Fairy, put down the knife first

Chapter 293 How is this possible

Chapter 293 How is this possible
"Kill it."

The Golden Dragon King didn't want to talk nonsense to him anymore.

Since the other party refuses to listen to life and death, then let him die directly.

After receiving the order, the two generals raised their heads, with golden dragon's breath condensed in their mouths.

As long as Yi Zheng was struck in the head by these two dragon breaths, his mind and soul would definitely die.

Regarding his own death, Yi Zheng accepted it calmly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Even if he died, he would die for the country, and he deserved it!

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

For a long time, Yizheng didn't feel the two dragon's breath spraying towards him.

When Yi Zheng opened his eyes, a woman was floating in front of Yi Zheng.

The woman was wearing a dragon robe, with a graceful and slender figure, and her whole body was surrounded by mountains and rivers. The majesty of the emperor was shocking, and she subconsciously wanted to kneel in front of the woman.

Yi Zheng had never seen the current empress before.

However, in the kingdom of dragons, besides the majesty in Longdu, who else can be a woman who can wear a yellow robe and be surrounded by such a strong fortune?

After seeing Luo Qingqiu, the Golden Dragon King and his four subordinates were all stunned, and didn't react for a long time.

They had thought that Longdu might send reinforcements over.

But they never thought that the person who came would be Luo Qingqiu himself!

How could she leave Longdu?

On the other side, there was another dragon chant in the sky.

Twenty thousand forbidden troops flew to the battlefield under the leadership of the mighty general.

"Your Majesty's royal conquest! You can only survive when the rebels stop resisting! Your Majesty is virtuous! Only the leader of the bandit will be killed!"

"Your Majesty's royal conquest! You can only survive when the rebels stop resisting! Your Majesty is virtuous! Only the leader of the bandit will be killed!"

"Your Majesty's Royal Conquest! You wait for the rebels to stop resisting"

The voice came from the sky.

The subordinates of the Golden Dragon King lost their senses for a moment.

First of all, quite a few of the Golden Dragon King's subordinates expressed deep doubts about their prince's "King Qin".

After all, Dragon Kingdom has always had good weather and good weather, and the royal family has a good reputation. Most people think about the royal family. Who would rebel if they have nothing to do?
Does it do me any good?

If the royal family loses their morals, it's okay to say that if it arouses the anger of the sky and the people, and loses the hearts of the people, then the people will fall to others.

Not only will you get a bad reputation if you rebel, but you will even be poked in the back all the time.

Now that His Majesty's royal conquest is in person, it is even more confirmed the fact that his prince rebelled. The so-called "King Qin" is just a joke.

Naturally, they don't want to hang out with the prince.

Following the prince may not necessarily lead to a successful rebellion, and it may even implicate the nine clans.

Now that I give up resistance, I can at least have a crime that is not as good as a soldier.

Even joining His Majesty immediately can gain a reputation.

After some thinking, it was true that some soldiers turned their backs.

These soldiers who turned against each other were all loyal people, and they really cared about the royal family.

In addition, some "neutral" soldiers are more conservative, they just follow orders.

The prince was talking about King Qin, but he didn't know if it was really King Qin.

How did I know it was a rebellion?

Anyway, I'm just pretending to be stupid, and now I let go of my resistance, it's okay, right?
At that time, no matter which side wins, they will not blame themselves.

And some dragon soldiers who are only loyal to their princes are still fighting.

For these soldiers, it can only be erased in a physical sense.

But in any case, following His Majesty's personal conquest, bringing along the imperial army, this is undoubtedly a shot of stimulant for the soldiers of Shuanglong Pass.

On the battlefield, morale was high, one ebbed and the other ebbed and flowed, and even in a short period of time, there was a faint appearance of an imminent counterattack.


The Golden Dragon King looked at Luo Qingqiu, still at a loss.

The Golden Dragon King is in the name of King Qin.

Now, the king came to attack himself.
In this way, the name of "King Qin" is no longer there!

Thoughts were spinning in the Golden Dragon King's mind.

With King Qin's name gone, I have two ways of retreat, one way of retreat is to pretend to be crazy and foolish, saying, "Since Your Majesty is safe, then the minister is at ease."

Then retreat back to their territory.

The second way is to stop acting altogether.

Anyway, everyone has reached the point where they are now. If this is the case, then just tear your skin apart.

And isn't Luo Qingqiu here?
That Luo Qingqiu would simply die here.

As long as Luo Qingqiu dies here, wouldn't it mean what he said?

Besides, even if he withdrew his troops back, would Luo Qingqiu really be considered a fool?Do you really think those courtiers are fools?
Does Luo Qingqiu really believe in himself as King Qin?
In a short time, Luo Qingqiu might not do anything to him, because the current situation is very chaotic.

But Luo Qingqiu will definitely settle accounts after the fall, and then he can only leave the kingdom of dragons and escape from him. Isn't he exactly the same as the half-blooded Long Xi'er back then?

The Dragon Clan attaches great importance to their own dignity and face, which is absolutely unbearable for the Golden Dragon King.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon King directly made a judgment.

Without the slightest sign, the Golden Dragon King raised the spear in his hand and stabbed directly at Luo Qingqiu's chest.

This golden spear has been a treasure of the Golden Tribe since ancient times, and it can pierce through everything.

And this strike of the Golden Dragon King has exhausted all his strength, trying to achieve a one-hit kill!

The blow came so suddenly, whether it was Yi Zheng or the four generals of the Golden Dragon King, all of them opened their eyes wide.

They never expected that the Golden Dragon King would not even act, and would directly kill the king!

This shot was too fast and the gun was too powerful.

Yi Zheng was already in despair, thinking that His Majesty would definitely not be able to escape.

The current state of His Majesty will definitely die under this shot.


Just when everyone thought that Luo Qingqiu would surely die.

The golden long spear stopped just an inch away from the center of Luo Qingqiu's eyebrows, unable to move any further.

The Golden Dragon King seemed to be stabbed on an invisible shield. On the tip of that golden spear, ripples rippled round and round.

"How is this possible?" Everyone was taken aback.

The Golden Dragon King also suspected that he was dreaming.

The Golden Dragon King never expected that the full-strength thrust of the magic weapon in his hand would not be able to pierce the opponent's body-protecting dragon energy!



[It was originally going to be updated, but I set a regular update, but I didn't expect it to be sent out, but fortunately, I almost forgot to post it in time, and I still have to check the regular update in the future]

(End of this chapter)

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