China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 132 The first week's box office was 22 billion, that's all!

Chapter 132 The first week's box office was 2.2 billion, that's all!

"Hey, we don't have to run too much today, so we booked three theaters. We visited the Great Wall yesterday, and went to the Forbidden City this morning. We'll eat roast duck at noon, and we'll go to the theater at two o'clock in the afternoon."

In the early morning of the 29th, the staff introduced the itinerary to He Fang, Jason Statham and Fan Bingbing.

"That's okay, I'm not very tired, Jason, I will go to see the Chinese imperial palace later, but due to time constraints, we can only take a quick look at the flowers, you'd better be ready to take pictures in time."

He Fang smiled, and Jason stretched out his hand to make a V shape, "OK, no problem."

The next day followed the procedure, not to mention causing a sensation in every place, but it also caused some riots, not to mention how many fans Jason has, Fan Bingbing alone has a lot of fans ah.

"Director He, why do you feel like you are consuming my popularity?" Fan Bingbing was too tired to sign and take photos.

"Haha, this is also a test to see how much trouble you will encounter if you go out. This is not verified."

"I don't need you to verify it, I know, alas, I'm exhausted."

"Okay, I'll be exhausted at night." He Fang said casually in Fan Bingbing's ear.

In front of the crowd, Fan Bingbing just bit his lips to express his shyness.

When they went to visit these places, Tuanhuo Culture had hired reporters to follow them. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be useless if there were no reporters to report?
After the publicity in the capital was over, the three of He Fang and the dozen or so people accompanying them did not go to the airport to take a plane to Shanghai, but took the high-speed train to Shanghai.

"Wow, this is China's high-speed rail? It's so fast, so stable, and very luxurious. Hey, come on, record a video for me. It's great." Jason was riding a high-speed rail for the first time, and he was so excited .

However, it is a pity that there is no chance for He Fang to say that he will be tired today, because it will take five and a half hours from the capital to Shanghai at this time, and Fan Bingbing is very disappointed.

Just when she fell asleep after sulking, she vaguely felt that someone was pushing her constantly. She woke up in a trance, and He Fang made a gesture for her, signaling her to go to the toilet.

...So embarrassing, this, how can it be like this...

In the toilet on the train, that can only be a place I think about when I am dreaming, how can I really go there?
However, although Fan Bingbing blushed a bit, her movements were extremely quick...

"Die, how embarrassing it would be to spread the word." The blush on Fan Bingbing's cheeks has not faded for a long time.

"Unless the wind tells the secret, otherwise who will know? By the way, let me tell you some good news. The box office on the first day was 2866 million, and it will not be a problem to get three to four billion in the end." He Fang said lightly, rubbing Fan Bingbing's earlobe .

Feeling He Fang's warm breath, Fan Bingbing felt his soul tremble.

"Understood, you are amazing, and you have succeeded in making movies one after another."

"Hey, do you know now? Let's go, I'll go out first..."

"Why, want to leave in such a hurry?"


He Fang thought he had cheated a little girl, so he did a funny thing about Feng Zhongya Wu with her.

Who knew that a big demon was attracted, and was wrapped in the wind by the demon and danced to death...


"Hey, hey, He, here it is. Why do you feel that you are more tired than me?" He Fang was pushed awake in a daze, and looked weakly at the refreshed Jason. He forced a smile.

"It's almost there, go wash up quickly," Jason said.

"Oh well……"

Just when they arrived in Shanghai, they saw an article on the Internet scolding He Fang.

And this is an article from an important media. The article comes from Dong Mouyu, a commentator of a certain daily.

"He Fang's new movie is: He Fang, who failed to break into the United States, mocked the place where he once pursued his dreams"

The article blamed He Fang for nothing, saying that his life was corrupt, his morals were deficient, and he could not pass the Chinese opera and Nortel exams in China. He relied on his family's money to go to the United States to study, but he didn't study well during his studies and went to parties every day. .

In the end, He Fang stayed in the United States for eight years. He couldn't make it in Hollywood, and then returned to China in despair.

In his article, He Fang is a bad guy who failed to enter the United States, and then he succeeded by luck after returning to China, and started the fooling mode to fool the Huying Group and other industrialization.

"...the whole world does not need more film industrialized countries. The United States is enough to meet the global needs. He Fang thought that he saw some advanced civilizations in Hollywood and wanted to copy them to China. This is obviously not feasible..."

"...Moreover, our culture is flawed, and only America's flawless culture deserves to be celebrated and praised..."

When He Fang saw this and looked at the name again, he was not angry, nor was he angry. He smiled, really.

Just this IQ or such an important media commentator?He Fang was a little speechless when he was promoted later on. It can be seen that many censorships are only serious about movies, and they are really fake for some related ones.

Of course, in addition to scolding his articles, there are other articles that are not optimistic about "Invasion of Wall Street".

"The box office on the first day was only 2866 million, far lower than the 3018 million on the first day of "Let the Bullets Fly" and the 3620 million on the first day of "Tangshan Earthquake"

"Although He Fang is a new director, he is far behind the previous generation of directors"


Faced with these news, He Fang just laughed it off.The leaders of Shanghai Lianhe who came to pick him up tacitly didn't talk about the news, they just talked about how the audience liked "Invasion of Wall Street".

Although the people from Shanghai Lianhe didn't talk about it, they were still asked by reporters when they arrived at the road show.

"Director He Fang, a certain daily newspaper said that you are a failure to break into the United States and ridiculed the place of chasing dreams. What do you say about this?" A reporter asked.

"According to him, all the scientists who come back from the United States have failed to enter the United States? Is this the case with Mr. Qian and Mr. Deng who came back from the United States?"

"So, if he despises me so much, can I still go up and give him two ear shaves? What can I say, the mouth grows on people. However, I don't need to slap these two ear slaps, his descendants will. Some People's buttocks are crooked, and it's a strange thing how they did it today."

"What do you mean by 'Our culture is flawed, only the perfect culture of the United States deserves to be praised and praised'? He will go and explain this sentence to our ancestors before he can say it."

"I don't respond to this person and his articles. How he likes to say, time will always settle him. Ask him what's in his heart after staying at Harvard, Keio University, and Hokkaido University for so long. Is it still a Chinese heart?"

Faced with He Fang's response, some reporters were shocked. He Fang's meaning was obvious, implying that the other party....


Everyone tacitly did not continue to ask, but asked other questions.

"Director He Fang, the first-day box office of "Invasion of Wall Street" is lower than that of "Let the Bullets Fly" and "Tangshan Earthquake". Does it prove that you still have a big gap with the previous generation of directors?"

Reporters are always picking things up, but it doesn't matter where.

"Of course, there is a gap between me and them. How many successful films have they made, and how many have I made? I have spent a lot of money before returning to China and actually working as a director for more than a year. Do you want me to surpass the great directors of our country? It's too hard for me."

"Of course, I believe that the box office of "Invasion of Wall Street" will not be bad. There is no problem if it exceeds [-] million. As long as it exceeds [-] million, the movie will be a success."

He Fang actually confessed directly?Alas, I thought he was going to make a fuss, and there was no news point.

He Fang's answer immediately aroused discussion on the Internet.

"Yes, what He Fang said is good, explaining what is meant by 'Our culture is flawed, and American culture is perfect and worthy of being praised and praised', I said that after reading this report, I felt something stuck in my heart, or He Fang Hit the nail on the head."

"Thinking about it, I'm terrified. Our important media, someone actually made such a statement. How far is this worshiping foreigners?"

"Oh, all I can say is a sigh."

"He Fang admits that he is not as good as the two senior directors. I don't think he is admitting cowardice, but he is modest. As his subtext said, if he is a director who has only been making movies for more than a year, he will surpass the two great directors. Then our big director really can't stand the comparison."

"Haha, I don't care if He Fang is mocking Dreamland or not, I think "Invasion of Wall Street" is a good read, and my dissatisfaction with the United States over the years has been released..."


He Fang of "Dinglingling" was still on the road show, his phone rang, and he didn't need to guess to know what it was about.

Sure enough, it was Secretary Gu calling.

"He Fang, how can you say that to the commentator of this daily? If you can't produce evidence, it's slander, and others can sue you for slander."

"Secretary Gu, can you help me apply to the higher authority and give me a right." He Fang said.

"Application? What power?" Secretary Gu asked suspiciously.

"Give someone the power to monitor him for 24 hours. I dare to guarantee everything I have. He has a problem."

"..." Secretary Gu was stunned, thinking it was so ridiculous, "You... He Fang, you, this is so ridiculous, you..."

Secretary Gu didn't know what to say for a while.

"What I'm saying is true……"

"Okay, let's stop here. He Fang, we are making movies. Don't talk about it. It's easy to lose your future and life. Let's stop here. If others talk about him again Don't talk nonsense, I will help you to say hello."

"By the way, don't sue those media, and don't trouble that reporter. I'll help you deal with these matters, and all black materials involving you in the media will be strictly censored in the future."

"It's good for you to fall out with all the media? In the future, everyone will collectively not promote your movie, or pick your negative publicity, what can you do? It's cool to go back with a passion for revenge, but what about the consequences? Some People want you to fall out with the media."

Secretary Gu decided without a doubt.

He Fang understood what Secretary Gu meant. Now He Fang is the core figure related to the future development of Huying Group. He can't have an accident, let alone get involved in other things.

Okay, He Fang is still thinking, if someone provoked him, can he blow him up in advance?

But Secretary Gu's phone call told him not to mess with some things, just make movies honestly.


When the box office of "Invasion of Wall Street" came out the next day, He Fang, Jason and Fan Bingbing had just returned to the hotel after drinking tea in Guangzhou.

"Two, today's box office came out, 3374 million, which is a very good result."

"Wow, can the cost be recovered?" Jason asked, because he had no idea about the RMB box office.

"Of course, 2000 million US dollars is equivalent to 600 million yuan, and according to the current box office trend, we can get more than 6000 million yuan at the box office, which is equivalent to 6000 million US dollars at the box office, and our producers can get back [-] million. A little more than [-]% of the U.S. dollar, which means that China’s box office can cover the cost and make a little profit.”

Following Master He's explanation, Jason Statham finally understood, and he was also very happy.

"That's great, do you want to celebrate?"

"Ha, of course, let's go and have a drink."


I don't know what Secretary Gu said. Anyway, the reporter who scolded He Fang didn't respond. The major media also deleted all the dirty news and comments about He Fang overnight, and even blocked a group of provocative things. User.

Without the interference of off-site factors, coupled with the strong momentum of the box office, this made the public's attitude towards He Fang and "Invasion of Wall Street" much better.

As a result, on December 12 of the New Year's Eve, the box office reached 31 million.

Jason also flew back to Hong Kong after the New Year's Eve. He Fang and Fan Bingbing stayed in Hong Kong for a day and returned.

The single-day box office on New Year's Day broke through 4000 million, reaching 4015 million.


The total box office for the six days of New Year's Day reached 22640 million, or 2.26 million.

(End of this chapter)

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