Chapter 10 Mission
After explaining these things, Laurent, Fred, and Quiller went back to discuss their respective spheres of influence, and Roy also returned to his palace to start a retreat.

As for the construction of the city, there are six middle gods and more than a dozen lower gods staring at them. Those sanctuaries dare not do their best.

As the "fourth" powerhouse in Sanhe City, Roy still has this privilege.

No one bothered Roy.

This gave Roy more time to plan his own practice.

At present, Roy has comprehended the two mysterious laws of "Element of Earth" and "Gravity Space", and developed a series of tricks using these two mysterious laws of fusion.

Now, Roy's weaknesses are soul attack and soul defense.

In the law of the earth, there is only the "power of life" about the profound meaning of the law of the soul.

Therefore, Roy currently puts all his energy into understanding the mysterious law of "force of life".

Of course, while Roy comprehended the mysterious law of "Life Force", he also tried to integrate the two mysterious laws of "Life Force", "Element of Earth" and "Gravity Space".

The mysterious law of "Life Force" was comprehended by Roy on the basis of the mysterious law of "Element of Earth". Therefore, Roy's mysterious law of "Life Force" is compatible with the mysterious law of "Element of Earth". It is not very difficult to get up.

However, the two laws of "force of life" and "gravity space" are mysterious, and Roy has not found a fusion point at all.

At present, it seems that it will take a long time for Roy to become a middle god who combines the three mysterious laws.

Time passed in Roy's retreat.

On this day, Alva knocked on Roy's door, breaking Roy's retreat life.

"What's the matter, Alva?"

"Roy, Lord Laurent is looking for you."

"Oh, let's go then."

Roy and Alva walked towards the City Lord's Mansion chatting and laughing. Along the way, Roy found that after this period of construction, some of the basic construction of Sanhe City had been completed, and there were many strange god-level creatures in the city. Strong, even god-level troops patrolling the streets.

The breath of these soldiers is not inferior to that of Alva beside him.

Lord God Legion!

Only in the Lord God Legion, there are so many god-level powerhouses.

Moreover, not everyone can join the Lord God Legion.

The minimum standard for the recruitment of soldiers by the Lord God Legion is the middle god.

Among them, high gods can serve as small captains, four-star demons can serve as squadron leaders, five-star demons can serve as captains, six-star demons can serve as deputy army commanders, and only seven-star demons can command an army.

Further up, there are the commanders who command the Lord God's Legion, and each commander is a super strong man among the Shura palace masters.

Sanhe City is just a small town, and there is only one brigade stationed here.

However, even though there was only one five-star demon-level captain, under his command, there were five four-star demon-level squadron leaders, 25 three-star demon-level squad leaders, and more than [-] middle god soldiers.

If Sanhe City hadn't had three five-star devil-level chief and deputy city masters, it would be a bit lacking in confidence to face the main god army.

But now, Sanhe City has an advantage in the top combat power, and the captain of the Lord God Legion does not dare to go too far in some matters.

"Hahaha, here comes Roy."

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Roy found that City Lord Laurent, Deputy City Lord Fred and Deputy City Lord Quiller were all here.

"My lord, the deputy city lord."

After saluting to the three of them, Roy asked, "My lords, I don't know if you called me here, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Well, indeed."

Laurent nodded: "Roy, there is indeed one thing you need to do now."

"Is such that."

"Roy, our Sanhe City has just been established, and the number of residents in the city is not enough, we need to absorb it from the outside world."

"The lord god is merciful, and gave us the planar teleportation array to go to Chiyan Mansion to recruit people who entered the hell plane from the material plane."

"The three of us need to guard Sanhe City. The other people are not strong enough. Let them recruit people for fear of being robbed halfway. From the current point of view, only you have this ability."

"Are you willing to go to Chiyan Mansion to bring some people to Sanhe City?"

Regarding this task, Roy thought for a while and nodded.

"Lord Laurent, there is no problem for me to go, but you also know that I have only become a god for a short time, and I don't have any metal life in my hands..."

"It's too much for you to take the risk to recruit people. If you need to pay for the metal life, we, the city lord, have failed too much."

After speaking, a black metal life airship emerged from Laurent's hand, and he handed it to Roy.

"Roy, the outside world is no different than Sanhe City. When encountering danger, life-saving comes first."

"Ok, I know."

"Then, my lords, Roy will take his leave first."

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Roy found Alva, said goodbye to him, and then flew away from Sanhe City.


After flying recklessly in the sky and temporarily leaving Sanhe City, Roy felt the ease and freedom he had never had before.

After flying recklessly for several hours, Roy calmed down his mind.

"It seems that my training plan needs to be revised."

Hell is very big. In addition to the tribes where humans gather, there are more forests and Jedi. In these places, there are many very dangerous beasts. When ordinary gods meet, life and death are unpredictable.

"Being outside is much more dangerous than being in tribes and cities. Compared with the mysterious law of 'Life Force', I should understand the mysterious law of 'Earth Movement' to increase my life-saving ability."

"Then, let's make a decision like this, use the land movement technique to hurry..."

"While comprehending the ground movement technique, at the same time looking for the matching point of the ground movement technique and the gravity space..."

Thinking of this, Roy suddenly turned into a gust of sand and flew forward quickly.

From Sanhe City to the plane teleportation array in the territory of Chiyan Mansion, even if it is the fastest metal life, it will take more than 300 years, and it will take at least 1000 years to fly to Roy by himself.

However, Laurent and the others only said that they would go back within ten thousand years, so Roy was not in a hurry.

If you want to hurry, you usually use the ground movement technique to comprehend the mysterious laws. If you don’t want to hurry, you just find a place to sneak into the ground to sleep, and quickly comprehend several other mysterious laws.

The freedom of mind has greatly improved Roy's understanding of the mysterious laws.

In the 380th year after leaving Sanhe City, Roy's ground movement technique finally became a big success, becoming the third mysterious law that Roy fully comprehended.

Not only that, Roy's "force of life" is mysterious, and he has also found a connection with the mysterious "gravity space".

(End of this chapter)

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