Chapter 271
In the starry sky universe, Qin Shuang started his journey with the little boy who changed his name to "Dugu Zantian".

From Qin Shuang, Dugu Zangtian learned a lot about cultivation.

Knowing that a strong person who cultivates the law needs to survive the catastrophe and is recognized by the "Day of Heaven", Dugu Zangtian resolutely gave up the way of the law, worshiped Qin Shuang as his teacher, and wanted to follow Qin Shuang to practice the way of body cultivation.

Although I don't know the relationship between the "Day of Heaven" and "God" that Teacher Qin Shuang said, but inexplicably, Dugu Zangtian hates the word "Heaven" from the bottom of his heart.

Over the past thousand years, Qin Shuang has encountered many emperors who cultivated the body, among them, there were those who cultivated the secret realm of the body, and some who cultivated the blood...

The same is physical training, everyone communicates with each other, and Qin Shuang also dabbles in other cultivation methods.

After describing the methods, pros and cons of these physical training to Dugu Zangtian, Dugu Zangtian finally chose Qin Shuang's Qi Accumulating Style, Body Forging Style.

Many times, Qin Shuang would have a feeling that when he met Dugu Zangtian, he was drawn by an invisible thread.

Of course, with his ability, he could cut this thread at any time.

However, Qin Shuang also wanted to see what kind of existence this so-called "God" really was.

Anyway, in his feeling, this "God" doesn't seem to be very strong.

However, what Qin Shuang didn't know was that with the gestation and nurturing of creatures below the countless sanctuaries in the entire starry universe, the growth of this heavenly seed was very rapid.

At present, this seed has inserted its roots deeply into the fate line of countless creatures, gradually covering up the "line of life" that represents infinite possibilities in the creatures, so that the "destiny" of the creatures can return to the Under Heaven's control.

That's right, everything has a lifeline. This is the iron law in Roy's starry universe.

Even "God" cannot erase this ray of life, it can only cover it up so that it is not easy to be triggered.

Qin Shuang found out that "God" left marks on her body and didn't remove them immediately, and she was also providing nourishment for "God".

Fortunately, Qin Shuang was originally a person with uncertain fate in Lin Meng's universe. With the current "God", Qin Shuang's fate line cannot be found at all, and he can only impose some weak fate through the cause and effect of Dugu Zantian. Impact.

Next, Qin Shuang fully saw the horror of "God".

Dugu Zantian is like a flying insect in a spider web, and this web is a thread woven by human beings one after another, controlling the fate of Dugu Zantian.

In these emotional entanglements, Dugu Zantian is like a marionette, encountering, gaining, and losing...

Dugu Zangtian is like a lone star from the sky, wherever he goes, he will encounter disasters.

In the end, if he was the only one who survived, or regarded him as the enemy of the enemy.

During these tribulations, Dugu Zangtian's strength improved step by step.

In three years, Dugu Zangtian grew from an ordinary child to a sixth-level fighter.

Then, it took five years to practice the exercise pose and reached the peak of the ninth level.

It is only one step away from the sanctuary.

At this time, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Qin Shuang's mind.

I and Dugu Zantian are about to part ways.

This is the arrangement of "God".

"Ha ha……"

After realizing this idea, Qin Shuang suddenly smiled.

"What's wrong? Teacher?"

Hearing Qin Shuang's sneer, Dugu Zangtian paused and asked.

"Zangtian, what existence told me just now, next, we will lead to separation."

"He also told me that this is the arrangement of 'God'."


A huge aura rose from Dugu Zangtian's body.


Dugu Zangtian raised his head, his eyes seemed to be filled with anger, emitting a scarlet light.

Everything he has encountered in these years tells him that the arrangement of 'God' is irresistible.

He resisted, so his relatives and friends are gone, and sometimes even the strangers who passed by may disappear.

Dugu Zangtian sometimes thinks, if he accepts "God"'s arrangement and stops resisting "God", will he live a more comfortable life.

But ah...

Teacher Qin Shuang once told Dugu Zantian that he had seen in a biography of Lord Roy, the Sun God Emperor, that a person who rose from the bottom of the world once shouted that we are born to be free, who dares to be superior slogan.

Similarly, in that biography, there is also such an inspiring sentence as "where there is oppression, there is resistance".

Why does this so-called 'God' decide the fate of the world?

If he bowed his head to "God" like this, then what are the villagers, relatives and friends who died because of this?
Their death is to allow themselves to continue walking on this road, with their unwillingness and anger, to shake their fists at God.

But now, "God" has extended his hand to his most respected teacher.

"Calm down, funeral."

Qin Shuang patted Dugu Zangtian's shoulder, sighing slightly in his heart.

In the past few years, Dugu Zangtian has grown from a child to an adult.

"This is the first time that 'God' has made such an obvious arrangement."

"However, I might disappoint him. I'm not ready to accept this arrangement."

"So Zangtian, you have to work hard yourself."

"This time, let the teacher accompany you to see how this so-called 'God' will arrange us!"

"Well, I see, teacher."


Dugu Zantian nodded, but suddenly heard a roar.

The ground they were standing on began to tremble.

The earth is falling, mountains and rivers are crumbling.

Qin Shuang brought up Dugu Zantian and flew up.


After the two of them flew high into the sky, they realized that the place where they were standing before had completely collapsed.

A beast king nearly [-] meters long emerged from the ground and roared at Qin Shuang and Dugu Zangtian in his mouth.

"This is the beast king?"

Seeing this enlarged version of the centipede beast, Qin Shuang looked solemn.

Qin Shuang, who is well-read, has an understanding of the starry sky and the universe, which few people can catch up with.

He knew that before the Sun God Emperor led the rise of mankind, the Starry Universe was also known as the "Era of Fierce Beasts".

On the planet in that era, there were countless ferocious beasts.

The human beings at that time were the rations raised by the ferocious beasts. When the number of human beings gathered in a place reached a certain level, the ferocious beasts would hunt and kill them.

In this way, for the continuation of the race, when the number of people in a village reached or approached [-], half of the people would spontaneously leave to form a village in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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