China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 143 Little Hepburn of China?He Fang Haixuan found a treasure

Chapter 143 Little Hepburn of China?He Fang Haixuan found a treasure

Soon, He Fang's interview was published on the Internet. The Internet age is good, and the news is very instant.

"Haha, isn't it fun for a group of people who scold He Fang? Are those fans of Yang Mi and Liu Yifei too excited? He Fang never said that they are not suitable for acting in movies, but that they are better in TV dramas. You are as sensitive as fried Mao's cat, who doesn't know what is red and what is wrong, and sprays it first. Tsk, the current fans are really scary."

"That's right, He Fang didn't say anything at all, and excited this group of fans. Everyone likes a certain celebrity, but don't be so aggressive, okay?"

"He Fang's unreasonable words, everyone knows the meaning behind his words, why does he dare to say it but dare not admit it? Isn't he an international director? Are you so timid?"

"Yes, that is, the meaning expressed in his context is very clear..."

"Sigh... I have never been a star, but I also feel how difficult it is to be a star from this. I will be splashed with dirty water at any time, and I will be besieged by other people's fans just because I say a bad word..."


Of course, when He Fang spoke out about this matter, everyone's enthusiasm for discussion also dropped. Now that He Fang has spoken out, rational netizens don't have much discussion, only some radical fans are still entangled there.

However, those don't matter anymore.

In addition to the contact with Yu Dong, He Fang also met with Han Sanping and Wang Changtian these days and talked about cooperation.

Of course, these are not the main line. The main line is "Three Dozens of Bones". Although it is said that the actresses will be auditioned, the male actors did not say that they will be auditioned.

Therefore, normal actor auditions are still required.

The main actors in "Three Dozens of Bone Demons" are four masters and apprentices. The most difficult one is Monkey King. This character hardly has a clean face throughout the whole process, so some actors can't stand the audience not seeing his face. What's the point of such a performance? Woolen cloth?

He Fang thought it would be difficult to find an actor, and he was prepared to do it himself if there was no suitable actor, but it turned out that it was not as difficult as imagined.

Many people came to audition, including Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei, post-70s actors, and Zhu Yilong, Zhu Yawen, Jia Nailiang, post-80s actors.

They also learned that in He Fang's audition, a student can audition for multiple roles.In other words, you auditioned for Sun Wukong, maybe He Fang thinks you are suitable to play Tang Seng, maybe you will become Tang Seng.

"No, Teacher Deng Chao, why are you here again?" He Fang was very surprised.

"Hee hee, no conflict, no conflict. "Scorching Sun" will be filmed in March, and "Three Dozens of Bones" will be filmed in September and October. There is no conflict at all. I can also learn monkey shows and martial arts in between." Deng Chao said with a smile. .

"..." He Fang was really speechless, but you can't deny that what Deng Chao said is really possible.

Why is Deng Chao so active?Just like what He Fang suggested to Feng Xiaogang before, there are too few good blockbuster movies in China now, and there are not enough resources. A powerful actor like Deng Chao can't grab the resources, let alone a newcomer?
Now Deng Chao doesn't have much filming, except last year's "Di Renjie: Tongtian Empire", he has almost no film resources, unless he acts in a TV series.

Including why Huang Xiaoming also came here, this is also the reason, there are no good resources, otherwise why the great director He Fang only saw these faces when he auditioned.

You can't do it without grabbing it.

Not to mention, when a director likes a certain actor, you think he likes everything he plays.

Deng Chao's weird way of playing Monkey King is really similar.

He Fang had no choice but to make a decision first to see if there was a more suitable one. If not, it would be fine to choose him.

Huang Xiaoming was not good enough to play Monkey King, but when He Fang thought about it, he asked him to try Tang Seng, not to mention that Huang Xiaoming played a Tang Seng, but he still had a bit of appearance.

This has been drawn up.

Zhu Bajie?He Fang saw Guangtou Xu, and he came too?Maybe he thinks he has the advantage of acting in "Bright Spring Pig Bajie"?

Xu Guangtou's acting skills are not bad, and the comedy effect is not bad.

Compared with Xiaoshenyang used in another time and space, it is a little bit stronger, and this is also planned.

It was easier to choose Drifting Monk, and in the end several were drawn up, but He Fang was more satisfied with Zhu Yawen, who is tall and tall with a little make-up, and the role of Drifting Monk is okay.

After such an audition, the male actor is basically almost ready. As for the king of Yunhai Xiguo, the witch doctor, and the medicine shopkeeper, I leave it to Hu Kai and let him use it to send personal favors to Guangguang and Huayi.

This is how things are done, you can't mess with your peers, just give them favors.

It took a few days for the male actor to audition, and soon came February 2, which is the Lantern Festival, and He Fang did not return to Changsha.

Because the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival is not so heavy, many people do not regard it as a festival, and there is no rule that they must spend it with their families.I don’t know if the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival in the poem can be reproduced in China in the future, it may be difficult.

Besides, He Fang still has a lot of things to do here.

In the end, I just made a phone call and chatted with my parents for a while.

"Director, the preparations for the Chinese opera audition are complete tomorrow, and the communication with the Chinese opera has basically been completed. It will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and we have to arrive before 08:30." Hu Kai communicated with He Fang.

"Okay, no problem." After He Fang agreed, he drove out in the car.

As for where to go?Only he himself knows.

He Fang wandered to a community, and then carrying things, wearing a sun hat and a mask, he knocked on the door of a certain room in a certain unit in the community like a delivery guy.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice sounded in the room.

"Beauty, your takeaway has arrived." He Fang shouted outside the door.

At this time, the door opened, and Liu Yan, who was plump and in excellent figure, but her face was full of resentment, looked at He Fang.

"Oh, takeaway, right? Bring it in, because I'm so hungry."

As he spoke, He Fang was dragged into it, and then...

"Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, why are you more anxious than me? I'll go..."


"You don't want to be kidnapped by me either? So new movies won't give me a chance? I'm the only one who can't even play the leading role, can I kidnap you?" Liu Yan asked He Fang angrily.

He Fang lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"This movie is not suitable for you, there is another opportunity." He Fang could only explain in this way.

"Why isn't it suitable for me?" Liu Yan asked, grabbing the cigarette.

He Fang pinched Liu Yan's face with both hands, rubbing it round and flat for a while.

"That's because you were asked to play the heroine, and you didn't have enough momentum. If you were asked to play a supporting role, you went to support a group of newcomers? Isn't this lowering your status? I have already prepared a role for you, and that is June The heroine of the movie I want to shoot in Hollywood, I will give you the script later, you practice American English well, don’t say that English is not good this time, you have been practicing for a year.”

"By the way, this is a series of films, and many sequels can be made. There is no problem in shooting seven or eight years in a row. So, there are Hollywood movies for seven or eight years in a row, and a movie that is not suitable for your heroine, you Which one to choose?"

"Really? You're not kidding me?"

"Why am I lying to you? Later, you ask your agent to sign the contract."

"Wow, that's great."

"You seem to have a big heart, but why don't you have a big heart? I will make you suffer?" He Fang said.

"Hee hee... Got it."

"Don't take the initiative when you know it? I can't wait."

"Aren't you waiting to finish smoking this cigarette?"

"Oh, yes, when I finish smoking."


The next morning, He Fang drove to pick up some staff from the capital branch of Tuanhuo Culture, and then they all went to Zhongxi together.

When they arrived at the Chinese Opera, He Fang greeted the school leaders one by one. Everyone expressed their high appreciation for He Fang's films and warmly welcomed He Fang to come to the Chinese Opera to choose actors.

After everyone chatted for a while, it officially started.

Like Nortel, there are not many students in Chinese opera, and the performance major recruits dozens of students every year.

Therefore, in theory, there are four grades, and the total number of students does not exceed 200. If you subtract almost half of the boys, there are only a hundred students left. Down dozens of people.

However, even if there are dozens of people, if each person is given an audition time of about 5 minutes, it will still take six to seven hours.

Audition is not that easy, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"Okay, Hu Kai, let someone come in." He Fang sat at a row of tables with Hu Kai and several teachers of Chinese opera, and then told Hu Kai to start.

"Okay, the first one, Liu Xiaoxiao." Following the staff shouting outside, people began to come in.

He Fang looked through the information, this is a senior student, his body is not bad, 168, 48 kg, very tall.

When Liu Xiaoxiao came in, she glanced at He Fang and immediately bowed.

"Hello Director He, hello teachers, I'm Liu Xiaoxiao, a 2007 Chinese opera student."

He Fang nodded, his voice is average, his figure is good, his appearance is average, and he has a medium posture.It's just that the face is a little hard, too serious, is it too nervous?

"Well, hello. Come, you come to draw a script, I will give you 5 minutes to familiarize yourself with it, and then show it to us." He Fang pointed to some scripts that Hu Kai was holding.

"Okay, director." Liu Xiaoxiao nodded, walked towards Hu Kai, and then took a copy from the stack of scripts created.

Then he took the script and went to the next compartment to familiarize himself with the script.

Of course, it was impossible for everyone to wait for Liu Xiaoxiao, they were all called in one by one, and then they all took out the script, and then they all went to the side to familiarize themselves with the script.

He Fang also secretly wrote his first impression comments on his resume. This audition is mainly divided into preliminary test and re-test. The first test is to select the roughly suitable actors today.

The re-examination is going to Tuanhuo Company for a re-examination. You must make up, try to pretend to be the bone spirit, and then act in a scene to see the result.

Appointing actors without tops, especially rookie-level actors in auditions, is easy to overturn.

The process is boring, and you have to appreciate dozens of girls within a few hours, tsk, don't think this is a beautiful job, in's really...beautiful.

They are all high-quality students selected by the Chinese Opera after thousands of selections, and then He Fang has to choose the best from these high-quality students.

Beauty pageants are not that simple.

After screening, judging from temperament, appearance, acting skills, lines and other aspects, He Fang selected four girls.

They are Cui Baoyue from 08, Xi Wang and Sun Xiluo from 09, and Yan Ran, a miraculous student from a music class of Little Hepburn in Chinese Opera who later learned that He Fang was known as the School Flower of Chinese Opera.

This guy called Yan Ran really looks like Hepburn, with a good figure, good voice, good singing skills, good acting skills, solid basic skills, full of emotions but not too much, just...why hasn't He Fang heard of such a person in another time and space? ?

After He Fang saw Yan Ran, he made a certain decision in his heart. This is a person who really looks like Audrey Hepburn, with clear outline, double eyelids, big eyes, and a high nose bridge. He looks like Hepburn from the side.

However, today she gave He Fang a very cold and glamorous feeling, and her expression revealed a woman with a sense of detachment who sees through the world of mortals.

He Fang has never heard of this woman, especially in another time and space, such a woman is not in the entertainment circle?

This is simply a great loss for the music circle.

After He Fang took a sip of his saliva, he suddenly felt a sense of responsibility.

It's not that there are women in this world who don't have acting skills and looks, but that various rules make it impossible for such a person to stand out.

Little Hepburn didn't know who was interested in her at all. She didn't want to come to the audition, but her head teacher couldn't hold her back and let her come.

To tell the truth, she was more interested in opera now than in literature.

She told her classmates and friends more than once that she would become a writer when she was not an opera singer.

Yes, if there is no He Fang, maybe her idea will come true, but in this time and space, He Fang has appeared.

(The author does not know whether Little Hepburn is so beautiful in reality, but here the author describes it according to the perfect appearance in his mind.)
 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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