Chapter 110 Enthronement (for Subscription)

Hearing this, Lu Xiu and Lu Qing looked at Lu Ning in a daze.

Lu Ning doesn't feel embarrassed either, let's ask if we don't know.

Lu Xiu shook his head secretly and said, "Dean Su, the Sage of Soldiers, and one of them is the Sage of Calligraphy."

"Counting the two sages of chess and painting at Qiushan Academy, there are five sages of Confucianism and Taoism in the world."

Lu Ning's eyes flickered slightly and said: "I know the Qiushan Academy, big brother and little sister, I'm on duty."

Before leaving, Lu Ning said to his elder brother and younger sister:
"Remember, when we are in danger, we must learn to borrow strength."

Lu Xiu and the two stared blankly at Lu Ning's leaving back for a long time.


The reason why Lu Ning wanted to make a fuss in the Confucius Institute was not simply to pretend to be aggressive.

He just wanted to be arrogant, so that some people in Jingzhou could see clearly that he, Lu Ning, was a supporter of the Great Zhou Empress and a gold medal captain of Zhenmasi.

Su Zhengjing, the dean of the Confucius Institute, also treated him with courtesy.

So, weigh it before moving his Lu family,
After all, he can't take care of his family all the time.

But today, Lu Ning did not expect that Su Zhengjing would let his younger sister worship under Zhuge Xiangru's sect. A soldier saint is definitely a very important figure in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

With that "Sun Tzu's Art of War"... oh no, it's the Lu Family's Art of War.

Zhuge Xiangru will definitely look at the younger sister differently, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the younger sister.

Before leaving, he gave his elder brother the "Hao Ran Jue", of course to make his elder brother get closer to Su Zhengjing.

In this way, no one dared to be tempted by the elder brother.

At home, there is a white-clothed woman from the Baiyun Taoist Temple guarding her, and her sister-in-law and niece are also a little safer.

Therefore, Lu Ning is arrogant and raises people's attention, which is also a kind of protection for everyone in the family.

After all, even Prince An Shan dared to suppress someone, if you provoke him, are you afraid?
Return to Yongle Palace.

The eldest princess who was reading closed the book, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What are you doing in the Confucius Institute? You made a lot of noise?"

The news spread so fast!
Lu Ning's eyes flickered slightly and said: "That Zhou Yi bullied my sister, my subordinates went down and taught him a lesson."

The eldest princess lowered her eyebrows and said, "You are really happy, but have you thought about the consequences?"

"He is the eldest son, a relative of the emperor, and beating him is tantamount to slapping the royal family of the Great Zhou. How can people talk about it?"

Lu Ning remained expressionless and said nothing.

The eldest princess looked a little softer, and said softly: "Call again next time, don't block everyone's face."

Bai Wei and the others: "..."

Pei Tianbei: "..."

Lu Ning nodded and said, "Subordinates understand!"

The eldest princess's phoenix eyes flashed slightly, and she said with a smile: "I just asked someone to make a white jade chess set, come and play with me."

Lu Ning nodded calmly.

Pei Tianbei asked curiously: "Sister Princess, what is chess, why haven't I played it before?"

The eldest princess smiled lightly and said, "Let's watch from the side."


The news that Lu Ning incited the righteousness of heaven and earth to suppress Anshan's son in the Confucius Institute soon spread in Beijing and Zhou Dynasty.

In the beginning, it was mainly discussions of dignitaries.

Some people think that Lu Ning took off at a young age and is too arrogant to become a master.

Some people also think that Lu Ning is young and promising, he has made great achievements in protecting the eldest princess's imperial edict, and his future is limitless.

There are those who appreciate it, and those who are unhappy.

Kou Shize was the most upset. Even Su Zhengjing from the Confucius Institute treated Lu Ning with courtesy. This situation is really good!

Kou Shize gritted his teeth angrily.

Coupled with the fact that the murderer of his son has never been found, Kou Shize also became a little irritable.

In the town magic department, Gu Fengtang was furious and incompetent, and he couldn't even catch a murderer.

Gu Fengtang wished that Kou Shize would make a scene.

Only those who lose their minds will reveal their true nature.

In this way, a breakthrough can be opened, and evidence of Kou Shize's various crimes can be found.

At that time, the Kou Shize family will be uprooted directly.

Remove some obstacles for the rule of the Great Zhou Empress.

The news was like a storm, and soon spread among the streets.

Li Xianzhu and Wei Xiancheng of Changxingfang were directly shocked.

He rushed to Lu Ning's house with gifts and troops.

Lu House.

Ruan Shuting was dumbfounded listening to the maids talking about how miraculous Lu Ning was in the Confucius Institute.

After a while, she said with a face full of surprise: "Second brother really frightened the Anshan prince?"

"Ma'am, it's true, the streets and vegetable markets are talking about it, saying that you are amazing!" the servant girl Qiulan said proudly.

Ruan Shuting frowned.

She watched Lu Ning grow up, and she has always been very naughty.

Since going to the sky prison, some changes have begun.

Especially in the past few months, Lu Ning has changed so much that it is unimaginable.

At this moment, someone knocked on the courtyard door.

Qiulan went to open the door, and when she saw that the leader was the official, her face turned pale with fright.

When seeing Wei County Cheng following, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Ma'am, it's Li Xianzhu and Wei County Cheng who are here."

When Ruan Shuting heard this, she hurriedly dragged her daughter to the door, and said with a nervous smile, "So it's two adults, what's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, County Master Li was even more nervous, and hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mrs. Lu, Lu Ning, is Lord Lu there?"

The second elder brother is a small captain of the ninth grade, and the county master Li is a seventh-rank official, so they call him the second elder brother?

Got promoted again?

Is it the general flag?Or Baihu?
Ruan Shuting blinked her eyes, feeling that Lu Ning's promotion was a little too fast?

"Second brother, he is not at home. If Mr. Li has anything to say, let's go to the main hall and talk." Ruan Shuting said hastily. Li Xianzhu is an official, and she smiled at him, so she must invite her home.

A look of disappointment flashed across Li Xianzhu's eyes, and he immediately smiled and said: "I won't sit in the main hall, I would like to ask Master Lu Ning to accept it with a smile...Bring it in!"

As he spoke, he waved to the followers behind him.

Come to give a gift! ?
"This...Master Li, isn't this a bit inappropriate?!"

Ruan Shuting had read the book, and knew that County Lord Li wanted to bribe Lu Ning, so she blocked the door and kept no one from entering.

Before the housewarming, you can come to give gifts.

But now it's not a year or a festival, you come to give gifts.

That is a bribe, I dare not accept it!

"Master Li, it's really inappropriate. You can take them back. When the second brother comes back, I will tell him that you have been here before." Ruan Shuting blocked the door with a smile.

Seeing this, Li Xianzhu nodded repeatedly, and asked his followers to carry the gift away with a smile.

Then Ruan Shuting was told to go directly to the county government to find him if there was any difficulty, and then she took her away.

Seeing people walking away, Ruan Shuting closed the door.

Qiulan said from the side: "Madam, Mr. Li came to give gifts, and if you don't accept them, will he be unhappy?"

Ruan Shuting raised her mouth and said, "Master Li, you are here to bribe the second elder brother, and if someone with a heart sees it, this is evidence of a crime!"

Qiulan nodded, thinking it made sense.


In a blink of an eye, Dongyue eighteenth.

Tomorrow is the day of the eldest princess's enthronement ceremony.

The location is Golden Terrace.

Senior Sword Master Li Qingbai on the Golden Stage has long since left the stage. During this period, the Ministry of Rituals has been making arrangements. It must be arranged before noon today, and someone needs to check.

Yongle Palace.

The eldest princess tried nine dragon robes and one crown suit.

Dragon robes are worn in court and everyday, and come in different colors and styles.

The mian suit is a black Dagon crown, which will be worn when he ascends the throne tomorrow.

After getting dressed, they walked around the main hall, both Lu Ning and Pei Tianbei were stunned.

Pure beauty is not enough to describe the eldest princess at this time.

The combination of beauty, majesty, and the aura of the king's land, the flash of the phoenix eyes creates a sense of oppression in the aura.

Lu Ning nodded secretly, the eldest princess indeed has the style of a generation of empress.

Maybe it was cultivated from the bottom of my heart, after all, there is a prince and brother whom she has never even met, and Emperor Wu of Ming has been childless for many years.

Therefore, the eldest princess hopes that she is a man, so that she can inherit the throne of Emperor Wu of Ming Dynasty.

Over time, this imperial temperament has been developed in his bones.

"Chang'an, how is it?" The eldest princess asked with a slight raise of her mouth.

"It's great!" Lu Ning said.

Pei Tianbei also nodded aside: "Very beautiful, very majestic."

The eldest princess nodded in satisfaction, turned and walked into the inner hall.

Three o'clock in the future.

After Qin Zhong inspected the arrangement of the enthronement ceremony, he came to Yongle Palace, and he was very respectful when he saw the eldest princess.

"Your Highness, everything is ready for enthronement tomorrow." Qin Zhong's old face did not have the look of "who do I obey in the world" before, and he lowered his head slightly when speaking.

"It's hard work, Mr. Qin Ge!" The eldest princess's phoenix eyes flickered slightly.

Ever since Lu Ning reminded her, she knew that if she wanted to kill Qin Zhong, she had to take it slow and not rush it.

The most important thing is that after he ascends the throne, there are many things that need people like Qin Zhong to do, and then let go of the grind after they are done.

So, on the surface, you have to be polite.

Qin Zhong's old eyes flickered slightly and said: "Your Highness, wait for the enthronement ceremony, all the courtiers, Chinese and military officials will be present, and King Beimang will also come early, but King Yongshan and King Anshan just sent a message, and no one came."

The eldest princess's phoenix eyes flickered slightly, which was what she expected.

"Is King Anshan sick again?"

"Your Highness is wise, King Anshan sent a letter saying that when he returned from Jingzhou, he fell ill because of his majesty's death. In addition, Prince Anshan was humiliated and left alone. He was so angry that he vomited blood and couldn't get out of bed."

As Qin Zhong said, he slightly glanced at Lu Ning aside.

The eldest princess didn't mention the humiliation of Prince An Shan at all, and said coldly: "Uncle Nine Emperors is so seriously ill, so don't come here, let's recuperate with peace of mind."

"It's Your Highness, the old minister will say this to King Anshan." Qin Zhong nodded.

"My Sixth Emperor Uncle is recruiting troops to defend against the southern border army?" the eldest princess said coldly.

Qin Zhong bowed deeply and said: "Your Highness is wise, the king of Yongshan has not received the will, and he is deeply brooding in his heart. He has repeatedly said angrily that it was the old minister who ruined his good deeds, and claimed to get rid of the old minister."

The corner of the eldest princess's mouth raised slightly: "Mr. Qin Ge, don't worry, my Sixth Emperor Uncle is just too angry, just talking."

Qin Zhong hurriedly said: "Your Highness, the old minister does not seem to be talking about King Yongshan this time, but seems to be serious."

The eldest princess lowered her eyebrows: "Really?"

Qin Zhongdao: "Your Highness is wise, the king of Yongshan must have the heart of disobedience, but His Highness will ascend the throne tomorrow, and you should not think about these unhappy things today."

"After His Majesty ascends the throne, we will discuss the matter of King Yongshan in front of all civil and military officials."

The eldest princess nodded secretly. She knew very well in her heart that Jingzhou was calm, but the surrounding area of ​​the Great Zhou Dynasty was already windy.

It's just that because of the enthronement ceremony recently, many things have been suppressed, and she didn't know about it.

After ascending the throne, various memorials must have piled up like a mountain.

The next day.

Two quarters of an hour.

The Golden Terrace is guarded by the Forbidden Army, and Su Liuqi, the commander of the Forbidden Army, personally leads the team.

Su Liuqi is more than 30 years old, looks heroic, and is also tall and burly. He has stepped into the upper third rank with one foot, and is the most powerful person in the Forbidden Army.

As for the commander of the bodyguards, Fang Xuewu, he was a little older, in his 40s, with dark skin, and his physical strength was about the same as that of Su Liuqi. He led the team to personally guard the Yongle Palace.

To be exact, wherever the eldest princess is going, he will follow with his guards.


Under the golden stage.

Take Qin Zhong, Pei Tong, King Beimang, Gu Fengtang, Zhang Juming, Kou Shize, Shi Rui, Li Hongmao, Zhen Guogong, Rong Guogong, Yan Guogong, Zhenbeihou, Zhennanhou...etc. Hundreds of people.

All stood on the wide red carpet under the golden stage and waited.

The auspicious time for the enthronement ceremony is less than a quarter of the time (09:09) after the past time. This time is when the sun is rising and flourishing, full of vigor and hope.

On the golden platform, there is a rectangular table in front of the great tripod for offering sacrifices to heaven. The table is covered with yellow silk cloth embroidered with nine dragons, and various tributes are placed on it.

Cao Dachun presided over the enthronement ceremony, and started step by step according to the process.

It's not time.

The eldest princess wore a black crown, followed by Bai Wei and Bai Xue, followed by Lu Ning and Pei Tianbei.

After that, Fang Xuewu led eight commanders, followed by the governor and guard of honor.

"Enthronement Ceremony, start!"

Accompanied by Cao Dachun's voice, ritual music followed.

Under the gaze of all the people, the eldest princess walked onto the red carpet with her head held high, her gaze straight ahead, her steps were steady, and she walked towards the golden platform step by step.

All civil and military officials bowed their heads, even some dissatisfied people such as Kou Shize, Zhen Guogong, Yan Guogong, Zhenbei Hou, etc. also bowed their heads.

However, when the eldest princess stepped onto the first step of the Golden Terrace, a figure suddenly rose up and killed the eldest princess from the side.

The sudden change shocked everyone.


Cao Dachun yelled angrily, swayed to the killer, and slapped him down.

The continuous force of the palm, the power is infinite, with one palm, the third-grade killer was beaten until he vomited blood, Su Liuqi and Fang Xuewu stepped forward in an instant, and restrained the killer.

A cold light flashed in Lu Ning's eyes, and just as he was about to strike, Cao Dachun snapped his fingers and broke the killer's meridians.

"Surprise Your Highness!" Cao Dachun said hastily.

Su Liuqi's face was very ugly, after all, the protection work here was the scope of his accusation.

Now that a third-rank killer pops up, he will be implicated even if he is innocent.

Seeing the eldest princess with a calm demeanor, her phoenix eyes flashed coldly and she said: "Today, this palace is enthroned, and it is necessary to sacrifice to heaven."


"Subordinates are here."



Lu Ning's eyes flashed coldly, and he stepped forward to chop the third-rank killer's Tianling Gai with a "Palm of Universe", killing him with one palm, and blood flowed down his forehead.

For a moment, the Heaven's Punishment Atlas flickered in front of him.

But Lu Ning didn't check it, and turned to look at the eldest princess.

The eldest princess turned around, her phoenix eyes glanced at everyone coldly: "From today onwards, those who defy the sky, the whole sacrifice!"

All civil and military officials bowed their heads, and no one dared to say a word.

The eldest princess turned to face the golden platform and continued to walk up.

Except for Bai Wei, Bai Xue, Lu Ning, Pei Tianpei, Su Liuqi, and Fang Xuewu, they walked up, and the guard of honor stood on both sides.

On the stairs, there is a forbidden army guarding every other section.

Halfway up, Fang Xuewu and Su Liuqi stopped.

The four of Lu Ning continued on.

Cao Dachun came forward to receive him.

Cao Dachun didn't stop until he reached the top of the Golden Platform.

Lu Ning, Pei Tianbei, Bai Xue, and Bai Wei also stopped and stood on both sides, staring at the eldest princess who walked onto the golden platform.

Go up to the high platform.

The director of the Ministry of Rites prepared Yu Ruyi and presented it to Elder Qin Ge.

Qin Ge always presented it to the eldest princess.

Holding the jade ruyi in her hand, the eldest princess began to offer sacrifices to heaven, earth, and clan.

After finishing the work, he turned around and walked to the edge of the golden stage, waving his arms, and the sleeves of Dagon clothes flew up.


Cao Dachun swallowed slowly and raised his voice.

"Long live the empress, long live, long live!"

All the civil and military officials on the golden platform bowed their heads and bowed, then knelt down, bowed their heads and professed their ministers, and called the eldest princess the empress.

The scene was magnificent.

Everyone knelt, Cao Dachun, Lu Ning and others knelt on one knee.

Three bows and nine kowtows are over.

The eldest princess took a deep breath, her phoenix eyes flickered, and her voice sounded like a phoenix's cry.

"You Aiqings are flat!"



(End of this chapter)

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