Fairy, put down the knife first

Chapter 274 Luck is added to my son!

Chapter 274 Luck is added to my son!

Lin Niang and others stood not far from the ancient Shenlong tree, waiting for the Jackie Chan Ceremony to begin.


At this moment, dragon chants resounded in the secret realm.

Many people turned their heads to look, and they all gasped.

In the sky not far away, about [-] giant dragons flew towards the ancient Shenlong tree.

These giant dragons flew very neatly and densely, and the scene was once very spectacular.

These dragons are the protagonists who will hold the Jackie Chan Ceremony later.

Lin Niang looked at them, feeling very excited.

These giant dragons are born warriors!
If I could have such an army composed of giant dragons, not to mention other things, just taking it out for a couple of laps would be enough to make people frightened.


Kingdom of the Dragon, I must get it!Make sure that the Kingdom of Dragons is loyal to me from the bottom of my heart!

A total of [-] giant dragons flew to the sky above the ancient dragon tree, and then fell down one after another, turning into human forms.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Three thousand dragon warriors, men and women, knelt on one knee in front of the Dragon Emperor.

“good good”

Looking at the good man in the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Emperor said three good words in succession.

"Today is your Jackie Chan ceremony.

Your parents, the various ministers of the Dragon Kingdom, and the envoys of various sect dynasties will jointly bear witness for you.

After today, you will be real adults, the real warriors of my Dragon Clan!

From now on, you have to be responsible for your words and deeds, you have to protect your family, you have to protect your country!
Are you ready? "


All the dragons responded in unison.

"We are willing to die for our country!"

"very good!"

The Dragon Emperor nodded, then turned around, walked towards the ancient dragon tree, and bowed his hands: "Today, a total of 250 pure-blooded dragons have grown up, and I hope the tree will bestow divine water to congratulate my dragon warriors." .”

The Dragon Emperor's voice fell to the ground, and the ancient dragon tree automatically moved without wind.

"Thank you, Ancient Tree."

The Dragon Emperor stepped forward, took out a dagger, and cut a small hole in some tender green branches of the ancient tree, and then dropped a drop of the juice of the ancient tree into a small glass bottle.

Lin Ni didn't know if there was a tree spirit in this ancient tree, or if it really agreed to be used for its juice.

Anyway, the Dragon Emperor nodded his head as an ancient tree, so it should be considered a promise.

Even if the ancient tree does not agree, it must be agreed at this time.
Soon, within a short time, there was a drop of emerald green juice in a total of 250 small glass bottles.

With a wave of the Dragon Emperor's hand, each glass bottle floated in front of these giant dragons.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Ancient Tree!"

The dragons excitedly opened the bottle and drank the juice.

The moment they drank the juice, the violent Longwei swept away.

Lin Niang was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect these juices to be so effective.

It was just such a small drop, and the aura of these dragon boys directly exploded a lot.

It is indeed the treasure of the kingdom of the dragon.

Lin Niang also knew that the juice actually had other effects.

That is, it can improve the fertility of dragons.

The more powerful the race, the lower the fertility.

And the juice of this ancient dragon tree can increase the chances of conception of dragon women, and it can also make dragon men extremely powerful day and night, and the medicinal effect will last for 200 years in total.

In Dragon Clan, becoming an adult means starting a family.

In the next 200 years, they will look for a Taoist partner, and then get married and have children. This is their most important task at present.

After the Jackie Chan Ceremony was over, the boys from the Dragon Clan stood aside, and next was Luo Yi, the Great Prince of the Dragon Clan, who was about to officially become the Prince of the Dragon Clan.

It's not wrong that Luo Yi is the prince now, but as long as Luo Yi hasn't held such a ceremony, it doesn't count.

Only Luo Yi ate the fruit of the ancient dragon tree and was blessed by the luck of the Dragon Kingdom. In this way, Luo Yi really became the prince of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Luo Yi, come forward."

Dragon Emperor shouted to his eldest son.


Luo Yi stepped forward excitedly.

I finally waited until this time.

As long as this time the reward is over, it is equivalent to being recognized by the dragon kingdom, and no one can shake his position.

Otherwise, it is tantamount to rebellion!

And the luck of the dragon kingdom will also protect him.

Luo Yi knelt on one knee in front of his father.

Looking at Luo Yi, Dragon Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

Luo Yi doesn't have the ability to become a famous monarch in the history of Dragon Kingdom, but Luo Yi is definitely not bad either.

He may not be an extremely enlightened monarch, but at least he is also a conservative one.

I can safely hand over the Kingdom of Dragons to him.

In this regard, Dragon Emperor is quite confident.

"From today onwards, Luo Yi, you will be the prince of my Dragon Kingdom, and after ten thousand years, you will take over the Dragon Kingdom.

The power of the emperor is beyond everyone's imagination.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. You must lead the people of the Dragon Kingdom forward.

You must do your best for the people of Dragon Kingdom, and die!
If the Kingdom of the Dragon is ruined, you will not be able to enter the ancestral temple, sorry for the ancestors, do you have such awareness? "

"Yes! My son is willing to sacrifice everything for the kingdom of dragons!"

Luo Yi nodded heavily, and the voice of promise resounded throughout the secret realm, which sounded very exciting.

In fact, this is just what every prince must say.

But after today, the position of prince is said to be stable, it is indeed quite stable.

But if you say it's not stable, it's just that.

Because the current Dragon Emperor killed the prince back then, even put his father under house arrest, was forced to retire and became the Supreme Emperor, and then the Dragon Emperor took the supreme position.

Starting today, Luo Yi can no longer stare at his three younger brothers so much, but he can't ignore them either.

Dragon Emperor nodded: "Remember what you said now, this position may not be as comfortable as you think."

The Dragon Emperor finally spoke earnestly and earnestly. This is a father's sincere emotion for his son, rather than a stereotyped scene.

The Dragon Emperor turned around, faced the ancient dragon tree again, and bowed: "The crown prince has been established today, if the ancient tree agrees, please ask the ancient tree to drop the divine fruit, and luck will be added to my son!"

【The typhoon is coming, it’s windy and rainy, but it seems to have stopped at night. I’m done writing today. Let’s go for a run. After the typhoon, there is still a little breeze. The weather is very refreshing. Running in this kind of weather is the best. 】

(End of this chapter)

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