Panlong, I am detached with the earth system

Chapter 192 Off, do you want to know the reality of the world?

Chapter 192 Off, do you want to know the reality of the world?
"Ha ha……"

Auf, master of fate, shook his head.

If it was someone else face to face, he would naturally be qualified to say this.

But who is this man in front of him?
This is a legend that has broken the situation among the main gods for countless years, turned the masters of the four rules into the masters of the five rules, and then broke through to the realm of the supreme god.

In the mind of Auf, the master of fate, in terms of research, the adult in front of him is the real number one.

"Lord Roy doesn't need to amuse me like this."

Auf shook his head, and said calmly: "I have been studying for so many years, and I was able to achieve this step."

"But I remember that Mr. Roy could have done it when he became the main god!"

Auf, the ruler of fate, remembered that when Augusta, the ruler of light, and Augusta, the ruler of water, besieged and killed the four gods and beasts, Roy, the god of stars, was already able to use the innate magical powers of the Qinglong clan.

Moreover, according to Auf, the master of fate, learned from Uhtred, the master of destruction, that Roy, the master of stars, has probably realized all the fusion talents and supernatural powers of the four gods, beasts, masters and gods.

It's a pity that until the end, neither he nor the ruler of destruction could experience this trick in the hands of the ruler of stars.

Because the ruler of the stars is really too strong.

He was so strong that he had already been defeated without using the fusion talent of the four gods, beasts and master gods.

Later, he broke through the shackles of the main god and became the supreme god of the earth.

Roy smiled and didn't speak.

Indeed, at that time, he had analyzed all the innate supernatural powers of the four gods and beast master gods, even the fusion talent supernatural power of the four gods and beast master gods was no exception.

However, for Roy, using the blood essence of the four divine beasts to analyze the mysteries of time and space is far more useful than using the blood essence of the four divine beasts to display fusion talent supernatural powers.

Indeed, after creating the universe, the creator has the ability to use the law of time and space in the universe.

But just like the magic version of "Star Transformation" created by Roy, he can also use the power in his body, but how to use these powers more efficiently is indeed a problem.

Roy was also lucky, and gathered a real magic circle master Brele.

As a result, Brele got more mysteries of heaven and earth from Roy.

And Roy also learned from Breller how to better use the "energy of heaven and earth" to exert various powerful effects.

As the master of the primordial realm, Roy felt that Qin Meng comprehended the laws of space and time step by step, and finally created the universe. His use of time and space in the universe is definitely better than Lin Meng who directly climbed to the sky step by step.

It is also the ninety-nine multiplication table, and some people can only calculate the multiplication in this multiplication table.

And some people not only use multiplication, but also division. They can even use this to calculate the multiplication and division results of two-digit, three-digit or even countless digits.

What Roy has always attached the most importance to is the foundation.

Only when the foundation is solid, can we build a higher building on this solid foundation, allowing ourselves to pursue steadily step by step.

Just like now, Roy has achieved the Primordial Body, and the laws of time and space that he has analyzed and comprehended through the essence and blood of the four divine beasts in those years can be used freely.

Although this subordinate universe is restricted by the primordial universe and cannot comprehend the laws of time and space, but now Roy can break the space and turn back time with a single thought, completely free from the restrictions imposed by the primordial universe in the magical universe.

As for Lin Meng, he has just become the master of primordial spirit. Before he created the universe, he could not use the law of time and space even when he returned to the magic universe. The gap between the two is not the same.

Although he was terrified by Roy's sudden arrival, for Auf, this was a channel for him to learn more about some things.

Auf has seen a total of three supreme gods.

The supreme god of life, he has seen it once.

That time, it was summoned after Roy, the ruler of the stars, won the token of the Supreme God of Life from his own hand.

Destroying the Supreme God, Auf saw it once, it was he who announced that he completed the task of the Supreme God, and got a soul defense master artifact.

Destiny is the supreme god, and Auf has seen it twice.

Once, he obtained the supreme artifact of material defense, which he transformed into "August Garden". Another time, he saw it through Augusta and obtained the supreme artifact of attack.

Compared with the other Supreme Gods that Auf has seen, Auf feels that those Supreme Gods are truly transformed by the Supreme Rules. In their eyes, all things are equal without any emotional fluctuations.

But Roy, the supreme god of the earth, is different. This is a person he knows well, from Dzogchen to the main god, ruled by laws, ruled by rules, going up step by step, and finally surpassed all of them and boarded the "Supreme God "The throne.

Auf felt that Roy had more "popularity" or "humanity" than the other supreme gods.

It is precisely because of this "humanity" that Roy possesses that Auf feels terrified.

Although these years, he didn't ask people to collect the corpses of the members of the Four Divine Beasts family, but in the past, he did a lot of conflicts with the Four Divine Beasts, and then started a war, plundering the corpses of the members of the Four Divine Beasts to refine the Four Divine Beasts. Essence and blood.

Anyone who has touched the members of the Four Divine Beast family, who is not worried about being liquidated by the Supreme God of the Earth one day?
It's just that after Roy, the Supreme God from the earth, created the Star God Realm, he turned it into a huge space and hung over the turbulent space in the Star God Realm, making everyone feel that the Supreme God, like the Lord God and God, has already There are two levels of people.

Just as the main god cannot interfere with the god, the supreme god cannot interfere with the main god.

But now that Roy has really appeared in front of him, Auf is not sure whether the Supreme God is really restricted as everyone guessed, and he cannot attack the main god.

Of course, seeing Roy made Auf even more curious about Roy's realm and whether Roy had the same perception as himself.

So, after being silent for a while, Auf couldn't help his curiosity, and asked Roy, "Lord Roy, what is the difference between the world in the eyes of the Supreme God and the world in our eyes?"


Hearing Auf's question, Roy smiled.

"Ove, aren't we all in the same world? Why do you think the world in our eyes is different?"

Auf took a deep look at Roy, and then said slowly: "Of course it's because I always feel that this world is not normal."

"Whether it's the plane teleportation array, the plane battlefield, or even the existence of the main god, it makes me feel that this world is controlled by an invisible big hand."

"I don't want to be bound by this, I want to break out of this manipulation!"

"For countless years, my goal has always been to surpass all the main gods. I want to break this world, so that this sky and this earth can no longer restrain me..."

"However, I was defeated by you in the end."

"Even if I wanted to break this world, I never thought that I could go one step further than the main god and become the supreme god."

"Over the years, I have studied countless races and discovered many mysteries. I even have my own understanding of the world."

"But unfortunately, no matter how much I researched, I couldn't find a way to break through to the Supreme God."

Speaking of this, Auf looked at Roy with fiery eyes.

"Lord Roy, I have only admired one person in my life, and that is you."

"You have fulfilled my unfulfilled dream, and reached a realm that I could not achieve with all my strength!"

"I want to know, after reaching your level, is the world you see different from the world we see?"

Facing Off's fiery gaze, Roy nodded.

"That's right, Auf, at my current state, the world I see is indeed different from the world you see."

The "realm" Roy mentioned here does not refer to his "Supreme God" realm, but the realm of "Primary Body".

Only at that level can one be qualified to understand the "truth" of the world.

"However, Auf, you really don't want to explore the 'truth' of this world through your own research, but want to learn all about it from me?"

"In that case, how can you tell whether what I told you is true or not?"

Roy's rhetorical question stunned Auf.

Yes, he has studied this world for so many years, even if he was defeated by Roy, the ruler of the stars, and turned his research to how to break through the shackles of the Lord God, but he discovered the conjecture of the world through research, As well as the actions I have prepared, will they be denied or approved in a word from Roy Supreme God?

But as the Roy Supreme God said, how can I tell the truth from the Roy Supreme myth?

Under Auf's confused gaze, Roy seemed to be a pyramid scheme speaker, uttering words of demagogy that Auf could not refuse.

"Ove, do you want to know the reality of the world?"

"Then go explore and study..."

"You are the smartest and most cautious person I have ever met."

"I am very optimistic about you, and hope that one day you can reach my level."

"I will wait for you there, I hope you can bring me some surprises..."

"Of course, I'm talking about you Off, not Augusta, or Augusta Off."

After saying these words, Roy's figure disappeared in front of Auf's eyes, leaving only a chuckle echoing in Auf's ear.

Off is not surprised that Roy pointed out the relationship between himself and Augusta.

The Supreme God is everywhere, if the Roy Supreme God can't even do this, then he is also the Supreme God.

However, Roy Supreme God's last words made Off's imagination run wild.

Off is no fool.

From the appearance of Roy Supreme to his disappearance, he felt that only the last sentence was what Roy Supreme wanted to say to him.

(End of this chapter)

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