China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 191 The box office on the first day and He Fang's foresight

Chapter 191 The box office on the first day and He Fang's foresight
The first writer He Fang met was a middle-aged man with gray hair at the temples, but he was very well-groomed. His name was Hiroshi Sakurazaka.

"Mr. Yingbanyang, hello, I am He Fang, the Chinese director." He Fang extended his hand generously.

Hiroshi Sakurazaka also reached out to shake hands, and then nodded slightly.

"Hello, Director He Fang, nice to meet you. I have watched all of Ni's movies, and I like your "Single Zoo" very much, I think it is the best one."

"Ah, thank you for your support, thank you for your liking."

"Your ideas are unconstrained, and you are really the pride of Asians. It is a pity that our island country lacks young directors like you." Hiroshi Sakurazaka said.

"Yes, it's just that I may not be as lucky as I am for a while." He Fang smiled.

Hiroshi Sakurazaka nodded after hearing this, "Yes, we are a country that pays attention to seniority, and young people have to queue up even if they are talented, which is a pity."

"Each has its own advantages, Mr. Hiroshi Sakurazaka, you know the purpose of my visit this time, but what do you think?" He Fang now just wants to buy the copyright and leave, there is nothing else to think about.

"Well... I want to hear your quotation and your plan." Sakurazaka Hiroshi said.

He Fang nodded, "Okay, my price is 100 million US dollars to buy the global film and television copyright. I don't know how much Warner Brothers quoted, but I believe it will not be more than 100 million."

"Director He got the news very quickly. I just had preliminary communication with Warner and you know?" Hiroshi Sakurazaka was shocked.

He Fang smiled, "I have been in Hollywood for eight years, and now I have a company in Hollywood, so what movies will the major companies be in, what movies are being produced, and what movies are going to be made... Most of them I have to pay attention to."

Hiroshi Sakurazaka nodded: "Aren't you afraid that I will raise Warner's price with the price of 100 million?"

He Fang spread his hands indifferently, "If you can help Mr. Sakurazaka Hiroshi earn more money, that's fine too, but believe me, the American version of "Killing Reincarnation" is a white version, definitely not an oriental version of "" Killing Reincarnation, I can at least keep a lot of things in your original book, instead of changing it into the mold that Hollywood wants. Do you really want your oriental story to end up as a white story?"

Hiroshi Sakurazaka's eyes twitched, "What's wrong? Who doesn't want their story to be picked up by Hollywood? Not to mention a global company like Warner Bros. Besides, you can't prove your ability to make a sci-fi blockbuster. From my point of view, who would you choose compared to Warner and you?"

He Fang smiled wryly, indeed, he still thought it was too good.

This is not in China. You can't easily win it by relying on your own reputation and adding a lot of coins.This is an island country, and it is still an island country that has a gap with China and is extremely beautiful.

"Yes, but if you can see my latest sci-fi movie on January 1th during the Spring Festival in China, I believe you will recognize my ability to make sci-fi movies. However, you are right, especially in island countries, you can choose Why do big Hollywood companies choose Chinese directors to cooperate? Mr. Hiroshi Sakurazaka, thank you for coming. If you want to make some money with this film and television copyright, I can give you a final price. If Warner Bros. bids more than 20 million US dollars , no matter how much they pay, I will add 100% on their basis."

He Fang throws the last bargaining chip, if it can be achieved, let it be if it cannot be achieved.

"By the way, this is my business card. I believe you have my email address and phone number before. You can contact me at any time. Of course, if you are patient, you can wait until January 1, when my new movie is released before making a decision. Not too late."

Sakurazaka Hiroshi took the business card and nodded, looking at He Fang meaningfully.

He Fang grinned, "No matter what the reason is, there is no reason why more money comes, isn't it? How many times will you have the opportunity to sell this kind of global film and television copyright in the future? Why not when you have the opportunity to sell?" How about earning more first? After all, no one will be against money, and it just so happens that I have the determination to pay a higher price, Mr. Hiroshi Sakurazaka."

"Haha... What Director He said makes sense, let me think about it first, and I will contact you when I think about it." Hiroshi Sakura said with a smile.

"Well, I look forward to your contacting me."

The communication between the two was very direct and brief. After all, no one looked down on the other in the bottom of their hearts. Both of them had hatred for each other's nation and country.

Zhang Qian and Tong Weidong didn't speak during the whole process, and Zhang Qian didn't speak until He Fang sent Yingsaka Yang away.

"Is $100 million too high? It's just a copyright."

"Yes, if it is only for the Chinese market, it is definitely high, but if it has an international market and is used for other purposes, it is not necessarily high." He Fang took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette.

"Shall we cooperate with Fox again?" Zhang Qian asked.

"Huh..." He Fang exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head.

"Of course not, didn't you see that Warner took a fancy to this story? Since they are interested, then cooperate with them. If you talk about cooperation with someone who is not interested, there is nothing else but routine. If you talk to someone who is interested Cooperation, maybe there are other things besides routines."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qian asked.

"Let's talk about it after you win the copyright. When you win the copyright, you can talk to Warner. We have never had the initiative in the international market. This is our shortcoming. Although as long as we can afford the international publicity fee, Fox This kind of company will also help us do it. But, you know, it’s up to them whether it’s good or bad. It’s just like when a Hollywood blockbuster comes to the Chinese market, it’s up to us to decide how much it will take at the box office.”

"The initiative, without the initiative, we have to spend money and beg for help. It doesn't matter if we have been making small films in China before, but if we want to start a large-scale film mode, we must have an international market, otherwise it is useless. Unfortunately, We can’t use the name of the WTO to force other countries to open the film market to the United States like the United States. If we can also allow others to open the film market, what kind of small films should we make? "

"So, I have a little idea. Zhang Qian, if we can exchange most of the proceeds from a movie from Warner to the international distribution guarantee clauses for many of our movies in the future, it will be a kind of peace of mind for us. We need five Years or five years, our domestic market can support a blockbuster film like "Pacific Rim". Therefore, before the domestic market rises, we need a guarantee for the international market. I want to use this film as part of the cooperation with Warner swap, what do you think?"

After He Fang finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian immediately understood what he meant. No wonder He Fang came to snatch Warner's favorite copyright.

This is to take away your fancy and beloved things. When you feel sorry, I will take this thing to your door and exchange it with you for a bigger cooperation condition by half-cooperating and half-delivery.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian understood that He Fang still thought of many ways.

"This...five-year international market guarantee, I don't think they will agree to it just by selling half a movie and giving it half away. After all, Laomei eats people and doesn't spit out their bones. Only they eat other people's share. How can we take advantage of it? ? You can see how much Warner has cheated investors in the "Harry Potter" series."

Zhang Qian shook his head and said, he thought it was too difficult.

"Conditions are negotiable. We can increase the price. If we can sign more than five blockbuster film global distribution cooperation rights, then our films will basically gain a foothold internationally." He Fang, on the contrary, is full of confidence.

"Add more? What more? Why are you so confident?" Zhang Qian asked.

"Oh, it depends on what conditions the other party puts forward. I'm not afraid of other people's conditions, but I'm afraid they won't. However, Americans can sell their country and parents for profit, so it depends on how they propose. Hey, far away Now, I haven't even won the copyright yet."

He Fang smiled.

Zhang Qian also nodded with a smile.

Maybe some people don't know what the story of "Killing Reincarnation" is, but if you say its other name, I believe many people know this movie.Its other name is "Edge of Tomorrow", a sci-fi blockbuster co-starred by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt in another time and space, which was produced and distributed by Warner.

"Let's go, find some interest for our dead women compatriots." He Fang stood up and said.

"Ah? What are you doing?"

"What do you think? It's because the island country doesn't look for some interest. Isn't it in vain? For the east, don't be merciful, do it to death." He Fang laughed.

"..." Tong Weidong looked dazed, and his eyes seemed to say 'I'm an honest man', but it's okay to be dishonest with an island woman once.


He Fang was doing business in the island country, and when Liu Yan rushed to the island country overnight, the "Human Eradication Plan" had already become popular in the country.

The film critics have all kinds of comments, some are swearing, some are flattering to the extreme, and some claim to be the most 'pertinent'...

"This is He Fang's most failed movie, he finally stepped down from the altar": "This is He Fang's most failed movie, very good, he finally stepped down from the altar. How stupid is your child thinking? The education in the United States is so good, and he looks like a fool under the lens of He Fang. He still lets people in at such a critical moment, and kills his father with his boyfriend..."

"He Fang's another unconstrained masterpiece, I have already crawled under his unconstrained style": "Except for "Single Zoo", I think this is He Fang's most unconstrained movie. If he is not for the American system, society, and culture , It is impossible to write such an amazing and brilliant setting if the belief is so well understood. This is the most awesome setting I have ever seen. Legalizing killing is like they will be Like hunting and other legalization, this setting is a manifestation of the deep study of Western systems. Also, the so-called deification of the new founding father of the United States..."

"[The Human Clearance Project] is really awesome, but the story is still problematic": "Yes, I have read "The Human Clearance Project" three times in one day. The first time I was set to I was shocked. I never thought that a Chinese screenwriter could come up with such an awesome setting, but when I thought about it being written by He Fang who made "Single Zoo", I suddenly felt that it all made sense. Any other Chinese screenwriter , I can always spray Sanjinxiang, this is not a Chinese screenwriter can have a powerful and unconstrained style... Cough, it’s far away. I read it three times, the first time I read the setting, the second time I read the story, and the third time I read it Details. Therefore, I will say without bragging, this setting is the only one in the world, and I will accept it. But there are still loopholes in this story, if you don’t believe me, listen to me one by one..."

"He Fang's New Movie Disappointed Me": "The new director He Fang is still a little unstable, sometimes amazing, sometimes vulgar, and sometimes angry. "Single Zoo" and "Scorching Sun" are amazing works, "People Are Lost Journey is a vulgar commercial work, and "Invasion of Wall Street" is a cynical work. I didn't expect his new film "Human Purge" to be an extreme work. No wonder he didn't dare to do publicity, and he didn't hold a premiere. This has to be how much you hate the United States, why can't you be normal? Taking care of ourselves is what we should do, what an elite like you should do..."

When online discussions were in full swing, the first-day box office of "The Purge of Human Beings" was also released: 3018 million. That's right, the box office reached 3018 million on weekdays. This is the absolute trust of movie fans in He Fang's movies.

"This movie is very enjoyable to watch, the setting is very ingenious, and it has lived up to my trust in He Fang. He can always bring me different imaginations. Although the plot feels strong in design in some places, it can be regarded as an explanation. Makes sense. The killing is bloody, and the acting is a surprise. Yes, this surprise refers to Liu Yan. Overall, I am very satisfied. This is the Chinese New Year movie in my mind. I don’t want to watch something that tricks the audience into the cinema to cry I don’t like the unspectacular “Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate” either. Jet Li is old, the story is old-fashioned, and the performance is far behind that of “New Dragon Inn”. We Young people just like He Fang's movies, come on!"

This is by far the post with the most likes and comments on the Internet. Some old filmmakers' eyes hurt after watching it, and they lamented that the times have changed.

Movies like He Fang are movies that young people love to watch.


When Liu Yan got off the plane at Narita Airport, as soon as she got to the exit, she saw He Fang who was grinning after the disguise.

"Hey, where's Mr. Zhang and your assistant?" Liu Yan wondered after being picked up by He Fang.

"The less people know about our two secrets, the better. Leave them alone." He Fang put his arms around Liu Yan and went straight to the garage.

He rented a car here.

He couldn't wait. He had only seen action movies in the hot spring pool. Although it was late, he had to experience it with Liu Yan.

The newly booked hot spring hotel has that smell, the wooden house, the sulfur smell of hot springs is floating around, and the hot air feels like it is permeating everywhere, and all kinds of games are endless.

After He Fang and Liu Yan checked in, he entered the room, and he couldn't wait... Who knew that Liu Yan was even more impatient than him...

What a coincidence, is this two slaps together?
(End of this chapter)

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