After brushing up the heroine's hatred, I crossed

Chapter 121 Chapter 121 The House Was Stolen (2 in 1)

Chapter 121 121. The house was stolen (two in one)


The ancient capital of thousands of years, also known as Ping An Jing.

Since the arrival of the black mist, it has become a holy city protected by God Amaterasu.

For hundreds of years, despite the wind and rain, it has been stable and peaceful, and it is a paradise on earth.

However, this time, the "dark clouds" gathered over Kyoto are a bit bigger.

West of Kyoto, Mount Atago, Sekisho.

In order to cater to the Fengshui of the four images, the imperial court built a customs office in the west of Kyoto.

It is called Baihuguan, and it suppresses the Shanyin and Shanyang to prevent the forces of the Western Kingdom from attacking Kyoto.

However, because of the covenant with Kyushu, the Swordsman who guards the checkpoint doesn't take it seriously.

Apart from regularly cleaning up the surrounding monsters, they just had nothing to do in the checkpoint, and because of Fujiwara Sakura's expedition to Shikoku Island, only a few people stayed behind in the checkpoint.

"San Mori, please, I'm going back to Kyoto."

At the surveillance post of the customs office, a middle-aged swordsman patted Sanmori on the shoulder and said.

"Senior, are you skipping work again?" Sanmori said helplessly.

Mount Atago is to the west of Kyoto, not far from Kyoto.

"It's all right, it's your turn after I get rid of my loneliness." The middle-aged swordsman opened the door, turned around and said with a smile, "Well, if you don't come back tonight, you'll be in trouble for the morning shift tomorrow."


Sanmori had been assigned here for more than a year after graduating from the Sword Master's dormitory. Staring at the emerald green mountains every day, he felt like he was going crazy.

He also wants to join the four-nation conquest team, or go to Shizuoka to fight against the United Association.

It's a pity that the level is too low, even the logistics staff are not competent.

Not to mention blatant dereliction of duty like the predecessors did.

"so boring"

Sanmori pushed open the door, looked at the figure of the senior who gradually disappeared on the mountain road, and sighed slightly.

He patted his face, looked at the afterglow of the setting sun, put the spirit knife in his waist, and walked slowly towards the halfway up Mount Atago.

"Start night patrol."

Facing the sound of the wind, he patrolled both sides of the mountain path vigilantly, trying to stay focused.

But after walking for a while, at a familiar corner, suddenly, a black shadow flashed from the corner of his eyes and penetrated into the dense forest. Sanmori stopped and looked around quickly.

This is Mount Atago, and there is no one inhabited. In addition, the senior left, he was a little flustered by himself.

Moreover, as far as Sanmori knew, Kyoto had set up a magic line.

From the "Biaoguimen" in the northeast to the "Liguimen" in the southwest.

Mount Atago was the stronghold that was excluded from the Demon Sealing Line.

Swordsmen who have been stationed here for a long time will encounter some strange things
"It's all because of the ghost stories my predecessors told me"

Sanmori stood and looked at it for a long time, looked at the sun that had sunk into the horizon, thought for a while, and prepared to return.

Anyway, no one came to attack here.

He nodded, and then returned to the customs office.

However, at the moment of turning around.

Suddenly, a hairy arm appeared in front of his eyes.

Reaching out to grab his neck.

Sansen hurriedly lay down and dodged, and drew out the spirit knife, but looking at the creature in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be a monkey."

Because there were no one there, these monkeys became Sanmori's companions to relieve loneliness. He would often feed them, so he got acquainted with the monkey group after coming and going.

"...I'll talk about it when I get back."

Sanmori withdrew his knife and waved at the monkey who was reaching out to beg for food, not in a good mood.

He continued down the mountain, but within a few steps, he felt a hairy palm grasping the back of his neck.

"Don't bother me, we agreed to go down the mountain"

Just as Sanmori was about to stretch out his hand to break free, he found that the palm on his neck was unusually wide, cold and stiff, not like a living creature at all.

His back turned cold, turned his head with difficulty, and saw a burly "monkey" standing behind him from the corner of his eye.

"Monkey" is extremely ugly, with blood-red bumps and irritable red eyes all over his face.The body is tall, thick and powerful, covered with dull black scales, which makes people think of the devil in hell.

"Not a monkey."

Sansen was stunned, he couldn't understand, what was the creature in front of him?
And the monkey ghost smiled ferociously, and suddenly stretched out his fist, like a huge hammer, hitting Sansen's chest brazenly.

Sanmori's body shook, and he flew back tens of meters, slamming heavily on the protruding rock, spitting out blood.


The monkey ghost beat its chest and screamed, and then more of its kind appeared from the forest.

"No, it's a demon, I have to inform Kyoto as soon as possible"

Sanmori didn't think about it, he tried to pretend to escape, but he failed several times because his ribs were almost broken.

And the evil spirits will not miss this opportunity.

Sanmori took a few more hits and took the opportunity to roll down the mountain road.

Enduring the pain, he ran to the prison.

As long as you reach the checkpoint, activate the defensive array. Even he can stick to the capital and rescue.

However, the evil spirits have already stolen the house.

Outside the prison, there are all evil spirits of different shapes shrouded in black mist.

One of the evil spirits was holding half of its leg in its hand. Not surprisingly, it was the senior who went down the mountain and left.


Before dying, he looked into the distance.

Menacing evil spirits crowded the entire avenue, submerging the periphery of Mount Atago in a blood-red mist.

They slowly approached from a distance, making low and hoarse roars, like a tight army, unstoppable.

"Kyoto, what will happen next?"

Sansen closed his eyes, tilted his neck, and died.

And he wasn't the first person to die at the hands of evil spirits.

From Okayama to Kyoto, the hundreds of miles of road and the strongholds along the way were all attacked by evil spirits, and no one survived.

Chaowu Egret stopped in the air, looking at the shining Kinkakuji Temple in the distance: "Sa, it's started."

Night falls.

Kyoto tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The army of evil spirits that crossed the checkpoint approached the capital at an extremely fast speed.

The so-called magic sealing line, under Chaogiri Egret's intervention, did not cause much threat, and the evil spirits easily entered the capital.

After the evil ghost army broke through the night patrol, it began to destroy wantonly.

They let out a low, ferocious growl, attacking anything that came within sight.The walls were smashed by them, the roofs were overturned by them, the shops on the street were looted by them, and all the targets that could be damaged were spared.

The civilians who took an evening walk outside the street faced a sudden disaster and fled in panic, not knowing what to do.

Some fell to the ground and were trampled into meatloaf by the evil spirits, some were chased into corners by the evil spirit army, and there was no way to escape, and some tried to fight against the evil spirit army, but their heads were crushed with a punch.

Kyoto, Heian-kyo became a city of the dead.

Bloody, disorder and despair enveloped everyone's heart.

The people had to face the safety issue that they would die in the next second, and began to think about how to leave the city.

During this period, Yu Daoshi spontaneously and continuously organized forces to deal with it, but the effect was almost zero.

The strength of the evil ghost army is beyond human imagination.

Ordinary sword masters are no match for evil spirits at all.

After seeing this scene, the people who were fleeing accelerated their escape without hesitation.They carried their belongings on their backs and ran in panic. The evil spirits chased after them, making dull low growls, which deeply irritated everyone.

Kyoto, Pills!
"Where did these evil spirits come from? There are too many of them!"

Two imperial palaces.

The aristocrats of Kyoto quickly gathered together for a meeting to discuss countermeasures.The atmosphere in the conference room was tense, and everyone's faces were filled with worry and fear.

"Who knows! The magic sealing thread doesn't work! Why did the evil spirit 30 years ago reappear in the world?"

Moreover, compared to the last time, this time they hit the capital without anyone noticing. The consequences of this are clear to everyone who is doing it.

In case, the people of Tokyo took advantage of this opportunity to take a detour to attack Kyoto, even a small team could cause huge waves.

"What did Daimyoko Fujiwara say? Can she come back?"

A nobleman asked worriedly.

"It took less than half a day for the information to arrive! We couldn't react at all!" said a lieutenant general of the guards wearing a samurai uniform. "There are not enough swordsmen, even if we have a plan, we can't use it!"

"Then what should we do? Just watch the evil spirits ravage the capital like this? Arashiyama has already fallen, and in half an hour, they will be able to break into Qingliang Palace!"

"At this point, the only option is to ask Your Majesty to go to Fushimi for refuge."

"Evacuate? Where else can we go besides Kyoto?"

Kyoto is surrounded by mountains on three sides and a basin facing water on one side. The only exit is in the south.

But the evil spirit broke through the barrier from the southwest, and blocked the escape route long ago!

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

The fact that the highlands were besieged by the enemy is already decades ago.

The nobles who are doing it all have deep memories, and they all remember the figure of suppressing eighty thousand gods by one person.

However, it is no longer possible for Osamu Aizawa, who can defeat the gods, to help them.

An old swordsman stroked his beard: "No matter what, even if you are all dead, you must ensure the safety of your majesty. Prepare to break through!"

The tragic situation in the city of Kyoto has caused everyone to panic. Facing the attack of evil spirits, they can only pray for the blessing of the gods and hope for a miracle.

"Tsk, is this over?"

Facing the ferocious ghost, a swordsman closed his eyes, clenched his fist unwillingly, and waited for death to come.

Beside her were the team members whose corpses had been cold for a long time.

They claim to be the guardians of Kyoto, but they have been unable to prevent the evil spirits from razing the city of Kyoto to the ground.

What a shame, I'm sorry, Fujiwara Daimyojin, I failed your expectations.

And at this moment, a clear Buddha's name sounded, and a mysterious monk stepped out of the ruins.

Wearing a pure white monk's robe, with a dignified face and an air of transcendence, he walked towards the evil spirit silently, holding a golden rosary, and walked forward step by step with a dignified and confident demeanor.

Seeing the mysterious monk, the evil spirit backed away unconsciously because of the sacred aura, and began to observe the monk's every move.

The monk stretched out his hand, smiled and said to the evil spirit, "I'm not here to fight you, I'm just here to pray for you so that you can return to the right path."

After speaking, the monk bowed his head and folded his palms together, and began to chant sutras.

Behind him appeared a few monk soldiers whose whole bodies were covered in white cloth, only a pair of pupils revealing a sharp gaze.They spread out, pulled out the beads in their hands, and jumped into the air, drawing a huge Buddha seal in the air.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirit felt a strong sense of oppression and started running around in fright.However, several monks have besieged him in one place, preventing him from escaping.

The monk soldier held a string of rosary beads in his left and right hands, and began to rotate at high speed, making a "swish" sound.These rosary beads spun rapidly, streaked across the sky like a meteor, and finally shot at the evil spirit.

At the same time, the voice of the monk in white was clear and melodious, as if there was a magical power conveying it.Several evil spirits felt a mysterious power flowing in their bodies, and they began to calm down unconsciously.

As the monks' chanting became louder and louder, the black mist covering the evil spirit's body gradually rose until it disappeared completely.

"You are." asked the Swordsman.

"Don't talk, you're badly hurt."

The monk walked up to her and put his finger between her eyebrows.

After the woman fell asleep peacefully, he looked at the flames of war burning in the distance and frowned.

Although the evil spirit was purified, he still felt uneasy.He noticed that these evil spirits did not seem to be obsessed, and they had great power hidden.

Not transmissible at all, but pure evil.

Where did these evils come from?
"My lord, the monks of Mt. Hiei have all entered Kyoto, please give me instructions."

A monk soldier with a white cloth on his head appeared in front of him.

"Save people and expel ghosts."

The white-clothed monk who is the new head of Tiantai Sect replied.


Mount Hiei is one of the two sacred mountains of Buddhism in the northeast of Kyoto.

In the past, the monks were very powerful, and they were the forces that caused headaches for the court on weekdays.

But right now, it is because of them that the capital, which is empty of troops, will not be completely defeated.

The feat of the monks purifying the evil spirits spread throughout the city of Kyoto, giving hope to the fleeing people.

"Come on! Evil ghosts are nothing to be afraid of!"

"The monks have come, they are best at dealing with evil spirits!"

Afterwards, the remaining swordsmen were also organized by the nobles of Kyoto, and began to counterattack the evil ghost army in an organized manner, and the battle situation gradually improved.

"Hmph, dying." Chaowu Bailu looked coldly at the capital surrounded by fire, "but this is just the first attack of the evil spirits."

She waved the folding fan in her hand, and the leader of dozens of evil spirits appeared.

They are tall and strong, like giants, holding steel-like weapons, leading a large number of evil spirits to attack the organized monks frantically.

The white-clothed monk struggled to resist, and he still seemed to be able to handle it with ease. He looked at Chaowu Egret, clasped his hands together and said:
"Benefactor, what's wrong with the people of Kyoto?"

Chaowu Bailu didn't answer, just stared at him, and waved the folding fan again.

A tall ghost leader appeared in front of them. He was wearing a black robe and a golden crown on his head. His red eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

The monks and monk soldiers in white felt an unprecedented threat. They wanted to stand up and fight against the leader of ghosts and gods, but they found that they could not move and were restrained by an invisible force.

The ground of Kyoto, guarded by the Four Elephant Gods, began to shake, and the air was filled with a turbid atmosphere that made it almost impossible to breathe.

The people with weak resistance began to fall asleep, and the evil spirits continued to gather towards the ghosts and gods, merging into the bodies of ghosts and gods.

"There is no need for the capital that binds Xiu to exist."

Asagiri Egret issued an order to let the ghosts and gods go to the center of Kyoto, Miyagi.

The entire burning sky was blocked by his towering body, and the sound of huge footsteps shook the ground, as if it contained the power to destroy everything.

The saber envoys couldn't fight ghosts and gods at all, and even His Majesty, who was out of the palace, had to stand still.

"It turned out to be a god. Is this the end of the thousand-year history of Kyoto?"

However, at this moment, a blade of light pierced the sky, cutting off the ghosts and gods' heads.

"Zhaowu, you have crossed the line."

(End of this chapter)

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