Chapter 361 Thriving
Before leaving, Demon King secretly took his men away. After all, it was still impossible for him to do everything by himself. There were always some small things that needed others to do. .

The defeat of Demon King made the people of Blue Star cheer. After Zhang Qiling returned to Longhu Mountain, he began to recover from his injuries and absorb the experience of this battle.

At this point, the world returned to calm again. Under this calm, undercurrents surged, and Europa took the lead in the competition between Heaven and God for faith.

The Court of Europa actually sent down an angel, and that angel was not weak, equivalent to an earthly immortal.

But the Lord of Heaven is not a mediocre person. He has absorbed countless beliefs and his strength is comparable to that of a half-step true immortal. He is still able to deal with that angel. The first confrontation ended with the defeat of Shenting Sect.

But after all, Europa is still the territory of the Shenting Sect. They are making a comeback at an extremely fast speed, and the people of the Heavenly Court have no choice but to fight in Nanchou Prefecture.

The countries in Nanchou State are constantly destroying those countries because their neighbors next door are very powerful and they don't want them to become stronger and threaten themselves.

As a result, the entire country in Nanchouzhou was filled with violent drugs. The arrival of Heavenly Court saved those innocent people, and the incense of Heavenly Court suddenly continued.

There is also someone behind Heavenly Court, and that is Lin Heng’s Shan Zhi. Shan Zhi still has some research on how to use incense to become a god.

It happened that he discovered that one of the handyman disciples was quite talented, so he transformed into Grandpa Goldfinger and went to help him.

At this time, a group of uninvited guests came to Heizhou. The people of Heizhou thought that their good days would come after the devil king was driven away.

But no one thought that another force was eyeing this territory. They were the demon clan led by Fei Hu.

Although the demon clan was attracted by Feihu, humans all believe that if they are not from our species, their hearts will be different, so they are ostracized everywhere.

It just so happened that the Demon King was defeated this time, and the Black Continent was vacated. They hurried up and ran up. It must be said that the Black Continent was indeed very suitable for them to survive. The climate there and the wild land made these demon clans very happy. happy.

And Beichou State, the former hegemon of the world and the most powerful country in the world, the Eagle State, is now very anxious.

Because they were founded not long ago, they have no historical background at all. They don't have a group of magicians like the bullfighting country and the chariot country, nor do they have gods like other small countries to protect them in order to collect faith.

In the end, they were forced to do nothing. In order to enhance the confidence of the people, the leaders of Eagle Country revealed the secret of the 50th state of the United States.

It turned out that they had obtained an alien spacecraft a long time ago, and the technology on it was very advanced. It seemed to have everything, including genetic enhancement and mechanical ascension.

In recent years, the country's research on the development of spacecraft has been very slow, but after this exposure, countless private research experts chose to join in. For a time, science and technology developed rapidly, and they developed a drug called a gene enhancer.

After drinking it, people will become stronger, just like those superheroes in comics.

Not only that, they also transform humans and turn them into superheroes in comics.

However, there are disadvantages and advantages. Those people do not have a righteous heart like the superheroes in the comics. They are just a group of ordinary people who suddenly gained power. Their behavior is more like superheroes like the Black Cannon Pickets.

Everything is packaged by the state, and those people build them into superheroes. In private, they gain the power to do whatever they want.

However, in order to attract talents, Eagle Country announced that as long as high-end talents enter, they can obtain free genetic medicines, which can help people extend their lives by 50 years.

And they also promised that if there is a significant contribution, they can help them carry out a 100% successful superhero transformation.Lin Heng took a look at their technology. It really came from a highly intelligent race in the universe. That race had been studying humans on earth for a long time.

When they were leaving, the spacecraft accidentally crashed into the Eagle Kingdom. According to Lin Heng's calculations, the strongest combat power on that planet was only equivalent to an immortal.

Lin Heng didn't take this to heart. As long as no one destroyed his immortal way and no one planned to destroy the world, these were none of his business. The affairs on this planet should be left to their own people to decide.

For a moment, demons were dancing wildly on the earth, but everyone maintained a strange balance, and no one broke this balance.

It has to be said that Zhang Qiling's cultivation talent is indeed the highest. He was able to refine and refine Qi in an era when spiritual energy was sparse. Now with the guidance of experts and an environment of high concentration of spiritual bonds, his strength is like riding a rocket.

In the 30 years since the battle with the Demon King, his strength has exceeded the late True Immortal stage, and the second strongest person is Ye Fan.

His talent is slightly worse than Zhang Qiling, but this man likes to practice very much. He often practices in a mountain for decades without moving, and his strength has reached the late stage of true immortal.

The rest of the registered disciples also broke through to become true immortals, and Leng Xuemei founded the most powerful private immortal cultivation company.

Yang Ye's Immortal Department has become the most powerful department in the Dragon Kingdom, and Feihu has been teaching the demon clan, and the demon clan has also produced several geniuses.

However, these three people were distracted by other things, and their cultivation realm was not as fast as the two of them. They were just newbies to the True Immortal, especially Yang Ye. He had to deal with too many things every day, which caused his cultivation time to be shortened rapidly. He reluctantly entered the realm of true immortality.

All the forces have developed for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, small frictions between the major forces continued, but no major conflict broke out once.

The population of the earth has also increased by 200 billion in an instant. This is caused by the joint promotion of all forces, because all their forces need ordinary people.

With too many people and fewer resources, conflicts will naturally increase. Lin Heng felt that now was not the time for conflicts to break out, so he guided them to start expanding outwards.

It didn't take long for them to start implementing the lunar immigration plan. They were protected by several immortals and helped to improve the moon's environment.

Not long after, a small Earth was born, and the various forces distributed the territory according to their contribution.

Because the pressure on resources due to population explosion has been reduced, all forces have fallen into calm again.

Humanity has also begun to enter the interstellar era, and major forces have their own methods of crossing the universe.

Of course, the Dragon Kingdom is the magic weapon, Europa and Nanchou State are the magic circle, and the Black State monsters have not taken action. They have been accumulating their own power in the Black State.

The Eagle Nation has developed their own spaceship.

Of course, the major forces are also covetous, and they have also tried to communicate and learn from each other's opponent's technology. Facing the vast universe, they have put aside their disputes. At least in terms of transportation technology, everyone has not concealed it and developed A low-cost universal tool with magic weapon properties, magic circle inscriptions and spaceship power.

Anyway, it only takes an hour for the moon and the earth to go back and forth.

 Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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