Chapter 43 Bloody Battle Stage
Without going far, Roy lined up with those who signed up for the challenge, waiting for the end.

At this moment, fighting in the arena on Lianyan Island is a fire-type highgod and a water-type highgod.

Flames and freezing air exploded on the ring.

With Roy's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that these two, the high gods of the fire department, should be the five-star demon who fused the element of fire and the mystery of explosion, and his opponent was a fusion of the sharpness of ice and the power of water. The two laws of waves are mysterious.

The element of fire is a primary mystery, the mystery of explosion is an advanced mystery, the sharpness of ice, and the wave of water are both intermediate mystery. On average, the two have little difference in their attainments in law mystery.

What widened the gap was the enhancement of the two's unique moves to the mysterious law.

In this regard, the upper gods of the water system are stronger.

There is not much difference in strength between the two. If it is a fight, it may take a few days.

But obviously, the people who came to fight on the bloody battle stage were all fighting madmen. Therefore, even if the high god of the fire element was a little behind the high god of the water element, he would not back down.

After persisting for half an hour, the fire-type highgod became more and more disadvantaged, and was finally defeated by the water-type highgod.

"Mr. Water Liu won, congratulations to Mr. Water Liu for winning two consecutive victories."

The manager of the arena saw that the winner and loser had been divided, and immediately stepped forward.

"Mr. Shuiliu, do you want to continue the challenge, or take a short break?"

"Let's rest for a while."

Having just defeated a strong enemy, this highgod codenamed "Water Willow" is not low in consumption. If he continues to fight, the probability of failure is very high.

"Then we invite the next two challengers, Mr. Lie Yan and Mr. Wild Lion, to come on stage."

After "Water Willow" stepped down, two high gods walked out of the row around Roy. Looking at the aura of the two of them, the one code-named "Lieyan" was the high god of the fire department, "Wild Lion", It is the upper god of thunder.


This time the battle ended very quickly.

Almost from the very beginning, "Lie Yan" was instantly killed by a thunderbolt casually blasted by "Wild Lion".

"Oh? This guy is a six-star demon who combines three mysterious laws?"

The thunder from the "Wild Lion" just now was not only fast, but also full of coercion.

Apparently, this thunderbolt combines the three mysterious laws of "element of thunder", "speed of thunder and lightning" and "judgment".

Roy was not the only one who saw this.

Many people outside the ring can see it.

In Jiuyouyu, your strength may be a little weaker, but your eyesight is absolutely impossible.

There will be dozens or even hundreds of bloody battles on the bloody battle platform every day. Even a pig is not strong enough, but after watching battles for hundreds of thousands of years, it will develop a pair of eyes that can recognize the approximate power of moves.

"Six-star devil!"

"Oh oh oh..."

Under the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the middle-aged man named "Wild Lion" threw the seriously injured "Lie Yan" aside, and then said to the manager who came up: "My lord manager, I want to challenge you!" Twenty consecutive victories, please arrange it."


Hearing Wild Lion's words, the ring manager glanced at Wild Lion and confirmed: "Mr. Wild Lion, once the Lien Zhan starts, there will be no rest time until you finish twenty consecutive games or you are defeated. Are you sure you want to Do you want to challenge twenty consecutive victories?"

The six-star demon is considered the backbone of the Blood Battle Arena.

When the seven-star demons did not make a move, the six-star demons won ten consecutive victories, and quite a few of them won twenty consecutive victories.

However, it is much more difficult to go up.

There are only two ways to become a strong fighter in the Nine Nether Territory.

First, use time to boil.

After winning ten consecutive victories, continue to fight against other strong players with ten consecutive victories. The winner can accumulate the number of consecutive victories, and the number of consecutive victories of the loser will be cleared.

In the same way, if the strong with [-] consecutive victories fights with the strong with [-] consecutive victories, the winner can accumulate more than [-] consecutive victories.

However, such a winning streak, because the number of winning streak powerhouses is very rare, after [-] consecutive victories, there may only be one in more than a thousand years, so the battle of [-] consecutive victories is rare in a thousand years.

The second method is Lien Chan!

This is also the way many strong players choose to quickly accumulate winning streaks.

A strong person who has confidence in himself can say that he has challenged "ten consecutive battles", "twenty consecutive battles" and "fifty consecutive battles" when he steps into the ring. After the challenge is won, he can become a "ten consecutive victories" Twenty consecutive victories" "Fifty consecutive victories".

If it fails, then naturally everything will stop.

This "crazy lion" chose the second method.

"Well, I'm sure."

After being confirmed by the Wild Lion, the manager's voice spread throughout the bloody battle platform: "Everyone, Mr. Wild Lion is going to challenge for 20 consecutive battles. The next battle viewing fee will be increased to [-] yuan Moshi."

"Also, the challengers who will participate in the bloody battle later, if you are not sure, you can withdraw."

In fact, after seeing the high god code-named "Lie Yan" being instantly killed by the "Wild Lion", some of the registered participants wanted to shrink back.

Their strength is similar to that of the previous "Water Willow". They are all five-star demons who have combined two mysterious laws. Well, in the underworld, they should be called five-star demons.

Five stars against six stars, there is no chance of winning.

If you go up directly, if you are lucky, you will be seriously injured, and you will be fine after a few thousand years of care.

Coincidentally, the Wild Lion challenged for twenty consecutive victories, and they had a chance to withdraw.

This time, there were actually three people left in front of Roy.

Obviously, those who dare to stay are not simple things.

"Mr. Wild Lion challenged for [-] consecutive battles, the second battle, start!"

"Please, Mister Bloody Hand!"

Bloody Hand, this is a Highgod who has practiced the rules of destruction, the sky was filled with blood, and the red mist enveloped the entire Blood Battle Arena.

Among them, lightning flashes and thunder, and thunder bursts.

Ordinary highgods can't see through the battle in the blood fog.

But for Roy, the battle between the two was no different from playing with children.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The bloody sword shadow collided with the thunder sword, and a violent roar erupted.

If it weren't for the enchantment of the blood battle platform, some of the people watching their battle would be injured by the aftermath of their battle.

The upper god "Blood Hand" who practiced the rules of destruction was good, but in the end he was defeated by the mad lion.

"The Wild Lion has won [-] consecutive battles, the third victory!"

"Please, Mr. Juyan."

This one was not even as strong as the Bloody Hand, and was defeated by the Wild Lion in less than 3 minutes.

"The Wild Lion has won [-] consecutive battles, the fourth victory!"

"Please, Mister Xingchen!"

Hearing the administrator calling him, Roy didn't procrastinate, and flew directly onto the bloody battle platform.

(End of this chapter)

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