Chapter 303 Bull Demon King

As soon as the Bull Demon King returned to Banjiao Cave, he heard that his wife was being bullied, and his child was sent to Guanyin by Monkey King. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

As a result, the evil spirit entered the body, and he planned to avenge his wife without giving Sun Wukong face. It is absolutely impossible to say that he and Princess Iron Fan have no relationship. If there is no relationship, they will never give birth to the red boy.

The bull demon king used the way of the other to give back to the other body, using the technique of transformation to transform into Zhu Bajie, and tricked the plantain fan back.

After Sun Wukong learned that he was cheated, he was furious, and he was actually defeated in the field he was best at. With his piercing eyes, he didn't even see that the other party was a fake.

Zhu Bajie also volunteered to go to Banjiao Cave with Monkey King to call the door. Bull Demon King saw that the two senior brothers dared to come to trouble him, so he went out to fight immediately.

It has to be said that the strength of the Bull Demon King is far superior to Monkey King and Zhu Bajie. He beat Monkey King and Zhu Bajie with a mixed iron rod so that they had no power to fight back.

The Bull Demon King yelled: "Sun Houzi, you are bullying your sister-in-law, you don't give me face at all, and you want to borrow a banana fan, get out!"

"Brother, I only published the second book as a last resort. If you love love, please let us go."

"It's okay to let you go there, let my child back from Guanyin's hand, he is still so young, how can he escape into Buddhism, our Liu family is still waiting for him to carry on the family, and you are too inhuman as an uncle He actually sent his nephew into the fire pit."

The more the Bull Demon King talked, the more he became angry, and he directly used the magic of the sky and the earth, turning into a giant with tens of thousands of feet. Sun Wukong followed closely, and Zhu Bajie also used his own magic appearance.

The three fought against each other for hundreds of rounds, but Monkey King and the others did not gain the upper hand. On the contrary, they were oppressed more and more, and they were about to be defeated by the Bull Demon King.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other, until they had to find helpers, Monkey King took Zhu Bajie away from here by tricks.

After the two left, the Bull Demon King taught him his mount, and the blue-eyed golden crystal beast rushed to Jilei Mountain. He still had things to do.

But who would have thought that after he arrived at Jilei Mountain, he found that his little wife, Yumianhuhu, had been killed by the Drifting Monk. It turned out that the Buddhist monks had come to Jileishan to look for him just now, but they found Yumianhuhu after not seeing him, and they planned to question her After asking about the whereabouts of the Bull Demon King, he was killed.

Seeing this scene, the Bull Demon King was completely enraged. The monkey grandson really didn't care about brotherhood at all, and a dull roar came from the Bull Demon King's mouth.

He must avenge the jade-faced fox.

But he went up to Jilei Mountain first, and after explaining the matter, he immediately ran back to Basho Cave.

He sat on the top of the mountain with a big horse and a golden knife, waiting for the arrival of Monkey King and the others. It didn't take long for Monkey King and the others to come to the Flame Mountain.

Behind Sun Wukong are countless heavenly soldiers and Buddhist monks. It is estimated that there are about [-] people.

The Bull Demon King said calmly: "Monkey, I never thought that you would become their running dog after being jointly suppressed by the Buddhist Heavenly Court. From today onwards, you and I will no longer have any brotherhood, and we will cut off our ties!"

Hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, Sun Wukong felt a pain in his heart. When they were sworn brothers, how high-spirited they were. At this time, they met in battle. Everything originated from him. If he had thought twice before acting arrogantly, maybe it would be different. result.

But that can only be thought about, now for his own freedom, for his own Dao, he has to do this, at most he can only ask these gods and Buddhas for mercy, his eldest brother dies.

The Bull Demon King showed his original shape. His body was a huge white bull. Before he could use the spell, the sky and the earth would reach ten thousand zhang. Then the Bull Demon King used the spell, and his whole body would soon occupy Xiniu Hezhou.

Everyone in Journey to the West saw a white bull covering the sky and the sun.

The white cow mooed, and the voice was dull, making those low-strength heavenly soldiers and generals feel a blow in the chest.

Tianting Li Jing immediately mobilized his troops and began to set up the formation. The bull demon king kicked his front hoof, and the whole cow went on a rampage, rushing towards the place with the most people.

His figure was crushing and unstoppable, and the whole earth was shaken by his stomp.

Li Jing and the others are not vegetarians either. The third prince Nezha took the lead in using the Heaven and Earth, and Sun Wukong followed closely.

The Bull Demon King feels that his own strength has been reduced by three points, but he wants to make a name for himself in this battle, show off his prestige, let himself devote himself to Buddhism, and make others not to be underestimated.

I saw him exerting his power to the extreme, the whole body of the cow gradually turned from white to red, and he stepped on the surrounding space with waves of ripples.

Monkey King and the third prince Nezha who stood in front of him were directly knocked away by his two horns. If they hadn't escaped quickly, there would have been two corpses on top of his own horns.

Seeing this, the Buddhist monk took out his magic weapon, used his golden body, and wanted to suppress the Bull Demon King, but when those things were thrown on him, the Bull Demon King just flicked his tail, feeling nothing.

Then he continued to run, colliding with countless monks and heavenly soldiers, and fell to the ground like dumplings, and was crushed into a meat paste by him.

In the end, the Buddhist master couldn't stand it anymore and chose to make a move. The person who made the move was the former demon prince Lu Ya, but at this time he should be called Da Ri Tathagata.

He flew in mid-air, and his whole body released the supreme Buddha's light, like a round of tomorrow rising into the sky. After the Buddhist person touched it, he recovered from his injuries.

After the Bull Demon King touched it, it melted as quickly as ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, and his size soon began to shrink.

It didn't take long for him to change back into a human form, kneeling on the ground, clasping his hands together, like an old man who suddenly had an epiphany.

He said: "My bull demon king is willing to submit to the command of the Buddhist Dari Tathagata, and I am willing to listen to your teachings."

Da Ri Tathagata nodded and said: "You can teach me, call your wife out quickly, extinguish the flames of this Huoyan Mountain, and let the Buddhist scriptures go west to learn Buddhist scriptures."

The Bull Demon King nodded and returned to the Banana Cave. Not long after, Princess Iron Fan borrowed the banana fan. Three fans later, it rained on the Flame Mountain, and the flames went out.

Sun Wukong felt extremely unreal when he saw all this. His elder brother didn't show any signs of decline just now, so why suddenly the Tathagata surrendered as soon as he came out.

It is true that the aura of the Great Sun Tathagata is as terrifying as an abyss, but it is not enough to make his elder brother, the Bull Demon King, kneel and surrender.

He felt that there must be something tricky about it, but he was too lazy to take care of it and couldn't do anything about it. His elder brother had already broken up with him.

Now he is just a monkey protecting Buddhist scriptures, not Monkey King anymore.

 Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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