Panlong, I am detached with the earth system

Chapter 196 The Birth of Linley

Chapter 196 The Birth of Linley
The Magnolia Continent is very peaceful, and almost everyone is happy.

But only one was depressed.

That is the king of our Magnolia Continent—Lord Beirut.

For so many years, our Beirut adults have been used to watching those little guys break through the "Graveyard of the Gods" every 1000 years to relieve their loneliness.

However, those disobedient people who made trouble were all killed by him or thrown into the plane prison, and the remaining three melons and two dates were almost all killed by him.

Seeing that there were few people, he just let them pass through the simplest passage, but every time, several sanctuaries died.

However, it seems that there have been no new sanctuary powerhouses in Yulan Continent for many years. If the game continues like this, the remaining people may be killed by him.

The stagnant water in Yulan Continent must be allowed to flow again.

The best way is to go out in person, and with Beirut's ability, teach some sanctuaries, there is still no problem.

At that time, with the birth of a new sanctuary, the stagnant water in the Yulan Continent will be broken, and the huge number of level nine powerhouses will do everything they can to break through that layer of natural moat.

Ninth-level powerhouses have a lifespan of five hundred.

A strong man in the sanctuary has no end of life.

The difference of one level is the difference between heaven and man.

As long as there is one example, among the tens of thousands of ninth-level powerhouses in the Yulan Continent, at least a few dozen will break through to the sanctuary in their lifetime.

However, Beirut does not have so much leisure to train others.

Otherwise, when the time comes to cultivate feelings, let the disciple go to the "Graveyard of the Gods", what should I do if I encounter danger?
Save or not?
Saved, what fun do I have?
If I don't save it, then the feelings I invested in for decades or even hundreds of years will just burst like a bubble?
When Beirut was worrying about how to make the Magnolia Continent a new sanctuary, he suddenly remembered the countless rat monsters in the dark forest that were created by his diluted blood essence.

At the moment, an idea popped up in Beirut's mind——

The blood essence diluted by oneself can produce monsters above level seven.

What if it is the blood of the four gods and beasts?
Is it possible to create Sanctuary of Warcraft?

At the moment, Beirut began its own new experiment.

Under Beirut's experiment, many powerful monsters appeared in the Magnolia Continent.

Ice pythons, green dragons, thorn-backed iron-armored dragons, flood dragons, deep-sea giant chapters, deep-sea lion beasts, frost giant dragons and other water-type monsters cultivated from the diluted blood essence of green dragon beasts...

Wind eagles, velociraptors, saber-toothed tigers, silver dragons, iron-feathered goshawks, black-lined leopards and other wind-type monsters cultivated from the diluted white tiger beast blood.

The blood of Suzaku was bred by Beirut to create fire monsters such as red dragon, bloodthirsty iron vulture, hellfire phoenix and so on.

Xuanwu's blood essence also allowed Beirut to produce one-horned wild boar, sword-backed dragon, purple-gold golden-haired ape, earth bear, dragon turtle and other earth-type monsters.

After hundreds of years of experiments, Beirut discovered that some specific human beings seem to be very compatible with the spirit and blood of the main gods of the four gods and beasts.

At the end of the experiment, these people even fused more than [-]% of the blood essence of the main gods and beasts.

This makes Beirut very satisfied.

If these people are distinguished by the level of monsters, Beirut feels that each of them can at least be regarded as an adult or sanctuary monster in the sanctuary.

In order to allow them to advance to the sanctuary faster, Beirut also created a battle qi exercise suitable for them each.

Then, these people were thrown from the Forest of Darkness to the Magnolia Continent by Beirut, and they used their spiritual sense to transmit voices to them and gave them names.

The person who absorbed the most blood of the Azure Dragon God was given the name Baruch by Beirut.

The person who absorbed the most blood of the Lord White Tiger was named Polei by Beirut.

The person who absorbed the most blood of Suzaku Lord was named Hyde by Beirut.

The person who absorbed the most blood of the Lord Xuanwu was named Amanda by Beirut.

And these four people did not live up to Beirut's expectations. In a short period of time, they became the powerhouses that caused a sensation in the Yulan Continent, and they were known as the Four Ultimate Warriors!

In the primordial space, a smile appeared on the corner of Roy's mouth.

The four ultimate fighters have all appeared. Will the appearance of Linley Baruch be far behind?

Of course, because the main gods of the four gods and beasts are still there, the chief court magician of the Puang Empire, Delin Cowart, did not get the main artifact of soul defense, and eventually died in the hands of Hamlin and others.

From Linley's birth to Linley's completion of the most crucial four-line soul mutation, it was only over 3000 years.

In order to prevent himself from spending more than 3000 years in seclusion and missing the time to train Linley, Roy ended his seclusion and sat under the osmanthus tree. His gaze focused on Baruch, the first generation dragon blood warrior in the Magnolia Continent.

In 4550 of the Yulan calendar, Baruch became a ninth-level warrior by virtue of the "Secret Code of Dragon Blood". After transforming into a dragon blood warrior, his strength reached the sanctuary.

In 4560 of the Yulan Calendar, Baruch faced the Frost Dragon and the Black Dragon at the foot of the 'Linnan City', and finally killed the Frost Dragon and the Black Dragon, and his fame shook the world.

In 4579 of the Yulan Calendar, Baruch fought against the Hydra Emperor on the coastline of the North Sea of ​​the mainland. The tsunami continued that day and the city collapsed. After a day and night of fierce fighting, Baruch finally killed the Hydra Emperor.


In 4589 of the Yulan calendar, Baruch married a wife and had children in a kingdom called Finlay in the west of the Warcraft Mountains, and established the Baruch family. Baruch was the first generation patriarch.

In 4603 of the Magnolia calendar, Baruch's son, Ryan Baruch, was born. He inherited most of the blue dragon's blood essence from Baruch and became the second-generation dragon blood warrior of the Baruch family.

In 4690 of the Yulan calendar, Ryan Baruch defeated and subdued a sanctuary-level golden dragon in the Warcraft Mountains, and became a golden holy dragon knight, shocking the world.

In 4697 of the Yulan Calendar, Ryan Baruch traveled to the Yulan Continent. During this period, he experienced more than a dozen battles at the level of the sanctuary, without losing a single one. The reputation of the dragon blood warrior resounded throughout the Yulan Continent.

In 5158 of the Yulan calendar, Ryan Baruch returned to Wushan Town. In 5360 of the Yulan calendar, Ryan Baruch's child Hazard Baruch was born, and he also inherited a strong bloodline.

In 5458 of the Yulan calendar, when Hazard Baruch traveled to the mainland, he defeated the sacred monster "Blood-eyed Maned Lion" in the Sunset Mountains, making the name of Dragon Blood Warrior even more resounding.

Perhaps for three consecutive generations, Sanctuary-level dragon blood fighters were born in the Baruch family. Therefore, the three of Baruch's grandparents felt that their descendants could easily become sanctuary-level dragons as they should. blood warrior.

So, when Hazard Baruch got married in his 700s, and after his son was born, Baruch, Ryan Baruch, and Hazard Baruch directly left the family and teleported from the plane into hell.

It's a pity that Hazard Baruch's son is not like the three of Baruch. His blood concentration cannot meet the requirements for practicing the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", and he cannot transform into a Dragon Blood Warrior. Eighth-level fighter.

Afterwards, the Baruch family seemed to have encountered some kind of curse, and no new dragon blood warrior was born for seven consecutive generations, which made the dragon blood warrior family that once stood at the pinnacle of the Magnolia Continent begin to decline.

It was not until 1000 years later that the Baruch family gave birth to the fourth dragon blood warrior, which restored the prestige of the Baruch family a little.

More than 500 years later, the fifth dragon blood warrior of the Baruch family was born.

However, this fifth dragon blood warrior only stayed in the Yulan Continent for more than 200 years.

After the main body became the sanctuary and the strength of the transformed dragon blood warrior reached the peak of the sanctuary, the fourth dragon blood warrior set foot on the plane teleportation array and went to hell to find the seniors of the family.

In this way, the Baruch family continued to decline. In the end, after more than a dozen generations, the title of Hogg Baruch was only the lowest "lord", and the territory was only a small one like "Wushan Town". town.

In 9984 of the Yulan calendar, Linley was born!


After Linley was born, Roy discovered the difference between Linley and others in his eyes.

In Roy's eyes, the fate of everyone in the magic plane is like a line, the end of which can be seen at a glance.

But Roy looked at Linley like looking at flowers through fog, like the moon reflected in the water.

Linley's fate line, which has already happened, is solid, just like other people's.

But his future fate line seems to have countless possibilities.

Everyone who interacted with Linley could change Linley's fate.

Perhaps, Linley just said a word to someone else, or if he suddenly turned his head and glanced at someone, the fate line in the future would change quickly and go to another path.

Only what has happened can be clearly seen by Roy, and what has not happened in the future has great variables.

"So, this is what big brother Hongmeng said about the uncertain fate?"

While Roy was studying Linley's fate with great interest, Hongmeng walked out of his thatched hut.

"Second brother, it seems that you haven't practiced much recently, but you often pay attention to the magic universe..."

"You're such a big brother, I'm going to talk about you."

Hong Meng sat across from Roy, and his tone was a bit hateful.

He was just stimulated by this second brother to try hard to find the way forward all day long, but now the second brother doesn't practice, and let him go to retreat alone, how can Hongmeng bear it?
"Haha, big brother, am I afraid of missing our third brother?"


Hongmeng raised his eyebrows and waved his hand. Suddenly, a light curtain floated between Roy and Hongmeng, and four universes, one big, three small, and four universes emerged in the light curtain.

Following Hongmeng's thoughts, the universe that represented the magic universe suddenly enlarged, endless spatial turbulence, the five highest planes, the seven god planes, and countless material planes flashed by.

In the end, a material plane stopped in the picture, and then, the distance zoomed in infinitely, and finally, a small town appeared in front of Roy and Hongmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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