Chapter 369 Parallel Universe Invasion 4
As night falls and the Human Federation enters the Galaxy Age, there is no difference between day and night.

In the past, day and night were produced by the earth's rotation around the sun. As humans who have entered the new era of the galaxy, there is no sun in many places, so the people there created artificial suns.

Some like darkness, and some like sunlight, so they can adjust the environment by themselves. As a non-human being who has lived since the beginning of terrestrial civilization, the Pope automatically transformed into a creature similar to an angel in order to complete his great cause.

The reason why it is similar is that he only replaced his heart with an angel's core. Other than that, his body is still a human body, but under the influence of the angel's core, he also began to slowly become dehumanized. .

In the same way, she still maintains the habits she had as a human being. She likes to darken her star conditioner after 8pm, then drink a glass of milk and start to sleep quietly.

But what was different this time was that the angel feather he placed beside his pillow emitted holy light, and then in his dream, he saw the legendary God.

God was like a kind old man, looking at him and saying: "My child, you have worked hard these years. You have been running around to save the world for so many years. Now I plan to talk to the strongest man in mankind. You will give me this feather." Just bring it to him.

The Holy Light will eventually descend on everyone, it will save the world and wash away the sins of the world! "

As a veteran, Jia Lun VI immediately replied: "Praise the Holy Light!"

God left with satisfaction. Jialun VI immediately woke up. He looked at the feathers on his pillow and murmured: "Is this a dream? It shouldn't be. Since Father God said so, let's do it!"

He immediately set up a plan. He returned to Blue Star, and then went to the heavily guarded Kunlun Holy Land. As soon as he got close, he was recognized as a remnant of the Shenting Cult and a wanted criminal on the list.

Jialun VI raised his hands in surrender and said loudly to them: "I have no ill intentions in coming this time. I want to see Lord Yin Yang. My father God has something to say to him."

The rest of the people watched this scene and did not take action immediately. After all, the Yin Yang Dao Lord mentioned by the other party should not be said to be the strongest human being in this world. If they really have a big deal to discuss and delay the other party's affairs, they will die 10 times. Not enough to repay.

After Jialun VI finished speaking, Lin Heng appeared and brought him in front of him. Before Jialun VI could speak, he felt the feather in his hand draw an angelic core of power pouring into his heart.

It didn't take long for him to realize that he couldn't control his body. Lin Heng watched this scene with interest. It didn't take long for Jialun VI to speak.

"Hello, respected strong man, I am the God from the Holy Light Universe. I would like to discuss with you whether you can let me take over the universe.

Our universe is being targeted by the powerful man of diversity, the God of Darkness. I hope you can open the door for us to find a place to live. To show our sincerity, we can form an alliance with the human race and become allies. In the future, the God of Darkness will invade. We can attack and defend each other in this universe. "

Lin Heng smiled and said: "There is no need to form an alliance. Your strength is not worthy of forming an alliance with us, but you can choose to become a vassal of us humans. We usually do not interfere with you, but when we need you, you must go all out. .”

Hearing these words, God frowned immediately, but he kept thinking of his archangel in his heart and warned himself that they could no longer hold on any longer and would agree to any conditions.

He thought carefully and said with difficulty: "I can't agree to a permanent vassal, at most one era of God (one calamity)."

Lin Heng just thought about it briefly and agreed. This was just his next step.When God saw Lin Heng's promise, he couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed. Then he said, "Can you please open the seal and help us come here?"

Lin Heng nodded and came to the sky above Europa. He released his clone and transferred the humans here, and told Zhang Qiling and the others.

Then the space vortex opened again. Not only that, the space vortex was even larger than before. God ran over with his only remaining core of the Kingdom of God.

Seeing them coming, Lin Heng waved his hand and completely destroyed the space channel. However, when he looked at the Kingdom of God, he saw a clown wearing the coat of an archangel.

The opponent's dark power was about to spill out of the screen, but he didn't say anything. The dark universe invaded the main world. This was a plan made by Heaven. No one was allowed to disrupt it. Lin Heng had no intention of going there to cause trouble. Think about how you can get certain benefits from it.

When the clown in the Kingdom of God saw Lin Heng, he suddenly started sweating. He only hoped that his innate magical power could be concealed from the past.

Seeing that Lin Heng didn't move, his heart began to beat faster involuntarily. This feeling had not occurred for many years. He felt relieved when he saw Lin Heng stood for a while and then left.

In the dark universe, the God of Darkness laughed horribly when he saw the clown arriving in the main universe. Then he waved his hand and asked his men to speed up the attack on other universes.

There are three strong men in the main universe who are quasi-late saints, and there is also an unknown strongman in the human race, the God of Darkness. It is estimated that the other person is also a strong quasi-late saint.

The reason why he feels that the other party has not reached the quasi-sage peak is because he knows that the human race is extremely greedy and arrogant. Once it has the power of the quasi-sage peak, it can easily destroy other forces in the universe and become the overlord of the universe.

But the other party didn't do this, which only proves that his strength is not enough to defeat the three powerful men in the late-stage Saints alone.

As long as he swallows enough universes, his strength will be improved, and he can also strengthen the strength of his men.

He already had an idea. He had previously obtained a secret method from other worlds, which was similar to cultivating gu.

As long as he invests enough quasi-saints, he can obtain several subordinates whose combat power is comparable to that of late-stage quasi-saints. His subordinates, clowns, are secretly doing things to reduce the overall strength of the major forces in the main universe.

When the time comes, I can easily capture the main universe, and use the subject as a springboard to connect all the parallel universes and plunge them all into darkness. At that time, I can obtain the saint status of the Lord of Endless Diverse Darkness.

He can invade and devour other worlds. Eventually, he will pull all worlds into darkness and become the controller of all worlds.

Thinking of this, the infiltrating laughter of the God of Darkness became even more rampant, and even had a trace of the clown's crazy voice.

 Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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