After brushing up the heroine's hatred, I crossed

Chapter 132 Chapter 132 Dragon Palace

Chapter 132 132. Dragon Palace (Two in One)

Unlike the previous situation of entering the realm of ignorance, the originally clear sea water was mixed with gray impurities.

A thick darkness filled the sea, like a canvas spilled with ink.The turquoise waters are polluted into an oily, murky hue, as if the world is shrouded in an inescapable haze.

"what is this?"

Although wearing a filter mask, Osamu Aizawa subconsciously closed his mouth tightly.

"The black mist gathers and condenses to a certain extent, and it will look like this." Shiori Shimizu said.

Osamu Aizawa looked at the bottom of the endless darkness, and he could see a black pollution belt, like a long scar across the boundless ocean.This pollution zone seems to have no end, spreading rapidly, eroding the originally clear and transparent sea water.

Large chunks of black dots, similar to the clods of an oil pollution spill, thick and sticky, sinking in and out.

They are like black tumors, killing the life of the sea.At this moment, a large number of monsters in the water no longer soar and play. They flee this polluted sea area in horror, looking for a new habitat.


Obviously, less than half a month has passed, and this ocean has become a restricted area for life?
"That's not the case, Hisashi Sasaki, how could we let us in to eradicate the gods?" Fujiwara Sakuraya said.

"This old guy."

Osamu Aizawa sighed: "Forget it, they're all here anyway, let's find out the reason for the change."

He could feel that even greater filth was brewing in the depths of this decayed ocean.

Shiori Shiori Shimizu nodded, and threw out dozens of jade tokens, which shone in the turbid sea water and acted as street lights.

"Split up, look for the border first, see if there is any land, and gather in half an hour."

The realm of ignorance was not an ocean in the first place.

Therefore, it is important to find the source.

So instead of looking for a needle in the endless haystack, it is better to look for the last pure land and see what happened?
"No, I want to go with you. He is a fox, not good at fighting." Shiori Shimizu posted and said.

"Then I want it too." Fujiwara Sakuraya swims over and hugs Aizawa Osamu's right arm and said.

"... business matters."

Is now the time to be jealous?



"Then let's go together!"

Shuu Aizawa subdued, he left Shiori Shimizu aside and swam to the east, leaving the two hostile to each other behind their backs.

Finding land is difficult.

Osamu Aizawa suddenly felt a little emotional.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the ichthyostega, the ancestor of all terrestrial creatures and amphibians, was the first creature to choose to go ashore, how did it find land from the vast ocean.

Is it a coincidence of the Creator?

After swimming for so long, Osamu Aizawa was a little tired, but in the ocean, there are three coordinate dimensions.

If you stop still, you will slowly fall into the dark shadow of the terrible deep abyss below.

As a game player, Osamu Aizawa likes to unlock all maps.

Therefore, the option of falling directly is not within his consideration.

"Xiu, are you tired? I can hug you." Shiori Shimizu supported Aizawa Ou, and spread the furry net with the fox tail.

"A bit."

Osamu Aizawa snuggled up to her, but before he rested for a while, he was pushed away by Sakuraya Fujiwara.

"Xiu, there is a situation."

"What's the situation? You can't see me making out with Xiu." Shiori Shiori said disdainfully.

"Hmph, the fox's brain, can't understand human words?"

Fujiwara Sakuraya pointed to the gradually clearing radiance above his head and said, "There is movement up there."

"...Okay, let's go and have a look."

Osamu Aizawa immediately floated up with force.

He also tried to surface before, but the light did not change, telling him that maybe this ocean has no sea level.

Now I don't know why, but there has been a change
Osamu Aizawa floated up vigorously, hoping to get close to the place where the change was, and the movement from above also made him curious.

He intensified the strength of his ascent, and tried his best to get close to the area with clear light.During this process, you can feel the changes in the surrounding water flow, which seems to be flowing in a certain direction.

"The flow direction has changed, and it seems to be absorbing something?"

"Is Sumiyoshi God trying to get rid of the filth?"

Osamu Aizawa had doubts in his heart, followed the current, getting closer and closer to the place that caused the change.

Soon, he and Fujiwara Sakuraya finally arrived at a special place.The light there is bright and clear, in stark contrast to the surrounding ocean.

A huge ocean dome enclosed them like a transparent dome.

Under this dome, the sunlit waters become extraordinarily bright, reflecting captivatingly clear colors.


Osamu Aizawa looked at the place and said.

In the sea, forming a semi-enclosed space?
"There is a feeling of spiritual power, but not much, it seems to be formed naturally." Shiori Shimizu closed her eyes and felt it.

Fujiwara Sakura pointed to the distance of the dome and said, "There is a bright spot in that place."

Osamu Aizawa swam over and found a sandy beach.

The fine sand on the beach is white and soft, and it feels like walking on silk when you step on it.Osamu Aizawa walked up and noticed that the waters around the beach were different from ordinary seas.A vast seagrass bed, slender and soft seagrass swaying with the flow of sea water.

It is full of vitality, completely different from the surroundings that have been eroded by the black mist of oil.

Around this seabed beach, Osamu Aizawa discovered some unique marine life.There is a small fish with colorful spots on its body, which emits bright light when swimming, and seems to be purifying the surrounding water.

"Couldn't this be Dragon Palace?" Osamu Aizawa said.

"Very likely." Fujiwara Sakuraya replied.

There is also a legend of the Dragon Palace in the island country, and the Sea God lives in the Dragon Palace.

However, in the previous copy of Sumiyoshi Taisha, Osamu Aizawa had never encountered Ryugu.

Therefore, he can only continue to go deeper.

And as the exploration deepened, they discovered even more fascinating sights.

A huge coral reef city unfolded in front of their eyes, a huge building complex made of coral.These coral structures have different shapes, like magnificent castles and palaces.

Osamu Aizawa was shocked, he couldn't imagine such a beautiful and complex world hidden under the ocean dome.

"However, why did the ocean become so filthy? Moreover, it is lifeless here, and there is no atmosphere of Dragon Palace at all."

According to the dungeon, Dragon Palace is either the boss point or the starting point for exploration.

Now it seems that the possibility of fighting the boss is very low.

In the subsequent exploration, they also discovered some more mysterious places.

A lighthouse-like light caught the attention of Osamu Aizawa, and they decided to take a closer look.When they got closer, they realized that it was a deep-sea fluorescent biological area shining with dazzling light.The faint light illuminates the surroundings, making the whole area appear ghostly and mysterious.

But apart from the quietness, it is barren.

"I'm not looking anymore, I'm exhausted."

Shiori Shimizu was sitting on a coral reef, and Osamu Aizawa looked over, only to find that her light and elegant dress was soaked in sea water, clinging to her body, outlining her graceful figure.

Seawater seeped into the delicate fabric of the dress, revealing the black lace.The black lace is dotted on the wet dress, reflecting her slender body lines, exuding a mysterious and sexy atmosphere.

Water droplets slide down the lace, forming a delicate water line, as if it is a beautiful pattern drawn by nature for her.

Sensing Aizawa Osamu's gaze, Shiori Shimizu smiled and raised her head deliberately.

The water droplets on her hair flowed along her neck, shoulders, and back, and the tiny water droplets slid across her skin and fell on the ground, making a crisp sound.

She lowered her head slightly again, her long hair was wetly attached to her cheeks and shoulders, exuding a faint fragrance.

Through her long hair, her eyes were agile and sly, looking at Osamu Aizawa, revealing a hint of freshness and charm.

"Xiu, come here."

She seemed to be so inviting.

Osamu Aizawa glanced at Fujiwara Sakuraya in the distance, and walked over unconsciously.


Shiori Shimizu straightened her chest, and the bright black and white lace pattern dazzled him for a while.


The damn fox, who can obviously dry it, deliberately made it look wet.

"There is a secret passage behind this coral reef, shall we go in?"

Seeing Osamu Aizawa shaken, Shiori Shimizu kindly offered a solution. She shook her ears, gently pulled Osamu Aizawa's hand, and looked up with pure and charming eyes.


Shiori Shimizu's persuasion made Osamu Aizawa feel a little bit of excitement.

Obviously Fujiwara Sakuraya is not his wife, but he always has the feeling of having an affair with someone.

After half pushing and half pushing, Osamu Aizawa entered the secret passage of the coral reef.

The space inside is relatively narrow, and two people can only stick together, unable to stretch their hands and feet.

There is a faint smell of the ocean in the secret passage, and the salty smell of sea water and traces of algae permeates the air.

Of course, the most important thing is the fox smell on Shiori Shimizu's body. It smells ambiguous and pleasant, which makes people feel peaceful physically and mentally, and it seems that a fire is burning from the inside of the body.

That is the smell that Osamu Aizawa is very familiar with, and it is usually used to add to the fun.

He and Shiori Shimizu stared at each other without speaking.

In this small space, the sound of the water flow is amplified and echoes off the walls of the coral reef.The sound of tiny bubbles and the sound of breathing from both sides became closer and closer.

Breathing became more and more rapid, and the eyes of the two people were intertwined.


A crisp voice rang in Osamu Aizawa's ear.

Then a louder sound pierced his eardrums.


The secret passage was opened.

Fujiwara Sakura stood above, staring coldly at Osamu Aizawa and Shiori Shimizu.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

"Rest." Shiori Shimizu said indifferently.


"Xiu is not alone." Qingshui Shizhi said, "Anyway, Xiu likes me."

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to argue."

The chief culprit, Zexiu, pointed to the coral city in the distance and said, "Something is coming."

The movement of Fujiwara Sakura night caused a group of white creatures to attack from afar.

These creatures look like lobsters, but are distinctly different from regular lobsters.They are about one meter long, covered with a pure white shell, shining with faint coral light.The shell is covered with fine lines and uneven bumps, which seem to be the result of their erosion by the black mist.

Their bodies are round and powerful, with well-developed and hard front claws.There is a pair of angular eyes on the top of the head, emitting a shimmer.

There is a row of tiny tentacles around it, similar to tentacles, very flexible.

Osamu Aizawa pulled out his spiritual knife and charged directly at him.

I am not afraid of having enemies, but I am afraid of not being able to find clues.

However, this group of lobster monsters didn't seem to be attracted by the movement, they flew over Aizawa Ou's head in unison, which surprised him a bit.

"Why didn't you attack me?"

"Maybe, they are just passing by?"


Although Osamu Aizawa was confused, he didn't relax his vigilance.He decided to take advantage of this opportunity and followed the group of lobster goblins.

He kept a certain distance, carefully tracking the movement of the group of lobster monsters.He noticed that these lobster monsters had no specific targets, they were hovering in the air, making a low hissing sound.

This made Osamu Aizawa even more curious, and he began to observe whether there were any special changes in the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, after crossing the dome, Osamu Aizawa noticed a dark energy glow in midair.

It was a huge dark vortex portal, from which emitted a strong black mist energy, as if it was inextricably linked with this group of lobster monsters.

Osamu Aizawa immediately understood that this group of lobster monsters did not fly spontaneously, but were summoned by the dark portal.

"Where does that vortex lead to?"

Fujiwara Sakuraya and Shiori Shimizu also followed, looking at the vortex above the dome, their faces solemn.

"The field of ignorance creates a connection with the outside world"

"It's unlikely. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is closely monitored, and any movement will cause disturbances in Osaka first. Hisashi Sasaki never mentioned this kind of monster invasion."

"Could it be a crack leading to the bottom of the sea?"

Osamu Aizawa looked at it, and in his feeling, it seemed calm down there, but there was actually an undercurrent surging.

"Why bother so much, why not go in directly." Shiori Shimizu said, "Anyway, there is nothing in this place."

"What if I can't come back after going in?" Aizawa Osamu asked worriedly.

This vortex looks evil.
"It's just right if you don't come back, so you don't have to fight with a group of women again." Shiori Shimizu smiled while holding Osamu Aizawa's arm, "Anyway, it's good that you stay with me."


"I'm going too." Fujiwara Sakura said coldly.

"No one stopped you."

So, the three of them followed the group of white lobster monsters and marched towards the black vortex together.

As they got closer, the environment began to become distorted and weird, and the clear dome lost its color and became extremely hideous.There was a depressing atmosphere in the air, and they felt the existence of the power of the black mist.

In the end, they came to the edge of the black vortex, and outside, they could all feel the strong gravitational force and the surge of black mist energy.

Osamu Aizawa, Shiori Shimizu, and Sakuraya Fujiwara took a deep breath, clasped each other's hands tacitly, and prepared to jump into the abyss of the black vortex together.

After jumping into the black vortex, they were sucked into a completely different space.

This world is full of gloom and dead silence, full of dark forces.Lobster goblins are also showing their powerful fighting instincts in this new environment.

Start the battle with the dark, formless monsters guarding the vortex. It seems that their mission is to send them over to sacrifice their lives.

Osamu Aizawa looked at them and observed the surrounding situation.

Then, he found that he seemed to be on top of a dragon's head.

He jumped up and looked down for a bird's-eye view, only then did he know who the dragon head really was.

"Someone was one step ahead of us and killed Sumiyoshi"

(End of this chapter)

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