Chapter 16 The First Case

Early the next morning, Lin Heng got up and found Wu Ma. Seeing Lin Heng's impatient look, Wu Ma couldn't help sighing that Lin Heng deserved to be Uncle Ying's apprentice, who was as jealous as him.

Wu Ma was also unambiguous, and took out a lot of cases to Lin Heng, and Lin Heng immediately started to check. It didn't take long for Lin Heng to choose his first case to execute.

After Wu Ma saw Lin Heng's decision, he handed Lin Heng a police ID, a car key and a pistol for self-defense. Lin Heng put away the two things and left.

After Lin Heng went out, he drove a car that Wu Ma had prepared long ago, and went out.

It didn't take long for Lin Heng to come to the place where he was going to work. This was an old-fashioned community, and there were basically not many families in it.

Lin Heng went up to the third floor and knocked on the door. After a while, a middle-aged woman half-opened the door with a safety chain and asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

Lin Heng took out the police ID card given by Wu Ma and handed it in. Lin Heng said, "Hi, I'm from the police supernatural investigation team. I'm here to find out about your situation."

Hearing this, the woman opened the door, invited Lin Heng in, and said excitedly, "You are finally here."

Lin Heng walked in and found a small mourning hall inside, and above the mourning hall was a middle-aged man.

The woman cried, "This is my husband. He was killed by that evil spirit a few days ago."

Then the woman began to talk about what happened recently. Originally, the three of them moved to Kowloon because of her husband's job change.

Because they were not familiar with the place, they were tricked into buying this house at random, but they only heard that there were ghosts in it after they moved in.

At first they thought it was just rumors, so they didn't care about it. They didn't expect that it was the beginning of their nightmare. After they moved in, strange things kept happening. Either someone was walking around in the middle of the night, or someone moved them out of bed.

They were tortured so badly that they had no choice but to send their children back to the countryside to be looked after by their parents.

After they were tortured for several days, they finally couldn't stand it anymore and planned to leave. Just when they wanted to leave that day, his husband became very abnormal and insisted on staying. Knives slashed everywhere.

Finally, a few days ago, his husband jumped from the balcony and died.

Having said this, the woman couldn't help crying anymore.

Lin Heng said solemnly: "People don't harm ghosts, but ghosts kill people indiscriminately. Don't worry, elder sister, I will definitely avenge you."

The woman wept and nodded.

In the evening, a gust of wind rushed into the house and wandered around. The woman was lying in her bedroom early, and the woman seemed to be shaking when she looked carefully.

Suddenly, the dark wind opened the door of the bedroom, and slowly revealed its original shape. It was a male ogre, dressed in black, with the faint moonlight shining on his rotten face, it looked very strange and terrifying.

The ominous ghost stretched out his sharp claws. At this time, he had already discovered that the woman was pretending to be asleep, but what he wanted was this effect. He wanted to make people die in pain and fear, so that their resentment would be greater and they could let themselves Become stronger.

Just when the ominous ghost's claws were about to touch the woman, the bedroom door closed suddenly with a loud noise, which frightened the male ghost.

The male ghost murmured and cursed, "Go to hell, I'm a ghost, it's really useless to scare me, and then he just wanted to slowly torture and kill the woman to make up for his frightened soul.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, and the male ghost knocked off the arm on his shoulder and said, "Don't bother me, labor and capital want to kill people!"

Suddenly, the male ghost realized, how could there be other people in this room, he turned his head 180 degrees, and saw a muscular man looking at him with a grin.

He didn't feel the breath of a living person on the big man, and said: "Dude, come first and then come first, do you understand, this is my territory, I can."

Before he could finish speaking, Kidney Deficiency tore him in half, but the male ghost was not dead. He saw that Kidney Deficiency made a move and was about to fight back, but a mahogany sword directly pierced him, and then the male ghost was annihilated in ashes.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for killing a fierce ghost, merit +70."

Seeing the death of the ghost who killed her husband, the woman hiding in the cabinet rushed out and cried there. Lin Heng sighed after seeing it.

The woman slowly stopped crying and kowtowed to Lin Heng. Lin Heng quickly helped him up. The woman sobbed and said, "Thank you for helping me avenge my benefactor. I am willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay my benefactor."

"Seriously, big sister, this is a town house talisman, an exorcism talisman, you put it away, and if this kind of thing happens, remember to call the police. By the way, my team is a secret, I hope you don't tell it, big sister, please help I signed a non-disclosure agreement, and if you leak it after signing, you will be held criminally responsible, this is to prevent the public from panic."

The woman accepted the talisman and nodded, Lin Heng left directly and drove back to his dormitory in the General Administration.

Lin Heng bought dozens of catties of rice, and began to practice the Grain Food Technique again. This time, Lin Heng added all the seventy merits to the realm.

After a night of practice and systematic addition of points, Lin Heng's strength has reached nineteen strands, seven strands of mana.

Lin Heng went to Wu Ma's office early to submit the case. Wu Ma nodded in satisfaction when he saw Lin Heng's work efficiency.

Lin Heng continued to look for the case, and not long after, he chose a hospital haunting case.

Soon Lin Heng came to the place where the incident happened, Zhonghua Hospital. Lin Heng felt an unusual aura before entering the hospital.

Lin Heng asked all the way to the director's office. Lin Heng knocked on the door and met the director of the hospital.

The dean saw Lin Heng frowned and was about to reprimand him, but Lin Heng took out his police ID and said, "Hi, I'm from the Kowloon Ghost Investigation Team, and my name is Lin Heng. Is it true that you are haunted here? "

Upon hearing this, the dean said, "Yes, a few days ago a patient in our hospital who lost his vital signs suddenly came back to life and strengthened (anti-harmony) one of our nurses.

The next day our nurse found his body and told us about it. We had no choice but to call the police. "

Lin Heng nodded, a little puzzled, if it was a zombie, he should not have this ability, if it was a ghost, the nurse would not be able to survive until the next day.

"Take me to see that corpse!" Lin Heng said.

The dean nodded, and then took Lin Heng to the morgue, where a corpse was pulled out from a grid.

Lin Heng looked at the corpse, and used a bit of magic power to open the Sky Eye Technique, only to see that the corpse actually had a trace of corpse aura, but it was too weak.

It doesn't look like it was produced by him at all, it's more like it was injected from the outside. After all, it takes decades for a corpse to transform naturally. If it is bitten by other zombies, the corpse transformation will be accelerated, but this corpse is not bitten by teeth. There is no trace of corpse poison.

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(End of this chapter)

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