China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 134 Came to play a monster?Attend the Golden Globe Awards

Chapter 134 Came to play a monster?Attend the Golden Globe Awards
He Fang is really stupid now, he...

"Master Xing, what role do you want me to play?" He Fang asked.

"I think the one that asked you to play the most handsome, although there are only one or two scenes, but it is indeed the most handsome one in this movie." Zhou Xingchi said seductively.

"The most handsome?" He Fang looked confused, who is the most handsome in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"?

Xuanzang?Mermaid?Mr. Void?still……

No way?Could it be that he wants He Fang to play Zhu Gangman?
"Master Xing, tell me, let me play a cameo role, I really have to see if I can do it." He Fang asked further.

"Say it, the most handsome, one of the most handsome monsters in our show." Zhou Xingchi didn't say anything.

"Then I really don't have time." He Fang resolutely refused, isn't playing monsters just like fish monsters and pig monsters? Could it be that he doesn't look like a monkey monster?

"Hey, it's a two-day show at most. I owe you a big favor by making a cameo appearance. If you need my help next time, just let me know." Zhou Xingchi promised.

He Fang was stunned for a moment, but when he thought of releasing Feng Xiaogang's pigeons, he knew that it was better not to believe his promise.

"Master Xing, isn't it? I know you still owe director Feng Xiaogang a cameo." He Fang said with a smile.

"Fuck me, you even know about this?" Zhou Xingchi said in shock.

"Of course, as long as you dare to guest-star me next time, I'll guest-star you. I don't need you to guest-star much, just make a cameo of Supreme Treasure and say a line." He Fang made a request.

"Hiss, this..." Zhou Xingchi hesitated.

"Ha, well, don't embarrass you, Master Xing. I can make a cameo, but it really can't be too long. I'm not lying to you. There are three plays this year." Seeing Zhou Xingchi's embarrassment, He Fang didn't force him anymore.

"Okay, you come to me as a cameo first, then call me if you want me to make a cameo in your play, I can't guarantee it right now, I'll talk about it when the time comes." Zhou Xingchi said.

"Ha, okay, even if you can't make a guest appearance, it's still good to let Master Xing owe me a favor."

He Fang didn't expect that he came here just to say hello to Zhou Xingchi, and ended up making such a mess. I hope Master Xing won't punish him too much.

He Fangcai chatted with Master Xing for a while, and had a meal together at the food court in the film and television city, and then he was called to the group.

It's the end of the year, and facing the partial opening of the film and television city next year, as well as the operation of some film and television consulting services of the Huying Group, the final process confirmation is now required.

Alas, I can't write the script again, let's write it before going to bed.

Because of the film and television city of Huying Group, there are often crews who come to inspect the venue, and Mango Channel often invites some stars to come over, so Hefang stays in Changsha for a few days to rest and write scripts. People want to visit or invite every day. reunion.

He Fang's life was also messed up. He thought he had time to write scripts with peace of mind, but he didn't really feel free to write scripts with peace of mind.

It can only be written at night when there is no social engagement. He Fang is writing the script in his room and thinks that he can write with peace of mind if there is no social engagement. I don’t know when Zeng Jinghua came in with a plate of fruit, and then sat beside him and watched.

It's not easy to drive people away after He Fang glanced at it, isn't it.

"Hey, Fang Yazi, you have achieved some achievements in your career now. When will you start a family? You are 28, and you will be 30 in a blink of an eye. Do you really want to get married after 30? Whether you can have children by then will be a problem gone."

"Hiss, mother, you are..." He Fang's head grew big.

"What's wrong with me? Are you bothering me? Even if you are a great and promising director, why don't you try to bother your mother again? See if I can beat you." Zeng Jinghua made a gesture to hit him.

"Oh, okay, okay, you're right, you're right." He Fang begged for mercy.

"Why am I right? Let me ask you a question, when will you get married?" Zeng Jinghua asked.

"Ah..." He Fang rubbed his hair hard with both hands.

"Answer quickly, don't be impatient."

"I'll bring you back two grandchildren before the age of 30, okay? But I'm not going to get married, my job is meaningless to get married." He Fang had no choice but to give an answer.

Zeng Jinghua was like a furry cat, and immediately raised her voice, "How can I do that? What kind of children do you have if you don't get married? Are you going to let the child have no mother since childhood? Then what should I do if the child has problems growing up?"

He Fang spread his hands: "Mom, let's be reasonable. Do you think I'm suitable for marriage? Do you think it's fair for a woman not to see her husband for more than half a year? Do you want her to be a widow?"

"Besides, with my job, every time I have an affair with a female celebrity, how do you let this woman live? Every day I don't talk about being a widow, and I have to listen to gossip about my man every day when I go out. This is not marrying a woman Come back to be a wife, and marry a woman and come back to torture her."

"Instead of doing this, it's better not to harm a woman. People like me either don't get married, or wait for me to quit this industry before talking about getting married. However, it seems that it is impossible to quit within the next ten years In this industry, it is more likely that I will do this for the rest of my life.”

He Fang's words made Zeng Jinghua hesitate to speak, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, but she also felt that it made sense.

"So, Mom, if you want to hold grandchildren, I have only one way, and that is to go outside and help you give birth to two. Of course, the lack of maternal love you mentioned is a serious problem, but it is better than them looking at their own mothers." If you are a widow every year, you should have less resentment towards me."

Zeng Jinghua made a gesture and slapped He Fang on the head, "What are you talking about heresy? You can't make a movie in two or three years, so you'll have time? So many directors, so many actors, don't pay back Are you married? It’s not enough for you? Stop talking to me about these bastards.”

He Fang rubbed his head, "If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do. Then wait two years and watch it again. At least it is impossible now. In 2011 alone, I have three movies to make, and I probably have to go to the United States. There's no time."

Zeng Jinghua stood up angrily, and took the fruit plate away.

"Then you still want to eat the fruit I washed? Hmph!"

With the sound of 'bang', He Fang rolled his eyes and tilted his head helplessly.

Time passed quickly, and it was mid-January in a blink of an eye, and the Chinese New Year was getting closer and closer.

The box office of "Invasion of Wall Street" also began to weaken slowly, and it has been going down since reaching its peak of 1 million in a single day on January 3.

On February 1, 4 million.

On February 1, 5 million.

On February 1, 6 million.

On February 1, 7 million.

On February 1, 8 million.

On February 1, 9 million.

Including the box office on January 1, the total box office for the second week reached 3 million. After 17781 days of release, the total box office was 12 million, or 36057 million.

According to this trend, it is very safe to get the final domestic box office of 5 million.

It’s just that as soon as such data came out, the media and the industry suddenly discovered a phenomenon, that is, it was difficult for a film to reach hundreds of millions in the past, but this year, the box office can easily reach 5 million or 6 million, and the Tangshan earthquake took more than [-] million. In Feng Xiaogang's words, if there were no "Single Zoo" and "On the Journey", it would not be a problem to get more than [-] million.

When everyone thought that "Tangshan Earthquake" was an isolated phenomenon, "Let the Bullets Fly" shocked everyone. It has been almost a month since "Let the Bullets Fly" was released, and the box office has already exceeded 6 million.

Is "Let the Bullets Fly" over 6 million the limit?Of course not, this is not the case, "Invasion of Wall Street" took 12 million in 3.6 days, and it seems to be going to the box office of 5 million.

So there was a report on the Internet called "China's Film Market Takes Off", which analyzed this phenomenon in depth.

"...Since 2009, the annual growth rate of my country's film market has been...the number of theaters has grown to...It can be seen that the domestic market is dominated by Huayi Brothers, Changsha Tuanhuo, Bona, Exquisite, Light and so on. A batch of excellent private enterprises mainly promoted the growth of the Chinese film market..."

Anyway, he analyzed a lot in an eloquent manner, and greatly praised the efficient results achieved by the film industry after its marketization.

Forget it, everyone read this kind of article and laughed it off. The development is a credit to private enterprises and marketization, and the failure of the industry is all due to the delay of state-owned enterprises, and the government has too much control.

What purpose are these people still unclear?
On January 1th, He Fang finally silently copied the three scripts of "Scorching Sun", "Human Purge Project", and "Three Dozens of Bone Demons".

This time he didn't make any major changes. The scripts he wanted to make major changes to were those that were problematic, such as "Far Cry", and "Pacific Rim", which were not suitable for domestic shooting.

He doesn't need to change anything else, at most he can fix some minor problems.These three scripts do not need major changes, and they are all very good.

He went to the company with three scripts and called Zhang Qian over and handed him the three scripts.

"This is the project I want to start this year. I will shoot "Scorching Sun" first, and start shooting in March. I can prepare for it. Then I will shoot "Human Purge Project", which will start shooting in June, as our second graduate of the advanced training class in the United States. Works, this one needs to be registered in the United States, and we can also try in China to see if we can get a filming license, and if we can’t pass it, let’s talk.”

"The last one is the most important thing. "Journey to the West: Three Fighting the Bone Demon", this year's 3D mythological blockbuster, is trying to launch in September or October. This preparation is not easy, so we must start preparations immediately. "Pacific Rim" has been filmed Yes, everyone knows the process, first determine the storyboard, character image and art setting, and let the special effects department do the modeling in advance..."

There was a lot of He Fang, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and Zhang Qian wrote it down as he listened. This is the top priority of his work in 2011.

"Okay, I've written it all down, what about the actor?" Zhang Qian asked.

He Fang took out a cigarette and lit it, "Let's prepare for other things first. Your production department also gave an actor suggestion. The specifics will be discussed after I come back from the Golden Globe Awards."

"Okay, by the way, do you want an assistant? Usually you run around, and the assistant is to take care of you and help you with some trivial matters, and the second is for your safety. Some people can't hack you, but When you go abroad, they do something else, so you have to guard against it.”

Zhang Qian said.

After hearing this, He Fang thought about it thoughtfully, and it seemed to make sense, but he really didn't have the habit of bringing assistants.

"How about this, let's recruit two first, and get used to it with you for a while, if you are used to it, use it, and let's talk about whether you are used to it, do you think it will work?" Zhang Qian said.

He Fangzheng was about to nod when he suddenly thought of something, and asked Zhang Qian.

"It's not just what you mean, is it?"

Zhang Qian smiled immediately, "Everyone wants you to be safe. During the group meeting last time, the leaders all suggested it. But they can't interfere with the specific work of Tuanhuo culture, so they suggested to me and let me do it. I think it's helpful. reason."

He Fang gave Zhang Qian a meaningful look, and Zhang Qian spread his hands.

"I didn't betray the company, nor did I fall to them, and I won't become their puppet. It's just that we have to listen to reasonable suggestions, don't we?"

After Zhang Qian finished speaking, he looked at He Fang nervously, he was worried that He Fang would misunderstand him.

"Ha, of course, why don't you listen to reasonable suggestions. Okay, you can arrange this matter, but this trip to the United States may be too late." He Fang did not object.

"Okay, then you leave tomorrow morning and I will see you off."

"Ha, okay."


On January 1th, He Fang flew from Changsha to Beijing, and then met Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing at the airport, and of course Xiao Wang Zong Wang Zhonglei, who represented the producer.

Others don't bring it, the cost is too high.

"Mr. Wang, teacher Li Bingbing, teacher Fan Bingbing, hello."

"Ha, Director He, you are becoming more and more international now, and you have two films that have been released around the world, and the box office is not bad. This time, I want to learn from you and talk about our new cooperation. "Wang Zhonglei said.

"It's okay, there's plenty of time to talk."

"Director He hasn't congratulated you on the big sale of your new movie yet, think of me next time you have a good role." Li Bingbing shook hands with He Fang.


"Director He, we meet again." Fan Bingbing said sweetly, it goes without saying that there are many of them.


On the night of January 1th in Los Angeles, He Fang and his party arrived here. The 15 American TV Movie Golden Globe Awards will also be presented soon. This is the annual awards ceremony second only to the Oscars.

The ratings and attention mentioned here do not mean the weight of the awards.

The four of them, He Fang, and several assistants stayed in the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The organizer came to greet them and let them move freely.

What free movement can they have, isn't it just sleep?or other activities?
During this period, there are many activities and parties in Hollywood, as long as you want to go, it will make you feel so refreshed without repeating the same.

However, He Fang doesn't catch a cold for the time being. After all, it's better. Why go to the party to find some [-]-line ones?He Fang, who is famous in Hollywood, doesn't know each other, and they can't play together. As for Emma, ​​I haven't contacted her.

Although He Fang had no idea, he still asked Du Chunsheng to ask if the three of them wanted to go, and then made an appointment to wait in the hotel lobby, and Du Chunsheng could take them there.

(End of this chapter)

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