China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 137 Another Nomination

Chapter 137 Another Nomination
The next day, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, and President Xiao Wang all returned to China, but He Fang didn't leave because he wanted to talk to Du Chunsheng and the others about the graduation work of this year's refresher class, namely "Human Purge Project".

In addition, there are other investments of Tuanhuo Culture in Hollywood.

The most important point is that He Fang had promised CalArts to give a lecture to the students. With the experience of lecturing at the Film Academy, he had a good idea this time.Of course, this time we don’t need to count words, everyone knows what needs to be said.

Why did He Fang agree to give lectures?

It's very simple. The purpose of lecturing in China is to inspire more filmmakers who are engaged in commercial films. Otherwise, domestic filmmakers don't know how to make commercial films.

Moreover, the greater the influence of his ideas, the higher the voice in the circle in the future. Thinking about the filmmakers who learn from his film knowledge and grow up in the future, how can he be so awesome?
"Hey, Du Chunsheng, what are you doing?" He Fang saw Du Chunsheng operating the computer non-stop, as if he was buying stocks.

"Ah? I'm mining. Recently, something called bitcoin is very popular. Everyone is mining, saying that the bitcoins they mined can be exchanged for dollars. Some people bought pizza with bitcoins." Du Chunsheng replied.

He Fang was stunned for a moment, and then slapped his forehead fiercely. Why didn't he think of buying some bitcoins?
This thing has been kept until 2021. At the highest point, the price has risen to more than 68000 US dollars. Buy a batch and keep it. When the industry environment is not good in 2021, and then sell it, isn't that a lot of money?
"Ah? Well, how much is a bitcoin now?" He Fang asked.

"It's unstable now. It's $0.76 today, and it rose to $10 at the highest point. This thing... Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Du Chunsheng saw He Fang with a frenzied face and went in without knowing it.

Where can we not be fanatical?The price is less than one dollar. As long as you keep it in your hands for ten years, it will increase by more than 68000 times. Where can you get such money?

"Hey, um, how do I open this Bitcoin account? How should I buy it?" He Fang asked.

"You want to play? Come on, I'll teach you..."

Well, He Fang has gone crazy, since he opened his account, he has been buying like crazy.

It's a pity that the total amount of bitcoins on the market is only about 1000 million, and there are not many others who are willing to sell them.

But this thing has to be bought a lot. His goal is whether he can buy 100 million pieces, 100 million pieces. As long as he holds it until 2021, it will be 6800 billion yuan, and what's more, it is US dollars. What will the value of more than 6000 billion US dollars be in 2021?I dare not even think about it.

It's just... He Fang bought just over [-] pieces in three days. Is this thing difficult to trade?Not sure about this stuff, so take it slow, it's a long-term job.

I heard that even if all bitcoins are mined, there are only about 2100 million bitcoins. Didn’t tens of millions of bitcoins have been dug out in 2011?

Forget it, don't care, anyway, the price is cheap and buy it hard.


Bitcoin only made He Fang excited for a few days, and he still has a lot of things to do next. He went to CalArts to give a lecture for a day, met the students in the advanced class, and sat down with them.

Afterwards, He Fang asked Du Chunsheng to lead the group of students to start preparations for the "Human Purge Project", and He Fang was busy until the 22nd before returning to China from Los Angeles.

When I landed in China, I had a few interviews. After winning the Golden Globe, I have to show up in the media. Although the popularity has passed for several days, it is the first in mainland China to win the Golden Globe. This weight Still very heavy.

In addition to accepting interviews, he also recorded several New Year greeting videos, which were sent to Mango TV, Zhejiang TV and Dongfang TV.

Of course, another important thing is that the company is going to take annual leave and give out bonuses.

Zhang Qian and the others calculated their income in 2010. It wasn't because they were happy, but because their mouths were split to the back of their heads.

Who wouldn't be excited to earn hundreds of millions a year?
In 2010, Tuanhuo Culture released three films. "Single Zoo" took nearly 2 million U.S. dollars at the box office worldwide, "People on the Road" also won more than 4.5 million yuan at the box office, and "Invasion of Wall Street" has not yet been released. But now it is the third week, the domestic box office has exceeded 4500 million yuan, North America also has a box office of 3000 million US dollars, and the rest of the world has also exceeded [-] million US dollars.

Therefore, the annual box office of Tuanhuo Culture's films released in 2010 reached 18 billion yuan. It is not yet over.

Of course, this is based on the calculation of the Chinese lunar year. Even so, the annual box office of 20 billion yuan will be divided into 43% in China, 50% in North America, and 35% in other regions. The gross income is 9.12 million yuan. There are a lot of expenses such as publicity fees, taxes and fees, and there are more than 6 million in hand.And that's just movie revenue.

Changsha Xingyao has three programs this year, "The Voice of China" has become popular all over the world. I heard that other countries want to introduce copyright.

"If You Are the One" is watched by Southeast Asian audiences every week, and it seems that it will be a matter of time before the copyright is exported.

The first season of "Happy Comedian" also became a big hit on Dragon TV, with the highest ratings breaking 2, reaching 2.086, which made the leaders of Dragon TV very excited.

The advertising revenue brought by these three programs to Changsha Shining Star Company has exceeded 10 billion, and Shining Star has already made a lot of money.

and so……

"He Fang, how will the year-end awards be distributed?" Zhang Qian was worried, so he had to ask He Fang.

He Fang smiled, took out a cigarette and lit it, then looked at Zhang Qian and Jiao Guoxiong.

"How do you want to send it? Do you have a plan?"

Zhang Qian glanced at Jiao Guoxiong, and the two shook their heads.

"Then you can't do it. You two are asked to manage the company, and you don't even know how to split the money. How can you manage it?" He Fang criticized.

Now Jiao Guoxiong doesn't do any photography anymore. There are so many things in the company. He is now helping Zhang Qian, mainly doing some daily and logistical things in the company, and he is learning to do publicity.

Both of them smiled awkwardly, 16 billion, although not all the money has been received into the company's account, but 10 billion has also been credited to the account.

Don't dare to divide, there are too many.

It's okay for shareholders to say, how should employees be divided?
"Well, let's do this. A law will be formed in the future. Every year, 1% of the company's net profit will be given to employees as year-end bonuses, and the rewards will be distributed proportionally according to the level."

"Our three shareholders do not participate in this year-end award. Others are rated according to the vice president/director level, manager level, business rating excellent level, and ordinary level. The four levels are 4321 points respectively."

He Fang had no choice but to make a rule.

"What is 4321?" Jiao Guoxiong asked.

"If our net profit this year is 10 billion, then 1% is 1000 million, 40% for the vice president/director level, 30% for the manager level, 20% for the excellent business rating, and 10% for ordinary employees. %."

After hearing this, Zhang Qian frowned and immediately found a pen and paper to calculate, while Jiao Guoxiong also watched Zhang Qian calculate from the side.

"The ordinary employees get very little. How do you count the employees with excellent ratings? Those who are capable of doing things at the vice president/director level get as much points as others who work easily. They will not be convinced, right?" Zhang Qian asked a few questions.

"I'm just giving an approximate weight, and you have to continue to divide the specific details. For example, can the weight of the front desk position be the same as that of the advertised position? Can the weight of the cleaning aunt be the same as that of the computer room network administrator? Now, let me say a little more ..."

It took nearly a day for the three of them to figure out how the company will divide the money, and it also set a new tone for the company's future management.

Such incentives are conducive to the healthy development of the company, allowing employees to truly pay more for more work, and reflect the uniqueness of employees.

For example, an assistant, although she is an ordinary employee, but if you want to pay her the same bonus as the front desk, she must feel uncomfortable.

I'm an assistant, and an assistant is equivalent to half a cadre. Do you equate me with the front desk?Where is my ability?
Therefore, the weight ratio of the assistant's bonus to the front desk position is inherently different, so the bonus is also different.

Everyone agrees with this, it's just that, as a receptionist, you won't complain about why the bonus I get is different from that of the assistant, right?

If you really complain, you can apply for another job, pass the exam and interview and get the assistant position, then you will be the same.

You said that your network management complained that it was different from the publicity and distribution, okay, if you are capable, you can come up with a publicity and distribution plan, and you can deal with various media and theaters. If you can, then you go to the publicity and distribution department, and the weight is different.

After dealing with the company's affairs, the next step is the "Scorching Sun" actor's affairs.

Where is the entanglement in this place, is it the cast that conforms to another time and space?Or a little change?
In fact, he himself also wanted to act. The main reason is that Deng Chao in another time and space acted very well. It was also from this movie that He Fang in another time and space really felt that Deng Chao had the ability of an actor.

However, since 2015, there have been very few literary and artistic films in China, and he, an excellent actor with the ability to be an actor, has no place to show his strength, so he can only make some comedies.

"Zhang Qian, what do you think of the casting of "Scorching Sun"? Do you have any good suggestions?" He Fang had no choice but to discuss with the company.

"Hey, I knew you would ask me, I'll show you the actors that my production team has preliminarily summed up. In fact, we still recommend you to try an audition. We'd better have fewer actors like this who just lock themselves in the office This is not conducive to the selection of the most suitable actors. Besides, the large-scale audition is also to exert influence in the circle, so everyone will take the initiative to deal with us."

He Fang was surprised by Zhang Qian's answer, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

Maybe, should I really choose the role based on my audition ability?
However, which crew can say that the casting is really 100% selected by audition?More or less there is a personal relationship with the director or producer's personal preferences.

"Okay, then let's have a big audition. By the way, "Three Dozens of Bones" can also arrange an audition. If you want to try, try it to the end."

He Fang finally made a decision.

"Ha, okay, then I'll make arrangements." Zhang Qian was very satisfied.

In fact, Zhang Qian suggested this because he wanted to help He Fang share the work, otherwise he and the actor and assistant director would look like useless people, and everything would be done according to orders.

Another point is that if He Fang often decides the actors in the office by himself, it will make people laugh, because every day he calls for the producer-centered system to be himself, but in the end he wants to engage in directorial dictatorship. Isn't it a double standard?It's a joke to overthrow the privilege every day, but when you hold the privilege, you refuse to let it go.

When actor and assistant director Hu Kai heard the news, he suddenly felt that the work was full of meaning.

So, they began to plan to conduct an actor audition one year ago and one after the next year.

The news also spread all over the agent circle like wings, and everyone knew that He Fang's next two films would be fully auditioned.

And I heard that one of them is a literary film that is going to compete for awards, and the other is a blockbuster with 3D special effects, both of which are good resources.

Where is he going to win the prize again?That's for sure, otherwise why did He Fang take the copyright of "Sunspot" and why did he shoot it himself?Isn't it just for the prize?
Some people may have to question, aren't you opposing the author's film and the director-centered system?Why make an award-winning film?

In fact, this is not contradictory. The producer-centered system cannot make award-winning films?How were those award-winning films made in the 80s and [-]s?Isn't it filmed with the support of the film studio?Isn't the film studio model a producer-centric system?
So how did those award-winning movies in Hollywood come out?Isn't it made by an independent producer?There is a very famous man in the United States named Harvey Weinstein. How many award-winning films have he produced?Famous all over the world.But he is a producer, not a director.

Therefore, an award-winning film does not necessarily have to be an author's film produced by the director center, but it can also be an award-winning film produced by the producer center with a fully planned script.

Moreover, "Scorching Sun" is a good literary film that does not criticize the system or culture, but only talks about human nature.

On January 1th, "Scorching Sun" will have an audition in Beijing, and the location is the Zhuojin Bandai International Villa that He Fang bought, which is now the Beijing office of Tuanhuo Culture.

But it also happened to be on this day, on the 26th of China time, January 1th of US time, the 25rd Academy Awards announced the nominations for this award.

"Single Menagerie" received two nominations, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Screenplay.

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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