Panlong, I am detached with the earth system

Chapter 51 Blood Battle Seal, Challenge!

Chapter 51 Blood Battle Seal, Challenge!


Standing on the bloody battle stage, black and white lights emerged from the bodies of Edgar and Marshall.

For these two brothers, Edgar is the upper god of the dark department, and Marshall is the upper god of the light department.

Coupled with the fact that the two brothers share the same mind, they can play a 1+1>2 effect when they work together.

One-on-one, they might not be Roy's opponents.

But two to one...

After the two brothers looked at each other, they tacitly turned into two rays of light, one black and one white, drawing two arcs, one left and one right, and attacked Roy.

After more than 90 battles in the past few days, Xing Chen's fighting style has basically been touched by caring people.

After becoming a god, the battles are fought using mysterious laws. The physical strength of the God of Law is no worse than that of a warrior, and the attack distance of the God of War is no closer than that of the God of War.

The degree of play is related to personal preference.

Those who like melee combat can display stronger strength in melee combat, and those who like long-distance combat can also bombard their opponents with their own gorgeous laws and mysterious rules.

However, because of the "spiritual consciousness", long-range attacks can easily be "locked" out of the divine consciousness, but melee combat is different. At close range, everyone's strengths and weaknesses can be known at the touch of a touch, strong is strong, Weak is weak.

Judging from these dozens of battles in Xingchen, the only one who can bully him is "Bajian". Facing the attack of Bajian, Xingchen chose to dodge the first time. May not be good at melee combat.

So the two brothers Edgar and Marshall are going to attack the two sides separately, with one holding them back and the other getting close.

However, their ideas are good, but Roy doesn't plan to play with them anymore.

He challenged Edgar and Marshall at the same time, just to give Lord Lianyan a signal-I have enough strength to challenge you.

If he really wants to fight these two people for a long time, the island master Lianyan feels that his strength is not in place, and it is not impossible to delay him for 8000 years.

But when he showed enough strength, the island master of Lianyan delayed the challenge time of the lord, and the one who lost face was the island master of Lianyan.

In Panlong, after reaching the sanctuary, it has an endless lifespan.

The immortal gods also value face very much.

Facing the attacking two people, Roy flew into the sky for the first time.

Behind him, the two brothers Edgar and Marshall also turned a corner, followed by soaring into the sky.

But the next moment...

"Five Fingers Mountain!"

Roy, who flew to a high place, flipped his right hand and pressed down suddenly.


In an instant, the world changed color.

The two brothers Edgar and Marshall only felt that the world was covered by a big hand. Under the huge power, they couldn't even escape the attack range of this palm.




The space was hit by this huge palm into a five-finger-shaped skeleton. Under this powerful force, Edgar and Marshall let out a scream, and the defensive artifacts on their bodies burst directly.

Not only that, after the artifact shattered, the two brothers Edgar and Marshall couldn't hold on any longer, half of their bodies were completely shattered.

Fortunately, at this time, Roy withdrew his hand, and the phantom of the palm in the air dissipated, and Edgar and Marshall began to use their divine power to recover from their injuries.

Consuming a lot of divine power in a short period of time, Edgar and Marshall both looked pale, and looked at Roy with horror.

This star is stronger than the lord!
"How is it? Both of you, should you admit defeat or continue?"

Slowly falling from the sky, Roy hovered in front of the two brothers Edgar and asked.

"Master Xingchen was joking."

Marshall shook his head and said with a wry smile: "If Master Xingchen hadn't held back just now, our two brothers would have died. This battle was lost by our two brothers."


After the two Edgar brothers conceded, Nelson smiled and flew onto the stage of the bloody battle: "Congratulations, Your Excellency Xingchen, after 13 years, a new warrior with a hundred battles has appeared on Lianyan Island."

"Let us all cheer for the new warrior!"

"This lord's name is - 'Star'!"


"Master Xingchen!"

"Master Xingchen!"

In such a world, people's admiration is very strong, no matter what your character is, the strong can easily attract a group of followers.

With a powerful big shot as a backer, no matter what he does, he is full of confidence.

After everyone calmed down, Nelson smiled and took out a blood-red hexagram badge from his arms, and handed it to Roy respectfully.

"Your Excellency Xingchen, this is the Blood Battle Seal of Lianyan Island's Blood Battle Platform, and it is something that only those who are strong in Lianyan Island are entitled to have."

"From today onwards, your reputation will be passed on along with the history of Lianyan Island, and will be engraved in the deeds of the Blood Battle Terrace."

"In addition, possessing the blood battle mark also means that you are qualified to challenge Lord 'Ningshuang', the lord of Lianyan Island."

"Master Xingchen, would you like to challenge Lord Lianyan 'Ningshuang'?"




Before Roy could speak, the audience on the Bloody Battle Stage below had already started shouting.

The lords of the Nine Nether Realm are all powerful men who have walked out of the bloody battle platform, and at least they are the strongest among the seven-star demons.

Further up, there is no lack of powerful figures at the level of the master of Shura Palace.

For the people on the 81 islands of the Nine Nether Region, every challenge from the lord is a grand event.

After all, under normal circumstances, it takes about a million years for a strong man to appear, and it takes about [-] million years for a strong man to choose to challenge the lord.

The last time the lord of Lianyan Island challenged was more than 30 years ago. The ones who challenged the lord of Lianyan Island were brothers Edgar and Marshall who had just fought Roy.

It is a pity that the strength of the two brothers Edgar and Marshall is still some distance from the Lord of Lianyan "Ningshuang", and the challenge failed in the end.

After that, Edgar and Marshall became the strongest under the lord of Lianyan Island, handling some affairs on behalf of the lord of Lianyan Island.

Of course, their main task was to snipe at the battle-hardened warriors on Lianyan Island.

In order to prevent some cats and dogs from getting into Baizhan by luck, and then challenge the lord, causing the lord to be unhappy.

All those who have won [-] consecutive victories on Lianyan Island will meet them in the next challenge.

It's a pity that in the past 30 years, the first strong man they encountered was Roy.

Together, they were killed by Roy.

It is conceivable that no matter whether Roy will challenge Lord Lianyan or not, their status with Lord Lianyan will be questioned.

Ignoring the expressions of the two brothers Edgar, Roy took the bloody battle mark Nelson handed over and held it up high.

"Everyone, today, in the name of the owner of the Blood Battle Seal, I announce that I officially challenge Lord Lianyan!"

"I hope the Lord of Lianyan Island can accept my challenge in the shortest possible time!"

(End of this chapter)

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