Chapter 125 Dragon Slaying Taoist
After Father Wu consoled Uncle Jiu, he asked his apprentices to start searching in groups of two.

It's a pity that everything was in vain. After several days of stalemate, everyone was very tired, but there was no trace of the vampire.

It even made Father Wu wonder if some vampire who was running around killed his apprentice just now, and night fell.

A Taoist priest with a fierce face drove the corpse, and shouted as he walked: "The dead go on the road, and the living stay out of the way!"

He was afraid that other people would not know that he was chasing corpses, so he came to Jiuquan Town not long after, and all the people passing by on the street closed their doors tightly.

Only Annie, who came back from overseas, couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, and opened the window to observe.

As a result, a zombie saw his fair skin and beauty, forgot to hurry and looked at her greedily.

Until the Taoist leader who drives away the corpse.Falsely chanting a spell, but actually beating him, and then he continued on his way.

But at that moment just now, Annie has already realized that the other party is definitely not a zombie, but a normal person pretending to be.

But she was also afraid of this thing, and after thinking about it, the so-called specialization in art, she immediately went to find Uncle Jiu's apprentice and her licking dog, Zou Xing.

The reason why she wants to understand all this is that she doesn't want these things to ruin her scientific outlook. In fact, the most important thing is that she feels that the zombie looks at her in a wrong way, and she is afraid that he will come to find her at night.

At night, Zou Xing was thinking about the other party so much that he couldn't sleep, when he suddenly saw Annie's visit, he thought he was dreaming, then pinched himself, and found it was very painful, only then did he know that he was not dreaming.

Annie immediately told Zou Xing what she saw, and in order to show off in front of her sweetheart, Zou Xing patted his chest and agreed.

Zou Xing immediately woke up Wang Yue who was also unable to sleep next door, and the two walked together and went to the backyard of the church together.

When they first arrived, they saw the group of zombies, and the group of people pretending to be zombies was turned into zombie fans by Tu Long. Zou Xing and the others couldn't tell them apart for a while.

At this moment, Wang Yue suddenly thought of a ghost idea. After discussing it with Zou Xing, she pretended to take out the soul-calling bell and said, "The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, Patriarch Maoshan will appear soon. Shake your head."

The group of pretenders had never seen such a battle before, they shook immediately, Wang Yue and Zou Xing covered their mouths and laughed, and then they started to play tricks on those pretenders.

Not long after Tu Long came back to see it, he kicked Wang Yue away with one kick, and Zou Xing immediately fought with the opponent, but their kung fu was obviously not as good as the opponent, and they were beaten down in two or three hits.

But Tu Long didn't kill him, and he also recognized the other party's identity. There is only one person in Jiuquan Town who can swim Long Baguazhang, and that is his senior brother Lin Jiu.

He released the two of them immediately, and took a shortcut to Uncle Jiu's house.

When Uncle Jiu saw the other party coming, he frowned. Not long after, Zou Xing and Wang Yue came back, and when they saw Uncle Jiu, they immediately told what they had seen and heard.

As a result, they turned their heads and saw Tu Long. Tu Long wanted to do something when he saw it, but Uncle Jiu quickly stopped them. Dao was threatened by the bad things he was forced to do during his apprenticeship with them.

Uncle Jiu was a little helpless, so he had no choice but to agree that the other party would ignore him. Zou Xing looked at Uncle Jiu very curiously when he heard half of it. Tu Long glared at them and planned to leave.

At this moment, Lin Heng, who had rested, heard the sound of fighting and came down. He asked, "What happened? How long have I been sleeping, Brother Nine? Why is it getting dark!"

Before Uncle Jiu could speak, Tu Long said excitedly first, "Is it Lin Heng, Taoist Master Wu Lei, the master of Xiaoyao Temple?"

Lin Heng looked at the other party with some doubts. The other party was just a martial artist in the late stage of meat refining (practicing qi to transform into a god), and he didn't know him at all.

"you are?"

"Oh, my name is Tu Long, and I am a student of Bagua Sect. It's normal for you not to have heard of me. Your reputation is simply thunderous. I didn't expect to meet you here!!"

Lin Heng frowned, the other party must have been a little too excited.

Actually otherwise, Lin Heng doesn't understand his current fame at all, it's just because the people he meets are all decent disciples of Tianjiao who are similar to him.

For those casual cultivators, Lin Heng is simply Jack Ma who walks outside. After making friends with him, a drop of oil and water in his hand is enough to make them full.

He has great enthusiasm, but Lin Heng doesn't want to make friends with him at all, because the other party's sins are so serious that he doesn't look like a decent person at all.

Seeing that Lin Heng didn't want to talk to him very much, Tu Long didn't dare to force him to stay. Anyway, the future will be long, and if he pays more attention, he might be able to join them and reach the pinnacle of life.

The attitude of Tulong opened Zou Xing and Wang Yue's eyes, and they also realized that this friend of their master looked unusual.

Then the two secretly left to go to Uncle Jiu's study to find news about Lin Heng.

When Tu Long returned to the church, he found that all the people he recruited pretending to be exorcists had disappeared. Tu Long was very angry and went to the church to look for it.

It didn't take long for him to find his men, but at this time they had turned into real zombies, and they were still mixed with vampires.

Seeing Tu Long, Lin Heng suddenly remembered that the vampire would be born tonight, and then the Yang God covered the entire town, and as expected, more than a dozen corpses with corpse-like aura were found.

Lin Heng immediately woke up his four eyes and told Uncle Jiu that something happened in the church, and he was going to the town to deal with other scattered zombies.

Uncle Jiu nodded. His Yangshen was not as wide-ranging as Lin Heng's, nor as precise as his.

Immediately called Shang Simu and his two apprentices to the church.

Lin Heng sent out a group of Taoist soldiers, and quickly killed all the zombies, but there were still some casualties in the town.

Then Lin Heng hurried to the church. As soon as he entered, Lin Heng felt that something was wrong. The church was full of bloody smell, and Lin Heng didn't see any corpses. This was the strangest thing about Lin Heng.

Arriving in the lobby, where believers worship, Uncle Jiu, Simu, and Father Wu are fighting a vampire.

Looking at the opponent's aura, it is obvious that the opponent has advanced to the level of the vampire prince.

When Lin Heng saw this, he immediately summoned the five thunders, and the five thunders turned into purgatory and enveloped the opponent, and the vampire let out a miserable scream.

But when Lin Heng's thunder dissipated, some people from the opponent quickly grew back.

"Fellow Daoist Lin Heng, the three demons here have been refined into the vampire domain by the other party. It is difficult to harm them with ordinary Taoism, but the Holy Light of the West can cause damage, but the opponent seems to be able to transform into a zombie. The Holy Light of the West It’s hard to do harm.”

Uncle Jiu immediately told what he knew.

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(End of this chapter)

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