China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 156 The chairman of Venice came to watch the film, and the filming of "33 Days of Broke

Chapter 156 The chairman of Venice came to watch the film, and the filming of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" is on track
Originally, the media was not so rampant. Who asked He Fang to say in the last "Interview with Yang Lan" that "as long as you don't attack him personally or spread rumors to discredit him, gossip and gossip are fun for everyone." That's it, reporters. I know where the bottom line is, so I frantically step on the bottom line to earn traffic.

So what can I say?Eat Huanglian and swallow it in your stomach. Do you want to fight with the media?
Of course, this is not bad, that is, there is topicality, but He Fang is not an actor, why does he need topicality?

Forget it, let them spread rumors.

He Fang followed the crew to the shooting site, and then watched the crew shoot the first scene. After the filming, no one yelled, and looked at He Fang to the director.

He Fang waved his hand helplessly, "It's up to you, don't look at me."

Only then did Wang Zhiyong shout: "Pass!"


On the first day, everyone was not used to making decisions by themselves, so when they encountered disagreements between several people, they didn't know who to listen to, and then they all looked in the same direction.

"Didn't you discuss how to resolve the disagreement before you co-produced?" He Fang asked several people.

All three shook their heads. Obviously, they didn't know what to do if the three directors disagreed on the set?
"You guys... how about this, let me give you a trick. When you encounter disagreements, especially when there are extreme situations like three people with three ideas, don't argue, take pictures of all three people's ideas, Who is good and who is bad will be judged by the editor, or the supervisor will give opinions at the end.”

When He Fang heard that this method was useful, it could really solve the problem of disagreement.

"Director He, you still have a way." Tian Yusheng gave a thumbs up.

"Don't praise me, I said that this has a premise. To avoid the three of you making three sets of proposals at every turn, so the premise is that there are really three ideas among the three. But there are only two ideas, and the minority obeys the majority .Besides, you both made the director’s script together, so there’s no reason to have so many disagreements. If you disagree, it’s because you didn’t discuss it in the early stage. How can you agree on the director’s script if you didn’t discuss it?”

"You have to remember that as a qualified director, you don't change your mind temporarily when you arrive on the set, create new ideas, and overthrow the previous script. This is a very dangerous approach, unless you are a master."

"Film according to the script first, and at most it is to change some ill-considered scripts, instead of overturning them all. Then what is the difference between you and those directors who create on-site directors with a director-centered system? As time goes by, you will become more and more accustomed to this habit. More and more relying on on-site creation, getting farther and farther away from the director's script, and then completely reduced to the author-director of the director-centered system."

He Fang's words made the three of them nod frequently. It's completely different from being an assistant director or director's assistant and being a director yourself.

Once some people become directors, they feel excited when they sit in front of the monitor and direct the entire crew, and then suddenly many novel ideas pop up in their minds. They feel that the plans in the previous scripts are not good. Yes, change, must change.

Therefore, to become a professional director, one must experience this kind of mental maturity.Once you go astray, it is basically difficult to correct it in the future.

He Fang not only instructs the three directors how to shoot, how to make director choices, and how to control more details from time to time, but from time to time, actors come to ask He Fang what is wrong with his acting.

He Fang sent it directly.

"You have to ask the three directors about this. You have to ask them whether they are satisfied with your performance. I am only here to help them correct their mistakes, and I will not do it for you."

On the first day, everyone ended up in this state of running-in. In the evening, He Fang also participated in a small-scale meeting of three directors and producers, and pointed out the problems of several people.

In the next few days, everyone became more and more accustomed to He Fang's non-intervention method, and became more and more confident in shooting.

Moreover, the actors found that no one gave orders to the script. In fact, everyone was progressing very well, so they gradually trusted the three directors more and more.

Originally, these actors came for He Fang, and they didn't believe in the three young directors at all. As a result, after a few days of observation, He Fang was not in charge, and the three directors also showed a professional level, so they gradually accepted it. Trust the three directors.

The main reason is that He Fang didn't ignore them at all, as long as he didn't interfere with the crew's affairs, He Fang and everyone got along with a smile.

They came here just to build a good relationship with Director He. If He Fang ignored him, wouldn't they feel like they were losing money?
"Director He, let me ask you, how do you act in this commercial film? I always fail to make breakthroughs in commercial films. Some people think that I am a literary young woman, but I feel that I should be an actor like that when I get a role. Why are there commercial and literary roles? the difference?"

No, after everyone got to know each other slowly, Zhang Jingchu came to ask He Fang for advice.

Isn't that what people are planning? He Fang can't ignore it, right?

"In fact, there is not much difference. Some people are very good at acting in literary films, but it is not without reason that audiences can't remember acting in commercial films."

When He Fang said this, several actors and directors surrounded him, as if they didn't let He Fang say anything about the movie.

"What's the reason?" Li Chen was also curious.

"Some people say that there are two types of film and television actors, but I think they can also be divided into three types, one is TV drama actors, the other is literary film actors, and the other is commercial film actors."

"These three types of actors are often difficult to cross over after they are stereotyped. It is not appealing to let TV drama actors act in movies, and it has no box office appeal to let actors of literary and artistic films act in commercial films. But if you let commercial movie actors act in literary and artistic films, you just can't get it." prize."

"Look, isn't this strange? Let me give you the most typical example. Liu Yifei, her TV dramas are very popular, right? And she has so many fans, which forum or QQ group you go to, you will find her everywhere. Fans. Logically speaking, with her popularity, the box office of the movie should not be bad. But what happened?"

"Yes, Director He, what is the reason?" Zhang Jingchu asked curiously.

"There is no standard answer to this, but let me tell you, it is still a question of the way of acting. Teacher Jingchu, you are in a literary film. You know that when performing, actors need to constantly stack their emotions, and then slow down under a fixed long shot. Express your emotions slowly. This allows the audience to stare at your performance for a certain period of time, and you are watching with emotion. When your emotions resonate with the audience, the audience admires you and thinks your acting skills great."

"However, this set of performance methods will not work in commercial films. Because the rhythm of commercial films is super fast, actors are not given too much time to accumulate emotions and express slowly. Commercial film audiences watch the plot, and then add the actors. If you are qualified and can have your own style of performance in commercial performances, then your commercial film will become."

"How do you say this? Just like Zhou Xingchi, he used qualified performances in commercial films and added his own nonsensical style, then he has achieved it. But is it okay to put his style in literary films? ? Of course not."

"To put it bluntly, in literary films, the actor's performance is above the plot, while in commercial films, the actors serve below the plot. This is the biggest difference, and this is one of the reasons why many actors cannot adapt."

"For example, Mr. Jingchu, you always show your acting skills in literary films in commercial films. Is it useful? It's useless. You have to use commercial acting skills. For example, you played an older leftover woman in "33 Days of Broken Love". Multiple oppressions such as work, life, emotion, and social changes, so you have to express the emotions that most leftover women face, instead of expressing the leftover women you understand."

"The role you understand will only create a role that belongs only to you. If you create a good role, you will win awards at film festivals. But if you want to create a leftover woman that the public wants to see, then the audience will think you are good, so Everyone will go to the cinema to support you."

When He Fang said this, he looked around, everyone was thoughtful.

"Then what's the difference between TV drama actors and these two?" Tong Dawei asked. He is a bit limited to TV dramas now, and he hasn't been very successful in switching to film actors.

"Mr. Dawei, you often act in TV dramas. If there are too many TV dramas, the actor's performance will be trapped. Because there are only a few tricks in TV drama performance: one is crying. The crying scene of TV drama actors is the most important. This is the most direct way to let the audience The means of emotional resonance, so how to cry is one of the skills of TV drama actors."

"The second is quarrels. Most of the plot conflicts in TV dramas are caused by quarrels. If you don't quarrel in TV dramas, if you quarrel badly, then you probably aren't a good actor."

"The third is to learn to coax people and speak sweet words. This is the best way to win the infatuation of those young men and women. I think this actor is good at acting, and I really want to fall in love with this actor."

"The fourth is to learn to play bad guys. People who play positive roles like you rarely do, but they will also be involved."

"Fifth is to learn to play a person who is selfless and dedicated, such as sincere dedication to friends, family members, and lovers. It is to help them do many things silently, and then others don't know, and all the grievances and hardships are alone. People can bear it, the audience of such a role will cry to death."

"The sixth thing is to master the characteristics of the characters and perform the characteristics of the characters. For example, if you play a student, you can play pure and cute, and if you play a court lady, you can play thick and black palace fights..."

"Television actors are basically limited by these few acting skills, so they always act like this, so how do you say this kind of actor can act in a movie? Isn't that one act and one failure?"

After He Fang finished speaking, he took out a cigarette, and then distributed one to everyone. Tong Dawei immediately nodded to He Fang.

"Director He, now that you say that, I completely understand what's going on. Then how should I solve it?" Li Chen nodded.

"Solution? It depends on talent. Some actors can let go of themselves and quickly switch from one routine to another. But most actors can't switch. This is the reality."

"Even if I have a way to tell everyone now, those who can't jump out still can't jump out, and those who can jump out of the frame are very few. It's like a habitual smoker. If you ask him to quit smoking, 100 out of 10 One is not bad, even if there are 10 people who quit, they will have some unnatural movements when smoking in their later lives, so if you want to solve this problem, go and realize it yourself.”


Of course, this is what He Fang usually chats with the actors in his spare time, except for drinking and eating.

For Zhang Jingchu's request to go to He Fang's room one day to ask for advice, He Fang strictly refused.

Slowly, the crew of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" got on the right track, and He Fang occasionally stopped coming, because he was going to watch the three movies.

Especially "Scorching Sun", He Fang received a call from Zhang Yimou, saying that Marco Müller, the chairman of the Venice Film Festival, came to China and wanted to see his new film "Scorching Sun".

Therefore, these days he has been focusing on the post-production of the movie. It is very difficult to finish it now, but it is not a problem to finish it by the end of August.

No, on May 5th, Marco Muller came to Changsha, and He Fang went to the airport to pick him up in person.

"Hi, Director He, hello." As soon as He Fang received the phone, before he could speak, he was shocked by Marco Muller's fluent Chinese.

"Ah, Mr. Muller, your Chinese is really good."

"Haha, so-so, I came to China in 74, and my first wife is from China." Muller laughed.

"Okay, it looks like you're a China hand, let's go, I'll take you to eat the delicious food in Changsha. Have you ever been to Changsha?" He Fang asked.

"No, I go to Chengdu more often..."

(End of this chapter)

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