China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 174 Liu Yan was so moved, so she had to go all out

Chapter 174 Liu Yan was so moved, so she had to go all out
The thank-you reception that night was not held very late, and none of the actresses succeeded in He Fang, but He Fang returned to his villa in the capital under everyone's gaze.

Although he was hungry and went out for a supper in the middle of the night, and then never came back, that was another matter.

Anyway, no one knew where he went for supper, and no hotel recorded where he went after he didn't go back to sleep all night.

But the next day, Fan Bingbing took her RV to the repair shop, saying that the suspension of the RV was soft, and the car was bouncing when driving, to check whether the car springs were aging.

When the car repairman checked it, it was wrong. The spring steel plate did not seem to be aging at first glance, but it seemed that the steel plate had lost its elasticity due to repeated violent extrusion.

So the question is, what kind of violence will make the car spring steel plate lose its elasticity?This is probably going to be an unsolvable problem.


On the 26th, He Fang will lead his "Scorching Sun" crew to accept exclusive interviews with three domestic media, record two programs, and then go to the premiere of "Painted Wall" at night...

It can be said that he will be very busy this day. Of course, the atmosphere of this National Day file has also become official. The premiere of "Scorching Sun" last night, today's entertainment sections of major newspapers, Internet media, and TV media There has been a lot of reporting.

Movie reviews have also sprung up like mushrooms after rain:

"[Scorching Sun] Let the Audience Whitewash the Criminal":
"The movie ended with Wei Wei and Yi Guchun laughing and fighting in their daily lives, but I still felt like I hadn't finished watching it.

After thinking for a long time, I finally figured it out: the problem lies in the fuzzy slapstick in the opening title.Generally, the routine of the movie is an unsolved case. After searching for a long time, the murderer was finally caught, but it turned out that he was wrongly caught.

So from the very beginning, I began to wash Deng Chao's guilt in my heart. He is such a good person, it is impossible to do that kind of thing. I look forward to the ending to wash away his sins.


This film review is still good, starting from the emotions of the audience.

"[Scorching Sun] can't be called a suspense, because He Fang didn't intend to suspend at all":
"Many people like to look for the brilliance of humanity from absolute sin to move themselves. A wicked person does a good thing, and a good person does a bad thing. The former can be forgiven, while the latter can only be punished. The former is chicken soup, and the latter The other is reality.

In the whole movie, Xin Xiaofeng's devotion, after the appearance of Yi Guchun, appears to be the entanglement of love and redemption, because he does carry a life on his back, while Chen and Yang are just in the relationship of getting along day and night.

One life is worth one life, which is the emotional judgment in everyone's heart for a murder case, and even in many cases, it is not enough to make up for it, so even if it is death, Xin always feels that he is sorry for the tail.

So, does the movie tell a story? ..."

"[Scorching Sun] Good Guys and Bad Guys":
"Everyone wants to be a good person, at least not to do great evil. I used to want everyone to think that I am not bad, and I am not eager to say that I am not bad. At least when people mention you, they think, oh, this People, it's ok.

Don't let people think of bad things about you when they think of you.But then I found that I was so careful, greeted everyone I knew, didn’t speak loudly, at least didn’t lose my temper, and had a humble personality. I walked slowly and looked back. Mouth flaws, even bad things.

But I thought, I'm not a bad person.Xin Xiaofeng fell in love all of a sudden, even though he fucked a girl with heart disease and made her die, he still went back and hugged his tail out desperately, and even changed his ways and became a good person afterwards, or in fact he has always been a good person..."

"[Scorching Sun] Acting is the highlight of this movie":
""Scorching Sun" was an unprecedented situation at the Venice Film Festival where the three best actors won the award, which gave curious audiences the driving force to go to the theater to see it. And this film is well-deserved to become a Chinese film history in recent years. Good crime suspense film, the plot lineup has nothing to say.

Duan Yihong's acting is very devoted and tense. He has the best acting skills in this film and is truly a well-deserved actor.He Fang was completely unexpected, and won the Best Actor trophy with his supporting role.Deng Chao is really admirable, his strength is already at the top of this generation of actors in the late 70s..."

"After watching [Scorching Sun and Heart], I just want to say: People are doing it, and the heart is watching":
"You can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and you can also put an umbrella on your heart to keep him from being scorched like the scorching sun.

When I first watched it, I was always a little entangled in the specific plot, such as why Deng Chao and the others didn't go far away, whether Liao Fan's Chen Bijue was really stupid, Huang Yi's role felt a bit too abrupt, etc.

But after thinking about the title of the film, I feel a little relieved..."


A lot of movie fans and insiders opened the entertainment section of the news on this day. Almost all the entertainment sections of the print media or online media were discussing "Scorching Sun", and they were all about the film reviews of this movie.

And other celebrity gossip and movie promotion have all stood aside, and there is no room for their news.

Why does this happen?

It's not that Changsha Tuanhuo, Huying Group, Huayi and Bona are promoting so much, but that every film critic must prove to his fans his level of appreciation of movies, so as to attract fans.

What kind of movie deserves to embody the level of film critics?Of course, it is a top film that has won awards at top international film festivals.

Isn't a film that can win an award high in artistic value?If the movie review I wrote is finished, doesn't it also show that my art appreciation level is high?

This is not only true of film critics, but also of print media, online media, and even TV media, so this has become a feast of film criticism that has been discussed in the film and television industry.

"..." Cheng Xiaodong: "Is the influence of "Scorching Sun" so strong?"

Cheng Xiaodong was terrified, it was just a literary film, but his "Legend of the White Snake" had 1.8 million cast, as well as Jet Li.

Why are all the discussions in the public opinion about "The Scorching Sun"?This is unreasonable.

Not only Cheng Xiaodong was frightened, but Wang Changtian was also frightened, he even wondered if he was set up by someone?It was clearly agreed last night that the box office was a big hit, so is that how you guys are doing today?

"Mr. Wang, look, do you want to interact with He Fang more? Since his popularity is so high, why don't we borrow our strength? Just like the original "City Watch", we almost won [-] million box office by borrowing our strength. "

Light Company also has experts, who immediately gave Wang Changtian an idea.

"How to say?" Wang Changtian was also moved, and asked back.

"Mr. Wang, don't you think He Fang is coming to our premiere tonight? Let him boast a few more words, and then let the creators talk about He Fang and "Scorching Sun" when they are creating or promoting. This is not going to work. It’s been linked. Then, later on, we will spread the publicity in the media, and it will be linked if it is not linked.”

"Hiss, it's a good idea. All right, you plan and implement it in detail." Wang Changtian nodded in satisfaction.

Regarding He Fang, he can't treat He Fang as an opponent. After all, he can't offend Huying and Changsha Tuanhuo. In addition, he has a cooperative relationship with He Fang, and those newcomers in the company claim to be He Fang every day. student……

Oh, what a headache.

In fact, the method of light is correct, and it is a good idea to stick it somewhere.This is called taking advantage of the trend. Now that the general trend of public opinion is discussing "Scorching Sun", you can only make a living by taking advantage of the trend, otherwise it will be very difficult.

No, at the premiere of "Painted Wall" tonight, all the main creators were chasing the popularity of "Scorching Sun".

Even Chen Jiashang had to say something against his will: "Although "Painted Wall" is not as artistic as "Scorching Sun", I am also pursuing art in terms of color and story meaning. Therefore, I look forward to this National Day It can be sold at the box office together with "Scorching Sun" in literary and commercial films."

"..." He Fang was stunned, how did this involve him?

Deng Chao: "I think my performance in "Painted Wall" is a relaxed version of myself, and I can play more freely. In "Scorching Sun", I am a nervous version of myself, more serious. I believe that this National Day file will let everyone Don’t miss seeing a serious Deng Chao and a free-spirited Deng Chao. It’s a pity that director He Fang was not invited to star in "Painted Wall", otherwise I would never let him take away one-third of the trophy."

"..." He Fang was stunned again, why did he involve me again?

"I heard that director He Fang is very good at practicing Chinese martial arts, and I am also very good at martial arts. Director He, if you have any action actors in the next scene, you can ask me for it." Zou Zhaolong, is this hard work?
"..." He Fang... Should I smile politely?

"Director He Fang, how do you feel after watching "Painted Wall"?" The host asked He Fang the question.

Under everyone's gaze, He Fang stood up and took the microphone.

"I think the theme of magic is a well-developed theme, because there are too many magic stories in our history, and there are also many classics. "Painted Wall" is also a masterpiece of director Chen Jiashang who is good at filming such stories. The overall production is absolutely perfect. Belonging to the top, the quality has nothing to say.”

"Moreover, I have seen Director Chen's ambition from the movie. It is a great skill to develop such a feature film from a work with less than a thousand words in the original work. As the saying goes, people have lust, they are born in an obscene environment, and people have obscenities." The heart is the state of fear. This is the Zen machine under the commercial package of Director Chen. I think he is right, and he also explores and expresses the theme."

"As for the actors, there is nothing to say. Needless to say, Deng Chao's acting skills overwhelmed me in "Scorching Sun". He is a master. Teacher Zou Zhaolong, I really want to cooperate with you if I have the opportunity, you My martial arts and acting skills are top-notch, and I have liked them since I was a child. If the three major film festivals can give awards to commercial films, I think you should have an acting award."

"Teacher Yan Ni, she is an absolute school of acting. Her acting skills are perfect and natural. In the film, she is sometimes a luxurious and majestic aunt, and sometimes an amiable elder sister. This kind of silky performance is rarely seen in China. achievable."

"Ms. Liu Yan, we have worked together in several plays, and her growth is obvious to all. I believe that China's female actors can grow up from a non-professional actor to an actor at the level of actor and actress. There will be a place for you.”

He Fang's praise made Liu Yan almost cry. Who would pay attention to her contribution in this entertainment circle as a non-professional person with no background?In this circle, if you become someone else, they will praise you.It's too hard to step on you.

If she hadn't met He Fang, her growth path would have been more difficult.She has been working very hard, and she wants He Fang to see her hard work.

But He Fang has always been very harsh on her in private, sometimes saying that she is not good at lines, sometimes that she is not good at English, and sometimes that she is not good at basic acting skills.

She didn't expect that He Fang would praise her so seriously in this public place, well, let's go all out tonight.


"On the whole, the director is ambitious, the special effects and pictures are very beautiful, the actors in it are all at the level of actor and actress, and the story is also a magical love story of a scholar who makes people like it. Therefore, this is a high-quality film. As a commercial film, I believe that in this National Day file, together with other films, it can create a box office that satisfies everyone."

He Fang was so full of praise that he almost didn't run out of words.

With everyone's applause, Wang Changtian finally passed this level with a smile on his face.

Duan Yihong even gave He Fang a thumbs up, "Director He, you are really good, and you don't use heavy words in your compliments. I admire you."

After being praised by Duan Yihong, He Fang was also proud, "If you grew up in the leadership courtyard of the government unit, this ability will only be better than mine."

"Oh, I see."


"Hey, Director He? I'm in a hurry to find you. Are you free later?"

After He Fang attended the premiere of "Painted Wall" and the thank-you reception, he was about to go back to the villa when he received a call from Liu Yan.

"Oh, where are you? I'll look for you right away." When He Fang heard that Liu Yan was in a hurry, he didn't hesitate.

After all, she is also his woman, isn't it that the other party will say something urgent as a last resort?

So although he always said that he would pull out the ruthless, but for Liu Yan, he should stay at the entrance of the cave.

"That's fine, you come alone, I'm on my way home now."

"..." When He Fang heard this, he thought it was something urgent.

After hanging up the phone, he was about to say something to Tong Weidong.

"Director He, do you want me to take a taxi back by myself?" What does Tong Weidong do?Is this ear strength?I could hear their conversation on the phone clearly.

"Uh, no, just take me there and be careful not to be followed. You can drive back when you arrive."

"Don't worry, where are you going?"

After He Fang gave an address, Tong Weidong researched the route and set off.

Sure enough, what Fang thought, Liu Yan was going to go all out... He Fang was a little excited, this scale is a bit big.


In the next two days, He Fang went to participate in several activities, and at the same time returned to Changsha to participate in the recording of "Happy Camp".He Fang even handed over Deng Chao to the crew of "Painted Wall" and asked him to follow the crew of "Painted Wall" to publicize.

(End of this chapter)

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