Chapter 245 The Devil Comes
The priest has no choice, he has no way to drive away the demon, he intends to do so according to the demon's words, and only hopes that after a while, the woman regains control of her body and tells him the name of the demon.

Because according to the exorcism book they got, after getting the name of the demon, they can drive the demon back to hell according to the above exorcism spell.

When the priest appeared naked in front of the camera, all the audience became excited. Is this something they didn't pay for?

However, what no one pays attention to is how these 18+ things can be broadcast live on the public face. The fun people don't care about these, as long as they have fun.

After the priest finished, the woman suddenly regained her composure, but she couldn't speak, her throat seemed to be stuck by something. Seeing that her blood vessels burst and she was about to suffocate to death, the priest quickly stepped forward to open her mouth , and pulled an exorcism handkerchief from her throat.

Taking things is one of the products they sell. At this time, everyone present understands what the devil means, and he wants to make everyone repent.

The priest had no choice but to succumb to his heart and chose to tell the story of their deception in front of the live broadcast camera. He told all the audience that he was a fake priest and that these things were all fake products.

However, the number of viewers did not decrease but increased. Everyone regarded it as a script and watched it as a pleasure.

However, the demon in the woman's body did not stop, but continued to suffocate her. The experienced priest planned to open her mouth again to take out the suffocating thing from her throat.

However, this time the priest was not the devil. He wanted to make him confess, but the devil directly controlled the woman's body and bit off two of his fingers.

He also spat out the gold coin stuck in his throat, and the gold coin rolled to the screenwriter behind the scenes. The screenwriter knew that the devil wanted him to repent. For his own sake, he immediately began to repent, saying that he swallowed 70% of the entire team's income by himself.

All in all, the next thing is that the devil keeps playing with these two people, making them tell all the wrong things from childhood to adulthood, but ah, the devil is not an angel, he doesn't want people to repent, but just wants to Make people regret.

There is no medicine for regret in the world. As the two continue to expose their crimes, the number of people in the live broadcast room continues to increase.

Satan also began to descend, and Lin Heng also began to arrange. He released all the minions. The minions nourished by the Sanguang holy water and the black yellow soil have now reached half-step golden immortals. Just give them a certain amount of time, and they will be You can advance to become a golden fairy.

At that time, Lin Heng, the enemy of Golden Immortal Consummation, will no longer be afraid, and he can kill them if he has them. Of course, with their current strength composition, the Xuanhuang Formation is also enough to defeat the enemies of Jinxian's later stage. kill.

After Lin Heng's arrangement was completed, the situation changed suddenly. At this time, several people had died in the live broadcast room, and some viewers had already noticed that something was wrong, but with such a good opportunity to watch the movie, and it happened for real, who would want to leave themselves? sight.

At this time, after a battle of wits and courage, the priest and the screenwriter also knew the name of the demon, and they hurriedly started to exorcise the demon according to the content in the exorcism book that the screenwriter bought from a street stall for five cents.

The most desperate scene appeared. The exorcism book was actually written by the devil. Seeing the desperate expressions of the scriptwriter and the priest, Satan laughed loudly, and then the flames of hell came out of his eyes, and he planned to control everyone.

At this moment, people all over the world saw an unforgettable scene.

"The yin and yang of the heavens and the earth, turn into divine thunder, life and death yin and yang, in a single thought, the radiant power of heaven suppresses evil spirits, the Taiqing moral heaven respects the yin and yang divine thunder, destroys demons and kills immortals, order!"

A burst of Dragon Kingdom Chinese came out, and then a huge black and white divine thunder appeared in the sky and the earth. This thunderbolt directly hit Satan's body.

At this time, when Lin Heng reached the Golden Wonderland, he could fully display the true power of the Yin-Yang God Thunder, and it was still a Perfect Level Yin-Yang God Thunder.

This blow Lin Heng controlled the range, only hit Satan, but directly pierced through and injured Satan's way of the devil.

Satan looked at the person in front of him and said, "How could it be you? It's been so long and you've already reached the Golden Immortal realm. It's unbelievable. It's completely impossible.

Is it the scriptures of the Great Dao? "

Lin Heng took out the Nandou sword and said, "Needless to say, you will definitely die here today, so die!"

In an instant, the stars of the Southern Dipper shone here, and every sword Lin Heng swung contained great power.

When people in the live broadcast room saw it, they all called the script and special effects directly, and some people even scolded, why are the people from the Dragon Kingdom saving the world, are they beautiful and strong?

However, they quickly shut up, and a [-]-meter-high demon appeared directly in Meijian. His height was enough for ordinary people all over the world to see.

From then on, they knew that they were not joking this time, and that the horror of the demon invasion really happened.

The leaders of the Pentagon, Meilijian saw this huge body, and immediately summoned their top masters in the practice world and the Pope of the Holy See.

After the other party arrived, he told them directly that unless God came, they would be dead.

At this time, Lin Heng was fighting Satan. Lin Heng summoned the little yellow men who formed the Xuanhuang Warrior to stand in front, and he kept attacking Satan with the Nandou sword.

"Fire Demon Hell Demon Flame!"

A magic flame floated out of Satan's head. Once the magic flame came out, the laws of operation of the whole world began to change. What flowed in the air was no longer oxygen, but flames.

Lin Heng used his yin and yang method to fix him, and then a yin and yang thunder hit the opponent again, and Satan didn't stop, he insisted on this blow.

His eyes lit up, emitting a faint yellow light, and he stared at Lin Heng firmly.

"The magic mirror of illusion perishes forever!"

Lin Heng's mind was drawn into it, and the constant joys and sorrows began to obliterate Lin Heng's primordial spirit and the way of yin and yang. Lin Heng had only just broken through the Golden Immortal, and of course it was inevitable that he would be hit by the old Golden Immortal Satan's under-the-box trick. He couldn't move his whole body. Fortunately, the little yellow man was in front at this time and began to beat the weak Satan.

I don't know how long it took, the "Tai Shang Shuo Yin Yang Liang Yi Zhen Jing" in Lin Heng's body started to work on its own, and Lin Heng finally woke up with a start.

Satan scolded angrily when he saw it: "Fuck, you disciples of the great sect, with the body protected by the Dao scriptures, it's really hard to pull you into the illusion and obliterate it. shit on you!"

After speaking, Satan erupted with a force and shattered the space. The other end of the space was hell. Just as the power of hell was about to invade this world, Lin Heng resisted it.

 Thanks to the two monthly tickets of the distant star 1234 book friends, thank you book friends for their support!

(End of this chapter)

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