Chapter 5 Cross-check
"At one o'clock this afternoon, there is an escort mission. The number J35 will land at our Haicheng Airport. Our mission is to escort the other party. Xiao Wang, you take Xiao Tu to be responsible for the peripheral security investigation."

Seeing everyone looking over, Lin Yanjun spoke.

After speaking, Lin Yanjun handed Tu Jun a stack of paper documents.

Wang Haibo saw that Tu Jun was confused after receiving the materials, and explained to him in a low voice in his ear.

After receiving Wang Haibo's explanation, Tu Jun also figured out what the situation is now.

J35 is their internal code name. Generally, those starting with J are some military scientific research experts.

The task this time is not complicated. The main job is to check the airport security before the target lands to make sure there are no security threats.

After that, the target lands, receives the target, protects it to go to the research destination, and ensures its safe delivery, and the task is considered complete.

"This is for you, you memorize the contents inside."

After introducing Tu Jun, Wang Haibo handed Tu Jun a USB flash drive again, exhorting.

"what is this?"

After receiving the USB flash drive, Tu Jun looked at Wang Haibo with a puzzled expression and asked.

"This is the course of action we used to carry out similar missions and the dangerous places that need to be investigated. Please keep this in mind. After lunch, we will lead the equipment and set off!"

Seeing Tu Jun asking, Wang Haibo explained with a smile.

"Oh, ok, I'll keep that in mind!"

After listening to Wang Haibo's explanation, Tu Jun nodded and began to prepare for the mission.

Noon, after lunch.

"Come on, let's get the equipment!"

After lunch, Wang Haibo patted Tu Jun on the shoulder and said.


Tu Jun nodded, and the two left the cafeteria and went to the equipment warehouse.

"Brother Liu, there is a mission, Team Lin asked us to get the equipment!"

When he came to the equipment warehouse, Wang Haibo said with a smile to the person in charge of the equipment.

"Hehe, Lao Lin greeted me, you guys go get the equipment, come over and register after you get it."

The person in charge of the equipment warehouse also smiled and let the two of them enter the equipment warehouse.

After getting the equipment and registering, Wang Haibo took Tu Jun out of the equipment warehouse.

"How is your car?"

Leaving the equipment warehouse and coming to the parking lot, Wang Haibo asked Tu Jun.

"not bad!"

This is not Tu Junfeng, his driving skills are very stable, and he is a veteran driver.


Wang Haibo nodded, and after that, the two opened the door of a car and drove to the airport.

The car used by their security bureau is very ordinary. After all, it is impossible for them to be too high-profile in their business.

The car stopped at the airport, and Wang Haibo took Tu Jun to the inner passage of the airport with ease, showed his ID, and entered the airport through the inner passage.

"Okay, let's split up and contact us immediately if we have any questions. After the investigation, we will still gather here. Do you understand?"

After entering the airport, Wang Haibo instructed Tu Jun.


Tu Jun nodded, and when Wang Haibo saw Tu Jun nodding, he waved at him, leaving behind a full-bodied street figure.

The corner of Tu Jun's mouth twitched, there was no way, now Tu Jun knew everyone in the second team.

It can only be said that everyone in the second team is talented. Wang Haibo's street skater is not bad. Tu Jun saw a guy who looked more like a thug than a thug. At that time, Tu Jun was stupid.

Seeing Wang Haibo start to act, Tu Jun also started to investigate.

Although his business ability is not good, it doesn't matter, we have a 'safety radar', the technology is not good, so let's use cheats!

"Turn on the security radar!"

Without too much hesitation, Tu Jun directly turned on the 'safety radar' and began to conduct security checks at the airport.

Of course, security radar is not a panacea.

Because the safety radar can only scan for dangerous existence, this existence can only be specific to the person, and the others will not be displayed.

And the security inspection they are currently performing, in addition to preventing the enemy from lurking, also needs to inspect firefighting, suspicious objects, etc.

You must know that the security radar can only scan out the characters, and the enemy does not necessarily need to be present if he wants to destroy it, such as arranging some dangerous objects in advance, even if there is a security radar, only the lv1 security radar cannot scan come out.

There is no way, the security radar of lv1 can only scan out dangerous people at present.

The investigation went very smoothly, and the safety radar did not detect any danger. Except that Tu Jun found two expired fire extinguishers when he checked the fire, there was nothing suspicious.

The expired fire extinguisher, Mr. Tu, has been replaced by people at the airport.

After the inspection, Tu Jun and Wang Haibo met at the agreed place.

"How about it?"

After meeting, Wang Haibo asked Tu Jun.

"No problem, only two expired fire extinguishers were found and I have had the airport replace them."

Seeing Wang Haibo's question, Tu Jun nodded and explained.

"It's fine!"

Wang Haibo nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be able to complete the task smoothly, calmly and steadily, no one wants to have accidents and twists and turns.

After all, accidents represent uncertainty, and their work, every accident may be a bloody lesson.

"Now, we need to exchange investigations."

It's not that Wang Haibo doesn't believe Tu Jun, but that this is their rule.

Cross-check to make sure nothing goes wrong, because they do not allow any accidents in every mission.

After all, their tasks are very important, and any accident is a huge loss.

"no problem!"

Regarding the cross-examination, Mr. Tu has no opinion, and even raised his hands and feet in favor.

After all, he can determine whether there are enemy people at the airport through the security radar, but he can't guarantee that there are no other dangers other than people.

There is no way, except for the safety radar, other professional skills, he is half-baked, and naturally lacks confidence.

Now that Wang Haibo is cross-checking, I can just show him if I have been negligent before, perfect.

After meeting, Wang Haibo and Tu Jun exchanged inspection areas for cross-examination.

Tu Jun came to Wang Haibo's inspection area, turned on the security radar, and started scanning.

Half an hour later, Tu Jun and Wang Haibo met again.

"Basically there is no problem. Now you are here waiting for my notification. I will go to the monitoring room to make a final confirmation. If there is any problem, I will call you and you can verify it. Do you understand?"

After confirming that there is no problem in the cross-check, Wang Haibo will go to the monitoring room for final confirmation.

Don't think it's such a trouble, it's all necessary, again, their mission is too important, there is no big mistake in being careful.

It can be a little troublesome, but you must not be careless and have accidents!

(End of this chapter)

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