Chapter 39 39. Explain to me

Everyone looked at Osamu Aizawa who was sitting on the sofa. He had only been in for 5 minutes, and he took the initiative neatly.

In the quiet underground secret room, only the unlucky man who was about to be sent to the Worm God Pool begged for mercy.

Although the priests have different factions, they have a common right to dispose of lower-level believers.

Forcibly killing a believer is nothing at all.
Osamu Aizawa got up and pulled him up, patted his back and comforted him:
"Tokyo is currently under martial law, and some believers are trying to survive by betraying the sect, so I am worried if there are any traitors among you."

Osamu Aizawa glanced at everyone in the room, and the others turned their heads away, not daring to look at him.

"I'm not, I'm absolutely not. If the religious order hadn't given me a new life, my life would have been ruined! How could I be a traitor?" the man begged.

No, if you join the religious order, your life will be ruined.
Osamu Aizawa nodded, returned to his seat, and said in a relaxed tone: "Don't worry, I will never wrong any believer. But if anyone betrays the sect, then I will be exposed, and I will also eliminate the harm for the ancestor. "

The little leaders of the believers silently looked at each other with complicated expressions, but no one dared to speak out against Osamu Aizawa.

After all, as far as they know, under Utsunomiya Renhua's sudden nervous operation, some believers were caught off guard and arrested in the Unity Prison, probably already betrayed
This is also the reason why the order wants believers to leave Tokyo temporarily.

"But, are you serious about assassinating Utsunomiya Daimyojin?" A believer asked again.

They couldn't help but be careless, the name Utsunomiya Lianhua was known to everyone, everyone knew it.

Born in the Unification of the Royal Sanjia, under the tutelage of Soya Sword Master, who is known as the No. 1 under the gods, he is unparalleled in swordsmanship.

Moreover, since ascending to the position of Daimyojin, there has not been any monster invasion disaster in Tokyo.

People in the world often say that she pays attention to the whole Kanto!
He also wanted to kill her.
Are you going to die in vain!
No matter how you look at it, Utsunomiya Renhua is not an object that manpower can contend with.

Everyone looked over and asked Osamu Aizawa to give them an explanation.

This is absolutely chaos.

It was the goal that Osamu Aizawa forcibly set after he came to power in order to make achievements and consolidate his priesthood.

They will not sacrifice their lives needlessly for Osamu Aizawa's wishful thinking!

Osamu Aizawa glanced at their faces and smiled contemptuously: "I can understand everyone's concerns, but how can a mere Great Myogami resist God's will!
With the help of the Eternal God, we will definitely be able to dominate the Udu Palace!Restore the glory of the church! "


No, there is no help.

The patriarch actually let a fool with faith in his head be a priest.

"What? You don't want to do it?" Osamu Aizawa frowned and looked at them.

"Of course! Assassinate Utsunomiya, you can't even enter the Musashi Tower in the core area, and you still want to assassinate her!" A believer shouted.

The 23 wards of Tokyo are divided into three areas.

They are Maria's Wall and Rose. No, they are the super-large Shinto formulas established by Tokyo's onmyoji according to Feng Shui Kanyu to suppress the ignorance in Tokyo.

Among them, some of the six districts surrounded by the Yamanote Line are the core areas.

It is mainly based on the Fengshui Shinto of Edo City constructed by the ancient shogunate according to the suggestion of the "Prime Minister in Black" Tianhai monk.

As for the core area, the main residents are Yudaoshi and his family members. It is similar to the inner city of the ancient imperial city, and the identity screening is extremely strict.

Musashi Tower and its surroundings are a veritable Miyagi, and low-level swordsmen can't get close at all.

It is difficult for them believers in the sect to have a decent status, enter the Musashi Tower area, let alone meet Utsunomiya Lianhua, and take the opportunity to assassinate her.

"You don't need to worry about the assassination, you just need to do what I tell you."

Seeing Osamu Aizawa's expression of being too lazy to explain, the believer was outraged.

"It's unreasonable!" they protested.

"It's not like the sect doesn't know how difficult it is for us to lurk and take root in Tokyo. Now, for revenge for the so-called assassination, we have come to die in vain. The patriarch will never issue such an order!"

"That's right, I asked to contact my priest before I could act, otherwise I would never."

In the end, before the believer could finish speaking, he realized that his head felt cold.

The hood was cut off at some point and fell to the ground, and he himself shaved a samurai Tsukidai head.


Everyone was speechless, obviously they had been staring at Osamu Aizawa, but no one noticed his knife movement
Osamu Aizawa bent forward slightly, pressed the Yan Mo Dao next to his hand, and looked at the believer of "Yuedaitou":
"There is something wrong with your words, please explain to me, what does it mean to contact your priest before taking action?"

"that is."

The believer of Yuedaitou looked at the others, but no one dared to look at him.

Osamu Aizawa said calmly, "Explain, explain."

The believer's eyes wandered in Yuedai: "That's right, contact the priest who brought me into the religion."

Aizawa Shusho pointed to the hilt of the knife: "Explain, explain, what does it mean to contact the priest who brought you into the religion?
My word, doesn't work? "

"No, I just want to confirm the authenticity of the order and prevent misinformation"

Yue Dai's head and legs were weak, and he looked at the dark Yan Mo Dao. The bright red smear on the handle of the knife seemed to be the wound on the top of his head.

"So, I am a priest, not a priest?"

"Of course you're a priest, I'm just."

Osamu Aizawa stretched out his palm to signal him to shut up, then he paused and looked at the others: "Although I have only been in the sect for a short time, I also know that there is a big problem within the sect!

Is it normal for some believers to form cliques and only recognize priests but not patriarchs?
This time, I have another task, which is to follow the order of the patriarch to weed the sect! "

"No, absolutely not, how dare I disobey the order of the patriarch!"

A big hat was buttoned up, and the believer was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, crawled over and hugged his leg: "I listen to you, I absolutely listen to you!"

Osamu Aizawa glanced at him: "Who is your priest?"

"It's Akane Ikeno."

"Where is she now? Why doesn't she come to see me?"

"Master Akane Ikeno is an A-level swordsman of the United Association. She is currently stationed in Chiba and cannot come."

"A level, it's pretty high."

"Although she has a high status, she may not be able to meet Utsunomiya Daimyojin"

The believer hastily added something, and Osamu Aizawa smiled: "You are quite loyal to her? Are you afraid that I will let her die?"

"She is my guide"

Although the Yuedaitou believers didn't say it, they definitely meant it in their hearts.

After all, to assassinate Utsunomiya Renhua, after much deliberation, only the A-level Akane Ikeno could do it
Osamu Aizawa stood up and said to the crowd: "We have to trust Lord Godfather, he will never issue impossible tasks and let believers die in vain!

Now, do as I say! "

The rally is over.

The effect of the first meeting is very good, at least, these little bosses will not despise Osamu Aizawa, and even prevent him from beheading him first and playing later in the name of the godfather.

The task of playing a new priest with "fanatic faith and amazing force" has been successfully completed.

Back to the hotel.

When Osamu Aizawa was opening the door, he happened to meet Sayoko Mina who was going out next door.

Minamoto Sayoko waved and said hello: "You are finally back."

Osamu Aizawa frowned subconsciously: "Are you spying on me?"

He has yet to transition from his previous "aggressively full" role.

Minamoto Sayoko panicked: "No, I just knocked on the door before and found no one in the house."

Osamu Aizawa asked: "Knock on the door? What are you doing?"

"I cut some fruit and want to give it to you."

"Are we familiar? Don't cry."

Osamu Aizawa sighed and pushed open the door: "Please come in."

(End of this chapter)

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