Chapter 12
I don't know if it's because sister Xia possessed Liu Youguang's body, feeling that she has been revenged for her great revenge, her heart knot has been opened, or she has absorbed too much of Liu Youguang's yang energy.

In short, the Yin soldiers summoned by Lin Heng were slapped flying by Sister Xia, and then bitten into pieces. Seeing that he had worked so hard to summon them, the Yin soldiers captured were wiped out like this.

Lin Heng was bitter, but Lin Heng couldn't say it, because they would be torn to pieces by Miss Xia if they were slower.

However, the soldiers and ghosts still bought Lin Heng and the others a little precious time to escape.

Seeing that Twelve and the others wanted to take the stairs, Lin Heng shouted: "Don't take the stairs, jump!"

After speaking, Lin Heng took the lead and jumped down the stairs about one floor high. Twelve and the others jumped down after seeing it.

Uncle Ying and the others saw Lin Heng and the others on the stairs and said, "Lin Heng, why are you running away, where is the female ghost?"

Lin Heng said while running: "The one behind, Liu Youguang is possessed."

Uncle Ying cast his Celestial Eye Technique and looked over, and it was indeed so, and immediately said: "Quick, come with me."

After speaking, he took the three girls and started running towards the beach. Everyone came to the beach out of breath. Uncle Ying shouted: "Stop him, Lin Heng!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Heng took out three exorcism charms from his cloth pocket, threw them backwards, and repelled Liu Youguang who was running towards them.

I don't know why, sister Mingmingxia can fly into the sky in the ghost state, and she can catch up with everyone and kill them a long time ago, but she didn't, she insisted on manipulating Liu Youguang's body to chase and kill Lin Heng and the others.

Maybe she knew that Uncle Ying was seriously ill and unable to fight for a long time, so she became arrogant.

On the beach, Uncle Ying asked Lin Heng to hide. Sister Xia stepped into Uncle Ying's trap unprepared, and was immediately trapped by Uncle Ying with a red rope.

After being trapped, Uncle Ying said: "Lin Heng used the exorcism spell and salt to force the female ghost out."

Lin Heng nodded, cast the ghost exorcism spell, and smeared salt on the palm of his hand, and slapped Liu Youguang on the forehead.

Sister Xia continued to be tied up by Uncle Ying's red rope. Uncle Ying looked at Liu Youguang's state and said, "No, this female ghost actually destroyed Liu Youguang's one soul and two souls. Too bad, it seems that Liu Youguang can only do it in the future. Become a fool, and in the future can only be reborn as an animal.

No wonder she refused to show Liu Youguang's body before. Too bad, if we can't find the body of this female ghost, we still can't kill her. "

Twelve suddenly stood up and said, "Master, I know where the female ghost's body is."

Uncle Ying nodded, handed the red rope to Lin Heng, and then followed Twelve away. Seeing that her body was about to be found, Sister Xia began to struggle desperately. Lin Heng immediately asked Xiao Yao and the others to help. It took a lot of effort to barely control Miss Xia.

Not long after, there was an explosion sound from the seaside, and Miss Xia screamed, and then her soul flew away, while Ye Yuzhi turned into a piece of human skin.

It turns out that the reason why Sister Xia was able to possess herself again was because she had refined Ye Yuzhi into a piece of human skin, which she could control to possess other people.

Now that her body died, her skin also died naturally.

"Ding dong! The host saves the next person, assists Lin Zhengying in killing evil spirits, and rewards merit +70."

When Lin Heng heard this, he stopped doing it immediately. Why did he add so much merit after working so hard? The system explained that although Sister Xia was an evil ghost, she didn't kill too many people, so there weren't that many. Karma, this time the [-] points of merit still account for the majority of saving people.

That was the case, but Lin Heng was still very unwilling to know the reason.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Uncle Ying came back dragging his disease-ridden body.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Heng, Twelve and the others shook their heads, only Liu Youguang on the ground was there, chewing the garbage on the ground.

After being busy for most of the night, everyone was exhausted. Twelve and the others went to their tents. Lin Heng and Uncle Ying took Liu Youguang back to Uncle Ying's hut.

The next day, Twelve and the others packed their luggage early and prepared to return to the city, but they still visited Uncle Ying and the others before they left.

Uncle Ying and Lin Heng sent them to the pier. Before leaving, Uncle Ying still said to them: "When you go back, you must remember to study hard, and don't play magic games anymore."

Twelve They replied together: "Okay, master, goodbye master!"

Seeing their boat leave, Uncle Ying and Lin Heng also walked back to the hut slowly. After returning to the hut, Uncle Ying and Lin Heng were stunned.

When they came out, the house was still neat and tidy, but now everything was messed up, and they quickly identified the murderer.

It was Liu Youguang who was nibbling on the leg of the chair. When he saw Uncle Ying and the others, he immediately ran over like a husky.

Lin Heng was a little surprised and asked: "Uncle Ying, is it really okay for him to eat these things?"

"It's okay, although his soul is incomplete and his body is invaded by yin qi, so he can't live for a few years, but he also got a blessing in disguise, his body is much stronger than normal people, and it's okay to eat these things.

Beast, shut up, that's the tribute altar of the patriarch, how dare you! ! ! "

While the two were talking, Liu Youguang actually wanted to do something to the Patriarch's Incense Case. The angry Uncle Ying stepped forward and kicked several times, but the rough-skinned Liu Youguang ran aside and hid like a kicked husky.

But Liu Youguang's eyes were full of fighting spirit, he must eat that table leg, they won't let him eat that table leg, it must be delicious, they want to monopolize it.

Seeing that Liu Youguang didn't give up, Uncle Ying immediately stepped forward to teach him a lesson. Liu Youguang felt a chill and started to run away. How could Uncle Ying let him go and chase him, as if he wanted to make him remember.

Lin Heng on the side began to study the last book given by Uncle Ying, The Encyclopedia of Talismans and Talismans.

This book is said to be a complete collection of talismans, but in fact there are not many talismans in it, but this is also normal, after all, Uncle Ying is taught by the Quanzhen sect, and they belong to the Inner Alchemy sect.

So their skills, methods, and alchemy are very strong. As for these talismans, they are not particularly good at it. I don't know where Uncle Ying obtained this book.

Lin Heng opened the book and read it through. It introduced the grades of the talismans. The talismans are yellow, blue, purple, silver, gold, and fifth.

Among them, gold is the strongest, and yellow is the foundation. Some spells are so powerful that you must use high-grade rune paper to withstand them, so these five levels are divided.

And the usage of talismans is divided into five colors, namely, yellow, black, white, green, and red.

The yellow talisman can use its own mana to attract the power of heaven and earth, the black talisman is used to communicate with the power of righteous gods, the white talisman is used to communicate with ghosts and evil gods, the green talisman is used to use the power of monsters and spirits, and the red talisman is generally for evil people. It is used to worship evil spirits.

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(End of this chapter)

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