Chapter 40 Key clues!

The hill is about 100 meters high. On both sides of the mountain are cliffs and slopes that are easy to climb.

The cordon around the site and the human outlines drawn inside are still preserved.

In addition, the blood sprayed out by the deceased splashed everywhere, and it was brown in spots.

After Tu Jun and Bai Lang entered the scene, they smelled an unpleasant stench.

"How, did you find anything?!"

After entering the scene, White Wolf looked at Mr. Tu expectantly and asked.

"I just came in, let me take a good look!"

Hearing White Wolf's inquiry, Tu Jun couldn't help but roll his eyes, you asked me if I found out when I just came in?

Are you serious? !
"Ahem! I'm sorry! Brother Tu, I'm too anxious!"

Bai Lang smiled awkwardly, knowing that he was a little anxious.

It's just that it's not because he has poor concentration, but because his eyebrows are burning now, he can't help being in a hurry!

After entering the scene, Mr. Tu began to observe the scene carefully. Then, he closed his eyes, used 'logical profiling', and quickly analyzed in his brain, trying to find the hidden clues from the fog.

When Bai Lang saw Tu Jun closed his eyes and meditated, he didn't dare to disturb him, but just looked at him expectantly, thinking to himself.

Brother, it's up to you!You have to stand up!
"Brother, how is it? How is it?!"

After more than ten minutes, Tu Jun opened his eyes, and the white wolf in his eyes flashed. Seeing this, he couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, there is progress, let's go, go back to the Law Enforcement Bureau first, and I will talk to you later!"

Tu Jun tickled the corner of his mouth and smiled. Through the "logical profile", he has figured out this tricky case!
"Good! Good! Good!"

Through Wang Dahai's case before, White Wolf has no doubts about Tu Jun's ability. Now that Tu Jun said that the case has progressed, White Wolf immediately became excited.

Sure enough, it was the right step to ask Mr. Tu to help me!

This kid is really not an ordinary person. The means of handling the case are powerful. Sure enough, the happiest thing is to lie down and win!

"How to say? How to say?!"

Tu Jun and Bai Lang drove back to the Law Enforcement Bureau. As soon as they returned to the Law Enforcement Bureau, Bai Lang couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"I have already understood the situation. In fact, you all made a very obvious mistake, that is, you only looked at the data of the deceased who fell off the cliff, and ignored the collection and analysis of related items. I read the case materials, and the whole article did not mention the same thing Very important stuff!"

Facing the impatient question from the white wolf, Tu Jun looked at the white wolf confidently and replied.

"Ah?! What?!"

Hearing Mr. Tu said that they neglected to collect some important items, Bai Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in disbelief.

You know, they are professionals, but now Mr. Tu says that they have overlooked an important clue, how can you not be surprised by White Wolf!

At the same time, the white wolf also wanted to see what important clues their law enforcement bureau had overlooked, so the white wolf looked at Mr. Tu, waiting for his next words.

"You should be very familiar with this item, Team Leader Bai, because it is impossible for anyone to leave now!"

When Tu Jun heard Bailang's question, he didn't hide it, and said straight to the point.

"You mean cell phone?!"

Hearing the words, the white wolf looked thoughtful, and then said in surprise.

"Yes! It's a mobile phone! I'm sure that this mobile phone will be the key to solving the case!"

Hearing Bai Lang's answer, Tu Jun nodded and said confidently.

"Okay, brother, you are amazing, we really ignored this!"

White Wolf gave Tu Jun a thumbs up, and after Tu Jun reminded him, he suddenly felt enlightened.

It's not that they are incapable, but, sometimes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. Many things can be seen very clearly when they have nothing to do with them.

However, when things are about him and he is in the game, he will be shrouded in fog.

Just like when we persuade others, everyone is an expert in emotional psychology, but when it comes to ourselves, there is only unsolvable sorrow left!

"Actually, you are just fans of the authorities, and I am just a bystander!"

Facing White Wolf's compliment, Tu Jun said modestly.

"Brother, it's too modest, by the way, is there any more?"

Seeing Mr. Tu being so modest, Bai Lang smiled, and then asked curiously and expectantly.

"Well, I have read the case materials and the scene. My personal judgment on this case is that the deceased should have been invited to Xiaoshan, based on your investigation of her social relations and my analysis.

I speculate that the person who invited the deceased to Xiaoshan should be the lover of the deceased. As for the motive of the murder, I read your test report and the above one is very interesting.

That is, the relatives of the deceased postponed it. I don't know if Team Leader Bai has seen a video.

A woman's aunt delayed her arrival, she thought she was pregnant, Team Leader Bai, do you know what I mean? ! "

Hearing Bai Lang's question, Tu Jun straightened his thoughts, then looked at Bai Lang and said with a smile.

"You mean that the deceased's lover mistakenly thought that the deceased was pregnant, so he killed her?!"

Tu Jun's reminder was so obvious, how could White Wolf not know what he meant, so he said it directly.

"Yes! That's it, and, following this line of thought, we can infer that the lover of the deceased should be a married person, otherwise, it would be impossible to do such an extreme thing!"

When Tu Jun heard Bai Lang's words, he nodded in satisfaction, a child can be taught!

"It's really you! You are amazing, this idea is absolutely dead, I will immediately arrange someone to investigate along your idea!"

After listening to Mr. Tu's train of thought, the white wolf was very excited, and he also recognized his judgment very much.

Well, in fact, they don't have any direction at the moment, and now Mr. Tu has provided a direction, and the white wolf can't let it go.

Whether you can catch the mouse or not, you will only know if you try it!
White Wolf arranged for Tu Jun to rest in his office, poured him a glass of water, and went to arrange work.

With the direction provided by Mr. Tu, the Law Enforcement Bureau immediately took action.

Locating the deceased's mobile phone, visiting the deceased's company, and obtaining surveillance from the deceased's company were carried out in an orderly manner according to the ideas provided by Mr. Tu.

Soon, the location track of the deceased's mobile phone was investigated.

On the morning of the day when the deceased was killed, the mobile phone signal appeared on the hill, and after staying on the hill for half an hour, the signal of the deceased's mobile phone returned to the deceased's company.

After the mobile phone signal appeared in the company of the deceased, the signal disappeared completely soon.

The trajectory of the mobile phone signal made White Wolf more confident in Mr. Tu's judgment.

Now that the direction has been set, White Wolf believes that it is only a matter of time before the case is solved, and this time will not be too long.

(End of this chapter)

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