My clone of the Dragon King of Seven Paths

Chapter 93 Sky Tree Civilization

Chapter 93 Sky Tree Civilization
"Our Sky Tree civilization has gradually developed because of the blessing of the Sky Tree!"

"From a very small tribe, it gradually developed into a city-state, then a dynasty, until it unified the Tianshu world and became the only extraordinary civilization in the Tianshu world!"

"This is a picture of the Tree of Heaven that I took in the Holy Land 300 years ago. Don't look at it growing to the sky, it is about 9880 meters high, but according to the information recorded in some ancient civilization relics we excavated from the deep sea, This Tree of Heaven is still in its infancy!"

"Over 1 meters, it will enter the growth stage, and its size will grow rapidly. It is predicted that it will grow to 800 kilometers in 9 years!"

"However, our Sky Tree will never be able to enter the growth stage!"

"100 years ago, the Great Luo Holy Turtle, who was regarded as the second god by our Tianshu people for generations, brought the scales of killing, rained down the fire of destruction, and bit off the symbol of our civilization-the tree of heaven!"

Zhuang Mo pulled out a video, in which a big Luo holy tortoise, many times taller than the mountain, easily destroyed a city with one foot.

Fire and rain fell from it, destroying mountains, forests and cities, forming pieces of emerald green scales.

"Is this emerald scale called the Scale of Slaughter? It's an appropriate name!"

Jian Qing looked at this 6000-meter-tall giant Luo holy tortoise, and thought of a deep-sea giant tortoise recorded on the official website. That deep-sea giant tortoise would land on human territory every once in a while.

Zhuang Mo recalled the historical data and explained: "According to the historical records, the Daluo Holy Turtle first appeared in the Tianshu World 4500 years ago. It came from the deep sea world and helped us kill The deep sea demon god who has been spying on the tree of heaven!"

"It has a huge body, and there are strange trees and fruits growing on its back. These strange trees and fruits fell into the territory of Tianshu and brought us extraordinary abilities!"

"After that, every 500 years, the Great Luo Holy Turtle will come from the eastern sea area, and after pouring the holy water around the tree of heaven, it will leave from the west!"

"Through the journey, the holy water of sweet rain falls to the ground, which can nourish the earth, and the dying person can live another hundred years!"

"Slowly, the Great Luo Holy Tortoise was worshiped by our ancestors as the second god, and together with the first god, we will protect our world!"

"However, 500 years later, the Da Luo Holy Turtle did not bring the holy water, but a scene of destruction and despair!"

"It no longer has strange trees and fruits growing on it, but a group of ferocious and strange creatures. Our Tianshu civilization has been severely damaged!"

"After the Great Luo Holy Turtle bit off the Tree of Heaven, it returned to the deep sea, but those strange creatures were attracted by the scales of killing and stayed in our world!"

"In the past 100 years, we have built mobile cities, cultivated evolutionaries, and developed extraordinary weapons, just to survive!"

"Until I and other members studied the Scales of Slaughter and found that these scales can stimulate the rapid evolution of creatures!"

"Although it will be accompanied by the side effect of body expansion and gradual enlargement, we thought at the time that this side effect was positive and could increase the attack power!"

"We immediately carried out experiments, from animals to humans, and then to evolutionaries. In just seven years, our experiments have brought remarkable results!"

"The strength of the giant evolutionary has been doubled, even if there is a risk of failure, we have no choice!"

"Based on this experiment, we promoted the Giant God Soldier plan, and finally gave us Tianshu people a chance to breathe!"

"In the eighth year of the giant god soldier plan, we created a god by improving the giant god soldier!"

"An invincible god, a god who can kill the deep sea demon god, a... third god of our Tianshu civilization!"

"After only one and a half years, our Tianshu civilization, under the leadership of Shen Lingyi, regained more than half of the territory of Tianshu World!"

"In the fifth year since the creation of the god Yi, we have successfully created six more gods!"

"The birth of the seven gods made our Tianshu civilization see the possibility of regaining the world's territory, and even expedition to the deep sea, killing the holy turtle of Da Luo, and regaining the heart of the tree of heaven!"

Zhuang Mo seemed to be suddenly discouraged, and said with a complicated expression: "As a result, you may have guessed that the seven gods we created with our own hands betrayed us. We lost our means of attack!"

"They even destroyed the extraordinary boundary wall that blocked the strange invasion, causing the strange wave to engulf the territory of our civilization!"

"I am a sinner, I am a sinner who destroys civilization, we decided to transform the mobile city, hunt and kill weirdness until it perishes!"

Zhuang Mo got up and was about to turn off the camera, as if saying his final farewell.

After hearing this, Jian Qing was deeply moved. He obviously wanted to save his own civilization, but in the end he became the driving force behind the destruction of civilization.

"Boss, I'm done with it here, ah, you're recording, let me clean it up, is there still blood on my face?"

The video was still playing, and a star-eyed girl with twin ponytails opened the door and walked in, her hands were covered with blood.

Zhuang Mo turned around and looked over, and complained: "Chen Miaomiao, you really know how to pick your time, you ruined my finale just like that!"

The girl with star pupils muttered: "You can do it again, this time I will be in the mirror with you, can I be your wife?"

Zhuang Mo waved his hand and said to the camera, "Will you fall in love with the bread you make? Bread is just food after all!"

The girl with star pupils, Chen Miaomiao, ran over angrily, jumped onto Zhuang Mo's lap, and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Didn't you say that I am the bread you made? Then why do you keep me? I'm waiting for you to eat!"

"Woman, you are blocking my camera!"

Zhuang Mo stretched out his palm and pulled Chen Miaomiao's face aside, and glanced at the camera device.

Sighing, Zhuang Mo stretched out his hand to lift the hair in front of him, lifted his eyelids slightly, and his aura changed suddenly, sweeping away his lonely and decadent state.

His eyes showed scarlet light, he looked at the camera and said with a faint smile: "Let me introduce myself again, I am Zhuang Mo, the current sixth god!"

"People of later generations, I should say that you are the remnants of the Tianshu civilization. I am one of the chief culprits who destroyed your ancestors and drove you to leave your homeland or flee to the deep sea world!"

"You hate me very much, you really want to kill me, you are welcome to come and kill me!"

"I'm waiting for you to take revenge in the Eternal Watch Tower in the Killing Paradise. Don't worry, as long as you register your own account, I will definitely open the door and let you enter the Eternal Watch Tower to kill me!"

"By the way, don't forget revenge. If you don't come to kill me, I will be very disappointed!"

Zhuang Mo picked up Chen Miaomiao, threw it aside, stood up, picked up the camera device and walked to an underground space.

In this underground space, there is a super huge half-metal half-biological brain, which is the brain of the city.

Zhuang Mo pointed to the brain of the city and said: "You can't learn from these soft bones, I haven't even done it yet, these soft bones want to escape from reality in the face of some weirdness!"

"What about Gaia's brain? Concentrate everyone's intelligence to formulate a plan to kill God!"

"It's all fucking bullshit. Before I became a god, I was the leader of the Giant God Soldier Project, a researcher of the white-eyed cerebrum. These cartilages thought that by enlarging the cerebrum and bringing together the consciousness of all the people into the cerebrum, they could expand the calculation. power, to achieve eternal life?"

"Made, if I could have come earlier, I would have to peel all these soft bones and hang them on the eternal watchtower!"

"Now their consciousness has entered the brain of Gai Ya, and within a hundred years, they will definitely be addicted to illusion, kill us, and expel strange things will definitely be forgotten!"

"So, in order to let the Tianshu people living in other mobile cities still have the belief in struggle and the hope of revenge, I decided to transform these cartilages and this mobile city into autonomous and strange war weapons until they perish! "

"Don't thank me. If you really want to thank me, you remnants of the Tianshu civilization, please come to the Yongwang Tower and kill me!"

Zhuang Mo looked evil, his eyes revealed the desire to kill, he turned off the camera, and the picture ended here.

After watching the entire video, Jian Qing felt that she had made a mistake, and thought that Zhuang Mo was really a lunatic who actually longed for revenge from others.

But if this video is really seen by the surviving Tianshu people, they will definitely feel that the other party is humiliating their ancestors.

The Supervising Ball also brought up some blueprints about the Giant Soldier Project and the Overhead Brain Project.

Even the detailed design drawings for transforming the mobile city into an autonomous killing city were thrown into the six assistant brainworms by Zhuang Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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