China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 103 Only Children Do Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 103 Only Children Do Multiple Choice Questions

Is the cast of "Pacific Rim" really selected?
Of course the starring role has been signed. For such a big movie, if you don’t choose the actors early, those big names will wait until the filming starts to sign the contract with you. Their schedule has been arranged half a year or even a year in advance.

It's just that, during this period of time, why don't everyone from Huying Group and Changsha Tuanhuo Company pay much attention to where's movie promotion?

That's not because the project of "Huantai" is too big and requires too many people. Everyone is busy with the "Huantai" project. How can we not let them take too much care of the promotion of "People on the Road".

As for the actors of "Huantai", there are at least nearly 20 main actors from China and the United States alone, and thousands of ensemble performers.

There are nine leading actors, three in China and six in the United States.

At present, these nine actors have been confirmed, but there are still a large number of other actors who have not been confirmed, and at least a dozen main supporting actors have not been confirmed.

Apart from the actors, there are other preparations. Now Huying Group and Changsha Tuanhuo are betting on the "Pacific Rim" project, but it is necessary to ensure the smooth progress of the "Pacific Rim" project.

On July 7th, He Fang and Wang Baoqiang came to Hangzhou with the purpose of recording a new issue of "The Voice" and promoting it for the movie "On the Journey".

"Director He, congratulations, you won the big prize, and the box office is still selling well. You are gaining both fame and fortune." Director Lian greeted He Fang under the TV station building in person.

"President Lian is over-reputed, so I'm just lucky." He Fang laughed.

"Haha, if this is luck, I really want to try this kind of luck. Hello, Teacher Baoqiang, go, go, go upstairs, and go to my place for tea..." Director Lian warmly greeted the two of them go upstairs.

He Fang and Wang Baoqiang were the ones who came to Zhejiang to do promotion this time, and of course they will be the main publicity for "People on the Journey" afterwards.

No way, the two of them are the leading actors in this story, and the others are not even supporting roles, they can only be regarded as cameos.

So it’s not right to drag other people to do continuous publicity. Therefore, the two big men can only go around to publicize. Get some momentum.

"Your "Single Zoo" has a box office of 1.4 million, right? Have you applied for an extension? It's definitely not worthwhile for this movie to only last a month."

"Applied, but even if it is postponed, it won't increase the box office much. If it can increase by 2000 million, it will be very popular."

"Twenty million is still money. How many movies can't get this amount at the box office. Why are you still not satisfied?"

"Ah? Ha, that's the same, it's okay."


Director Lian sat there for less than an hour, and He Fang and the others went to the recording site.

"Director He, are you really going to sing a song? Or do you come on stage at a link in the middle?" Guo Xiaohua, the producer of the show, asked.

"Singing, of course I have to sing. Although I can't sing well, I still have to try to see if I can make the instructors turn around. Don't save face for me. If you don't reach the level of turning directors, don't turn around. It's best not to let the directors turn around. The four mentors know that I am best on stage."

"Ah, wouldn't that be bad?"

"What's wrong with this, at least it can let the audience know that those who are not good at "The Voice" really won't turn around. And the audience will not ask me to be a director who can turn the mentor around, don't worry .”

"Then what song to sing?"

"Well... Let's make a Hunan folk song, just "My Home in Dongting, Eight Hundred Miles". I can sing this song, and my mother often sings it, and she even sings it to me."

"Haha, Auntie seems to be singing Huagu Opera, right?"

"That's right, so she babbled and babbled at home when she had nothing to do. By the way, do you think singing folk songs on this stage will be effective?"

"Huh? I really don't know about this."

"Hey, give it a try."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements." Guo Xiaohua said and left.

He Fang and Wang Baoqiang were left sitting in the lounge.

"Director He, you really know how to sing? Do you still sing folk songs?" Wang Baoqiang asked curiously.

"That's for sure. I have received more than ten years of performance training. The vocal stage is beautiful, and singing is not a basic skill?" He Fang said proudly.

"Wow, the majors are really different. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to learn majors." Wang Baoqiang was a little disappointed.

"Does it matter if you have professional training? Acting is a matter of talent. Some people are born to act, and some people can't become famous after studying a major. There are many graduates who can't play you, which proves that acting is a professional thing. Training is important, but not as important as talent."

"Hey, Director He, you really can talk." Wang Baoqiang also grinned happily.

The two sat in the lounge for about an hour, watching the scene being recorded on TV, and commenting occasionally.

It wasn't until the staff came in and told He Fang that the two of them could go to the waiting room, that He Fang led Wang Baoqiang out.

"Okay, let's invite our next contestant to come on stage." The host Ma Ke spoke with the microphone, the instructor's chairs were turned around, and the lights on the scene were also turned around.

When a blurry figure came out of the darkness on the big screen, the audience in the audience were puzzled, but when He Fang stepped onto the stage, the audience screamed. Fortunately, a staff member raised a sign to ask them not to call out their names.

"Ah... God..."

"So handsome, so handsome..."

"Why is he here?"

While the students were waiting in the room, many of them were stunned.

"No, isn't this who, the one with the Palme d'Or?"

"What and who, this is the real boss of our show."

"Ha, yes, that's where."

"He's here to promote the movie..."


"Hey, the audience seems to know each other, is it a celebrity?" Naying asked in confusion.

"They won't say it, so that's probably it." Wang Feng said.

"Who made them scream like that, singer?" Jay Chou asked.

The audience waved, but said nothing.

"Yo ho, you have a tight mouth."

...that is, when the four instructors were guessing, the lights of the audience changed, and it was quiet...

He Fang turned around and nodded towards the band. There was no live accompaniment for this song, but the accompaniment tape was played.

He Fang choked his throat, and then turned to the microphone.

"Thousands of clouds in the sky~ Luo... Shui Lixia~ yo~ho..."

"Wow..." The audience was stunned and even sang folk songs.

"Oh, not bad." Jay Chou was very surprised.

"It's okay." Wang Feng nodded.

Naying also nodded, and Harlem immediately winked, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

"Dongting, eight hundred miles away, my home..."

"Clap clap clap..."


He Fang also nodded with a smile, and then that feeling came up.

To be honest, the audience at the scene was really shocked, even Guo Xiaohua and Marco backstage were shocked. I didn't expect He Fang to be able to play such a clear high-pitched voice, which is comparable to a professional.

"Oh, who is this, the folk song singer? It's so tangled." Naying looked so excited there.

Jay Chou shrugged and spread his hands.

Wang Feng kept shaking his head, as if making a difficult decision.

Only Harlem, whose face was deformed all the time, suddenly slammed the button, 'bang' Harlem turned around, and then the other three instructors looked over.


"Damn it!" Harlem cursed in shock, and immediately stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

"Who? Who is it?" Na Ying asked there.

"You'll know if you turn around." Harlem smiled mysteriously.

"Folk songs, do we want to sing folk songs in this show?" Na Ying was so entangled.

"Never mind it, turn it on." Jay Chou also made a decision.

'Bang' Jay Chou also turned, but he was the same as Harlem, "I'll copy..."

"Huh?" Now Naying became even more curious, and Wang Feng was also dumbfounded. At this moment, the audience were all shouting in unison, 'Turn, turn, turn...'

After Naying and Wang Feng looked at each other, they also turned away cruelly.

"Ah..." Both of them were shocked.

"Thousands of clouds in the sky~ Luo... Shui Lixia~ yo~ho... Eight hundred miles away in Dongting, my home..." He Fang finished singing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Whispering..." Harlem even whistled.

"Ha ha……"


The four instructors applauded one after another.

"Thank you, thank you four teachers for turning around. This time, Baoqiang and I are here to promote my new movie "People on the Journey."

As soon as He Fang waved, Wang Baoqiang came on stage, and then greeted his mentor and audience friends.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment. You haven't chosen a mentor yet, tell me, who do you choose among the four of us?" Harlem immediately stopped He Fang from continuing to introduce the rhythm of the movie.

He Fang was taken aback and spread his hands.

"Yes, now you are an ordinary student of Good Voice, you have changed four times, and you have to choose a mentor, who do you choose?" Na Ying also booed there.

"Haha... I think this is the one to choose." Wang Feng laughed.

"Director He, I like you very much, you know how to choose." Jay Chou's gesture represented everything.

"This..." He Fang scratched his head, "Aren't you embarrassing me? The four of you are all so good, and I'm not a child and I have to do multiple-choice questions."

"What do you mean? What do you mean, you can get away with it by praising the four of us as excellent? Don't you have to do multiple-choice questions?" Harlem asked.

"That's for sure. Only children can do multiple-choice questions, and adults need all of them."

"I'm sorry, Director He, you really have big ambitions." Jay Chou said in surprise, "Movies need to win prizes and box office. If you were asked to choose a mentor, you would want all four. No, you must choose one."

He Fang asked in embarrassment: "Must choose one?"

"Yes, one must be chosen."

"One must be chosen."

Faced with the aggressiveness of the four mentors, He Fang was also tangled.

"Well, if I had to choose, I would choose traditional virtues."

"What do you mean choosing traditional virtues?" Wang Feng asked.

"Respect the old and love the young, I'll be Teacher Harlem first." He Fang said.

"Hey, hey, shouldn't traditional virtues be women first?" Naying quit.

"No, traditional virtues can also be like brothers. You called me brother last time. We are brothers." Wang Feng quit.

"Respect the old and love the young, I am the young one, you respect the old and love the young..."

"Haha..." The audience couldn't help laughing at the gags of the four mentors, and it was funny to see He Fang who was embarrassed and helpless on the stage.

Fortunately, everyone was just joking, and after a while of teasing, they let He Fang and the other two finish the movie promotion smoothly.

Then He Fang hugged the four of them one by one, and then made an appointment to have a meal together for the recording, and He Fang treated them.

Of course, not only the four mentors are invited, but also the main creative team. It is rare for him, the behind-the-scenes boss, to come here, so why not invite everyone to have a meal.

Those students waited for He Fang to get off the stage and rushed to find the two of them to sign autographs and take photos.


The programs on "People on the Journey" are not only "Quick Book" and "Good Voice", they also appeared on "A Date with Luyu", "A Very Quiet Distance", and He Fang even recorded an "Interview with Yang Lan" alone .

The pre-screening publicity was busy until August 8th, and then the premiere of "On the Journey".

But before that, He Fang suddenly remembered that he bought a villa in Zhuo Jing Bandai in the capital. He did it for convenience when he often came to BJ, and even more for investment.I even bought an Audi Q7 car, which is not so bad, not so high-profile.

It was a good deal to buy a house in Beijing in 2010, but he is not a real estate speculator, so buying a house is just a matter of thought.I can live there even in normal times, and if I live there for ten or eight years, not only will I save ten or eight years of accommodation fees, but I will also earn tens of millions.

Due to the success of "Single Zoo", the premiere of "People on the Journey", which was released immediately after, made many audiences and filmmakers full of expectations, wanting to see what the level of this commercial film is.

Now the box office of "Single Zoo" still has about 600 million new additions every day, and the box office has already reached 1.5 million. If it is postponed, it may reach [-] million.

"Director He, are you ready? The time is almost up, ready to leave."

The staff came to the rest area and called the crew of "People on the Journey", the premiere will start soon.

Today's premiere of "People on the Journey" crew is all here. After all, with He Fang's face, no actor is willing to leave a bad impression in front of He Fang.

"Okay, let's go, let's walk the red carpet..."

(End of this chapter)

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