Chapter 266 Traveling 2
After some special treatment by the boss, he insisted on turning the unpalatable earthy-smelling stone into a very delicious one. The moment Lin Heng ate it, it seemed that he had eaten everything that had been weathered by the stone, that strange and delicious taste. , let Lin Heng linger, which makes Lin Heng can't wait to go to the next restaurant.

Lin Heng and Lin Zhenyi walked to the most famous restaurant in the area. The name of this restaurant is Yangquan Restaurant, and the most famous chef is Liu Maoxing, because he has already become a chef at a young age, so People call him the little boss.

It is said that he passed the mainland's special chef exam at a very young age. His unique skill is to shine dishes, and even ordinary dishes can shine brightly in his hands.

Lin Heng and Lin Zhenyi walked into Yangquan Restaurant. Although it was full of customers, after Lin Heng showed his unlimited black card, he was immediately invited to a private room.

I still ordered the special dishes, and not long after, the waiter in the store brought up two pairs of sunglasses and said: "Before the guests reveal the dishes, remember to wear sunglasses so as not to be dazzled by our chef's shiny dishes."

Lin Heng nodded when he heard it, and became interested. After a while, the dishes were brought up. The shop waiter put on a pair of sunglasses and said, "The first dish is appetizer cold plate, cold salad with husband and wife's lung slices."

The moment it was opened, it seemed that someone dropped a flash bomb in the whole room, but Lin Heng and Lin Zhenyi's strength was so strong that they were not affected too much.

The two of them tasted it, and it is indeed worthy of being the most famous restaurant in the entire county. Everything is just right. The red oil is spicy and fragrant, but it does not burn people. Covered by red oil.

Lin Heng's evaluation was excellent, and then he looked forward to the following dishes. As the dishes were served, the whole room was illuminated by the light of the dishes, as if he was in the galaxy space.

Eating in this environment, Lin Heng couldn't help but feel much happier. It seems that there is indeed something in this Yangquan Restaurant.

After eating, Lin Heng checked out and left here with Lin Zhenyi. In the following days, Lin Heng and Lin Zhenyi ate all over the East Continent. They went to all the restaurants. What impressed them most was the The Chaowang restaurant where the Chaocaiwang of Jiadong Dalu is located.

Any dish in it can become a unique skill of any restaurant, but when these things appear on one person, it is extremely terrifying.

Lin Heng and Lin Zhenyi stayed there for a full month and left after eating all of Chao Wang's stir-fried dishes.

Just when Lin Heng was about to go to other continents, suddenly a message came from his avatar, saying that they seemed to have found signs of gluttony.

Lin Heng came to the protagonist's side in an instant. This is a special small thousand world. Everything here is very strange because of the erosion of gluttony. There are pork chops that can run, bubble fish that can swim, A fish is a pot of boiled fish soup, and there are flying birds, but they all fly in a cooked state.

You can even pick up a stone from the ground, put it in your mouth and chew it, it will be a piece of bubble gum with a strange taste.

The father of the son of luck chosen by thousands of worlds in the eclipse is currently practicing the way of gourmet food. It can only be said that he is the one chosen by the world, and his talent is extremely terrifying.

I have only been in touch with the way of food for a few years, and it is already close to the level of the top chefs in the mainland. The next step must be the old routine. , or be abolished directly, and train his son to avenge his hatred.

Family reunion, harmonious and happy reunion.

What happened next was exactly as Lin Heng guessed. The daughter of Chef Evelyn, the top restaurant in Xizhu mainland, wandered into this world, was rescued by the son of luck, and gave birth to the son of destiny.

Lin Heng didn't bother to look at the next thing, he started to observe this small world, looking for traces of gluttony.

Hard work pays off, or gluttony didn't intend to hide his whereabouts at all. He was caught by Lin Heng on a huge gourmet island.

Gluttony looks like a big fat man among human beings, but that is his disguise. The real him has a devil's head, the mouth occupies 1/3 of the head, and the palms of his hands are also a pair of mouths.

There are even mouths on the soles of his feet. He keeps walking, and the mouths on the soles of his feet are constantly gnawing on everything around him.

He looks kind and doesn't hurt anyone at all, but once you compete with him for food, he will become the most terrifying existence, and he also likes to catch people with advanced food skills, and those people are swallowed by him Into the stomach, continue to make delicious food for him.

He smelled the smell and began to look for someone with superb cooking skills. He quickly found the decadent child of luck. The smell in the air kept telling him that this was the person with the strongest food power here.

The child of luck looked at the young child beside him, knowing that the next battle would be a tough one.

He picked up the kitchen knife and charged forward, unmoved by the gluttony, he planned to wait for the other party to rush over and touch him and devour him in an instant.

At this time, Tiandao occupied the body of the Destiny Son, and he communicated with Lin Heng with his spiritual sense, hoping that the two of them would join hands to seal gluttony into the Destiny's body.

After Lin Heng received the news, he activated the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and appeared in front of everyone in an instant. Gluttony felt a strong threat from Lin Heng, and even a threat of death was constantly eroding him.

He wanted to escape in a blink of an eye, but it was a pity that Lin Heng held him in place. The power of gluttony is not strong. The most difficult thing about him is his ability to almost die.

Lin Heng easily controlled it, and then Tiandao cast a seal, sending gluttony into the body of the son of destiny, Lin Heng also added his own imprint of the way of reincarnation of yin and yang, so that the son of destiny can use gluttony Cells, but the price is that you must use the power of delicious food to lure gluttony, just like Naruto's Jinchuriki.

Then Tiandao pretended that his power was exhausted and he was about to die, and then asked the Son of Destiny to save him after controlling the power of gluttony.

Before saving him, you need to find their mother, learn the way of food, use the way of food to control the power of gluttony, and take away the son of luck after talking about the way of heaven.

Next is the stage that belongs exclusively to the Destiny's Son, but before going on the stage, Lin Heng needs to take care of him for a while.

After all, the current Son of Destiny is still a six-year-old child. Lin Heng turned into a grandfather and adopted him. After raising him to an adult, he should be allowed to go out to the mainland alone.

This is actually the work of Tiandao, but Tiandao has other things to do, and this matter naturally falls on Lin Heng's head.

 Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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