Chapter 336 Black God
The battle against the Qingtian Sect began.

The Qingtian Sect's magic circle was activated.

But the activation of the Qingtian Sect's magic circle was of little use.

Because the Formation Hall of Wandaozong actually already had countermeasures in place.

The Qingtian Sect's magic circle is just a slightly ordinary existence.

The elders of the Formation Hall have been studying the formations for many years, and they have also obtained some knowledge of the ancient formations taught by Granny Hun. Therefore, it is difficult for them to crack the Qingtian Sect's formations. , it’s simply a piece of cake.

The Wandao Sect Formation Hall has arranged various formations, specifically to confront the Qingtian Sect.

In just an instant, Qingtian Sect's formation was offset by an unknown amount.

And after only half a stick of incense had passed, this magic circle was completely cracked, and no effect was exerted at all.

Without the blessing of the magic circle, the combat power of both sides was basically at the same level. This battle was almost one-sided.

Although the monks of the Qingtian Sect took the unknown pill, their strength was still completely inferior to that of the Wandao Sect.

In a matter of seconds, they were completely destroyed.

After these monks from the Qingtian Sect took the elixir, each one of them turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared into the sky. In the end, they did not know where they went.

Originally, Lin Niao was wondering if he could hijack this wisp of black smoke.

But in the end, Lin Niao found that he couldn't do it, not even Granny Hun could do it.

Lin Niao could only watch these monks disappear.

It was not like Lin Niao had never persuaded these Qingtian Sect monks to surrender.

But these monks have become red-eyed. It is more because of the pill that has affected their sanity. They have turned into humanoid beasts.

After a day and night of fighting, all the monks and disciples of the Qingtian Sect died.

These disciples were either killed or died of exhaustion.

They are not fighting to the death to defend their sect.

Just because they were affected by the elixir, they only saw killing.

No one from the Qingtian Sect survived, and no body was left behind.

After every disciple of the Qingtian Sect dies, no matter how he died, the body will explode into black death energy and then disappear into the horizon.

During the entire war, Zuo Ning, the leader of the Black God Sect, did not take action.

Zuo Ning just watched this scene calmly, as if Zuo Ning was watching the effects of these medicines.

For Zuo Ning, this battlefield has become Zuo Ning's testing ground.

But yes, this is just a small subsidiary sect.

For Zuo Ning, it is nothing more than a dispensable existence. The most precious thing in this sect is actually Tianqingshui.

In the end, Zuo Ning ran away.

If a person in the Ascension Realm in full condition wants to escape, basically no one can stay.

Originally Yan Suxue wanted to stop him, but was directly persuaded by Lin Nian.

Lin Niao completely controlled the Qingtian Sect.

When Lin Niao opened the Qingtian Sect's warehouse, he discovered that all the items in the Qingtian Sect's warehouse had been emptied.

That is to say, the Tianqing Altar in the Qingtian Sect's forbidden area cannot be moved away. Otherwise, how could the Black God Sect leave it for itself?

Lin Niao counted the number of casualties.

The number of Wandaozong casualties was almost [-]% higher than Lin Niao expected.

All this is mainly due to the influence of the elixir.

Lin Niao didn't know how much of that kind of elixir was left in Zuo Ning's hands, but it would definitely not be less.

If Zuo Ning gives these pills to the disciples of the Black God Sect, according to the current strength of the Black God Sect, he and his group will definitely be destroyed together.

Lin Niao guessed that Zuo Ning did not take action and asked all the disciples and elders of the Qingtian Sect to take these pills to fight him, just to tell him this -

"If you want the Qingtian Sect, I will give it to you, but if you push your limits and want to attack our Black God Sect, then you should be careful. Even if we die, our Black God Sect will still hold you on your back!"

In fact, Lin Niao felt that Zuo Ning didn't want to die with him. After all, if he died with him, what would be the benefit of the Black God Sect?

The most rational way now is to have people stationed at Qingtian Sect, and then wait until Tianqingshui is born, and then take Tianqingshui away to help Granny Hun reshape her true body.

But Lin Niao felt a little unhappy that he had mobilized so many troops and only killed a Qingtian Sect.

"Lin Niao, I have already found out all the people from the Black God Sect in Wandao Sect."

Just when Lin Niao was struggling, Granny Hun came in and said to Lin Niao.

"Okay! I'm sorry for bothering Granny Hun!"

Lin Niao put away his thoughts.

Regarding whether to continue attacking the Black God Sect, this still needs more discussion, but now, at least all the immediate matters can be solved, such as picking out all the rat shit in the pot of porridge of Wandao Sect.

Lin Niao followed Granny Hun to the main hall of Qingtian Sect's main peak.

Inside the camp was still the same cage that Granny Hun had at that time.

It's just that this cage has been improved. The top of the cage is covered with various obscure patterns, giving people a very exaggerated feeling.

Around the cage, Sang Ying and others were protecting it.

Inside the cage, there were masses of black air surrounding it.

This black energy keeps bumping into each other, but it just can't come out.

When Lin Niao arrived, Grandma Hun explained to everyone:
“The nature of everyone’s spiritual power is different.

Just like leaves, there are no two identical leaves in this world.

Therefore, we can judge a person's identity based on his spiritual attributes.

However, when a person learns the exercises, their spiritual attributes will change more or less.

If you learn the same exercises, your spiritual power will have somewhat similar properties.

I attached it to this cage based on the original similarity of Tianmo Jue.

When I attacked the Qingtian Sect, I captured the spiritual power of many monks. These monks are basically disciples of the Demon Sect, so there is no mistake.

There were three hundred and two people in total.

I set up a spell. After releasing these spiritual powers, they will go looking for their masters. "

"Okay!" Lin Niao nodded and looked at Long Xi'er on the other side, "Xie'er, go and call the [-] dragon warriors over, in groups of two, and we will open the cage later. The owners of these spiritual powers must be arrested!"


Long Xier cupped her fists and saluted, turned around and left the camp.

After a while, [-] dragon warriors arrived.Grandma Hun opened this cage, and all the dead energy in the cage flew out.

Every two dragon warriors form a group and follow the spiritual power to capture them.

An hour later, on an uninhabited mountain peak of the Qingtian Sect, a total of [-] followers of the Black God Sect were arrested.

They were blinded at first, but when they saw their companions, their faces turned pale and they knew what had happened.

But they can't figure out how they were exposed?
Lin Niao looked at them without saying a word. He just took out the few followers of the Black God Sect that he had captured before and threw them on the ground.

Lin Niao didn't plan to lock them up in a dark room, it was useless.

Lin Niao planned to use some simple and violent means.

Lin Niao didn't believe it. Every one of the followers of the Black God Sect was so loyal.

If everyone was loyal, those alien demons would probably rule the world long ago.

"First question, who is your master?"

Lin Niao first went in front of the few people arrested yesterday.

"I won't tell you! You have the ability."

Before the man could finish his words, Lin Niao chopped off the head with a sword and separated the head. Then without even looking at him, he continued to ask the second person: "Who is your master?"

"Master will kill you!"


When the monk finished speaking, the long sword in Lin Niao's hand slashed down again, and the head was still separated.

Every time Lin Niao walked in front of someone, he would ask. If the other person didn't say anything, even if he just said nonsense, Lin Niao would cut it off with a sword without saying a word to the other person.

Before he knew it, Lin Niao had killed more than 30 people.

Moreover, Lin Niao did not kill people in order.

That means you never know if you'll be asked next.

In their eyes, Lin Niao was like a devil.

But after thinking about it carefully, they remembered that Lin Niao was originally a demon, and the Tianmo Sect was originally a demon sect.

It's just that the Wandao Sect has been cleansed recently, giving them an illusion.

And just when they were thinking wildly, heads rolled to the ground one after another.

The soil on the ground was already stained red with blood.

Even at the broken necks of many people, blood was still gushing out. The scene was once very bloody and brutal, and it was the kind that needed to be mosaic!
They felt that Lin Niao's actions were eating away at their will bit by bit.

In the end, when Lin Niao killed one person, this lackey of the alien demon couldn't bear it anymore:

"I said! I said! In fact, I don't know who our master is. Others don't know. I just had a dream one day. In the dream, there was a person who claimed to be my master, and then said I gave the order, that's all.

Please, don't kill me!I beg you!I beg you! "

After the disciple finished speaking, he kowtowed heavily on the ground and kept shouting "I don't want to die yet."


"Do you know that you are betraying your master!"

"Master will not spare you!"

This disciple's rebellion aroused the anger of others.

"It's noisy."

Lin Niao chopped down a few people again, and then the noise around him quieted down, and then he said to everyone:

"I'm telling you, if he told me all the information I want to know, he would survive, but you wouldn't survive.

You need to think clearly. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Niao stopped talking nonsense to the others and continued to talk to this disciple: "Then let me ask you again, is the Heavenly Demon Art you practice passed down to you by those immortals from the Presbyterian Council? "

"Yes Yes."

The disciple spoke quickly.

"At that time, I was just an inner disciple, but one day, an elder from the Presbyterian Church came to me and told me that I had a very good talent and wanted to teach me the supreme mental method of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

However, after I learn this mental method, I cannot tell others, and from now on, we must believe in the only true God.

Because the temptation was great, I accepted it.

And after practicing such a technique, my practice has indeed improved very quickly. "

"Let me ask you again, apart from teaching you the Heavenly Demon Art, have those guys from the Presbyterian Church told you anything about him?"

"There are some!"

At this moment, another person answered.

He doesn't want to die yet.

Rather than having all the questions answered by this person, it would be better to say it yourself.

"The elders from the Presbyterian Church told me that our Heavenly Demon Sect has actually lost its inheritance, and we are the ones who will inherit it. One day, we will also become elders.

And as long as we practice well and believe in the master, we can gain endless power! "

"Yes, yes, the elders of the Presbyterian Church told us that we will all be the backbone in the future. After the master rules the world, we can all become princes and masters."

Another disciple shouted.

Lin Niao then asked some more questions.

Just when the second and third people relented, more and more people couldn't help it anymore and hurriedly spoke.

I'm afraid that after everyone else has said everything, I won't say anything, and then I can only be killed.

As for the traitor?

There are already so many people who are traitors, so what if one more person becomes a traitor?
After three hours of long questioning, Lin Niao already roughly knew what happened.

It was roughly the elders from the Presbyterian Church who found them, gave them benefits, taught them spells, and finally made them believe in the alien demon called the Black God.

After that, every once in a while, they would have to take the opportunity to go to Elder Peak. It was called practice, but it was actually brainwashing.

After all the old guys from the Presbyterian Church died, these people all went into hiding, but just a few years ago, they all had a dream.

There is a vague figure in the dream, who is called their master, and then they obey the orders of this master.

In the latest dream, the "master" told them to do their best to cooperate with the leader of the Black God Sect.

And in order to survive, these guys also recruited other believers of the alien demon that they knew.

"Take them all down and seal off their spiritual power." Lin Niao ordered Long Xi'er, "In addition, Feijian sent a letter asking the elder of the Soul Hall to come over. If I have anything to do, please see him."

(End of this chapter)

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