China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 196 Just made a good movie, but was targeted again and again

Chapter 196 Just made a good movie, but was targeted again and again

The mechs of the Three Kingdoms have their own characteristics, but killing monsters is not as smooth as expected. Everyone experienced almost failure, and finally cooperated with each other to barely defeat a few monsters that came out of the node.

However, according to expert calculations, this node will not last for three months, and bigger monsters will come out.

Therefore, better armor is needed.

One of the biggest advantages of this movie is that the rhythm of the plot is controlled very well. First, the monsters come out-Yang, then the monsters are blown up-Yan, and then more monsters come out-Yan, Then the mechs came out and re-raised, and then there was only three months to re-repress.

In the end is the decisive battle, which must be promoted.

Basically, the audience is very nervous because of this rhythm. In addition, the pictures are exquisite and shocking, as well as humorous, sensational, handsome men and women, mech monsters and various weapons... The whole movie is very fulfilling, No time to stop at all.

Once the monster-fighting plot slows down, it will be noisy and multi-party wrangling and conflicts, and then add a few handsome men and beautiful women to appear on the scene.

The final decisive battle took 15 minutes. At the last moment when the monster rushed out of the node and was about to wipe out the joint army guarding around the node, the new mecha was released and arrived. This is the thrill of life and death rescue. This new mecha is super cool Brilliant and fast, the audience's blood boiled with excitement.

It's just that even the new mechs are very difficult to fight against the ultimate big monster, and there are many dangers, at least not like cutting melons and vegetables, but evenly matched and slightly disadvantaged. This is what Fang did on purpose. This is called skill. Only then can the hearts of the audience be pulled.

This kind of ultimate battle is played by the cool camera and the wonderful fighting. Because it is a Chinese martial arts team, it is by no means the slow fighting of Hollywood, but it also absorbs the advantages of Hollywood fighting, that is, the sense of power For example, the monster flew the mecha dozens of miles with one palm, broke one hand, and broke three engines. Fortunately, there was a small robot that automatically repaired it.

Of course, in addition to the wonderful fighting outside, there is also the wonderful cooperation between the two in the cab. The female pilots are being thrown around, how beautiful it is.

Also interspersed with the gazes of the global audience, everyone's prayers, occasionally a Russian mech is knocked down and sinks into the bottom of the sea. Fix to rejoin the fight.

He Fang will not let it go. In this process, the three people who love to fight are still complaining and fighting with each other at such a critical moment. In short, they are "swearing" but cooperating, and finally they finally put a few heads together. The big monster was defeated.

Then, human beings held the node and protected the safety of one side of the earth. People all over the world cheered, and the excited American audience also applauded in the theater. This is how foreigners express their emotions.

In the end, the movie accepted the award from the United Nations on the deck of the aircraft carrier, but at the celebration reception on the lower floor of the aircraft carrier, the three male pilots were originally friendly, but because of Yuri’s little milk dog, and then Fight.

At the end the audience burst out laughing, because this is very similar to the relationship between the United States and Russia, which is always close to going to war.

The movie is over.

As soon as the subtitles came out, the lights came on, and the audience applauded thunderously.

Just now I have been immersed in the movie, at this time everyone suddenly felt that this movie is really good, not only inferior to Hollywood commercial blockbusters, but comparable to the top few, it can be said to be a good movie in the first echelon up.

At this time, those who were about to laugh at it panicked a little. They felt the danger. They accepted other countries to make sci-fi blockbusters, but they never accepted that blockbusters from other countries had grown to this level.

The host invited the main creators of "Pacific Rim" to come on stage, He Fang and a dozen of them walked up together.

"He, what level do you think "Pacific Rim" is? Compared with Hollywood blockbusters." The host asked.

He Fang picked up the microphone and hardly thought about it, "It should be between B+ and A-, second-rate, but this is already the limit of our Chinese movies. There is no way, the gap with Hollywood is too big."

When He Fang came up, he admitted cowardly, because if he didn't admit cowardly, he was afraid that people would attack him.

"Wow, you are being modest, I think more than that. Cameron, what do you think? At what level?" The host asked Cameron in the audience.

After a while, Cameron got the microphone, "It's only a little bit worse than "Avatar", and it's on the same level as "2012" and "The Day After Tomorrow". Many, many times better."

Cameron praised.

"Then what do you think is good?" The host continued to ask.

"First of all, the plot, I think this is a very good plot. It not only reflects the relationship between major powers in reality, but also shows the unity and cooperation of human beings to defeat monsters. It is like many major international issues now. Generally, we need everyone to work together."

"In addition, I don't need to say that everyone can see the progress of the film's plot rhythm. It is very mature, and I can hardly find any faults."

"Also, this movie doesn't have an absolute protagonist, but it doesn't feel abrupt or scattered at all, but very reasonable. This alone is the biggest success in the play."

"As for the scenes, the 3D special effects are all at the top level in the world. So, this is a movie that surprised me. Perhaps Hollywood filmmakers should work hard, otherwise we will not be able to make Chinese movies. "

Cameron smiled.

The audience also laughed, and everyone thought Cameron was joking.

"OK, thank you Mr. Cameron for your comment. So, He, how did you come up with such a movie?" The host asked He Fang again.

"A lot of elements are stacked up. Didn't you find that there are shadows of movies such as "Transformers", "Jurassic Park" and "Terminator"? Yes, because I like these science fiction movies very much, so I just I was wondering if I could make a film that would take all these elements of the movie and end up with what you see now."

He Fang's explanation is reasonable.

"Hmm, I'm curious why you didn't just write about the Chinese saving the world? Why is it uniting the United States and Russia?" the host asked with a smile.

"The Chinese save the world, do you believe it?" He Fang asked rhetorically.

"Haha..." The host suddenly laughed.

He Fang didn't speak or smile, but just shrugged his shoulders, and he had to admit cowardly if he didn't have the strength.

Of course, this is also a part of showing their weakness that they have agreed on long ago. They have already 'offended' those arrogant people in Hollywood and the United States by making a sci-fi blockbuster.If you don't show weakness, they will think that you China has other plans to surpass Hollywood, which will attract their countermeasures.

Don't let Chinese sci-fi movies die at the very beginning, it will really hit the confidence of the Chinese people too much.Therefore, they have to bear the burden of humiliation, let the Americans let them go, and let the Americans help them make global announcements.In order to dispel the wariness of Americans, it is necessary to properly confess their counsel in public.

"OK, okay, I'm sorry to offend. Uh-huh, but your plot is really good. I heard that before you made this movie, there was no special effects room in China that could complete a sci-fi movie. How did you solve it?"

the host asked.

"Of course it was completed in cooperation with Hollywood. We bought a complete set of equipment from the United States and went back, and then hired a group of professional people from Hollywood to teach our people how to do it. Even so, we still worked for two years to complete it. The production of special effects for movies.” He Fang explained.

"Wow, why don't you do it in Hollywood, but buy the equipment back and hire someone to teach you? Do you want to learn this?" The host's question became more and more difficult.

"Of course not. Do you know how much a sci-fi movie of this level of production would cost?" He Fang asked.

"At least $1.5 million, or $2 million," the host estimated.

"We've done the math. If this movie costs at least 2 million U.S. dollars to make in Hollywood, that's not counting the cost of publicity. Have you ever thought that a sci-fi movie made by a Chinese director with more than half of the Chinese elements can be sold globally?" How much? I don’t think it’s going to be more than $3 million. Well, if we made it in Hollywood, we wouldn’t even be able to cover the cost.”

Speaking of this, the host seemed to understand, and even the audience in the audience understood.

"So the production in China is just to save costs?" the host asked rhetorically.

"Of course, the whole world knows that China is the world's factory, with very low labor costs and very cheap supporting costs. What's more, as long as overtime pay is paid, Chinese people can work continuously for more than twelve hours. OEM production is our What we do best now is to our advantage."

What He Fang said at least dilutes the concept that China wants to steal and surpass Hollywood, and gives the United States and the West a sense of the original, and the hostility will be much less.

The main reason is that the standard of "Pacific Rim" produced by He Fang is a bit high, which will arouse the vigilance of the Americans, so He Zai degrades himself here to tell the Americans: We are not a threat.

"OK, so, will the staff who go to China from the United States also work overtime?" the host asked.

"Voluntarily, we will pay overtime pay in accordance with the laws of the United States. They can pay overtime if they want, and they can take a break if they don't want to pay."

"Is that too much?"

"I haven't counted carefully."


The host asked He Fang some other questions, and then began to ask the actors.

"Jason, how did you get this role? You look more like a killer than a fleet commander, but I think you've been very successful." The host's question was straightforward.

"Oh," Jason Steinling shrugged regretfully, "I don't know if you're praising me or hurting me, I've always been upright and just, how can you associate me with a killer? I commanded the fleet very well in this movie, didn't everyone defeat the monster under my command?"

"Haha..." The audience laughed.

"Haha, yes, I didn't believe it until I saw the movie, it's really a miracle, so, how did you get the role?" the host asked again.

"Of course it was an agreement I reached with He when we worked together in the last movie. Unfortunately, we met relatively late, otherwise I would have been the role of the little milk dog."

"Haha... you are a little milk dog? Haha..."


"Chris Hemsworth, why did you take on the role of Puppy?"

"Because the director told me that he needed the most handsome actor in the world to play his leading role, and he picked and said that only I was the most suitable. So the director said to me, 'Chris, would you like to come? The salary is $500 million’. I didn’t listen to a word of what the director said at the time, but after I heard the salary of $500 million, I only thought about it for 0.01 second and agreed.”

"Haha..." The audience laughed badly, it was so humorous.

"Later, I went to the crew and found out that I'm not the most handsome, Wu is, and he can kung fu." Chris spread his hands.

"Oh, really? Wu, do you really know kung fu? Who is better, you, Jackie Chen, or Jeter Lee?" the host asked with great interest.

Wu Jing smiled and picked up the microphone: "If they fight me now, I am better than them because they are old. If they fight me at their peak, they are better."

"OK, then how different you are from them at your peak."

"I can persist in front of them for ten rounds, and after ten rounds, I will lose." Wu Jing said.

"Wow, so powerful?" The host was shocked.

"Because he and Jack Lee belong to the same school, and Jack is his senior." He Fang explained.

"Hey, can you give us a show?"

"no problem."

Next, Wu Jing performed a set of martial arts on stage, which was very fast and fancy. After all, fancy martial arts routines can bluff people.

The audience screamed and screamed. I didn't expect to have such an unexpected program appreciation. It was really cool.

After Wu finished punching, the host continued to interview several other people. After a while, the host's interview was completed, and the next step was to interact with the media.

"He, judging from this movie, can I understand that the Chinese are no longer satisfied with just being the world's factories, but want to participate in global management? After all, you are all expressing that you want to lead the world together with the United States. Defeated the monster."

The first question was extremely sharp, and Fan Bingbing, Wu Jing, and Hou Yong were all dissatisfied. At this time, they realized the great malice of foreign countries, why He Fang had to admit it again and again, and also realized the difficulty of Chinese films. , It is too difficult to go out, it is too difficult to speak clearly in front of the Americans.

But even so, He Fang is still walking forward with difficulty, he just wants to find a way.

"Of course it's not the kind of global management that you understand. After all, it is reasonable to have Chinese elements in a movie invested by China, just like India saves the world in an Indian movie, so China is the protagonist. One of this is for sure, and it cannot be said that China is one of the protagonists because there are other intentions. What really plays a leading role in the movie is the United Nations, and the headquarters of the United Nations is in the United States, and they all have to listen to the United States.”

He Fang said the words of confession, holding his head high.

I can admit to being cowardly, because I am for the global box office market and to let Chinese movies go global. It is not shameful to be cowardly, but I cannot lower my head.

"No, I think you want to steal Hollywood's film technology back, and then make movies as good as ours to seize the global film market." The reporter retorted.

"Oh, Shet!"

"John, shut up."

Even the Americans couldn't bear to watch the scene, which seemed too shameless.

"Mr. reporter, your compatriots have expressed their opinions. I don't think you need to be nervous because this movie is so good. First of all, China cannot steal Hollywood technology. Because whether it is from the camera or the computer, As well as computer software, servers, etc. are all from the United States, and those are high-tech things, and they are not just stolen.”

"China can't even produce a chip, can't even produce an LCD screen, and we can't produce the lens on a camera. So, can we steal these technologies?"

"In addition, even if we produce a film with a quality comparable to that of Hollywood, we will not be able to grab the market for Hollywood films. After all, only a few major Hollywood companies can achieve global distribution, including "Pacific Rim". Fox to help. If we make a movie and can't sell it, then there is no threat at all?"

"Technology is beyond our reach, and the market is completely controlled by Hollywood. So, Mr. reporter, I think you are too nervous. As an American born in the United States, the world's hegemon, your kindness is not suitable for the United States." human identity."

As soon as He Fang finished speaking, there was applause at the scene, and the audience shouted: "John, don't be ashamed, get out."

John blushed from being scolded by everyone, and then cursed angrily: "You will be deceived by them."

After speaking, he left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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