Chapter 86
Walk in this abyss.

This hidden map of the abyss, when Lin Niang played games in his previous life, he only came here once or twice.

Since Lin Niang directly G twice here, Lin Niang directly chose to read the previous archive, bypassing this abyss.

Unexpectedly, I came again this time, and this time I couldn't read the file.
If it's dead, it's really gone.

Lin Niang regretted it a little. If he had known earlier, he should have fought over it with a slump instead of looking for another route.

Along the way, Lin Niang and Sang Ying encountered many monsters.

But all these monsters were slaughtered by Lin Niang, and Sang Ying didn't even have time to make a move.

Only then did Sang Ying realize that the young master was already so strong.

Sang Ying felt that the young master could take three tricks from her own hands.

The young master is really amazing.

And every time a monster appeared, Lin Niang would protect Sang Ying behind him.

Sang Ying felt a little awkward at first, because in Sang Ying's view, it was right for her to protect the young master.

But Sang Ying didn't dare to disobey the young master, for fear that the young master would drive her away again, and these monsters were indeed not strong.

So Sang Ying hid behind Lin Niang.

Hiding and hiding, Sang Ying gradually felt that Lin Nong had a sense of might, handsome and domineering, and even Sang Ying gradually became a little fascinated looking at Lin Nong's side face.

Lin Niong also felt that it was Sang Ying who seemed to be staring at him often.
However, Lin Niang didn't think too much about it, and continued to protect Sang Ying behind her, and began to gain affection.

Lin Niong didn't know how much favor he could get, but it was better than nothing.

"By the way, Sang Ying, do you still remember what happened when you were a child?"

Walking in this flat and dark abyss, no monsters came out to seek death for the time being, Lin Niang asked tentatively, planning to give Sang Ying a vaccination first.

In case Sang Ying was too surprised when she saw Xiao Wu, the impact was too great.

"What happened when I was a child?" Sang Ying didn't know why the young master would suddenly say this.

"Yeah, it's something that happened when I was a child." Lin Niang organized his words, "For example, what playmates, good friends, etc."

Sang Ying thought about it seriously: "There are a few, they are all the daughters of my father's friends, but as they grow up, they don't have much contact with each other. The children born to our servants play with me, and there are many Few, but as they grow up, they become more and more respectful and alienated from me."

"Is there anyone who impresses you the most and wants to see you the most?" Lin Nong said, "Don't worry, I don't have any other meanings, just asking for nothing."

"The one I want to see the most." Sang Ying thought carefully, but still shook her head, "Young master, there is no such thing."

Looking at Sang Ying's sincere eyes, Lin Nong knew that Sang Ying was not lying to herself, but that Sang Ying's impression of those childhood playmates was average.

In other words, Sang Ying's impression of Xiao Wu is also average!
Sure enough, Sang Ying was just an ordinary childhood friend to Xiao Wu, just like everyone else, nothing special.

This can't help but make Lin Niang feel a little relieved.

"That's it." Lin Niang smiled, "But Sang Ying, what if your childhood playmates become monks and they want to kill me and eliminate harm for the people? Of course, I just Just in case."

Sang Ying lowered her head and thought about it seriously.

"If that time really comes." Sang Ying raised her head and looked at Lin Niang seriously, "The servant will definitely stand in front of the young master! No matter who it is, don't want to touch a hair of the young master!"

Sang Ying's firm gaze stunned Lin Nong for a moment.

"Don't worry, if it really comes to that time, I will deal with it myself, and I won't let you come in person, turning you against each other, but just don't hate me when the time comes." Lin Nian rubbed her head, "After all, if others want to kill me, I will not let them go."

"I don't dare." Sang Ying said in panic, "If they want to kill the young master, they will seek death themselves, and they can't blame others."

"I don't want you to 'don't dare', but I want you to 'won't'."

Lin Nong really wanted to say this sentence, but in the end, Lin Nong just smiled, stopped talking, and continued to walk forward, ending this topic.

This abyss is deep, but the abyss is not long.

In less than a day, Lin Niang and Sang Ying reached the end of this abyss.

At the end of this abyss, there is a cave. This cave is the only way out, surrounded by black rocks.

It's not that Lin Niang and Sang Ying have never thought about flying into the abyss, but this abyss has a natural restriction, Lin Niang and Sang Ying cannot fly higher than [-] meters.

In fact, even if Lin Niang wanted Sang Ying to leave, the two of them had to finish this journey first and leave this abyss before talking.

As soon as the two walked into this cave, the entrance of the cave was suddenly closed.

Turning his head and looking, there was nothingness behind him, as if there was no way to come, Lin Niang and his two could only continue walking forward.

"Also ask the young master to follow the servant girl."

Sang Ying knew that this place was very bad, and her heart was extremely disturbed. She stood in front of Lin Niang and walked forward slowly.

"Young master, this place seems unusual, the space seems to be distorted, and space transfer may occur. If the young master doesn't dislike it, can you grab the hand of the servant?"

Sang Ying, who was walking in front, said softly. When she said this sentence, Sang Ying felt as if she had exhausted all her strength, and her cheeks were all red.

"Okay." Lin Niang was not pretentious, and grabbed Sang Ying's tender, delicate, boneless little hand.

Feeling Lin Niang's wide palm, Sang Ying's whole body trembled, as if an electric current flowed through her body.

This is not the first time that Sang Ying has touched Lin Niang's hand.

But this is the first time that Sang Ying offered to join hands with Lin Niang.

And holding hands this time, Sang Ying always felt that her body was hot, and her heart seemed to be jumping out of her throat.
The most important thing is that I don't even hate it anymore
What the hell happened to me.

When Sang Ying was absent-minded, suddenly, this cave kept shaking.

Sang Ying hurriedly got rid of the mood of the little girl, held Lin Niang's hand tightly, and looked around vigilantly.

The stone walls around this cave kept collapsing, and pieces of falling rocks hit the ground.

In less than half a stick of incense, the entire cave collapsed, but Sang Ying and Lin Niang were not buried, but came to a vast and boundless void world.

This world is pale, and the sky and the earth seem to be handed over together.

And at the very front of this world, amidst the boundless whiteness, there is only one tombstone standing there
(End of this chapter)

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