Chapter 155 Teaching Tina
The family of the Four Divine Beasts is the continuation of the bloodline of the main gods of the Four Divine Beasts and the inheritance of their will.

What is Roy's inheritance?
The Legion of the Lord God of Stars is just an armed force established by Roy to manage the sea of ​​stars and fog and participate in the battlefield of the plane. Although it is Roy's direct lineage, it is not Roy's inheritance.

Once Roy is gone and new main gods appear in the sea of ​​stars and mist, they will be the next main god's army of main gods.


Although he was the one who followed Roy for the longest time, Shelley's strongest god avatar was killed by the bandit Douglas, and now the deity has recovered to a six-star demon strength by refining the godhead.

The avatar of the wind-type god, originally a five-star demon, was bestowed with the Nether Fruit by the Lord of Death, and is now a Shura-level powerhouse who has integrated the seven mysterious laws of the wind-type.

In the future, at most, after Guangming Brele analyzed the "nebula array", he would raise the divine body to the level close to the main divine weapon for Shelley.

However, this is the limit of Shelley.

Neither Roy's ideas nor his cultivation methods were suitable for Shelley.

Only Tina, like a blank sheet of paper, can let Roy paint and let Tina inherit her mantle.

Roy even wanted Tina to try to see if she could open up a new realm beyond Dzogchen.

It's a pity that Tina is not from the White Tiger Clan, nor is she from the Xuanwu Clan. Her innate supernatural powers are not related to space.

Otherwise, Roy would like to try, after the members of the White Tiger Clan and Xuanwu Clan reach the Great Perfection, whether they can condense the laws into space and control the power of space through innate magical powers.

On this point, Roy communicated with the main gods of the four gods and beasts.

But the result was not very satisfactory. Although the main gods of the four gods and beasts were Dzogchen, their cultivation thinking had become rigid, and they could not complete Roy's conjecture at all.

This is also the first time that Roy discovered that if he cannot build enough low-level cultivation thinking, after reaching a certain level, there is really no way to advance.

In this regard, the Lord God is no exception.

After all, the main god is more than the god, it just has more will power in the main godhead.

In terms of comprehension and use of mysterious laws, even with the assistance of massive power of faith, they are not as good as some gods who specialize in mysterious laws.

This is a gap that even the power of will can't make up for.

Besides, as far as the power of will is concerned, the main gods only regard it as a means of fighting, and have not studied the essence of power of will in depth.

Even the master of fate, Auf, is unavoidable.

Of course, no one mentioned this.

Auf's practice logic is research.

As long as it is something that can be researched, he will try his best to research it and turn it into his own combat power.

Such people are only afraid of having no direction or finding the wrong direction, otherwise, they will approach and accomplish their goals step by step.

With a new toy, Tina naturally lost a lot of understanding of the mysterious laws of the earth.

But Roy didn't blame Tina.

Everything Tina is doing now is adding bricks and tiles to her future path.

Analyzing the essence of spiritual power, isn't it a way of cultivating spiritual power?
The stronger the mental power, the more profound the understanding of the law will be.

This is the power of the foundation!

"If you want to win every battle, you must know yourself and your enemy."

"To know the enemy, we can judge by observing the other party's department, the laws comprehended, the weapons used, and the fighting habits."

"A confidant means being able to achieve absolute control over oneself."

On Metal Life, Roy flicked his index finger to deflect Tina's attack.

"The so-called combat is to use your strongest attack to hit the enemy's weakest defense."

"For example, what kind of damage can my biggest attack cause? If it is blocked by the enemy, can it knock the enemy back, or does it not break the defense at all?"

"My speed, how far can I run in an instant? How many times can I attack? How about the strength of the attack?"

"What kind of attack can my defense defend against? What kind of method can I use to improve my own defense?"

While coping with Tina's attack, Roy's spiritual sense, while instilling his own fighting philosophy in Tina.

"When your speed is faster than the enemy, use your speed to suppress the enemy, and you can attack and retreat or escape."

"The defense exceeds the enemy's maximum attack, then you can take the opponent's attack hard, and when the attack is imminent, seize the opponent's flaws and attack directly."

"Attack can break through the enemy's defense, then attack directly and kill the opponent with one move!"

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to have one item, which is above the enemy."

He flicked Tina's fists away lightly, and poked forward with his index finger, causing Tina to let out a cry of surprise and fly backwards.

"When your speed is not as fast as the enemy's, your defense can't defend against the enemy's attack, and your attack can't break the enemy's attack, what should you do?"


Tina rubbed her forehead, but she was thinking about the solution in her heart.

What Master Roy said was the biggest problem she had encountered so far.

Although Master Roy did not use the strength and speed that surpassed the Sanctuary, Master Roy's use of power was far more efficient than himself.

The speed can't match, the attack can't match, and the defense can't prevent the opponent's attack, how can we win?
Seeing Tina pondering, Roy continued: "During this period of time, you have studied mental power, and you should have discovered that strong mental power is of great help to you in controlling your body."

"In addition, the release of mental power will also give you a certain understanding of the surrounding environment and the enemy's actions."

After hearing Roy's words, Tina tried to use her mental power to assist herself in the fight.

Sure enough, not only did he improve his control over the divine body, but also his spiritual strength allowed him to vaguely sense Master Roy's movements.

Now, he is ready to raise his hand and attack my head!
There was a feeling in her heart, and in the process of rushing forward, Tina suddenly leaned back, and Roy's index finger passed over the tip of her nose.


Tina was overjoyed.

"Yes, the speed is not as fast as the enemy, so predict the enemy's actions and avoid the enemy's attack points in advance."



Roy clasped his index finger and thumb and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, Tina felt that the mental strength she released seemed to have met a sledgehammer and was smashed to pieces.

"Ah ah ah..."

For a moment, the pain in the head seemed to be torn, and Tina couldn't help rolling on the ground covering her head.

"Have you tasted it? The release of mental power means that others can also attack your released mental power."

"When someone else's spiritual power is stronger than yours, it will tear your spiritual power apart and cause you to suffer extremely serious mental trauma."

"So, if you want to use your mental power to assist your battle, there are two prerequisites."

"First, the enemy's spiritual power is not as strong as yours."

"Second, your spiritual power is extremely concealed. Even if the enemy wants to attack, they can't find traces of your spiritual power to attack."

After speaking, Roy squatted down, smiled and continued to talk to Tina.

"Of course, in the battle of gods, there are also people who specialize in mental attack, which is what gods often call soul attack. Their physical attack may not be so powerful, but their soul attack is extremely weird or vicious. When you meet such a person, The mental strength you put out is just telling others that you are a conspicuous target."

What Roy did just now was just to demonstrate to Tina the disadvantages of exposing her mental power like that, and she didn't use much force, so Tina recovered after a few seconds of pain.


Tina, who was holding her head, looked at the teacher's smile, snorted coldly, and turned her face away.

That's abominable!

Teacher Roy always taught her some inexplicable things, and after she got the results, she devalued her results to nothing.

"Okay, today's combat training ends here."

"Tina, do you want to exercise now, or to understand the mystery of the law?"

"I want to comprehend the mystery of the law."

"very good."

"Then hurry up. If there is something you don't understand, think about it yourself, and then ask me."


The sea of ​​stars and fog is a lavender sea in the center surrounded by the five continents of hell.

From Blood Peak Continent to Star Fog Sea, one only needs to pass through Youlan Mansion and Tianshan Mansion to arrive at the junction of Blood Peak Continent and Star Fog Sea.

After leaving Youlan Mansion, the inside of the city was fine, but the outside of the city became a paradise for bandits.

Tribes are often attacked by bandits, plundering population and resources.

The demon castle in the city will issue several missions to eliminate bandits every hundreds of years and thousands of years.

There are successes and there are failures.

If the bandits are successfully suppressed, this neighborhood will live in peace for a hundred years until the next bandit comes to occupy it.

If the suppression of the bandits fails, the bandits will gain more prestige, attract more people to join them, and plunder more people and more resources.

At this time, it has been more than 100 years since the three of Roy left the Tianji Mountain Range.

Over the past 100 years, Tina has grown from a little girl to a slim girl.

In terms of cultivation, Tina had fully comprehended the mystery of the "power of life" in the mystery of the law of the earth a few years ago, and successfully promoted to the realm of the lower god.

As for the other five mysterious laws, Tina has already started to learn all of them, and started the cultivation of the fusion of the mysterious laws.

After reaching the god level, Tina can also refine and use the main artifact bestowed by the Lord Nemo, and the safety has been greatly improved.

Over the past 100 years, under Roy's guidance, Tina's growth also made Roy very satisfied.

Now, it's their first assessment of Tina - becoming a demon!
Compared with Roy and Shelley, Tina was even more excited!

Since she was born, she grew up under the care of the four gods, beasts and master gods, and she saw something in the world every time she went out.

After the age of ten, he practiced with his master, and even if he encountered a city, he would only stay for a few days to have fun.

Many things are just heard from Master and Sister Shelley, and I have never experienced it myself.

No, after knowing that she will take the demon assessment in the next city, Tina has been excited for several years, urging Shelley to hurry up from time to time.

"Shelley, how can I feel that the speed of this metal life is not as fast as mine?"

On Metal Life, Tina walks back and forth by Shelley's side from time to time.

"My little aunt, you have asked me this sentence more than 3000 times."

Shelley looked at Tina helplessly. Over the past 100 years, this little aunt was quite cute. Why have people been so speechless in the past few years?


PS: All the plots are for the upcoming events, making everything natural and logical.

So please be patient.

(End of this chapter)

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