Chapter 374 The clown takes action 3
In fact, Black Dragon and Technology have long disliked each other. One relies on his own wisdom and then transforms himself to gain powerful power. Generally speaking, this method is convenient and fast.

The other one has to rely on his own talent and continuous practice. Gaining strength in this way is much slower.

Originally, Heilong had always been suppressed by technology, whether it was the strength of his subordinates or his own strength. But by chance, they had visited Lin Heng before, and Heilong discovered that the immortal way was close to the spiritual path he founded.

His strength suddenly increased sharply, and the anger that he had been bullied by technology suddenly burst out. He was not a calm person to begin with, but this time something like this happened again, he suddenly became furious.

But he couldn't take action easily, so he directly contacted Science and Technology and told the other party that this time the two of them should not take action and let their men fight.

After the fight, whoever wins or loses is not allowed to cheat, and whoever grabs the territory will get it.

Technology, on the other hand, saw that the black dragon who had been overwhelmed by him actually said such a thing to him in such a high-profile manner. He was immediately a little angry, but his own brain was already close to an artificial intelligence brain, so his emotions fluctuated quickly. It was soothed.

But he still agreed. In his opinion, the Black Dragon was giving him territory, so why wouldn't he do it?

At this point, the Technology Empire and the Black Dragon Empire completely went to war. Except for the Technology Emperor and the Black Dragon God, the two sides did not end up. The other masters took action one after another. They also knew the agreement between those two, so they all wanted to suffer the defeat of the other party. Tear off a piece of meat.

For some war fanatics or people who are dissatisfied with resources, they have long been a little intolerable to the delicately balanced universe that has existed for hundreds of millions of years and under the influence of three pillars.

However, due to the strength of those three, they did not dare to take action easily. Now two of them have spoken, letting them fight with confidence. This time they have simply beaten out all the depression that they had suppressed for hundreds of millions of years.

For a time, countless galaxies began to explode and disappear. In the same empty universe where there were no galaxies before, a brand new universe of galaxies appeared on the corpses of those exploding galaxies.

Countless strong men were plotted to death, and there were also countless people who rose up with the help of war.

The Joker shuttles between wars, constantly attacking and killing those who are weaker than himself. His attacks are very covert, and many people die inexplicably.

Suddenly, the casualties of the two major cosmic forces began to increase rapidly. The Technology Emperor was the first to notice something was wrong and immediately began to investigate.

And the Black Dragon God is not a completely brainless beast. Of course, he also knows how to think. When he finds something wrong with the casualties, he immediately tells people to stop.

He also sent people to investigate the cause of all this, and it didn't take long for him to find the fox king's head.

The Joker had already left at this time. He controlled the Fox King and Ali to rush towards the supernatural meeting and massacred several galaxies in the supernatural meeting.

It wasn't until the Superpower Emperor personally killed the two clowns of the Joker that the matter was settled after explanations from the Black Dragon God and the Technology Emperor.

But everyone is holding a fire in their hearts, and the relationship between all the forces in the main universe is beginning to become tense. They are like a powder keg that can be ignited at any time.

Lin Heng was not in a hurry to take action. He was waiting for the God of Darkness to attack the main universe. He also had his own plan.

In the following tens of thousands of years, conflicts often broke out in the universe, and wars continued. The three strongest men in the universe subconsciously felt something was wrong when they saw this scene. However, they could not stop the people under their control.

Because the seeds of hatred from many wars have been planted, they cannot be extinguished so easily.

Only after they were hurt too much because of revenge did they suddenly wake up and have the possibility and hope of peace. This kind of thing had happened many times, and they didn't take it to heart.As long as the three of them do not fall, the forces of the universe will always be formed according to the will of the three of them.

After tens of thousands of years of war, the creatures in the universe began to wither, and all races began to refuse war. They finally decided to stop the unnecessary war because they were too hurt by the war.

At this time, the Joker felt that the time had come, and he sent a message to the God of Darkness, who immediately integrated his forces and began to attack the main universe.

The Joker passed the world coordinates of the main universe to the God of Darkness, and a star field in the universe suddenly turned dark.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the darkness swallowed up everything, whether it was light, the vitality of all living things, or even inorganic matter.

Wherever he went, there was only darkness that was so dark that it was so dark that it was terrifying.

For a moment, the surviving strong men in the universe immediately felt something was wrong and hurried to this place.

When they arrived, everything was too late. The God of Darkness came and swallowed up many universes through Ye Xiao. Of course, just in case, he did not erode Ye Xiao's clone, which was the small planet where their group of friends lived.

After all, if he travels through a world and that world is destroyed, even a fool can guess that there is something wrong with him.

So of course he didn't destroy those places and gave them the illusion of saving the world, but when he came to the main universe, he killed all those small worlds.

As long as he takes control of the main universe, all parallel universes will only become his possession.

At this time, Ye Xiao on the earth discovered that he was the only one left in the Ye Xiaohui, where there were originally hundreds of people.

He immediately asked what happened, but no one could give him an answer, and even the chat group fell into silence.

At this time, Ye Xiao has become a Golden Immortal by virtue of the chat group, and his level is a little worse than Zhang Qiling, but his strength is enhanced by the chat group, so his real strength far exceeds Zhang Qiling.

When he found out that all his friends were dead, he immediately ran to ask Lin Heng. Yes, Lin Heng accepted Ye Xiao as a registered disciple. After all, herding a sheep is also herding, and herding a group of sheep is also herding.

After Lin Heng heard Ye Xiao's words, he had no intention of hiding anything and told him the cruel truth immediately.

"Ye Xiao, I have actually known about your golden finger for a long time. There is a man named the God of Darkness in the parallel universe. He uses your golden finger to ask you to kill his men.

When you go to other unexposed worlds of group friends, the dark power attached to your body after the death of his subordinates will automatically send coordinates to him, and then devour the parallel universe where your group friends are.

However, he is still a very thief and did not kill the world where your group friends are located. Now that he has completed accumulating strength, he has begun to attack the main universe, so he has destroyed the world planet where your group friends are located.

That's the truth of the matter. "

 Zhang Fei_Two monthly passes from Ea Book Club.Thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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