China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 169 The lace news let the whole world know that He Fang has become He 3

Chapter 169 Lace News Let The World Know Who Fang Has Become He San
Do you have to give yourself a reward if the movie wins an award?What kind of reward should a man without a wife or girlfriend give himself?
With a height of 1.9 meters, this reward is very big. Is there anything wrong with that?

Besides... Forget it, don't have any discriminatory thoughts.

19 years old is the best age for Karlie Kloss, no matter how old she is, no one will look up to her, and the best age for a white woman is around 20 years old.

Anyway, He Fang didn't go back to the crew's hotel that night, and there are some things that everyone knows, needless to say.

What's more, apart from He Fang who didn't return, Wang Zhonglei didn't return, so no one returned.

How to open the gift of 1.9 meters?Is it impossible to dismantle it without jumping up?He Fang swore to God that there was no such thing, it was a normal demolition.

It's just...he had to put his feet up when doing certain movements, otherwise he couldn't reach them.

In addition to stepping on the feet, he found that the normal time is halved here, because when facing a behemoth, it takes three points more strength. For example, the frequency of a small motor can reach about [-] times per minute. As a result, Carly Klaus here, his frequency can only reach sixty times.

It's bad, but there's nothing I can do.

So He Fang, who refused to admit defeat, tossed all night to prove that he can also perform normally in the face of behemoths...


When He Fang returned to the crew hotel, he fell asleep and fell into a state of snoring in a second.

He didn't even read or reply to countless phone calls and text messages.

This gift was a bit beyond his physical limits, it was just too scary.


Italian media, European media and North American media immediately broke the intimate photos of He Fang and Karlie Kloss, as well as photos of them entering and leaving the hotel.

Think Karlie Kloss is playing with you for nothing?At their age, they need to gossip to gain popularity, otherwise why would they go to the "Vanity Fair" party?
"Oh, no comment, it was just a friend I met last night, and then we had a drink together, it's not the kind of thing you think."

Karlie Kloss vehemently denies it to the media.

"I don't think so. After all, He is a bit small. He can't control you, can he?" The reporter also learned how to dig holes.

"You underestimate what. Of course, I won't tell you anything." Karlie Kloss knew that the reporter was digging a hole, but she still wanted to talk.

This is playing with the hype.

"Then how should I think highly of him?" the reporter asked.

"Maybe, he can match the physical fitness of a professional football star. I heard that he has learned Chinese Kung Fu." Karlie Kloss replied.

"Then do you think his Chinese Kung Fu is good?"

"I said, comparable to football stars, maybe you will understand after experiencing football stars." After finishing speaking, Karlie Kloss put on her sunglasses and was about to leave.

"How long does it take for a football star like He Fang to form a shot, and how many times can he score in a night?"

"I reckon there are at least three 10 minutes, and he can score three goals."

Karlie Kloss left after finishing speaking, and the reporter nodded in satisfaction after blowing a whistle.

Then the reporter's interview with Karlie Kloss immediately became the lace news of the Venice Film Festival. In order to increase its influence, the Venice Film Festival even matched the hype.

Bah, I still focus on art, as long as there are commercial interests to play tricks.

When He Fang woke up, he was woken up by the phone call. He picked up the phone in a daze, and after pressing the answer button, Tong Weidong told him that they were going to the airport in only two hours, so they had to get up.

He Fang just woke up at this time, looked at the time, hey, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

There were a lot of missed calls and text messages, and then he immediately went to wash up and call someone back by the way.

The top priority is of course his parents, so when he got on the phone with his mother, he was startled by Zeng Jinghua's words.

"Son, when did you practice martial arts?"

"Ah, how do you know? I practiced it a long time ago. I learned it from Wu Jing when filming "Pacific Rim" last year."

"Oh, it's okay, pay attention to your body, don't challenge those physical tasks that exceed the limits of your body frequently."

"Oh, ah? What, what do you mean?" He Fang was puzzled.

"It's nothing, did you reward yourself with something if you won the award?"

"Reward? Well, reward, have a good sleep."

"Oh, okay, then hang up if you have nothing to do, and we'll talk about it when you come back."

"Oh, that's good, dear mother, bye." He Fang hung up the phone with a puzzled expression on his face. Why is Zeng Jinghua so talkative today?
Don't be long-winded anymore?Stop nagging?Don't care what he eats when he goes home?
Not only was Zeng Jinghua like this, He Ben also simply congratulated a few words and said nothing.

Strange, so strange...

"Yo, do you call it? Football player Mr. He San? It seems that you are called that on the Internet now." Zhang Qian called He Fang immediately after seeing He Fang texting him back, and teased He Fang.

"What, what do you mean? Mr. He San, a football player?"

"Yeah, you don't know? Didn't you watch the news?"

"News? No, I just woke up after drinking too much last night. What news?"

"Well, I know, the whole world knows that you didn't sleep well last night, and you must be making up for sleep." Zhang Qian couldn't help laughing.

"No, what do you mean by that?" He Fang was even more confused.

"You can watch the news by yourself. It's okay. It's not a big deal. Anyway, everyone likes to watch it." Zhang Qian hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He Fang was stunned and immediately went to the Internet to check...

"He Fang Dated a Young Western Model After Winning the Venice Award"

"Karlie Kloss: He Fang Can Martial Arts And Physically Like A Football Player"

"Maybe the lace news during the Venice Film Festival also has an artistic sense"

"Where is the carnival after winning the Venice award"

"Where to prove that Chinese martial arts have real skills"

"Fan Bingbing: I don't know He Fang's physical fitness"

"Liu Yan: It's normal for him to reward himself, it's a side story.No, I don't know"


"Haha, He Fang is mighty, no, football player He San is mighty, tsk tsk, I am convinced, I am really convinced."

"Mr. He San, please accept my knee."

"Mr. He San, the female star of the island nation needs your rescue."

"I don't believe it, He Fang, if you come back and let me try it, then I will believe it."

"Ah, where the hell is this, what should I do?"

"This woman is really mighty. It's amazing that He San can do this."

"He San, your taste is really...heavy, so you like tall and mighty ones."


He Fang sat on the chair in the room and got numb, really numb.

After a while, Tong Weidong called again, urging him.

He Fang had no choice but to ask Tong Weidong to buy him some food outside, then he quickly packed up his things, and then went out to check out.

It's just that when he got to the hotel lobby, someone watched He Fang come out and someone whistled.

People who were pretending not to know immediately broke their defenses and laughed.

Especially the crew of "The Scorching Sun" was out of breath from laughing.

He Fang pushed the box and stood beside him so embarrassed that he could get into a hole in the ground, and immediately sat down and covered his face with his hands.

What a shame.

Fortunately, Wang Zhonglei is not here, he is still sleeping, maybe last night was something, he will not return today, and the global distribution of the film has not yet been discussed.

In order to save He Fang's face, everyone let him cover his face all the way to the airport, and then he fell asleep with his head covered after boarding the plane.

After more than seven hours, He Fang returned to the capital.

"Hey, I won't hold any celebration banquet in the capital. I'll go back to Changsha first. Let me tell you, I'll come to the capital for the premiere and we'll get together again." After He Fang finished speaking, he took Tong Weidong and withdrew together.

Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and Huang Yi glanced at it, and everyone laughed.

After He Fang returned to Changsha, he gave Tong Weidong a week's vacation, and he himself had to go home and hide for a week, at least until the public opinion stopped spreading his scandal before going out.

Both Zeng Jinghua and He Ben laughed badly, and He Fang looked like crying without tears.

Zeng Jinghua even enlightened He Fang, "Son, why do you have such a unique hobby? It's not that the petite the woman, the more so, our family doesn't have the tradition of liking big girls..."

"Oh, Mom, you, don't talk about this, okay, don't talk..."

"How can you say this is incredible, if it is a mental illness, we can also treat it..."

"Who has mental illness, who has this illness, I'm fine. You, you, do you say that about your son?"

"Okay, okay, okay, Mom is wrong. But, can our aesthetics be more normal? Don't be so big, wouldn't it be better to be smaller?"

"..." He Fang was speechless, "Can you give me a good rest for a few days?"

"Okay, okay, let's talk, what do you want to eat, er, you don't need to supplement that tonic, I'll give you something lighter these days."


He Fang rested at home for a few days, and slowly saw this matter away. In fact, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Isn't it that everyone knows that he met a woman outside? What's the big deal? Leonardo changes every day. , Changing to be aboveboard is not the same as living a chic life?
Besides, the reality doesn't allow him to hide any longer. He has to check the preparations for "Three Dozens of Bone Demons", and it will start up in about [-] days.

And with the release of "Scorching Sun", he has to go out, he can't hide, so it's better to face it calmly.

Anyway, he's not married, and he hasn't talked about a girlfriend, so what's there to be shy about?
After a few days of psychological training, and the enthusiasm for discussing his lace news on the Internet these days has also subsided, He Fang went to the company.

It's just that when he went out, basically everyone looked at him with a strange taste. The men's eyes were full of envy, and the women's expressions were curious and eager to try.

Tsk, a 1.9-meter big one can do it three times in 10 minutes. If it's my physique, then I'm not happy to fly?

Faced with this strange look, He Fang is not used to it, and is also annoyed, but he knows that as a person in the entertainment industry, he has to be thick-skinned and get used to such a look.

Even, sometimes you have to be proud instead of ashamed.

What shame does the entertainment industry need?
"Zhang Qian, what's the status of the preparation for "Three Attacks on the Bone Demon" now?"

"Oh, this, let me tell you..."

After learning about the preparations for "Three Attacks on the Bone Evil", He Fang held a meeting with the company's employees to discuss the next work priorities.

The next day, he went to the "Three Fighting Bone Demon" martial arts training ground, which was moved to Huying Film and Television City in September. There are several actresses, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Drifting and others training here, plus a A batch of martial arts group performances.

"Hey, Director He is here?"

Seeing He Fang and martial arts instructor Qian Jiale coming together, everyone in the training ground also surrounded him.

He Fang saw actresses such as Yan Ran, Chong Danni, Kan Qingzi, Xi Wang, whom he hadn't seen for several months, as well as Deng Chao, Xu Zheng, and Zhu Yawen.

"Hey, Teacher Deng Chao, when did you come to Changsha?" He Fang asked in surprise.

"Ah, I've been here for four or five days."

"Oh, okay, let me see your training results. Yan Ran, come on, you come first."

"Okay, director." Yan Ran regained her spirits immediately, and she wanted to show where the results of the past few months could be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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