China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 171 He Fang said that in the future, Fan Bingbing will be less found in movies, so what will

Chapter 171 He Fang said that in the future, Fan Bingbing will be less found in movies, so what will happen if Fan Bingbing's movies are found in He Fang?

But even though the media was hyping it up there, He Fang simply ignored it.

Even if he was blocked by reporters when he went out, he did not respond.

For many days in a row, he was checking the preparation of the film, learning about the company's situation, and checking the progress of the other two films.

Of course, there are also the progress of the company's "33 Days of Broken Relationship" and the progress of "To Youth" which will also start filming in October, as well as the domestic release of "Fake Family" which he worked with in Los Angeles last year.

The movie was released in early September, and it has been almost half a month now. The box office is not bad, and it has won 9 million box office.

Zhang Qian is very concerned about this movie, because He Fang told him that it is related to the status of Tuanhuo culture in Hollywood in the future.

If anyone can help some movies to enter China through other channels, and they can sell well, it will be valued by many Hollywood companies.

In order to avoid suspicion, He Fang stopped drinking and eating with a few actresses after that.

Of course, the actresses didn't want to do something too proactively. After all, He Fang didn't have this idea. No matter how rough their performance was, it was useless, and it would arouse He Fang's dislike.

On the 21st, Fan Bingbing suddenly came to Changsha in a low-key manner and called He Fang.

"Hey, Teacher Fan Bingbing, why are you free to call me today?" He Fang was still very surprised.

"Yes, if you don't call again, you will forget that I am an old friend." Fan Bingbing said flatly on the phone.

"What are you talking about? It's impossible for anyone to forget you."

"Hey, don't lie to me. I heard that you like 1.9-meter-long ocean horses. Tsk, your taste is good enough."

When He Fang heard what Fan Bingbing said, he knew that she was alone in a convenient place.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's all hyped up by the media." He Fang vehemently denied it.

"Really? You think I'll believe it?"

"Okay, don't say that there is nothing there, there must be something wrong if you call me?"

"What's the matter? I can't call you if I have nothing to do?"

"..." He Fang was speechless immediately, "If you talk like that, you will have no friends."

"Yo, yo, yo, you don't even have friends?"

"...No, it's not what you think."

"What is that? Why don't you come and explain to me what you mean?"

"Come here? I'm in Changsha now, how can I come here now?"

"I'm also in Changsha, come here."

"..." He Fang's eyes lit up immediately, "Come here right away, tell me, where is it?"

"Hmph, that's about the same."


Half an hour later, He Fang disguised himself and quietly went to a certain room in a certain hotel.

Both of them can't wait, He Fang wants to sweep away the haze of several days, and Fan Bingbing wants to prove his charm.

So... the TV program is still on.


What did Fan Bingbing do here?After He Fang's understanding, I found out that she was really looking for excellent script projects during this period of time. Now she has a total of five scripts in hand, and then she came to Changsha to go through the process of Huying Group. Take a look at this Whether several projects can be done and how much they are worth.

If so, see what advice can be given.

"Are you really playing? Are you not afraid of messing things up?" He Fang was smoking an afterthought cigarette, feeling very comfortable.

"There's no need to mess around with this. As long as the investment doesn't exceed 3000 to [-] million, I can afford it." Fan Bingbing leaned against He Fang's chest.

"It's good to have an idea. However, if it's really suitable, our film investment fund can also invest." He Fang laughed.

"Isn't that better?"

"Well, what's the story? Show me first?" He Fang said.

"What's the hurry, have you finished your cigarette?"

"What's wrong?" He Fang asked.

"Isn't it called He San? There have been three times. It's not over yet."

"..." Numb...

The five scripts brought by Fan Bingbing this time are a bit interesting, one is called "Escape from Prison Island", which is a combination of "Horror Cruise" and "The Night the Sad Star Came".

There is also a book called "Body Rental", which is to make up for the regrets in life for some dying people. It uses a special container to store the brainwaves of the customers and helps them fulfill their unfulfilled wishes after death.When this company fulfills customers' wishes and lets them see that their wishes have been fulfilled, the radio waves automatically disappear.

There is also a script that shocked He Fang. This story is called "The Origin of the White Snake". This is very suitable for Fan Bingbing, the leading heroine.

The other two, one is called "Invincible Heroes" and the other is called "The Light Chaser".

He Fang couldn't help but secretly nodded after watching the five crews. It seems that Fan Bingbing really worked hard to find a good script.

"From the current point of view, this "The Origin of the White Snake" is the most suitable for you, the heroine." He Fang gave a suggestion.

"Really? I also like this one the most,'s a lot of investment, and there is no suitable director..." Fan Bingbing said this, looking at He Fang as if saying, "Do you know what I mean?" '

"..." He Fang was speechless, but he was also moved. This movie is really suitable for Fan Bingbing, and it is a magical blockbuster.

"You want to hire me as a director? It will cost a lot to hire me."

"You can tell me how much it will cost. At worst, I'll sell my whole body to pay your director's fee." Fan Bingbing blinked his eyes and licked his lower lip as he spoke.

"You girl..." He Fang heaved a long and tangled sigh, and lit a cigarette, "I just said that I will try to make my movie less of your shadow."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't find me for your movie."

"Then what is this?" He Fang asked back.

"You said that you rarely want to find me for your movies, but you didn't say that you wouldn't accept my movies. This is my movie looking for you. Is there a problem?"

Fan Bingbing asked back.

"..." He Fang was stunned for a moment, as if, as if, yes, there was nothing wrong.

"Okay, no problem, you win."

"Hmph, Xiao Mian, lie down, there is one more time." Fan Bingbing clenched his fist and waved it triumphantly, then stepped forward and pushed He Fang down.


The time came to September 9th, He Fang put aside the matter in Changsha, and then went to Beijing with Deng Chao, because the premiere of "Scorching Sun" will be held in Beijing on the 24th, and the movie will be released.

As soon as the premiere ceremony is over, he will have to do some programs and activities with several actors for publicity.

After arriving in the capital, I first had a dinner with the crew of "Scorching Sun", and called the people in charge of editing, lighting, art, composition, etc. to come over and have a gathering together.

Everyone got together very late that night and went to sing K, but was blocked by reporters.

However, He Fang did not give reporters a chance to ask questions.

But on the second day, he couldn't hide.

"Director He Fang, what do you think about the recent hot discussion that you don't like Chinese women but like big Western women?"

"Director He Fang, are you not enthusiastic about the girl Fang you chose?"

"Director He Fang, when will your next literary film be filmed? Will you go to the Berlin Film Festival in order to hit the grand slam?"

"Director He Fang..."

Just when He Fang showed up in the capital, many reporters surrounded him and refused to let him go at all, as if he would not let him go today if he didn't answer the questions.

"Everything is nonsense. You all know that this is a gossip and rumors. It’s enough to eat the traffic for so long. I do know Karlie Kloss, but they are models, they need topics, and they are exaggerated. It's normal to say it, and you can almost get it by booing."

"As for saying that I don't like Chinese women, it's nonsense. My aesthetics have always been very Chinese. Don't doubt it. What does it mean that the other girl is not enthusiastic? First of all, there is no such thing as Fang girl. The actors I selected because of their own strength and It’s only when they fit the role that they cooperate, it’s not that I’m trying to flatter someone on purpose.”

"I get along well with them, and they are also preparing well now. How can I be enthusiastic? Is it called enthusiasm if I set some unspoken rules? Can the entertainment industry be a little purer? It can't be that the director really thinks A certain actor is wrong? A certain actor really won the role with his own strength?"

"Can you stop mixing any deals and unspoken rules? I can swear that there are no behind-the-scenes deals or unspoken rules in "Three Dozens of Bones". There is no such thing as working with me."

What He Fang said was righteous, and now the reporters moved away in satisfaction.

"Then when will you go for the Berlin Prize? Next year or the year after?" the reporter asked.

"I don't have any plans for the time being. We'll talk about it when we have a plan. Besides, Berlin doesn't mean you can win it if you can. If the film award is so easy, everyone would have already been a grand slam."

After He Fang answered this question, he prepared to leave.

"Director He Fang, I heard that you want to set up the film market in Taiwan, and you want to support filmmakers in Taiwan to make films about the real history of Taiwan? Some people in the cultural circle in Taiwan reacted very strongly and resisted. What do you think about this matter? look?"

Suddenly a reporter asked.

"Huh? Is there such a thing? I haven't heard of it. If there is such a thing, then I think some people think too much. Have we ever rejected the commercial activities of distributing Taiwanese films in the mainland or investing in films in the mainland? No Right? There are many films from Taiwan that can be shown in the mainland, and there are also many Taiwanese artists who develop in the mainland."

"What are they protesting? It means that they are only allowed to sell movies to the mainland, but we cannot sell them to Taiwan Province? They are only allowed to invest in the mainland to make movies, and we cannot invest in Taiwan Province to make movies? What kind of double standard is this?"

"Did we treat them too well these years, making them forget that any cooperation must be based on fairness and reciprocity? We allow them to distribute movies in the mainland and invest in movies in the mainland. They want to stop Is there any cooperation between films from the two places?"

He Fang replied unceremoniously, he is not used to that group of people, that group of people just want to see you make a little concession, and they will frantically raise conditions to squeeze your interests.

Whenever you are strict with him, he will howl and beg you like a dog.

A group of soft bones who have been brainwashed by the island country are hopeless.

He Fangzhen didn't answer any questions this time, and then went to the premiere scene.

After putting on makeup and taking a rest, you can go to the red carpet.

"The director is here."

"Hello director."


"Hello, hello..."


"He Fang: Me and the young model are just hype, I have Chinese aesthetics"

"He Fang: No girl Fang said, I am fine with them"

"He Fang: The entertainment industry should be purer, don't follow the unspoken rules, my opponent's girl has no unspoken rules"

"Eliminate behind-the-scenes transactions, He Fang bluntly said that he chooses actors the most fair"

"He Fang reprimanded some people in Taiwan for conspiring film cooperation, fair and reciprocal cooperation is the foundation"

"The high-spirited He Fang has stepped out of the haze of lace news"

"You can't play double standards, and you can't just allow you to not allow me. Where can we talk about cross-strait film cooperation"


This time, Yangliu must be doing the "Premiere" program, so Yangliu is doing the whole broadcast, and the host is still Jingwei. He Fang also went to say hello to her and thank her.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, the red carpet will officially start, and this time more than half of the entertainment industry has come.

It may be accidental that He Fang won the grand prize for the first time, but if he won the grand prize for the second time in a row, if he does not face up to it, then he has serious prejudice or dislike for He Fang.

But what is the entertainment industry?Where hypocrisy plays, no matter how big the prejudice is, it is also a good friend in front of interests.

"Next, the red carpet ceremony for the premiere of "Scorching Sun" officially begins. Let us invite the crew of "Scorching Sun" to walk on the red carpet. If you are invited, He Fang, the screenwriter, director, and actor, and please invite the chief producer Wang Zhonglei, the producer The filmmaker Zhang Qian invited male actors Duan Yihong, Deng Chao, Liao Fan, and actress Huang Yi..."

Under the introduction of the host, He Fang led the crew of "Scorching Sun" onto the red carpet. Fans and reporters on both sides screamed, cheered and kept pressing the shutter of the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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