law Enforcement Bureau fell, the law enforcement who followed them immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Diao Mao and the others.

As long as Mink Mao and the others make any dangerous moves, these people will let them know what is justice の peanuts, and what is justice from peanuts!

"Don't dare! Don't dare! You search casually. I... I walk upright, sit upright, and I am not afraid of being crooked if I am upright!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Diao Mao looked at the weapon in the hand of the law enforcement officer, and could only pretend to be calm.

Seeing that the scene was under control, Mr. Tu opened the door of the bathroom and had a clear look at the situation inside.

Squat pit, pressurized water tank, Yuba, sprinkler head...

"Hehe, the floor of your bathroom is really interesting. There is actually cement. Is this just pasted?"

Entering the bathroom, Tu Jun quickly discovered the problem, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said mockingly.

Diao Mao's face changed greatly when he heard Tu Jun's words, and he wanted to run away, but he was pointed at by a weapon, so he had no possibility of running away.

His face was pale, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he hated the little brother who hid things in his heart.

Made!This pig teammate!No harm!
The law enforcement who came in with Tu Jun heard Tu Jun's words, and quickly followed his instructions to pry the floor open.

Under the floor, as expected, a lot of white flour was found.

"Framed?! Obey the law?! Hehe!"

After finding the evidence, Tu Jun came out of the bathroom, looked at Diao Mao, and said mockingly.

"Made! Fight with them!"

After being found, Diao Mao knew that he would be dead anyway, so he felt evil, he gritted his teeth, let out an angry roar, and touched his waist with his hands.


At this moment, there was the sound of a peanut coming out of the chamber, followed by Mink Mao's cry of pain, and the sound of the weapon falling from his waist.

"Come on! Let me control everything!! If there is any resistance, chug on the spot!!!"

When Wang Haibo saw the weapon dropped from Diao Mao's waist, his face turned cold, and he stepped forward to subdue Diao Mao directly, and ordered to the person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

The person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau waved his hand, and the law enforcement around him immediately rushed towards Little Brother Diao Mao.


After injuring a few people who resisted the most, the rest of the little brothers were quickly brought under the control of law enforcement.

"take away!"

The task was successfully completed. After the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau packed up, Tu Jun, Wang Haibo and the person in charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau left the UR bar and went outside.

(End of this chapter)

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