Panlong, I am detached with the earth system

Chapter 236 The Mystery of Dao Fruit

Chapter 236 The Mystery of Dao Fruit

The qualifying competition among the three major universes, Starry Sky Universe, Hongmeng Universe, and Linmeng Universe, was soon made known by Hongmeng and Linley to the creatures in their universes by their own means.

It was also at this time that these creatures realized that there are other different universes besides the one we live in.

However, for those long-lived species, 1000 million years is not a long time.

But for those ordinary people, it can almost upend their worldview.

Even in the Starry Universe, many people shook their heads helplessly after hearing the news.

The starry sky universe is not the Hongmeng universe and the Linmeng universe. If you want to live 1000 million years later, you must become a celestial being.

After all, even the Emperor of Heaven has a lifespan of only 10 years.

Even if the soul enters the underworld after death, plus the lifespan of the soul, it is only 20 years.

In 1000 million years, the emperors of the starry universe have changed more than a hundred times.

After arranging the battlefield for the cosmic qualifying competition, Roy returned to the starry universe and sat alone in the Sun Dynasty.

Today, Thearesia and Bamer, the two quasi-celestial emperors in the Sun Dynasty, both replaced Roy in the battle against the kings of starry sky behemoths in the ruins.

But now they can't wait for the cosmic ranking battle tens of millions of years later, but they don't want to miss the age-free ranking battle in trillions of years.

People, always don't know how to cherish when you have it, and don't regret it until you lose it.

Now, the heavenly emperors who use the laws they are familiar with in the magical universe to prove their way will occasionally flash a trace of regret in their hearts.

After reaching the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, their background in the magical universe has been exhausted.

It is extremely difficult to get one step closer.

At this level, let alone 10 years, even if it is a million years or tens of millions of years, they may not be able to promote their laws to the level of the laws of the immortal way.

And at this time, they really missed their days in the magic universe.

At that time, although their strength was not as strong as now, they lived a long time!
In contrast to them are the main gods who have created new laws.

Although their current strength has not yet returned to the peak of the magic universe, they are extremely fascinated by every bit of progress in this newly created law.

For them, exchanging that boring life for this infinite possibility is definitely a big profit for themselves.

As for longevity, they don't worry about it.

After Roy announced the universe ranking battle after 1000 million years and the universe ranking battle after trillion years, each of them used their abilities to extend their lifespan.

The essence of Tina's law of illusion is deception, blurring the dividing line between reality and illusion, and then practicing the false into the real.

Deceive the world, let the world think you are old, blur the world's perception of yourself, you have always been.

Auf's law of cause and effect allows Auf to directly sort out his own causal line, so that the causal line of himself and the universe is always on top of the "line of life". As long as he does not deviate from his own cause and effect, it can be regarded as some kind of disguise of eternal life.

Not to mention Vivienne's law of good fortune, which is a more powerful law that she has jumped from the basis of the law of life. It is not difficult to use the law of good fortune to prolong one's life.

Not to mention Lilia, who controls the law of reincarnation, life and death are all in her mind.

Redding's law of the dragon, after transforming into a dragon, the lifespan can no longer be calculated by the lifespan of a human being. It is comparable to a starry sky behemoth, dozens of times that of a human being of the same level. With the improvement of strength, it can even reach hundreds of times. thousand times.

Similarly, the law of the beast of Erth, after condensing the phantom of the beast king, has greatly extended its lifespan, comparable to that of fierce beasts.

Nemo's law of yang was created on the basis of his own law of fire. After practicing the law of yang to become the emperor of heaven in Dzogchen, Nemo even created the terrifying ability of "Phoenix Nirvana".

As long as there is enough energy, Nemo can activate "Phoenix Nirvana".

Every nirvana is a new life for you.

Moreover, the newly born Yang Law will also absorb the previous continuous energy to undergo transformation, bringing the Yang Law one step closer.

According to Nemo's deduction, if he can accumulate enough energy to undergo nine transformations, the law of yang will be promoted from the law of emperor to the law of immortality.

Bowen, the law he created in the star universe, is the law of force leaping from the law of the earth, which is not helpful for lifespan.

However, based on the dormant state of Xuanwu in his magical universe, Bowen created a method that allows his heart to beat only once a day, greatly reducing the consumption of his body. As long as he does not fight, Bowen can According to this ability, it can extend its lifespan by more than 20 times.

At present, only Utred, the master of destruction, has no means of extending his life.

However, regarding this point, Uhtred was in no hurry.

He believes that when he pushes the law of killing one step further, then it is not impossible to achieve the conceptual thing of "cutting lifespan".

When Roy received the feedback from Tiandao that these people violated the life limit set by Tiandao, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Okay, before I saw it, all of you were very well-behaved. Once there is something, you can do things that violate the way of heaven.

For the deeds of Tina and others, the Heavenly Dao in the starry sky universe did not send divine punishment.

After all, the setting of the starry sky universe is that everything has a lifeline.

The fact that Tina and the others were able to break through their own lifespan limit could be regarded as grasping this chance.


"Aren't you all forcing me to cheat..."

After feeling the operation of Tina and others, Roy shook his head.

My old opponents, good brothers, and disciples all have the means to prolong their lifespan. Before the universe ranking battle starts, these people will still be there. Only when his lifespan in this life is exhausted and he dies, that will be a big deal. ridiculed by them.

For the fire element, Roy didn't find out how to prolong his life. Even if he could find it, he couldn't take the lead in exploiting the loopholes in the starry universe.

Therefore, if Roy really wants to prolong his life, the best way is to promote the law of the fire system to the law of immortality, and become a fairy!

A smile appeared on the corner of Roy's mouth.

Then, he covered his head with his hands, as if grabbing something, and slowly pulled it out.

With Roy's movements, endless flames were pulled out from the depths of Roy's soul.

As soon as these flames left Roy's soul, they spontaneously condensed into a three-dimensional "fire" character, floating around Roy.

This is the Dao Fruit of Fire bestowed on Roy by the Heavenly Dao!

For others, the greatest effect of Dao Fruit may be to increase one's own strength by a hundred times.

However, as the creator of the starry universe, is the Dao fruit produced by another part of Roy's soul transformed into the Dao of Heaven, is it as inconvenient as the power of will?

Dao fruit is the realization of a series of laws condensed to a certain degree.

The realm of Zhuntian Emperor is to practice one's own laws to perfection, so that one's own laws can be transformed into one's own Dao fruit, and the strength is far beyond that of an emperor-level powerhouse.

If you add the Taoist Dao fruit bestowed by the Dao of Heaven, it is the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, and the strength is a hundred times stronger than that of the Emperor of Heaven.

Of course, the way of heaven and the fruit do not only have the effect of increasing strength.

The ownership of the God-given Dao Fruit belongs to the Dao of Heaven, and the creator of the Dao only has the right to use it.

In the starry universe, there are countless people who practice the same law.

Everyone has a different understanding of the same laws.

These comprehensions will be attracted to the Dao Fruit by the Dao of Heaven, and will be integrated into the Dao Fruit after those who practice the law prove the Dao.

If it is said that the Dao Fruit of the Zhuntian Emperor's realm condenses one's own understanding of the law of Dzogchen, then the Dao Fruit of that day condenses the understanding of this law by countless powerful people above the emperor level.

Now, in Roy's induction, this "Fire" Dao Fruit has many laws and directions that he has never had before.

Perhaps the depth is not as good as his own, but its breadth and breadth are not comparable to Roy's own Dao fruit.

Roy looked at the Dao Fruit in front of him, and then simulated the shape of this Dao Fruit with his soul power.

As Roy's soul power gradually turned into a "fire" pattern similar to that of Daoguo, this fire pattern burst out with a powerful coercion and scorching heat, as if it wanted to shake everything around it. burn out.

Fortunately, this is Roy's practice room. Roy has already set up a powerful defensive circle, and the red light lights up, directly trapping the power of the burst of flame patterns around Roy, without harming the surrounding What a havoc everything has caused.

Just imitating the traces of Daoguo, he can possess such a power that is not inferior to Emperor Zhuntian. If others know this, how surprised will they be?

However, it's no one's fault.

Even Roy, if he hadn't merged with the Dao of the Star Universe when he created the battlefield of the cosmic ranking battle, he wouldn't know the true role of Dao Fruit.

Dao fruit is the embodiment of the laws of heaven. It takes shape at the emperor level, but it is incomplete.

When breaking through the ancient emperor and emperor level, it will be supplemented until it is fully supplemented, and then you can directly enter the realm of quasi-day emperor.

And the completed Dao Fruit also has another name——Dao Wen!
Or it can be called - Emperor Wen.

If a cultivator has an Emperor Wen before becoming an emperor, he can use the power of the soul to simulate the lines of the Emperor Wen, so as to gain the understanding of the laws of the Emperor Wen, so that the cultivator will not have the slightest bottleneck before becoming the Emperor Zhuntian .

Now, Roy is using his soul power to imitate the Dao text on the Dao Fruit of the Heavenly Dao, and absorb the understanding of the law of the Dao of Fire by other monks of the fire system on the Dao Fruit of the Heavenly Dao.

As the Daowen simulated by Roy's soul power and the appearance of the Dao Dao Fruit tended to be consistent, a large number of fire laws were transferred from the Dao Dao Fruit to Roy's soul, improving Roy's understanding of the law.

(End of this chapter)

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