China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 186 Do you want to blow your conscience?

Chapter 186 Do you want to blow your conscience?

Entering December, it's time for the Lunar New Year film competition. Fortunately, the big dark horse "12 Days of Broken Relationship" was not released in December, otherwise it would put pressure on many movies.There are quite a few blockbuster movies released this month, and Zhang Yimou's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is the most anticipated.

In addition to Zhang Yimou's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", there is also Tsui Hark's new work "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate", and He Fang's new Hollywood work "Human Purge Project", which will be released on December 12.

Don't ask how "The Purge" was released in China, just like others would ask why Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution" was released, the question is where the movie was given the green light.

Directors of their level usually get the green light, but He Fang cut out some bloody scenes in the film, and of course promised not to publicize it, and can only release it in a low-key manner.

These are the three most anticipated movies in December, and besides these three, there are second-level movies to look forward to.

On December 12th, "Three Fools Havoc in Bollywood", this Indian film has been popular abroad for two years. I don't know how many netizens have watched it on the Internet. I don't know if there will be a wave of box office at this time. It won't be circled.

On December 12, "Intimate Enemy" is a new work directed by Xu Jinglei, known as the most talented female director in the mainland, and people in the Beijing circle are enthusiastically acclaiming it.

"Speed ​​​​Angels" on December 12, this is an inspirational action movie that gathers the three stars of Tang Wei, Cecilia Cheung, and Jimmy Lin, and it is worthy of many people's expectations.

There are 23 other movies, large and small, released. There are a total of 29 movies released in this Lunar New Year file. It can be said that the competition is fierce, but everyone knows that in fact, only those three movies play the leading role.

On December 12, "9 Days of Broken Relationship" was released for a full month, and the final box office was 33 million, which set a record and made many people sigh.

Of course, Yanying, which Huying also applied for, has reached this level, so how can it not be rushed to 7 million?
The filming of "Three Dozens of Bones" is coming to an end, but on December 12th, He Fang has to take a day off. He has to go to Beijing to attend the premiere of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Many times Zhang Yimou went to the premiere of He Fang's movie to support him, so He Fang must join Zhang Yimou's new movie.

But at the premiere of "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate" on December 12 the next day, He Fang rejected Yu Dong's invitation, which made Yu Dong a little embarrassed.

However, He Fang also explained very clearly: "Mr. Yu, it's not that I don't give you face, nor does it mean that I don't give face to Director Tsui Hark. It's just that I had some conflicts with Jet Li in October, so I ran over to cheer. It seems that I am going to take the initiative to settle my suspicions with him. Although I am a junior and a young man, I still want to save face."

Yu Dong was also helpless in the face of He Fang's statement, "Okay, I can understand, but... well, it's okay, let's have a drink together when you film "Three Dozens of Bone Demons."

"Okay, no problem." He Fang was straightforward.

Yu Dong originally wanted to take on the job of helping He Fang and Jet Li to ease the relationship, because He Fang made it very clear that he didn't want to settle down with him, which caused Yu Dong to swallow his words back.

Of course, this also made Yu Dong frown and have other concerns. I don't know what attitude Hu Cinemas has towards the film's schedule.

Earlier, he went to Changsha to talk to He Ben. He Ben had a very good attitude and said that he would not treat them differently, but as an old publisher, he knew that "no discrimination" had two meanings.

The first meaning is literal, without action.

The second meaning is that they will be treated differently like all films to be suppressed, that is, they will not be particularly relaxed in any way.

So, which kind of Lake Cinema Line will not treat it differently?Yu Dong was too embarrassed to ask, wouldn't it be a shame to ask again?
Some people really think that they can talk nonsense just because they become stars?No matter how big a star is, you are just an actor, and you are a scum in front of absolute power.

Look at Andy Lau, isn't he famous enough?But for many years, he has been polite and cautious in doing things and speaking, and never offends others.

Jet Li, as a person who started from the mainland, why are you trying to mock the media and He Fang?You have a background, others do not?

And they acted according to the rules, and they didn't do anything special, so what can you say?Who can help you?
There is actually another reason why Yu Dong has such worries, and that is the conflict between him and Zhang Weiping.Zhang Weiping is very domineering, he has to sign some kind of exclusive agreement with the cinema, and he has to release "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate" on the same day as "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate", deliberately suppressing "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate". If there is a problem with film scheduling, "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" will fail disastrously against "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Of course, it is not the same now, and many theaters ignore Zhang Weiping's unreasonable conditions such as asking to sign an exclusive agreement.Now is not the era when the three major directors dominate the market, like Zhang Weiping, who is not a bird for the Hu Cinema Line.

He Ben said to Zhang Weiping, "We will focus on arranging blockbuster films, but we will not be kidnapped and directed by the producers of blockbuster films. We are an independent business entity. It is our freedom to show whose movies and not to show whose movies." '

At that time, Zhang Weiping was furious, but he couldn't get angry because the Hu Cinema Line didn't have the confidence to kill him.

In the past, Zhang Weiping's big mouth would have been pissed off a long time ago, and he might even slander He Fang's name to promote the movie.

But now he doesn't dare. After all, the Huying Group said they would withdraw "Legend of the White Snake" as soon as they said they would withdraw. They are not used to you.

What if Huying withdraws "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins"?Can he, Zhang Weiping, beat Hu Ying?
"Okay, tomorrow the executive director will shoot a day of empty shots and transition shots. A few actors and I are going to the capital to attend the premiere of "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". But don't relax, there is only the last week of filming left. Don't give me any trouble in the end. Do you understand?"

At the crew meeting on the night of the 10th, He Fang held a meeting for everyone before leaving, and repeatedly asked some questions.

"Understood, don't worry, Director He, everyone is professional, and there will be no problems."

"Well, I trust you, after all, we have cooperated many times."


Early the next morning, He Fang flew to the capital with Tang Seng and several actresses. If there is such an opportunity, it would be best to publicize it in the name of the crew, so he took everyone there.

As soon as they got off the plane, someone from the crew of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" came to pick them up, but the person who came to pick them up was neither Zhang Yimou nor Zhang Weiping, but one of their executive producers.

Although He Fang didn't care about this, but when he participated in the premiere of Chen Kaige's movie and the premiere of Jiang Wen's movie before, the producer was present in person.

This may be a kind of Zhang Weiping's arrogance, but he came to participate in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" entirely because of Zhang Yimou, who the hell is Zhang Weiping?

Zhang Yimou was his target. Last time Zhang Qian contacted Zhang Yimou and tested Zhang Yimou according to He Fang's words. He didn't talk about not cooperating or cooperating. He just said we'll talk about it later.

It proves that his relationship with Zhang Weiping is really bad.

For example, on December 12, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was screened in North America, but Zhang Weiping was not present, and the media hyped the relationship between the two to break down.

When He Fang and the others arrived at the premiere, they realized why neither Zhang Yimou nor Zhang Weiping picked up the film.

Because Zhang Weiping was not there at all, Zhang Yimou was busy all by himself, Zhang Yimou was too busy to be free.

"Director Zhang, congratulations on the release of the new movie. I can't wait to watch the new movie." He Fang said while holding Zhang Yimou's hand.

"Ha, then I have to criticize it later."

"Hey, I don't dare to criticize, but I can communicate with you. Is director Zhang free after the premiere, so I can communicate with you alone?" He Fang asked.

Zhang Yimou paused, and he immediately understood He Fang's intention.

Because Zhang Qian came to check his tone, he thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, let's find a time after the movie is over."

After that, He Fang took the crew of "Three Attacks on the Bone Demon" to the auditorium, and then greeted and chatted with a bunch of people, including Han Sanping.

Han Sanping had an in-depth understanding of He Fang's ideas in terms of Huying's experience and training newcomers. He Fang became interested when he heard Han Sanping said that he wanted to reproduce some of Huying's ideas in China Film.

He put forward a few suggestions with Han Sanping that were in line with China Film's approach, which was different from Huying's.

What China Film does not lack is capital and publicity and distribution capabilities. China Film takes 30% of imported Hollywood films every year, and also collects agency fees from some released movies. They have plenty of money.

There is no shortage of theater chains, and China Film and Xingmei are their confidence.

What is China Film missing?Lack of talents and good stories. As for professional pre-production and post-production bases, you can vote, but you need to vote according to your own conditions.

So, where does China Film go to find talent?Of course, they were found from the four top art schools of China Opera, Nortel, China Communications, and Military Art. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to use such good resources?
But how to find the real talents among these half-finished talents?This is a question that needs to be explored.

He Fang entered into an in-depth discussion with Han Sanping on this issue, and some ideas made Han Sanping feel refreshed, and he couldn't help admiring, He Fang just had so many ideas.

In fact, the so-called more ideas and more brains means that if you have more knowledge and know more, there are always some methods that are applicable, and it is easy to combine new methods from experience.

He Fang came with experience from another time and space, which is of course much better.

After solving the talent problem, it is a good story and a good project.

As long as these two problems are resolved, China Film Group will have a huge platform.

However, although the two of them chatted speculatively, this is not the place to chat about things. The premiere will start soon, so they have to hold down their thoughts and talk next time. Han Sanping also needs to go back to digest.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, our movie premiere is about to start, please find your seat and sit down, and turn your phone to silent. Thank you..."

Then there will be a 50-minute theatrical performance and a demonstration of the film's creative process. This is the standard for the film premieres of the three major directors. It's a pity that He Fang doesn't like these.

He Fang doesn't like "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" because...

In "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", the ferocity of the ghost soldiers is exaggerated to the utmost, making the audience fall into a kind of fear, and then generate endless sympathy for their compatriots. When the audience and the characters in the story are in despair, the male Master White Fake Priest is online.

Then there is how useless Chinese people are and how they struggle to survive. Even if the last 13 people sacrificed themselves, it was not they who rescued the students.

This is the hidden essence of the story, the concept secretly poured into the audience.

That's the kind of situation where we hope God will show up and save us in a desperate situation, and then God comes, and that God is the white pastor.

The point is that this priest is still a fake, what a fucking irony.

The West can save the Chinese by sending a servant of a false God, but what if they send a servant of a true God?So, should we even ask the West to save us?

Once this kind of concept is instilled for a long time, it will be like the Three-Body Problem in "Three-Body Problem", and it will be determined to ask the Three-Body Problem people to save human beings and us suffering people.It is hoped that after the Trisolarans arrive, followers of the Trisolarans will benefit from being slaves to the Trisolarans.

As everyone knows, whether it is a Trisolaran or a U.S. emperor, it is impossible for them to sincerely help their aliens live a good life.

So, what the hell is this "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" promoting?

This kind of propaganda is more correct than Hollywood's political correctness, it is simply unreasonable.


and so……

It took nearly two and a half hours to finish watching the movie. Leaving aside the crooked standpoint, this is a very good movie in terms of the quality of the movie.

Whether it is in terms of scheduling, pictures, performances, camera use, or other techniques and emotional rendering, it is definitely a top-notch film.

Unfortunately, the position is very crooked.

As soon as the lights in the meeting place came on, there was warm applause from the audience, while He Fang was thinking about how to answer the questions.

How does this make him blow?Conscience blowing?He can't do it a bit. It's okay to brag about "The Orphan of Zhao" without conscience, because it is a historical story, and the views it promotes are not bad, at least not the kind of tone that preaches to the audience that only the US emperor can save us.

That unconscionable bragging, but this "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is obviously crooked, how can this make him bragging?

This caused him a problem...

(End of this chapter)

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